How do you split bills in your house?

We just did it. Pool the money or agree you pay for all the groceries and your partner pays like the utilities. Not hard. Just talk it out.

Its whatever you two agree on. No one else can really make that decision for you.
My husband pays for the house, (we rent), the hydro and heating oil. I pay daycare, groceries, household expenses, toiletries etc. That’s what works best for us. He makes much more than I do, so the 50/50 didn’t work for us anymore, especially since I miss out on work more often than he does if our son is sick and has to stay home.

,I lived in a house He had5 that. That should be decided before marriage.I had 2 we had one. If you don’t want another Deviorse you will figure something out.We just split every thing. I owed the house.

Just here to see how different families work together. It’s interesting what works for one family doesn’t necessarily work for another.

we have a joint account that we each contribute the same amount of $ to. Then we each have our own accounts. If you are partners, it shouldnt matter whose kid is whose or who owns the house, it should be equal if both partners are working.

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My husband pays all the household, medical and car related bills and our retirement. I pay for groceries and anything related to the kids (school, Christmas, birthdays, braces, etc) and family fun.

He makes significantly more than I do as I work part time.

Everything except things pertaining to home ownership is split 50/50 - mortgage and such expenses should be 75% owner of home and 25% other person - homeowner obviously paid these costs before - so 25% of what’s needed to maintain and pay for the home is reasonable - besides if it doesn’t last - homeowner loses nothing -

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My husband and I have a joint account. 100% of our income is together in the account, it’s ours. There is no his or mine. We each have our own card for the same account, and spend what we want and pay the bills as they need to be paid. I always thought this was normal until I started seeing posts like this :woman_shrugging:


We are married so it all goes in together

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Discuss who will pay what or just split each bill cost in half.

We share a bank account. And I pay the bills when they are due. We both work. (I have two of my own kids that I have split custody w/ex husband, and I have two with my current) he does make more than me but it’s ours (not married).

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We don’ split bills, we just pay them, sometimes his check is more, sometimes mine is, just depends, but we don’t split anything to his or mine


I would do it by headcount; so the total of all housing and utilities divided by number of people in the house, then each adult pays for themselves and the heads below them. AFA groceries, you would set a budget and split the same way for household groceries. Special individual requests would be the person requesting responsibility to purchase if it isn’t to be shared.

We don’t “split” anything lol blended family (or not) when you’re in a relationship with someone you are a unit. Her BAH pays our mortgage, her paycheck pays car notes, insurance, and utilities. My check pays for all our subscriptions, food for the house and all the extra/fun stuff. Both checks get deposited to our joint account. BAH goes to a separate account set up specifically for our mortgage.

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In my home, I pay the mortgage, and the pets’ food. Hubby pays the utilities and we both paid for food
our grown children that live with us, they help with cash every month (for yard care, and home repairs).

This is a fab question
long story short
my kids dad, of all 4. He pays mostly the rent(he comes up 30$ short so I pay the rest of that and alllll the bills. Including the kid’s needs and bdays and holidays and car needs and home needs , my needs (like flowers, taking me to see a movie or two, basically stuff so we im happy

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We share an account, bills get paid first, 20% in savings and then the rest goes to needs/wants

I got to say that probably should have been discussed before you moved in together. Who makes more has no bearing on responsibilities. I think in the case that you’re not married and someone doesn’t own the home that may be a discussion on appropriate rent to cover all those expenses since everyone does contribute to them would have been appropriate.

Every cercumstance is different 
 First how long y’all been together 
 If this is a fresh relationship then it should be 50/50 on everything 
 Repairs should prolly be on him 
 If it is serious and been long-term it should be adjusted like I do where both parties live comfortably 
 If he makes more he pays more 
 In my house we both work but I make more so she pays smaller portion of bills and when it comes to going out places and birthdays Christmas etc etc I am gonna pay for most if not all

Does one person do the majority of the household chores because people often forget that that’s laborious and valuable.


If you aren’t married, you are paying rent. That would make a big difference to me.

Blended FAMILY is the key, the two partners put their money into a JOINT account and the bills come out of that. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Nothing is split. I am a student. Husband works. We each have 3 kids each who all live at home. We are a team. Not his and hers.

