I wrap them same wrapping paper as mine I tell them Santa used our paper
I wrap everything but big stuff, I put the big stuff up and I out them on the couch or just Infront of the fire, I tell my little girl that mummy buys everything but santa makes them and wraps them and delivers them to our house but I pay for them, I don’t agree with saying santa paid for them becaus snot all children get for Christmas and I think it’s unfair because they will think santa picks favourites…
My mum use to wrap all ours and put big stuff up, we had our own corner of the living room every single year for Christmas…
I wouldn’t like to come down and my presents not be wrapped haha its enjoyment opening the wrapping paper it’s more of a surprise xx
I bought these North Pole Express Mail Bags from Etsy, and I put three gifts each in there wrapped in the cardboard brown wrapping paper with a red bow and bell & their name on each.
- something to wear
- something to read
- something fun that they have sought
We also put glitter in the bags to represent the reindeer dust to help them fly.
Santa leaves one or two unwrapped gifts by the tree, plus fills the stocking. The rest are wrapped and from us.
In our home you only get to ask and receive 1 gift from Santa (because not every family can afford a bunch of stuff) and it’s all wrapped. My oldest knows that some parents prefer to write Santa on all the gifts and tell their kids that he brings many things for them because they were good all year, but in our house we prefer to let her know what really came from whom. We also said that once you stop believing in Santa he just no longer brings you gifts, but your family still does. (This came up when she asked what happens when you grow up and don’t believe in Santa anymore, but she never actually asked if Santa was real.) I said that every family handles Santa differently, and it’s ok with Santa if you don’t believe in him, as long as you keep the spirit of love and family and generosity in your heart at Christmas.
Thing is… now my daughter is 11.5, and because she still hasn’t directly asked me if Santa is real, I haven’t told her. She’s said stuff like, “I mean, I don’t know if he’s real… some kids say he’s not.” So I’ve asked her if she thinks he’s real, to which she’ll basically always say “yes” because she doesn’t want to say “no” and not get gifts from him anymore, and I promised myself I wouldn’t come out and tell unless she directly asked. Plus, she’s autistic and can’t keep a secret to save her life, and now we have a 20 month old… so I’ve kinda backed myself into a corner here . I can’t let her ruin it for him, and luckily she doesn’t think much deeper than the surface about this stuff… but I imagine at some point we’ll have to discuss the ins and outs of the real Santa, and she’s gotta keep her trap shut. lol
Both of my boys know that Santa isnt real so we dont have to figure out what comes from something that doesnt exist anymore😂thank goodness bc that is hard work…
I got two personalized Santa sacks for my two and I stuff those and put them by the tree.
We always had them all wrapped but my parents would purposely make santas wrap jobs way better
We’ve always done it the same way as did my parents…Santa bought the good stuff…parents wrapped the other stuff like clothes.
I wrap everything and I don’t write who it’s from on anything I buy my kids. That way they don’t really know who it’s
From so when I say “I bought you xyz for Xmas” and they say “no Santa got me that” I can say “no mommy got you that. Santa got you other stuff” lol
I did the same thing. That way they were easy to know which ones are from Santa. I told my kid him or his elves did NOT have time to wrap millions and millions of presents LOL
I tried doing the gifts from him unwrapped last year and my daughter hated it. I’m not doing that again. She’s 7. It just wasn’t fun because its fun unwrapping them. The feeling of not knowing whats under the paper wasn’t there. I think wrapping is the best way to go.
The unwrapping is fun for us. We tell our kids we have to pay Santa for gifts so all gifts are marked from Santa but they understand mom and dad still have to pay Santa for his job. It just makes it easier for them to understand not every one gets big gifts etc. I also make them shop and send gifts to Santa for the less fortunate.
My mom always told me Santa didn’t have time to wrap presents, that’s what I’ve continued with my daughter
Santa only brings one gift and fills the stockings. I make sure it’s one of the things they actually put on their list or ask from him if we see him. I leave it unwrapped in front of the tree. I don’t have the space to try and hide presents.
