We usually do 1 gift from Santa. Like a bike or pogo stick, some sort of outside toy usually. We never wrap it, just put a big red bow on it and set it in front of the tree. The rest are wrapped and labeled from us.
We wrap all gifts but some big ones not from Santa. Santa has special wrapping only.
Everything wrapped , pillow slip or sack placed at the end of the child’s bed at bed time , fill it with the wrapped presents when the child is asleep so they wake in the morning and Santa has been
Santa leaves 1 unwrapped gift for the kids and it is nothing expensive because not everyone can afford to buy for their kids. Everything else is wrapped and labeled form Mom & Dad.
Everything is wrapped
My kids are small but I grew up always having all gifts minus few from my parents wrapped and under the tree
I wrap everything (with exception to big things such as bikes, pool, etc)
Clothed items are from “Santa” specialist clothing and toys are from mum and dad/ grandparents etc.
everything goes under the tree, stacked into sections for each kid (4&2)
Apparently you’re not allowed to do lots of things from Santa anymore because other people get all up in arms about it, so my advice is you do it how ever you like, but don’t post what you do on public forums if your not prepared to be slated by the Santa police
santa gifts dont get wrapped only the ones from us are wrapped.but as a kid ours all was wrapped and would say from santa or mom and dad.only expensive gifts are from us.
Usually wrap everything. Santa gives the large present and fills the stockings. This year is a lot of huge and heavy stuff so idk if I’ll wrap that.
We wrap everything. Santa gifts come wrapped and also put in burlap sacks. Each kid has their own sack and own wrapping paper (that they’ve never seen before usually glittery)and there is a large tag with their name in swirly cursive fancy elf writing (that way we don’t use a bunch of gift tags or get any gifts bobbled between our 4 kids) also their Santa sacks have fancy fabric bows on them. Gifts from us are wrapped not as fancy with curly ribbon and stick on gift tags and left of paper from last year. If there’s a large unwrapped gift from Santa it has a Vic fabric bow and fancy tag…
Each kiddos gets one gift from Santa and he uses a different colored shinny special wrapping paper than what we are using. So it looks special from Santa’s workshop. They are placed away from the tree and other gifts usually close to the cookies and milk he couldn’t finish. My husband puts a lot of effort into making this special for the kids
We put all the big stuff out and set it up. Last year we set up her kitchen and her toy rooms stuff. This year her from chair and soccer net will be unwrapped and assembled. Anything that’s small get wrapped. My daughter gets small things from Santa and nicer and bigger things from Mom and Dad.
We wrap all the presents from us. Santa leaves his unwrapped and under the tree.
We only give one gift from “Santa”, which isn’t the biggest or most expensive gift but is placed in front of the tree, the rest are from mommy and daddy. We do wrap Santa’s gift and leave one gift unwrapped to come down to on Christmas morning.
All is wrapped except the really large items. And it’s placed under and around the tree after kuds are fast asleep
Lots of great ideas for when my son get older, I like the idea of 1 unwrapped from santa
All of our toys even after we figured out Santa wasn’t real were wrapped and signed love Santa. But that wasn’t until I turned like five or six because we came from a poor family. before that so we were given cookies and a Christmas card that said love Santa still. Because of my upbringing it was focused more on giving to others. So even though we didn’t have much we gave cards to the local shelters. I now carry that over with my children meaning they have cookies and a Christmas card with just a couple presents under the tree of course signed Santa
Santa’s gifts are always wrapped in plain red tissue paper.
We use a different wrapping paper along with a ribbon and put on a small card that says “from Santa with love”. Gifts from Santa aren’t expensive. The “expensive” or more expensive gifts are from us parents.
For us all our stockings were from santa and the rest were from my parents we wernt well off and my mum was a single mum of 3 working 2 jobs with overtime at Christmas so we wernt disappointed if she couldn’t afford something I will be doing the same for my little boy
I can’t remember most of my childhood. In foster care I had a lot of Santa stuff. I know each house we went to as a kid I had a gift from Santa but idk about my house as a kid. Everything was wrapped. And if it was too big to be wrapped we wrap a picture and place it in a box or have the picture or it written down in a card. Everything was always wrapped. We (I; I was raised the only child even though I wasn’t) got to open one single gift on the eve before. Typically got to chose it but as I got older it was chosen for me and it was in a Christmas box. Nothing great but always what I needed or asked for or wanted in terms of practical.
