I would pronounce that My- Lily.
How about you spell it MaeLily? X
I seen it as Mallory
Mail like mailman or male like the gender
May lily for sure. She will forever have difficulty with the other spelling.
pick another name child will go to school one day make it easy on her
My-lily (like Mai-tai)
This maori girl read it as Mylily… Mai Lily.
If you guys cant decide how it’s pronounced your daughter will go the rest of her life having to correct the way everyone pronounces her name.
Name your child what you want, spell it how you want. Your child, and you will correct someone when they’re wrong when you feel the need to. I’ve done it for my name and for my daughters.
Looks like May Lily to me. Put that as the name on you Starbucks order and see how the baristas pronounce it.
My lily
Looks like Mai-Lilly
As in May
My-Lilly is how I would pronounce it
Like the word ‘mail’. Ima be honest. I’m not sure at all how to say this. The spelling does hurt my eyes a little
I read it as mal ILL lily
Mai(my)-Lilly is how I read it.
Mail-ily is how I would read it
How about Maelilly or Maelily?
Mail ily is how i would of thought it be pronounced. My names spelt different and is always and always has been prnounced wring so i just shortened mine to rae
Mylily is how I’d say it
Please don’t name your child that. People will pronounce it wrong her whole life.
Mae Lily? Mai Lily…depending on how you want to pronounce it. Beautiful name, keep in mind the spelling to sound like you’d want it pronounced to avoid any confusion. You could also use a hyphen Mai-Lily? Good luck❣
Seeing than Mai ( My) is similar to Thai (Ty) then it would sound like My-lily
May-lily but it’s horrible spelling
If it causes stress,unsure how to pronounce, how to spell, maybe you should rethink the name!
Maybe spell it this way MALIYAH
I would say May-Lily but a lot of other might say Mail-ily
May or my, it could go both ways honestly depending on how you pronounce it the people in your life will follow suit if they have any respect for you, your partner, and your child
Mail-lily is how I seen it
It looks like May Lilly
Mae Lilly ( absolutely beautiful name!)
I read it as May-lily
I would say Mai- Lily
However you want to.
May-Lily… but at first glance I saw Mail-ily
If you want the name to be “May Lily”, maybe consider this spelling: Maelily
Maybe Mae for first name and lily for middle and call her Mae Lily
I read it as mail lily
I would spell it Maelily
I thought it was pronounced My Lily. I dunno. It’s only my opinion but why name your kid something that noone will ever be able to pronounce properly??
You know there are beings you name odd confusing names just to make yourself more interesting. We call them pets.
Meanwhile I’m trying to figured out how I was gonna covey pronunciation through a computer screen.
Malelily or malelilly
I’m sorry I literally read the name as mail-ily
May-Lily, that’s how my brain said it lol. It’s a very beautiful name💜
May Lilly is how my country butt would say it. Im going to google it tho lol
Google was no help
My husband say mu-lilly
Mai- lily like May- lily
May lily or mYaLilly
Mai lily- like the way you’d pronounce jai but obviously with a M not J
Mai-lily as in my lily
This very odd to write, I am going for phonetic : My-Lilie or Maih-Lilie
May lily. I don’t like the way you’ve spelt it though it reminds me of the word mainly
Shorten it to Maili - Pronounced MILEY