I wrap each kids presents in a different wrapping paper. And that paper is only used to wrap those gifts. For example: my daughter is peppa pig,son is Spider-Man , son scooby doo
I’ve always wrapped Santa presents in Santa themed wrapping paper.
1 present and stocking from Santa set aside in a different wrapping paper than the rest of the gifts
Santa never wraps his presents. He fills the stockings, drops the gifts and leaves.
Growing up the wrapped gifts were from mom and dad and others. Santa always came Christmas Eve and left his presents unwrapped
Brown paper or tissue paper sheets then I put them in a sack that has their name on it
One gift from Santa and it’s wrapped with a bow and it’s always something Santa could have hand made this year is a reborn doll with a wooden cradle
We wrap most of it and big items we set up and leave out. The unwrapping is what makes it fun and magical to kids.
Always wrapped unless it’s something big like a bike or dollhouse. Unwrapped sounds like no fun
I normally do one or two Santa gifts that aren’t wrapped and the stocking. Everything else is wrapped from whomever bought. I don’t see the reason for Santa to get credit for everything I worked hard for.
I wrap everything, it’s more fun! They get one (modest priced) gift from Santa that is laid out with their stocking. The gifts from us are under the tree.
Even as a kid all toys were wrapped and marked by either from my parents or from Santa. I’m doing the same. Kinda feel it takes the fun out of the surprise if they can just walk in a room and see everything they’ve gotten instead of unwrapping and being surprised. Especially if you have kids who are a little older and capable of sneaking out to peek at the gifts
Unwrapping gifts is what’s so much fun for the kids. I couldn’t imagine not wrapping them. I hate doing it but it makes the kid’s excitement worth it.
As kids we always opened gifts on Christmas eve then snta came nd our big gifts or that one we wanted most ws lways laid out unwrapped.
My husband nd I continued that because he had children from a previous marriage. This way we could share Christmas and co parent with the kids mom. She would pick them up early Christmas morning after we were done and she would get all Christmas day
Santa’s gifts arrive in the mail ahead of time and I wrapped them in our own paper and then he comes and picks up the elf and fills the stocking on Xmas eve.
I have one present for my son which is the big present from me and the rest Santa but everything is wrapped
Each kid gets a color or two of their own wrapping paper. One gift each is from Santa in its own wrapping paper. Gifts are under the tree til Christmas, Santas gift goes under Christmas Eve.
Unless it was a bike, trampoline, power wheel, things like that my parents wrapped everything. My mom never used bags either. She said the best part was us unwrapping it all to see the surprise inside one at a time.
Santas presents go in the stockings at my house unwrapped. Usually candy and a few small things that they have been wanting . Even my big kids who don’t believe, get something from Santa.
Leave them unwrapped
Everything in my family was always wrapped. Never anything special. Mom handed gifts out or grandpa and it was said who it was for and from before handed to each person. Typically, we waited for everything to be handed out and then tore into everything.
Santa brings my kids elves every year with their names on them with a note with their first clue for a scavenger hunt the gifts are hidden they get a toy from santa because santa makes toys and not electronics
Small things that fit in the stocking are from Santa. Big and expensive stuff comes from parents because I won’t have my children bragging about how Santa got them and expensive toy or game while their classmate only got some candy from Santa.
Santa’s presents were laid out Christmas morning with big toys put together etc.
Presents from us as parents were given Christmas Eve.
I do different paper. One design from Santa and one from me.
I tell my kids that mum and dad buy all the presents but we send them to Santa and he decides if they have been on the good list to get them back at Xmas
1 present something easy and not expensive and the stocking from Santa. Everything else is wrapped from us to eachother. I don’t do expensive items from Santa because thats not right for other kids who’s family may not be able to get big stuff. Also my 4 younger kids are super easy to shop for. This year they all are asking Santa for a Giant pillow like Ks (my 15yo). It’s a hugh U shaped pregnancy pillow $30 he got last year and they all love it.
The cheaper and smaller stuff is from Santa. Then the more expensive bigger stuff is from me. It’s all wrapped except for the stuff that goes in the stockings.
