How do you split bills in your house?

How do you split bills in a blended family/household? The partners each have their own children, no children together. The children all live in the home full time. One of the partners owns the home alone. Who pays for home repairs, mortgage, homeowners insurance, property taxes? How do you split the cost of utilities, groceries, household goods etc. Both partners have an income, one higher than the other.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you split bills in your house?

All our money is combined.


We do not split bills. Everything goes in the pot. All bills come out


My man pays for everything, Iā€™m just his secretary that disperses payments :tipping_hand_woman:t4::laughing:


My husband pays the mortgage and bills. I buy food and pay for fun stuff. He makes more than I do.


My husband pays the basic bills, rent, power, cable, internet and phones. I pay the car payment, all insurances, GICs and groceries.

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Are money is combined

Everything is split. We both use it all, were both gonna pay for it. Regardless whoā€™s biological child or whoā€™s names on it

I have 4 kids, only 1 with my boyfriend and heā€™s been living here for 4 years. He pays me half the rent and he pays half our daughters daycare. He also pay the electric bill and anything for his own needs like his car and his credit card. Any and all other expenses are on me such as gas, water, internet, cell phones. I make more than he does tho and 3 of the kids are solely mine. We did sit down and make a budget for ourselves and together.

We share everything. We have multiple joint accounts. I feel for us itā€™s less messy that way. He makes significantly more money than me but I also do work. His money is my money and my money is his money. If you donā€™t feel comfortable sharing everything completely open one joint account and split everything down the middle equally. I donā€™t think it should matter who makes more or lessā€¦ equal is equal. I think that is the most fair option. It also shouldnā€™t matter who owns it. Whoever is there is living inside the houseā€¦ therefore half responsible for all expensive including home owners and property taxes as well as everything else.


Find out your total monthly obligations and then divide by how many ever people reside in your household.

Everything gets split equally no matter who makes more. Whatā€™s mine is yours and whats yous is mine.


My household is me, husband and our child. He had the bigger income so he pays the rent, I pay smaller bills. Groceries, household, childā€™s things is whoever got paid that week or whoever gets it first. Being your household is bigger I would total up everything and split it someway depending who makes more. But between the adults (If itā€™s more than just you and spouse) everything in the household/repairs/utilities/taxes should be spilt evenly. Especially if youā€™re all using it.

You just described a roommate.


All our money is combined all goes in one account all comes out the same account that way thereā€™s no secrets and itā€™s true team work


At our house we have separate accounts. Weā€™ve been married for 20 years and are a blended family. We split the mortgage, I pay utilities, he pays car payment, all of our insurance policies, and our consolidated debt payment and credit cards. We both buy groceries and help our kids with their needs and our grandbabies needs.

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Whatā€™s mine is his, whatā€™s his is mine. We both help in ways we can. Winter seasons I pay most of the bills if not all, summer seasons he pays most of the bills and I start buying for Xmas haha. Just talk it out with your spouse and find what works for you guys.

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1/3 in joint checking account bills
1/3 indiviual savings
1/3 individial spending money

If that dont work 1/2 joint for bills

We had a joint account and put a percentage based on income. Like if i made 50k Iā€™d put in 3% every month and if he made 75k heā€™d do 3% every month. Enough to cover our joint expenses


Joint account for all bills/expenses, and separate accounts for savings.
You each put half or 3/4 your check into the joint, and the other you can keep.
Theyā€™re all your kids, regardless of birth parent, so money is split for all the kids needs, not parent a pays this one and parent b pays this one.

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Get a joint account and each puts money into it for bills only.

Am I correct that the partners arenā€™t married?

This really shouldā€™ve been discussed prior to moving in. Generally, if partner A earns 60% of the household income and partner B earns 40%, then partner A should pay 60% of expenses and partner B 40%.

Bear in mind that college expenses are the sole responsibility of the legal parents (the bio parents or adoptive parents). Also remember that both partners need to save equally for retirement.

If this question is causing arguments, I recommend talking to a lawyer to protect assets and ensure equity. That said, if it causes arguments, maybe living together is a bad idea.

If youā€™re merely confused, meet with a financial planner. This goes well beyond monthly expenses.


So the word Iā€™m recognizing here is ā€œpartnerā€

As in shared relationship and responsibilities.

Anecdotally We have 3 children. My husband is working full time. I am home currently with our 2 year old twins. Mostly by choice but also because I am a social worker and dealing with heavy grief so I am working on it in trauma therapy and will return to practice in the fall.

Sometimes it can outweigh. And thatā€™s ok. Me being home is not only beneficial for my mental health in a practice setting and doing my masters, but also saves us daycare money for 2 children.

Partners just support one another.


Honestly whatever happened to putting both aalaries in the bank and paying from that, im old school and I will never have seperate accounts, you either trust me or you donā€™t and if theres no trust, you have NOTHING!