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My boyfriend and I have a joined account. Our money both goes into that one account. So we pay the bills together. It’s not my money or his money. It’s our money. I work and he’s the stay at home parent :woman_shrugging:t2: We make things a team effort. Right babes? :kissing_heart: Justin Copeland

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My fiancé and I own a home together. He pays the mortgage and most of the bills. Electric water. I pay for everything our son needs and groceries and household stuff that is needed etc

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We don’t and all bills are in my name anyways but we will split vacations and then have one for the family as a whole but that’s all

My husband and I just split up the bills but if either of us is short for whatever reason, we just help the other out if possible. We still have separate bank accounts but they’re connected so easy to transfer money. Any large purchases, we discuss first. Works for us. (We have 3 kids, 3 dogs and a cat- so not really blended but still a big group)

My husbamd pays bigger bills we both buy groceries. Take care of our own car maintenance. I pay utilities. Everything after that we take them as they come . We both spend money on the kids

We are married but financial separate. I budget for groceries he pays half, if it goes over I cover just cuz I do. We both buy household stuff as it’s needed. We split bills 50/50 except I cover my daughters expenses (braces, activities, etc) myself as she’s not his and I get child support to help contribute to those expenses. Then we split stuff for our son together.

Equity and equality are different. It cannot be 50/50 when one makes more/one owns more/one does more.


There is no “splitting” in our house. His is mine, mine is his. We pay what needs to be paid. Never “I make more than you” or “you should pay for this” :roll_eyes:


The partner pays all the other bills. What you make at the end of the day doesn’t matter. If you were living on your own you would have to pay it by yourself. Either that of put a spreadsheet together with all the bills and split it down the middle.

My husband pays all the utilities. I do all the household purchases.

We keep our money separate.
I pay the mortgage, water, trash, food.
He pays gas & electric. (Plus he has a car payment)
*I pay more because I have 4 kids.

I was in a similar situation got a joint bank account put the same money each to cover the bills etc Spare cash put to one side for holidays etc The one thing thats difficult is the house one person actually pays the mortgage . depends on how much you love and trust one another If in a partnership may have tp put something in writing about the house

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Since it’s just me I pay everything but when my husband was alive he paid all necessity Bill’s and my income was our “mad $”.

You split every thing in half, get a joint account put money in pay bills .
If you all live there it should be divided fairly :woman_shrugging:t2:

There is no his and hers its ours.


Joint Bank account.

It’s not his/her money

It’s our money.


He pays mortgage and I chip in. Our mortgage is almost 3000, and I pay 500 of that. ïżŒthen i Pat like 1500 in utilities (we are a family of 10), and i Pat my 450 car payment and 150 car insurance. I also pay for groceries. Now that I’m thinking about it. So we both have around 3000 plus in bills each month. We are barely making it sometimes, but always manage to struggle through. Food and gas costs seem to be eating us alive right now though

Everything goes into 1 bank account and i pay all the bills from there whatever needs to be paid.


50/50. My sister and I live together. She has 2 kids and I have 0. My income is higher than hers. We split the utilities and rent 50/50. Then pay our own personal bills


This is a good question
but not an easy one. The truth is there are other factors relevant to what is right and what is wrong that are very much unique to your relationship and what works for you, your partner, and the kids.

*How long have you been together? *How long have you lived together? *What did you guys discuss before hand? *What’s your current arrangement? *What works about it? *What doesn’t work? *Does it really not work? Or is it just not liked? *How can you “fix” it? *How can he fix it? *How can you as a couple fix it? *How can you be fair in these decisions to each other and the kids? *Who has access to what finances?

When my husband (the boyfriend) and I moved in together
 technically he made more money than me.
But. I got paid every two weeks and he got paid every week.
We used my checks for bigger bills (rent electric propane phones car insurance). We used his for household essentials, groceries, fuel, and smaller bills.
It worked for us. Kept things fair. Things were taken care of. Kid was taken care of.


My bf owns the house so he pays the mortgage and most utilities, I pay groceries, dog food for 4 dogs and all my own bills like cell phone, new car, car insurance and some utilities

In our house we both work but my husband pays everything the only thing pay is our phone bills.I have 2 kids from a previous relationship and he has no kids of his own he takes care of all ours is no complaining no questions asked.He told me a Man job is to take care of his family and that’s exactly what he does.


There should be a joint account that each person contributes to that pays bills, food, and vacations. Each month you put a percent of your income (if one makes more than the other) and that’s what’s used.


I have 3 kids. He has none. We split everything 50/50 bill wise. But our money is separate. I’ll never share an account again. My money is my money. His money is his money.


I’d think that is something that should have been worked out before you moved in together.


So we do things a little different but it works for us. We sat down and determined exactly what ALL of our expenses are. Devided that amount in half and we each put that much money into an account. Then whatever we have left over is to do what we please.