My kids get one present from Santa and the rest our from us! We wrap all our gifts and then Santa’s gift isn’t wrapped
I do a a stocking for each of my boys from santa with cheaper little items l wrapped in santa or elf paper then all the presents from me and their brothers under the tree wrapped xx
Crap I’m 33 and my parents still tell me and my siblings they are from Santa
Everything is wrapped , we put Santa’s presents in a sack and the rest under the tree.
We do one present from Santa and the rest he knows it from mummy and daddy, all wrapped, but the one from Santa is wrapped in different paper
Depending on how big it is, (like a bike) we don’t wrap, the smaller ones we do with a different paper. I normally put a big bow on Santa’s present aswell to make it stand out from the others. And a letter from Santa is a real kicker.
Wrapped in brown paper and red ribbon, one gift plus stocking from Santa. Rest is from mummy and wrapped in Christmas paper under the tree
All Santa’s presents are wrapped in Santa wrapping paper and put in a sack. The presents from us are wrapped according to who it goes to.
I wrap everything apart from bikes they all get a place of sofa they kids have no clue what’s in the. Wrapping paper till they open everything it makes it more real when things are wrapped
All will be wrapped and put out.
All of them but one each will be from mum and dad then the other two will be from Santa. Plus the get Xmas baskets and stockings filled too
Oh and big toys are built
I have 2 girls they get their own wrapping paper. & Gifts from Santa are in Santa wrapping paper
We only put his name on the labels. He loves to guess which one santa got him.
As a teacher I can tell you the extreme heartbreak and devastation that comes when returning to school after Christmas break. Kids who get xboxes and fancy shoes from “Santa” vs kids who only get a few things or just practical gifts. They think that maybe they were bad and do not deserve nice things, or they just flat out don’t understand why some kids get special treatment. This was very eye opening to me as an adult.
So for my own kids we wrap everything, unwrapping is half the thrill. I buy two different wrapping papers and obviously hide the “Santa” paper before and after using it. I pick 2 small things from Santa as well as stocking stuffers, and the rest are from us which are wrapped in the different paper.
We always had presents wrapped under the tree from our parents, and I did this when my children were little. We opened Christmas Eve and that left the tree bare for Santa. It was a mixture of wrapped and unwrapped gifts. The big gifts were never wrapped. But you need to decide how you want to start your tradition. What makes sense for you. Nothing says you have to do the same thing year after year. Try it several different ways for several years and see what works for you.
Ours aren’t wrapped. Set out and put together
We unwrap presents on Xmas Eve, then they get Santa Xmas morn. works great for us
I wrap everything! Opening is the best part ! All pressie under the tree
Santa stocking at the end of the bed for santas presents and presents from me how under the tree all of them.are wrapped
We wrap everything unless its a big toy. We’ll put it together the night before.
We also use Santa paper for his gifts.
Wrapping paper looks nice but its a big waste. Its also not great for the envitonment. If you have extra newspaper that you dont need you could wrap in that. But really i dont see the point in wrapping things when its not really useful.
Obviously big items could get by with a bow taped on. Gift bags can be reused and those are a better alternative for smaller items.
Santa presents are real glittery lol simple but effective gifts. You can’t just buy them the best gift from Santa, or the kid in schools going to feel bad that Santa didn’t get him a cool Xbox one or a new ps5… that he asked for like your kid got. For example.
I wish I had started that tradition. Also… im our house Santa brings 1 gift and it’s not expensive. He does not bring electronics,jewelry or name brand expensive stuff.
My kids all know the true reason for the season, but they know the magic of it all also. we wrap everything but recently started doing an occasional unwrapped from Santa.
We used completely different wrapping paper and would go to a place we don’t take our kid to make sure she hasn’t seen that wrapping paper and get a separate sticker and write it from Santa in pretty cursive
We do stockings are from Santa. Everything wrapped under the tree are from Mom and Dad or family members.
Gifts from parents are wrapped, Santa gifts are not wrapped and I do put together any big gifts from Santa before leaving them out.