What i use to do with my ex we had a separate account for household bills and utilities etc we both paid into he had a high payed job he use to put Ā£1000 in a month i use to put Ā£700 then we kept are own money for are own personal bills like mobiles etc

No split here. We just take care of what needs to be taken care of with whoeverā€™s got the money available with no expectation of being ā€œpaid backā€


We put our money together and pay the bills with that. Whatever is left, either of us use for whatever else is needed.

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Thereā€™s no splitting

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My boyfriend pays for everything cause I take care of the kids


Every thing goes in the bank same account
And bills are paid out if that account ā€¦everything comes out of that account
If my partner wants to spend more the 300 out of that account we talk about it

Split it by 1/3 of each persons income not matching the other dollar

My husband pays rent and daycare. I pay car payment, insurance, health insurance, phone bill, utilities and streaming services (because I want them)

We split groceries

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All money goes into one account and all bills get paid with the money. Neither one of us pay a certain bill


Our money is combined and we just pay the bills, and day-to-day from our mutual account. I keep track of the money, budgeting and savings. Mostly because my husband isnā€™t really interested in the part of it all.

Since income varies, split it so that equal percentage is dispersed. Equal percentage does not always equal same literal amount of money. 50% could mean $300 for one person and mean $250 for another person. Or an varying amount. But if you split it according to equal percentage, it allows for flexible spending as a whole and for individuals.

Umm we just pay the bills and carry on


I make more. We are a blended family. He pays a few bills and buys all groceries. I pay the rest. We have 4 kids each. He has full custody but only one of each of ours is still home. We both each have one in college, other 4 are out on their own now. House is mine alone.

I am married. My husband and I both work. We donā€™t have a joint account. He pays everything other than daycare, insurance and groceries those are all I pay for. He makes 3x what I make.

We share money but I guess you could say my husband brings home the money and I pay the bills due to our special needs child I canā€™t work so I stay home and take care of cleaning cooking and caring for children while heā€™s at work and he comes home and helps care for children but he brings home the money for the bills and when I used to work we still had a joint account so it all just went to whatever bill it went to

Donā€™t split ANYTHING!!
1 CHECKING ACCOUNTā€‹:bangbang::call_me_hand::100::raised_hands:

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All money goes into one account and all bills get paid with our money. Neither one of us pay a certain billā€¦ joined as one!

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We are old school. Iā€™m better at money management than he is. All money goes into 1 account. We pay bills from that account and what is left is what we use for the rest of the stuffā€¦ we find it easier that way. No fighting over moneyā€¦

Iā€™ll take things that should have been discussed before ā€œpartneringā€ for 500 Alex.


Split bills. Homeowner can pay for house stuff unless they want to put the other on the house deed too then they can split that too

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Regardless of who owns the home, everything should be split in half or some % based on salary.

If it was me, Iā€™d try to split the mortgage and homeowners insurance evenly. As far repairs, try to split them as they come up. For utilities, try to split those down the middle. Groceries, every other week one or the other partner pays. Household goods, I take that to mean furniture replacement as needed etc, do it sparingly and consider who will get the major use out of the item. Same with other things, beds etc. And each pays for their own childrenā€™s expenses. If you are married, each carries insurance on their own kids unless you decide to have the higher wage earner carry everybody. Divide property taxes. If you divide everything as equally as you can, there will be little argument as to who is doing the most to support the family. The higher wage earner should cover extras like meals out, vacations, recreation, etc.

We donā€™t really consider it splittingā€¦ I moved in with him so I didnā€™t add anything to his house payment. I buy food and pay my car paymentsā€¦ he does house and electricā€¦ if something comes up the one with a little extra at that time covers itā€¦ he canā€™t make electricā€¦ I spotā€¦ I canā€™t buy foodā€¦ he spots. Itā€™s all going to the same goalā€¦ happy family life. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I have a child. My BF doesnā€™t have any kids. He makes more than I do. He pays rent, his phone and electric. I pay internet, car insurance and my phone. I also buy all the groceries and household items. We split the gas, only have 1 vehicle. He pays when we go out to eat. I pay for all my sonā€™s stuff like sports and clothes.

ā€œWe donā€™t split money, we share an accountā€

  • people with <800 credit score

Because ur not a real couple if you donā€™t share an account? Lol. What ever.


All money goes under one account each person takes that $100 a week for their personal bullcrap the rest gets paid on bills and whatever


My husband an I make almost the same amount an hour (I make a whole .75 an hour more but he gets more over time than I do) we have our own separate accounts. He pays the big bills (mortgage and car insurance) and his own personal expenses). I pay my own personal expenses (credit card, cell phone for the kids and I he is on his momā€™s plan, car payment) and I pay the utilities. We split the taxes (property and school). We also file our taxes separately I get to keep all mine and he gives me half of the return after we use it on what is needed (this year we replaced the windows in our home). He also gave me half the CTC last year every month. We do what works for us before we got married. And since it worked we continued after we got married. At any time he can take my bank card for something he might not have the money for and visa versa. I also buy all the groceries. And we share expenses for vacations. Itā€™s really all what works best for YOUR situation.