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In a blended family it doesnt matter who owns what and who’s kids are who’s!!! You split things in the best way for your family! You shouldn’t divide things based on who’s owns what it will only ruin your family. You can’t think like that


Any and all bills come together and are paid together. There is no “his money” or “my money”


We have a shared bank account
 money goes in and bills get paid. Big purchases are discussed first. We have a partnership, not a roommate situation.


My man gets more income then me but I pay half the rent and pay for groceries he pays the rest of the bills. But I also pay my own cell phone bill, internet at my dads house for my son. And pay most of the stuff for my son (not his child)

All money goes in 1 account. Bills first, then food ect
 what is left is spent by both with no major purchase without asking the other . Our home has nothing that belongs to one person. Everything is ours. We also had a blended family. He had 2 kids I had 3. SHARE is the key


50/50 on household bills. The owner pays all homeowner related expenses

Our money is in the same account so we both pay so I say 50/50 but I am the one who makes sure they get paid

Are you married or just partners? Marriage is 100/100 as Dr Phil says. Expenses should be together savings and spending. Go over expenses and budget. But every family does things differently.

If the home owner is smart their partner won’t put a peeing towards the home. That way just in case, it can not be contested with proof of help. So instead the partner would pay small bills like tv, phone, cars, and food.

This is if not married!


Everyone has their own opinion, I help out my husband works damn hard 14 hrs a day 6 day’s a week. I help pay the wifi - water- I don’t need too but If I can would like to help. He does it all I like to get some stress of him. He buys whatever we want we are all spoiled beyond. He doesn’t ask how much it why never has in 14 year’s :heartpulse: I’m so blessed, he was 19 I was 26 now 14 yrs later!!!

All together​:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: there shouldn’t be a difference​:woman_shrugging:t2:


We don’t. We have a joint account and both of our paychecks go into it and I pay bills :woman_shrugging:

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All our money goes in the same account and we just pay our bills.

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My husband and I have split bank accounts. He pays the house payment and I pay the utilities and food. If we have credit cards or car payments we pay our own. If I need help with food for our house, he pays. The house payment is as much as the utilities and food alone so it makes sense. I was with someone before with a shared bank account and he stole all my money and I honestly will never do that again.
My husband and I will always talk about money openly and share money, help each other out if we are struggling. But we believe at the end of the day to keep our money separately. Everyone is different though.


Well if you are living as a family then you would pay as a family either split the bills or if it was like me my significant other made more he paid certain bills then I paid the others and bought all the groceries and household items . You just have to set down and talk about it

My significant other pays the mortgage and I pay for everything else besides us paying for our own car payments, car insurance and things like that. We both pay for thr kids stuff they need
 Both have our own bank accts. His money is his and my money is mine. I can say being together for 8 years, we have never fought or argued over money. I have a daughter from a previous relationship and we have a son together.

Everything should be split down the middle including the big ticket items like the mortgage, insurance, repairs and taxes.

My guy and I pay different bills I pay Netflix he psys Hulu, I pay storage he pays car insurance we split rent 50/50 he Zells me his half of rent plus enough to split other bills that are difficult for hom to pay due to the way his bank account is set up then I pay them. We deceded to split things 50/50 even though he makes nearly 50% more than I do he has more extra money so if some extra expense comes up he pays. That is what works for us.

Homeowner should pay home related maintenance/expenses. Bills are split based on the percentage of income. If 1 makes 100,000 a year and 2 makes 20,000 a year it doesn’t make sense to each pay half down the middle, it’s not fair.

Get a joint account where you each put a percentage, bills groceries etc come out of that. Then you each have a personal account too. I’d also have a joint savings account but that’s me

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From the beginning my FiancĂ© paid 50% of all bills while the house is in my name and we both worked full time. Now, we have a 3 month old and I’m a sahm so he pays most of all the bills. That will change if or once I go back to work we will go back to 50/50. He always takes the stress off my back. Every relationship is different and it just depends on circumstances.

We share an account and everything gets paid. We have a kid together and I have a kid I own the house but the next house we buy will be together (we will use the proceeds form his house)

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Have a purse that each of you put Into 50 percent of your pays. That is the house kitty and pays for everything house related

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I own our home. We have separate accounts. I pay utilities he pays for all the vehicles and insurance and we share the rest.

We mostly do by due date of the bills. We share our income and just communicate what we buy.

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I dunno I just spend both of ours and discuss whats being used, there isnt a his and mine just an ours, not everyones like that but it’s what works for us.

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You spilt 50/50 on all of it.

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If you are a couple sharing a life and a home you have one account to share for all bills. All money goes into that account and all money comes out of that account.


We don’t
we are partners!!!