As far as Santa it too me many years to even come around to wanting to doing Santa with my kids until I found away around the whole “he isn’t real” thing. Once I did I was fine. We always look for some sort of 10$ gift from Santa. Something super cheesy, could be useful or not, but would be so loved! Typically something I know they have asked for or wanted or even something absurd and funny.
As far as the eve box it has pjs for that night, a snack or two, movie and/or book.
All gifts are wrapped!
Our stockings are from santa and the rest is from parents my mum was a single mum of 3 working 2 jobs and overtime at Christmas so we wernt well off but also means we wernt disappointed if she couldn’t afford something I will be doing the same for my little boy as I know there are families alot worse off than me and its unfair that kids get so much from santa when some get very little
The presents from Santa I wrap in Santa wrapping paper and the gifts from us I wrap in different paper.
Most the gifts and pretty much all the really great ones are from Santa here, we use different wrapping paper for the ones from him and they are usually in one general area under or beside the tree.
1 wrapped Santa gift under tree (diff wrapping), $20 max budget since Santa can’t buy expensive gifts for everyone and must be a toy not an electronic item elves worked hard to make
The only presents from Santa are the things they asked for and the stocking. The rest is from the family
We have a Santa bag that we put the presents in. My kids put it empty under the tree on Christmas eve for Santa to put the gifts in. They are wrapped in different wrapping paper.
I would wrap each person’s gift in their own wrapping paper. I didn’t use tags to say who the gift is from bc #1 my kids started greedy. And #2 at the end of the day everything comes from one, and only one. And that one definitely is not santa.
I wrap everything from me and Santa presents are unwrapped.
Our kids know that most of the toys come from us (because Santa is so busy making sure all the kiddos get a present from him) and there is ONE “special” gift that comes from Santa. I purchased a big red velvet Santa Bag and the “special” gift goes in there.
Santa leaves one gift unwrapped for my son on Christmas morning. It’s always the one thing my son asks for. He is 11 and still kind of believes…hes also a heart hero and we find out this coming Thursday about surgery number 19 for him. So covid year sucks due to being a single stay at home heart mom with only his SSI as income which barely covers rent/bills. So not sure if I will even be able to get him anything nor will Santa. In years before it has been a magic track set, a Lamborghini rc car and last year was a framed picture of Post Malone and DJ Marshmello…so nothing expensive really but the one thing he has asked Santa for.
Santa doesn’t get credit for the most expensive item in my house. All gifts are wrapped unless from santa and stockings. We just moved here, with very little belongings. Santa is bringing art supplies and craft things/play doh.
My oldest is 11 and knows santa isn’t real but keeps along bc her 7yo duster still believes.
We wrap it all except the big stuff. I think the joy really comes from ripping the paper off lol
Our gifts are wrapped, Santa’s isn’t. Plus I stock the stuffing not Santa
Also, Santa doesn’t bring a cool expensive gift. His usually is something that could actually be made in a work shop, example being wooden blocks, knitted sweaters etc
If we buy them expensive gift it’s from us.
The wrapping paper is exclusive to Santa. Though his gifts get placed with all the rest and I never give him credit for the big gifts because Mama Claus works hard for those.
Santa only brings one toy - the most coveted of all the toys on the Christmas list. I refuse to let Santa take credit for all the gifts under the tree. Santa’s wrapping paper is different from all the rest.
Every gift is wrapped in our home…1-2 gifts are from Santa the rest are from us…
I order paper specifically from currant (I love the quality and how thick it is) something special and completely different from our presents to them
I’m going to say big toys are always from mommy and daddy and small toys from santa
After working at a school & seeing so many kids upset Santa brought some kids really expensive things & brought others nothing or clothes… my kids get books, board games & clothes from Santa. If they ask for video games or something expensive its always from the parents.
Growing up usually everything that was out or put up was from Santa. Every thing wrapped was from my parents
I wrap everything mainly because I get more excited than them watching there faces when they open everything and it makes them happy. The way I do santa is I have a diffrent roll of paper it usaly has santa on it but like a traditional one and then I wrap one gift up with that the rest come from us the kids know straight away which one santa brings because they know he uses santa wrapping paper.
In our home Santa gets credit for all the stocking stuffers and we wrap them in Santa paper, it’s time consuming but it keeps the little ones entertained while I get breakfast on the table. As for gifts we try to get each child to write a special Santa letter to tell him three things they would like then we wrap those items in the same Santa wrap as the stockings stuffers. Everything else comes from us.
