My- Lilly, if this threat doesnt convince you that this name is a bad idea then maybe this will… that name is a tragedeigh
Oh the poor child. Please don’t
I thought it said mail lady at first and definitely had to reread it. Lol. Please consider a different spelling.
To me because it is spelt mai I would pronounce it as my lily if it is pronounced the other way I’d spell it maylily
So a Mai Tai… is pronounced “My-Tie”.
Therefore I immediately read this as “My-Lilly”
Call her May (or Mae) for first name and Lily for her middle name.
Mail (as in post) ily (sounding like the end of silly) mail-ily
I read it as May- Lilly
I would have though May-Lily.
Just a little heads up. It’s a beautiful name either my-lilly or may-lilly. But that bairn is going to have to explain the spelling over and over again. It will drive you crazy explaining how to pronounce and spell it. It will drive her crazy as she gets older esp as other kids start to be turds and call her mail lady and god knows what else.
If you can’t agree on pronunciation now I’d maybe have a good think. Because I have spent my whole life taking the e outta Bridgwater and no e on the end of Ann (Kelly-Ann) even to a point some places don’t accept the -.
Your going to have this discussion the rest of your life and so will she
Mail Lilly but sounds like Mail Lady
My lily.
May would be maelily
My-Lily because its spelled like a Mai Tai drink
Google it that works
Go with just “Lily.”
Save her a lot of grief!!
Sounds like “May”…I did this with my daughter. Her name is spelled Kaila sounds like Kayla, but people call her Kyla
Trust a person called Siobhan though, your kids will not thank you for complicating the spelling of their name for no reason at all.
Don’t give her a name you can not
Spell. There are so many names to love.
I would probably say may-Lilly
Why give it a name you can’t pronounce… lifetime of annoyance
Spell it May Lilly. Poor child will have an awful life spelled like that.
U could always do Mai-Lily ?
Maybe, you can just use an apostrophe? Mai’lily, then you would def say it May Lily otherwise i personally feel like the spelling is odd… i wanna say Mail first when i know its may, gives me a whole brain fart lol
Your child though, Good Luck
U could go with lily-Mai which is nice too
If her parents are tangled up with both the spelling and pronunciation of her name, do her a favour.
Choose a simple and easy to spell name.
I am S T I L L spelling out my name and demonstrating how to pronounce it…and have been for most of the last 74 years.
Do her the dignity of an easy name. Save her having to correct teachers from kindergarten, when she shouldn’t have that stress.
To my dyslexic eye the main part says mail
May-lily is how I would say it.
If the parents can’t agree on pronunciation, imagine others. This child will have a difficult time with their name. May be time to go back to the drawing board.
I would pronounce it "My Lilly"
How about Mai-Lily or Mae-Lily
I’m all for unique names, my kids have them, but this child will never get called the right name.
If the parents can’t get it right, noone else ever will. Give the kid a break and make it simple. Spell it as it sounds
With that spelling she’ll end up being called mail or mally
I would pronounce it like may lilly xx
That name isn’t a tragedeigh, it’s a murghdyrr
Mai in Wales is pronounced My, so I’d pronounce it My-Lily
My Lili is how i would pronounce it
Mae -Lily for Mailily
May lily Is how I would pronounce it
Mai-lilly I like the name it’s really nice that’s how I would spell it
Agree with Rachel Michele Brophy, My Lilly! The pronunciation just popped into my head as soon as I read the name! It is a beautiful name !
My(mai)-Lily is how I would pronounce it.
Mail-lily. I feel like It should be hyphenated if you want Mae-Lily.
Mea lily would be how I pronounced it
It should be whatever you want because he isn’t pushing a watermelon out of his butt hole!
Either “my” or “may.” First instinct was “My”
Please please reconsider. The world is currently drowning in Lily-Mae. If you must, I would use a hyphen for clarification. Mai is pronounced My or May. If you want the latter I would use a y or e for clarification.
Mail as in mail man is the only thing I can read it as
May Lily is how I’d pronounce it.
My (like mai tai). I would pronounce it “My Lily”
Why would you want to give your child a name that you can’t even pronounce
If its hard to pronounce, please dont saddle your daughter with that burden for her whole life. Keep an open mind about other names, too. Don’t be married to that one name. Just my opinion.
Mail-ily like mail and ily
If you can’t pronounce it don’t use it
I read it as mail ily
Please don’t do this to that child-split it up into May Lily if anything
You are obviously a Twilight fan combining names like that and you saw how doing it to a fictional child didn’t go well…kids already have enough to overcome
I read that as May-Lily
My lily. Just spell it May Lily if that’s the pronunciation. Don’t make it complicated.
May lily…lily may is just as nice and less hassle. X
I’m not trying to be rude but if you can’t pronounce it yourselves you should probably pick a different name. Imagine how teachers or friends will say it.