Put 30% (or whatever percentage works for you) into a joint account and pay all the bills from there. The person with the higher income will be putting in more, but it’s based on a percentage of your income, so it’s fair.

Add everything together split down middle

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My income is higher. I take the mortgage, car insurances, and utilities. My husband handles the groceries and our medical insurance comes out of his check. Our savings takes care of any kind of repairs.

Worrying about who pays how much and what is toxic and unhealthy. It’s only gonna cause resentment and frustration in the long run, and ultimately ruin the relationship. It isn’t logical to expect someone to pay all the expenses just because you’re in a relationship and living together. Everybody needs to contribute even if that means you have to compromise or do something you didn’t want to do
 ultimately, that is marriage. Compromising not because you have to, but because you love the other enough to WANT to. That doesn’t get you off the hook. If you’re not married, whoever owns the house, pays the mortgage and all the house repairs and upkeep that goes with being a homeowner. They took on this responsibility when they signed papers for their loan. That being said, if you’re living there, not paying rent, you absolutely need to pitch in to the other household duties and bills and/or even up to the option of paying monthly “rent” to help offset you and your kids living there. If you contribute to wear and tear of the home, as well as to consumption of food and utilities, you should pay towards all of it. This should’ve been determined BEFORE moving in, so you knew what expectations were beforehand. Sit down and make a household budget. This is what your monthly expenses are. This is the amount you’re willing to give to meet them, and then compromise on the rest. Then make a person budget for your personal expenses. Any vehicle payments should be made by the one who signs the papers and uses the vehicle daily. Any credit card or student loan debt in your name, you pay on your own. Dont expect your boyfriend to take care of all of it like a husband when you’re just a gf. The same goes for him. Dont have wife expectations, from just a gf. Communicate.


We have a shared bank account and pay what needs to be paid when it needs to be paid. We have never done the his/her income. My husband makes double what I do per week but we are a team and it is our.


Never have done the his/her money thing. All the bills get paid first. Then everything else is in a joint account.


All the money goes in to one account first all bills are paid then Groceries are bought and the rest is whatever arises with the children and needs

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We always had a joint account. All money earned went in all expenses /bills came out.
That doesn’t suit everyone of course so why not a third account. A percentage of both incomes paid in each payday to cover all family /house expenses.

get a joint bank account specially for those bills you each put a certain amount in each pay day and the bills are paid from there


My husband pays all at our home. I pay for groceries/ Household stuff. But, I pay for property tax, utilities, insurance etc on our Summer home in Michigan. So it evens out.

I pay the bills from my account. My hubby deposits money into my account.

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My ex and I split the bills 50/50 and I didn’t see the point in not treating his child like my own

It’s just our money. Blended family or not your still family. I mean are you charging him for sex too good grief! Cause from what I take it he owns the home and makes more than you do. You’re a little petty don’t you think?

All income is OURS
All bills are OURS
We are a family, not roommates


My husband owns the house and earns significantly more. He pays the mortgage and we split bills. If one is short the other will help.

I’m all for splitting as a % of income too

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We split everything down the middle


You don’t you pay what you have to pay fuck paying bills

For the first two years in our home, hubby made more than me so he paid the mortgage, cell bill, CC’s, his student loan and his car. I paid all utilities, my car, my loans. We both contribute to anything the kids need. They aren’t his biologically, but they are his and he provides for them. Last year, he got laid off and I got a better job. I took over the mortgage along with everything else I was paying. He continues to pay the other things.

All of this to say, we consistently zelle money to each other’s accounts to help pay whatever needs to be paid. Our home. Our kids. We are a team that handles all household things (including cleaning, laundry, etc) as a team. Nobody has a specific job, we just do it and do it together.


We have all money in one account but we are married and both our names are on our house. If your name is not on the house I wouldn’t use your money to pay the Morgage, repairs to the house or any house related expenses. Unless your name is on the house you have no claim to it so don’t use your money.

Ig it all depends how well you trust your partners. For my hubby and I we have a joint account. All bills come out of that account and anything we need like groceries, gas etc. But then if we have anything big that we need to spend money on we talk about it first. However, I’ve been in situations where I had to keep my money as my money or bills wouldn’t get paid and my kids wouldn’t have what they needed. If that’s situation walk away it’s not worth it.


Whoever owns the home pays for the home. Then you can split electric, cable and groceries. If you split anything the non owner puts towards the home will be a mute point in the end.

Everything is split. Doesn’t matter who owns it. If your gonna live in my house, you eat, sleep and shit here, we’re splitting everything in half. Everything cost money. Water, sewer, electric, cable, gas and etc.

Always had a joint account and all is paid from there. We each have a small account for surprises.