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Iā€™d split, but I do everything my own so :woman_shrugging:

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If yall arenā€™t married who ever owns the home needs to pay any home costs. Split the household bills

My boyfriend and I have been living together for 3 years. I have one child and he has no children. I have the bigger income. We split the rent, he pays the electric, I pay the internet and car insurance, we pay our own cellphone bills (he has how own, and I have an account for myself and my son), and we split the cost of oil when we need to have it filled. We both buy groceries.

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We have all of our checks go into the same account and we both handle everything. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Get a joint account. Add up how much all the bills are. Then divide by 2. And thats what your responsible for. The other half is what your partner is responsible for. That all goes into a joint account and whatever money is left goes into your personal account


We split everything in half. Or if one of us has a better paycheck that person might pay a bit more that month.
While my boyfriend wasnā€™t getting much work (heā€™s a seasonal worker and does lawn careā€¦also snow removal but we barely had snow) I paid everything.
Basically whoever gets to the bills first and has money to pay does it.

Spouse covers rent and his phone bill and part of the grocery bill I cover the rest. We both have substantial incomes so it works for us

I wouldnā€™t be involved with a ā€œtit for tatā€ situation
If something needs repairs than It gets fixed, none of this ā€œyour job my jobā€ immaturity


Um weā€™re a family we donā€™t split we just pay using both incomesā€¦.


I would say you combine the income and pay the bills and just live and or save whats left.


We just pay the bills, doesnā€™t matter how. His money is mine vs versaā€¦ we paid child support, etc but his kids were mine ECT. Didnā€™t matter who paid what.


I wouldnā€™t cover any cost of repairs to the home, if I wasnā€™t owning half of that home. Js.


Our family kind of just fell into this routine of who ever got paid closest to the due date of a bill would pay it. Personal bills like car payments, insurance, cell etc (assets or subscriptions from before moving in together) are paid by that person with of course help from SO if needed around that due date. I have 1 child in home and brought 2 animals into the relationship as well, he has no children (though we are trying) but a cat from before. Animals are split determining on who stops before the other at the store. Itā€™s been 5 years and all seems to work out fine and everything gets paid without any resentment. We do make it a point to respect each otherā€™s hard earned money as each their own but understand that our money together is all for the better of our family. He works more hours but our pay is about equal most months.

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We just have our money pooled into our joint account and pay bills that are due some goes into savings and some just sits in checking to use for whatever we want or need

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We donā€™t split. We pay as they come with our money.

We both pay bills no matter who earns most whatever money we have left we split it. Works for us.


Something to discuss before moving in but thatā€™s okayyyyā€¦ we both have kiddos. We could cover our own car payment/insurance etc but my boyfriend makes 3 times the amount I make so we talked about him paying the rent then I would cover the electric, water. We would both cover groceries. Honestly itā€™s whatever would work best for you guys

50/50 all the way. :heart: of course if someone needs money or needs a little extra help we pitch in. But we still expect to get paid back when we barrow money from each other. No fights about money. No talk. Simply just pay your bills and Iā€™ll pay mine.
With this though I feel itā€™s basically sharing our money because he buys I buy or whatever the case may be. So far we have only fought about money maybe once or twice and it was a nice hey your spending to much money and your not able to pay your bills you need to stop.

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I pay what I can, he pays what he can. He works, I donā€™t but I do have income coming in. Our money is just that, OUR money thereā€™s no his and mine. His children arenā€™t my children, and my children arenā€™t his but we both take care of them all like they are our bio children We take care of each other & thatā€™s the way it should be.

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Weā€™re a family so we have a joint account, all money is combined and itā€™s both of ours. Iā€™d go nuts if we were playing tit for tatā€¦ whatā€™s his mine and mine is his, weā€™re a unit.


I pay for everything clean everything cook everything -singlemom

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We split all bills evenly. And we have joint accounts and whatever needs done, we do it. We discuss all purchases also.

I pay for groceries, utilities, anything I need or want my vehicle and gas, my phone and half the gas bill on the house. He pays the rest.

Itā€™s 50/50. Itā€™s not a partnership if everything but your money is shared.


Our money goes into a joint account and we pay all the bills together

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It has to be figured out by the two of you. Every family is different. What works for my family might not work for yours. Just make time to sit down and hash it out.

We have a his, mine and ours accounts.