Santa brings our stockings, and one “special” gift, or a couple of different gifts that go together. [Example a racetrack unwrapped, but packs of cars wrapped, or dollhouse unwrapped but dolls, furniture, etc. wrapoed] His if wrapped, are in a paper that is only used for his stuff, and has him on it. [Matches anything wrapped in a stocking]. Ours are wrapped in totally different papers, with no Santa.
I never wrapped anything just let them all under tree
Growing up, my mom always used a cute, cartoon kind of wrapping paper for the gifts from her and my dad and Santa presents were wrapped in fancy wrapping paper, straight from the North Pole. Lol
I wrap them in paper that’s more lid looking with Santa on it and put them in a little bundle a little in front/side of the fireplace but still by the tree
I would wrap everything from Santa But. I told them mommy helped Santa pick out the special gifts for them. When they got old enough to not believe anymore. I still wrapped there gifts and still put “from Santa”. They know that these gifts are special gift bought with love. From mommy.
Everything wrapped some from Santa some from whoever
I wrap everything. Santa’s gifts come in different colored wrapping paper. Not that different, though. My fiance only agrees to having my decorations up as long as they’re gold and silver. The wrapping paper is allowed to be a baby blue colour for some gifts but mostly silver and gold.
I wrap what I can. I say it’s from Santa dad and me. Not some from Santa and us I say there all from us
Big Santa Bags and every year Santa always left his hat in the tree in place of kids letters.
Each of mine get one present from Santa, its alwaya wrapped in a different paper than the rest. And then they get put at the front of the tree.
I usually wrap everything put the big gifts saying mom and dad little ones Santa and put them under the tree once kids are asleep
We’ve always done the majority of our gifts from us, as I wrapped them, under the tree, and the cpl “Santa” ones I put out Christmas eve.
Since our kids are older now, we’ve always let them unwrap ours come midnight and Santa’s when we all wake up. They’re 17&19 now, and still think it’s cool.
I wrap Santa’s in brown paper, write the address on etc and leave them by the door covered in ‘‘snow’’… Santa only gets my kids 1 present. The rest are from family
Santa brings the little stuff in Santa bags … because it’s not fair for the fortunate life bro think that they are naughty because they got socks while their friend got an iPad or equivalent…
Santas stuff us in their Santa sacks …
I grew up the same with. Santa’s gift were left on the couch or by the tree, never wrapped. We have also did the same with ours. Only one gift from Santa though. This year it’s a small ride on for my youngest and my oldest has asked Santa to bring her a dinosaur. So that’s all Santa is bringing her. The rest are from mom and dad.
My kids get one gift from Santa, it’s unwrapped. It sits in front of all the other gifts. And it’s NOT an expensive gift. My kids are not allowed to ask for those types of gifts from Santa. Oh! And of course the stockings are from Santa too.
I never separated them lol.i was always Santa’s helper to my kid.all her gifts came from me and Santa helped deliver them
Santa’s gifts are wrapped in postage paper with a bow and of course his signature (got a stamp for that). Everything else is wrapped in different paper. However, stocking stuffers are not wrapped bc Santa just drops them in on his way out. Santa always brings the smaller stuff while mom and dad give the big stuff.
My parents only wrapped clothes and i only wrapped clothes for my kids. I loved coming down and jumping right in to play. But my kids now wrap everything. I hate it
Santa only does stockings around here (they do always get amazing stockings) everything else is from us.
We bought 2 costco rolls of paper when our daughter was born and it is only for Santa gifts. We don’t write on them as we figured at some.point she might recognize our writing lol The Santa present goes at the back of the tree and is the last one opened
My parents always did a mix when Santa still came. Some wrapped some not. Last year we did the same for my daughter a few big things unwrapped. And everything else wrapped nd under the tree from Santa and the rest of the family.
The gifts that come from Christmas project got Santa’s name. From us we did one from us the hubby parents and then uncle family. There are a lot of yrs santa brought everything. Its been a struggle this yr isnt changing but there is no Christmas project.
Yes my kids know that the Christmas project is where they got a lot of yrs from.
My son will always know santa isn’t real but will know the story of St Nick. We wrap everything
All toys come from us besides 2 small ones. My kids know my husband and I work our butts off to get them Christmas. Im too petty to give a face man all the credit:rofl: but they are all wrapped n under the tree.
Santa presents are shiny wrapping paper with the big bows and ribbons.
We personally don’t do Santa. Our toddler knows everything is from us and we wrap everything we get her.