That’s exactly how we do it and how I grew up.
We buy a wrapping paper and tags that we use only for Santa’s gifts. Wrap most of it then put small odds and ends with the stocking. We set up each stocking in a different area. We normally set stuff out from us too the night of. Bigger gifts are from us. Santa brings the smaller gifts.
We wrap everything. We have a different santa paper. I only allow one present from santa because i dont want my kids telling another child who didnt get anything that santa brought him alot of stuff.
I put the present(s) from parents under the tree early. Then Christmas Eve after the kids go to sleep I put their wrapped presents from Santa under the tree and fill the stockings. I wrap all the presents. Much more fun to see the fun gift wrap and the excitement is amazing watching them tear into the gifts.
I wrap everything, right down to the chapstick in the stockings…
Santa brings gifts set up and ready to play with at our house. That how it was for us as kids. Sometimes a struggle putting together race tracks and things but so worth it
Santa leaves one gift wrapped in different wrapping paper.
Everything is wrapped… when there’s a large toy it’s put together.by the tree all gifts go under the tree… Stocking items are wrapped…sometimes… Kid’s love unwrapping gifts
I like wrapping it all. Just seems more fun.
Everything is wrapped. Big ticket items are from mom and dad. Everything else is from different characters from the north Pole.
Santa, Mrs Claus, Rudolph and the different reindeer, frosty the snowman, the elves etc.
Santa only brings a couple small gifts wrapped in Santa paper. All other gifts and the bigger, more expensive gifts are from mom and dad and each kid gets their own design of wrapping paper from mom and dad.
I put clothes in a Santa sack and the big toys from me.
Gifts from Santa are wrapped, but in different wrapping paper. That’s how we do it.
We wrap but use different paper from what comes from us. I’m we also do smaller gifts from Santa, but just bc I don’t want my kids telling their school peers that Santa gave them something expensive bc that is not an ability for all
One gift from Santa as well as the stocking. The rest is from me (mommy).
Santa always brings one unwrapped simple toy in our house. Nothing big or extra usually all the kids get the same thing too from him and then one book to all of them with a message from Santa and the year. The rest is from the parents, that way if other less unfortunate kids at school don’t get the big awesome present it’s not from Santa anyway!
I only wrap what has a tag that says from mom and dad. Santa presents go unwrapped. It’s also how I was raised.
I use wrapping paper and gift tags with santa on it. Then Christmas eve after they go to bed i bring the presents out under the tree and add come candies and little gifts in stocking from santa
Gifts from mom and dad wrapped under the tree, Santa gifts are in a cloth bag from Santa, unless it doesn’t fit then its wrapped in special paper with special tags.
Wrap everything by not wrapping the toys thats taking the fun out of them
Santa brings one gift wrapped in special gold paper and puts them next to his tray of cookies with a little note.
When I was growing up my parents wrapped everything super fancy looking from Santa.
My husband grew up with Santa gifts being out of packaging and charged or batteries installed, ready to play with.
We do the unwrapped version he grew up with. They each only get 1 Santa gift, and is not anything super spendy that other families can’t afford so when they talk about gifts it might not make other children question things.
Unwrapped assembled and had new batteries in them. Presents from family were wrapped.
Even my lite brite was plugged in and said
“HI Pam”
Same with my kids.
In my house everything is from Santa and it’s all wrapped in wrapping paper.
With my kids, santa gifts were the small things. Socks, Christmas decorated clothing, stockings and knick-knacks. The big stuff is from us. Everything usually gets wrapped.
For my kids, they had one gift each from santa and a “family gift”. Only these are wrapped in brown paper with red ribbon.
In our house, Santa gifts have different wrapping paper and special gift tags
All the big things will be put together and be from me and my partner, the small stuff will be from Santa and wrapped under the tree
Santa only fills the stockings and brings a small present. The rest are wrapped presents from mom,dad and family/friends.
I wrap everything down to the smallest thing! My daughters love the excitement of opening stuff
All were wrapped except large toys. Everything was from Santa. But we didn’t have much… so unwrapping was a lot of fun