My husband pays for car and house insurance , mortgage and his bills and I pay for pg & e , water bill and groceries and my own bills

If they own the home there should be no mortgage. The rest split them 50/50

Whoever runs out to buy, pays. On Fridays, we pay what bills are due that next week. As far as who pays what, he usually pays for everything and mine gets used if needed. If not, we put it into our savings.

All our money goes in one account where we pay the bills and then we each get an allowance

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Because only 1 partner owns the home the mortgage and all other bills for the home ( HO insurance etc.)would be that persons responsibility. However, the other partner and the homeowner should come up with a number that would be considered ā€œrent.ā€ The reason i say that is because in the event of a split, the homeowner gets to keep the house and the other partner gets nothing. So ultimately the homeowner should yeild most of that responsibility of paying for the house. All other bills would be either split or the one with higher wages paying a bit more. However this is not a one size fits all because my hubby paid our bills the majority of the time we have been together even before marriage and my income went to food, holidays, vacations, and fun stuff for us as a family to do. Thats the way that worked great for us. Now i am a sahm and he pays for everything. Every household does things differently according to what fits their life and what agreements they come up with.

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This kind of stuff should have to be discussed before moving in together to avoid conflicts.
In my opinion everything should be split 50/50 but if the difference between the amount of money they make is huge, then it should be proportional of what they make ļæ¼


Husband does the mortgage, repairs, and renovations. I do utilities and stuff for the baby, we split groceries depending on who goes :person_shrugging:

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Each person contributes the same percentage to reach the cost of all the expenses


Hubby pays mortgage, home repairs (new flooring, toilet, gardening, cupboards etcā€¦), life/home insurance, taxes, his personal payments. I pay utilities, electricity, internet and groceries and my personal payments (car, insurance, subscriptions etcā€¦). Married 9 years, 2 kids, 2 incomes, no joint banking lol

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Whatā€™s mine is his and his is mine, we are a family, a blended family with 7 kids, joint bank account, bills come out first and the rest is there if we need or want something. We donā€™t control what each other spends money on but we do have respect for each other and our finances before making any kind of big purchases. Itā€™s always worked smoothly for us.


All money in the pot together


My boyfriend has no kids of his own, I have 2. He pays household expenses, I pay for groceries. I make more money, but also have a 45 min longer commute than him so I pay a lot in gas. Also between him and my 11 year old son, my grocery bill is astronomical. They both are built and eat like linebackers :joy:

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Everything is pooled together and budgeted as one income when Iā€™m working. Currently Iā€™m a sahm but before we just pooled. Savings is only in my name because I am less likely to touch it lol

Itā€™s a family unit. There should be no splitting at all. Put your money in one account and pay bills, buy food, and anything extra with that one account. It just makes things easier from my experience. Iā€™m well aware that this may not be a popular suggestion but itā€™s worked for me. Iā€™ve been with my husband for 9 years and married 5 years. We have no kids together but I do have 3 from a previous relationship. We just put our monies in one account and pay for things accordingly. :woman_shrugging::+1:


We put all money together and pay all the bills. Then money in savings then go grocery shopping and non food shopping


This is literally my life!
We split all of the common bills;mortgage, home insurance, property tax, trash, solar panels by combining the yearly amount and then I pay my partner, the home owner, a weekly amount that covers those.
The utilities we split 50/50 as they come in and pay wifi and phone bills together as they come in.
We split groceries and other family expenses 50/50 but buy things like clothes and toys for our children separately. We split vacations and extras.

This is literally my life!
We split all of the common bills;mortgage, home insurance, property tax, trash, solar panels by combining the yearly amount and then I pay my partner, the home owner, a weekly amount that covers those.
The utilities we split 50/50 as they come in and pay wifi and phone bills together as they come in.
We split groceries and other family expenses 50/50 but buy things like clothes and toys for our children separately. We split vacations and extras.
For expenses like home repair we work with what each other is capable of.

If ur a blended family then there should be no splitting. Every thing goes in the same pot,regardless if someone makes more than the other, if u partners, ur a team, theres no mine or urs itā€™s all ours. Same goes for the children, it doesnā€™t matter if they are his or hers,urs or mine, they oursā€¦ :woman_shrugging:


Each should pay the same percentage of income into a joint account to pay utilities, home stuff etc. And each have their own account for personal spending,savings.

We split everything pretty much. We both make good money and have a side business. Each have a kid from previous marriage and one together. He pays for his sons stuff and I pay for my daughterā€™s and we split our sons.

We combine our income and our blended family become one when we got together. We take care of what needs to be taken care of and if one of us want something for ourselves or the kids we talk about it and if we have it we do it. We are a family of 9. 3 are mine 2 are his bio one he has always raised and still does and one is my baby brother. But we are a whole. There is no split there is no difference there is no half this half that. Thatā€™s your kid thatā€™s my kid. They are our kids and we take care of them.