Whatever santa brings isn’t wrapped. Everything from mom and dad are wrapped. So one year santa brought a ball pit, ipad for 1 kid, xbox for the other. One year it was electric scooter and 6v power wheel. Last year was pj masks toys and video games. We just pick and go from there
Toys from Santa nonwrapped. Then we wrap each persons gifts in their own pattern/style wrapping paper. Wrap a couple stocking stuffers in the same wrap and place in bottom of stocking. No name tags. That way you have to do stocking first to figure out “your” wrapping paper. No one is able to guess at gifts that way. Lol
In my house it’s always been that everything is from Santa. Even growing up its been like that. We weren’t rich and i never once thought to myself that santa liked other kids more. I was happy with what i got.
I have 4 kids and we have 4 counter chairs… I use one per kid and lay out their stockings with small things candy cane, nuts, gum, small toys. And the Santa items… usually the main item they wanted. Everything else gets wrapped and goes under the tree.
Our children get a stocking with a few smaller things from Santa then the big gifts from us, but everything is wrapped and under the tree… or in the stocking
Everything from iPads to stocking stuffers is from Santa at our house. We wrap everything, but put together huge play sets and leave them by the tree. This way the kids don’t have to wait while Daddy puts big things together on Christmas day. I also keep a list of batteries needed for each toy, so that I can make sure they’re on hand for each new one.
So for our family…santa always brought me tons of stuff. But I had multiple family members buy me santa toys, and I was the only grandchild in the family for a long time.
With my kids.
Most of thier things are from mom and dad, especially “big” stuff
All wrapped up before christmas (we’re really on it this year).
Santa presents go out on christmas eve.
Last year and this year, it will be earlier in the evening, because my mom has to leave at 4am.
We’ll go look at christmas lights and santa will come while we’re gone.
Santa brings them 3-5 presents.
Usually things they need to share.
This year santa is bringing them a play tent, walkie talkies, and twister.
The only thing that won’t get wrapped is the play tent. It’ll get put together while we’re gone and have a bow on it.
(My aunt will come over and play santa)
The one from Santa says from Santa on it, the rest just have their name and are from mommy
In our house Santa bring pjs socks and stuff. He fills the stockings and maybe 1 or 2 board games. All the “big” gifts comes from mom and dad
Wrap them… it’s all about the anticipation!
Little, inexpensive gifts from Santa. Bigger gifts from mom and dad. All gifts wrapped, makes it more enjoyable to see their surprised looks when opening.
Honestly, my parents never once told me the presents were from Santa. But my brother and I didn’t see out presents till Christmas morning. Thry were put them out during the night
Santa brought one present and it was never wrapped for my kids. The wrapped stuff came from us and it never got set out until Christmas Eve!
Santa only brings 1 thing. The toy they want the most because Santa has alot of kids to give toys too
When I was a kid all the Santa gifts were wrapped in different paper then mom and dad gifts
thank you! growing up santa’s presents never wrapped! when i told my s/o this he thought i was crazy and insisted his presents be wrapped in a different paper from what we got.
My kids could ask for 5 things in their letters to Santa but he only brought them 3 because that’s how many jesus got when he was born that way we could pick and choose those were from santa the rest from us
When I was growing up, everything got wrapped up. Didn’t matter who it was from. I did the same for the first few years, then we started leaving the stuff from Santa unwrapped, and on the couch or a chair.
We do their one most wanted gift unwrapped from Santa on the fireplace w filled stockings and the rest wrapped from mom and dad
Everything including Santa gifts gets wrapped and nothing under the tree until they’ve gone to bed Christmas Eve except gifts received prior like from family out of town.
Well I’m divorced from older two kids dad. Well for the past like 5 years all gifts at my house come from me (and now boyfriend) Santa only fills stockings at my house for them. Santa visits them at their dads house (they live their majority of the time). And idk how it works at his but I think he does all gifts from Santa. Idk. I mean my 11yr old pretty much has an idea he isn’t real. But my 9yr old has no clue. She believes… (They have a 5yr old sister at dads and a nb brother) and for my toddler idk yet. I have sometime still. Shes 1 1/2
We used the same wrapping paper for all Santa’s gifts and didn’t use that paper for anything else
Santa brings 1 nice gift for the kids and stuff for their stocking. We never wrap the santa gift
My parents always wrapped Santa presents in Santa wrapping paper… I do the same with my kids … it’s always something small and and a treat in their stocking
We put our kids Santa gifts into a big santa delivery bag that has each kids name on it and if it’s to big we put together and set it in front of the tree with their bags reat are wrapped
I never wrap presents from Santa either.
Santa brings one gift from their wishlist (a toy), fills their stocking and leaves a board game for the family. These gifts aren’t wrapped and are set up and ready for play.