How can you agree on a name if you can’t pronounce it?
I read it as “May-Lily” although I agree if you guys are having a hard enough time pronouncing it, maybe don’t name your kid it or spell it a way you guys are confident in. I’m all for odd names over here, im a trista, sons a forrest. And I have to listen 100x a day how he hates his name hahaha, those are things to consider that I didn’t
I didnt notice the first “i” immediately so i said Mal-lily…rhymes with pal. Which is really close to malady.
Child’s conversation
What’s your name
Mai lilly
May Lilly do what??
Sorry I just see the child go through this their whole life. Go with Lilly may
As she gets older she may resent you for naming her this. It will always be a hassle with people asking how to spell it and how to say it. It’s not my decision but people are giving these kids some crazy names and the kids have to live with them . Just my opinion.
I see May Lily for sure but this is definitely something taken into consideration when naming our children. I’m Christa not crystal kristin Christina the spelling is all there. So If you’re already questioning it I wouldn’t do it. Had my Kayden in 2005 and initially wanted to spell Caiden but hubby gave me the name for the spelling and I am so glad he did and it’s spelled the way it is.
I would read that as My-lily
Mail-ily, please don’t, I agree Lily May would be much better
I read it as mail-ily…the spelling is very differebt
I read it as May lily
If you can’t spell it or pronounce it, why the hell would you saddle a baby with it??? Let her struggle with it?
I read it as may lily. Which I like I think its unique.
2nd to everyone giving her shit about not knowing how to pronounce her babys name. I dont think its about the way its pronounced thats her problem. I think she just wants to make sure people read the name correctly as she said they agreed on the name just not the spelling.
Like for instance my name is Melisa I get it pronounced Me Lisa alot and Ma lissa even more neither are correct its pronounced Ma Lisa.
I will never understand why people are so rude…
as someone with a different name with a different spelling, name your child whatever you want. I’ve been called some off the wall things and had my name butchered everyday of my entire life and I have NEVER resented my parents for it. I love my name. If people are too ignorant to ask my name and understand what I tell them that is their issue not mine. As an adult I spell my full name as soon as I say it to someone to help with their confusion, but it really isn’t my problem if they don’t understand. Now my married name is also a “hard” one for everyone and I’ve added it to my spelling list
My middle son’s name is Alden Ley(Lee) Noone says it right. They call him Aiden more than not, and they think Ley is lay. He likes it though.
A name is not something to choose because "the public " approves.
Maililly is a beautiful name. Name your child what you wish.
I would call her may lilly thinking that’s how your pronounced it until I was told different.
Mail lily - dropping the first i would sound nicer, I think, Ma - lily
Myleigh. Would be dif
Your kid will forever have her name mispronounced and she’ll grow to hate it as a child. My sister’s name is Deering… and the amount of people that pronounced it Dare-ing as a kid really made her hate it. It’s pronounced Deer-ing. Literally how it’s spelled yet people can’t get it right.
Mae Lily is what I think it sounds like
Pronounced may-lily
May lily
Cute name!
Im a teacher and if I saw this on my roster, honestly I’d be afraid to even guess
I have a daughter with the name Aliyah & nobody gets it’s right. They always call her Ah-Lie-Yah. It’s Ah-lee-yah. It makes her mad when someone says it wrong but she’s quick to correct them. She usually goes by Ali so people don’t butcher it
May lily
me and my husband named our 1st daughter Helena and normally people pronounce it hell A nah until they hear us say it (we pronounce it hell lena) so some people are gonna pronounce it wrong regardless
May Lilly i would think
If her parents cannot agree on how to pronounce her name, how do you think other people will react? I can’t imagine it would be fun to constantly correct people pronouncing her name.
I was a teacher. If I saw it, I would guess My-lily.
that name is a tragedeigh
My lilly, because mai is pronounced my in most names i’ve seen (teacher). I have a friend whose daughter is named Maila… prounounced Myla
I’d pronounce it mail lee. You may be better off with Maeleigh if that’s the pronunciation you’re going for.
It kinda looks like my Lilly
Mai …. I see My-Lily
I read this as May-Lily
As a child with a simple letter swap that caused everyone to struggle to pronounce it correctly, don’t do this to your child. If the two of you can’t agree on how it’s pronounced, neither will the rest of the world.
My Lilly or May Lilly
i would of said may lilly
I first said it like Muh-Lilly
Mail-ill-e ? I screwed up the spelling on the first kid. She gets called a lot of versions of her name
Why on earth would you choose a name you can’t pronounce?
I read it as may-lily
Mail-ily? Or may-lily? Honestly I hate it tho lol
Please don’t curse your child with some made up name that no one will ever be able to pronounce or spell.
My name is five letters and common enough for most people to have at least heard before. You wouldn’t believe the variations in spelling and pronunciation I get.