How do you split bills in your house?

It is different for every family. Not sure why one person owning it is an issue. You’d still have to pay to house yourself and your children if you weren’t living together.


Put it all in one bank account and pay bills that way is what we do

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The one who owns the home should pay for all listed in the first part and the one who doesn’t should pay what’s listed in the second part. If you are comfortable with splitting bills usually works out to around the same at-least where I live. My husband and I have a blended family. And we just have a joint account and trade cash back and forth if someone needs it. We don’t have any mine or your things like cars or money we do consider it ours.

  1. Joint bill account. Keep personal accounts for personal usage, but maintaining balance tranfers from each of your perosnal accounts. And If opening a joint account is not an option,
  2. add up all the bills, split them accordingly to both your incomes. For example, rent is $1,500 but utility and house bills are $1,000: have the larger income pay for the rent while the lower income pays for the lower bills. That way each of you have your name on something wether it’s the rent or utility bills.
    And then of course, split groceries, one pays one day and the other one pays the next time. Team effort.

He pays his own bills, I pay my own bills (trucks, phones, credit cards) House is paid off. He buys groceries most of the time, he pays cable/internet. I pay hydro. 3 kids, 1 is his. He’s been apart of the other kids lives since they were 3 and 1, they’re now 17 and almost 15. He considers them his own so he pays for a lot of their things, he pays their sports/activities etc. We don’t pay any taxes on anything.

I have 5 people living in my house, 4 adults and a toddler and my brother in law pays the utilities and me and my sister pay the rent. We all pitch in for groceries. When my sister and her husband and I go to the grocery store we split it half and half. Nothing is one sided in our home. My mom also lives here but we don’t let her pay anything. If she wants to pitch in for household things like toiletries or groceries she can but she’s not obligated as she’s on a fixed income and has little money she gets paid with, monthly.


If it is really a family you do not split the family expenses.

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We just combine our money and bills get paid everything we both have us both ours even our house and vehicles and kids no matter who’s name is on it or who is bio parent we just share everything


I think the right answer is whatever is best for yall you should talk about what both of you are comfortable with make a plan and stick to that

I own the house. He pays for the house and internet bill. I pay the rest of the utilities. We each have our own bills. And we buy food separately.

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Pay what you can and he needs to deal with it. Should be a team effort. My bf pays almost everything except I pay half of house payment to help. However he is old fashion and believes he should take care of me.

I am making these days easily more than $500 per day for doing work online. i got my 3rd payment last month of $16765. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $17463 per month but now i see how it works.


Pay on percentage…if one makes 60% & the other makes 40% then pay the bills that way. Not how we do it…but I feel someone might be anal in the situation presented.

We just pay everything. No split no tally. Teamwork makes the dream work.


My husband and myself split the rent and we each pay a utility and then we each pay for our own credit cards

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We split based on income. Or used to. Both have our own accounts and a joint account for bills.

Say one makes 60k and the other 40k (for easy math). The one making 60 pays 60% and the other 40% of all the bills. Doesn’t matter if one owns or the rent together they still need to pay rent.

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You are all living as a blended family
All the household expenses (mortgage/rent gas, water , electricity, food , internet, paid tv household insurance)
Should be split between you both
But you should be responsible for your own cars and any expenses that come with that
The kids are a joint responsibility


Joint bank account and pay from there… No need to complicate a ‘partnership’.


It is split in half. Our incomes are pretty much equal. He tend to get the bill if we go out to eat and such though. Even with the kids. But if something unexpected comes up like an unexpected bill that is considerably large every once in a while I will say just get your half to me next week or when you can. He is good about catching up and we are great about keeping it even and fair.

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Split bills based on percentage of incomes if one is higher earner and include all associated costs of all bills. Share division of home duties, equally.
If blending families and one parent earns more than the other, it is important that you both agree to set amounts for birthdays ect… you need to treat all the children the same in terms of expenses and chores. If you do not… any child that has more spent on them or does not do chores… it will create a hierarchy in your home and cause unpleasant experiences in the family. Love your children together and similarly. Favoritism is not healthy and causes difficulties.
If either of you do not love each others children, it will not work. You may have differences, those are worked on and through… love to all is so important.
Family is family. You are a family. Remember this. Everything needs to be carefully considered, respected and looked at with an open heart and mind. If you can approach it like this, you’ll have one of life’s most rewarding experiences :heart:


If it your house you pay the mortgage, insurance and repairs unless they cause the damage. When it comes to household needs, groceries and all utilities you split everythhing 50/50 because everyone is benefiting from all of it.


You talk to your man and come up with a plan and come to agreement that is fair to both partners


My friend moved in with his GF and he paid her entire house payment, all of their entertainment , trips. She made more and he was gone M - F…

As even as possible. If you put it all in one pot or not. As fairly as you can. Please have a spreadsheet with all income and expenses laid out.

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We just combine our money and bills get paid everything. I work and he works and after 12 years together we don’t split anything just take care of it all together. Work great for us and have not been an issue


What works for everyone may not work for you. Sit down, talk and come up with something that works for the both of you

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We just both make money and the bills come out. When he wants something he buys it. If I want something I buy it :smile: really no complications here.


We don’t split the bills. We just pay them. All money goes together and the bills get paid, then we buy the food. New are a team.


this should all be discussed and settled before moving in together or it will always be an issue and put stress on the relationship and the children.

Owner pays for repairs/insurance. Both pay mortgage & food bills etc.

Number one I would move the one that’s got the house and paying all the utilities and gas and electric or whatever that stupid on your part so if she can’t pay half of the bills there move her out everybody’s got to share

First, when your in a blended family each other’s child should never be considered as “their parents owning them” as a blended family myself my daughter was my husband daughter as well. He never even once stated this was my step daughter it was his daughter.
All our money was always combined and things were just taken care of, bills paid food bought things bought. Because we was a family, never mattered who made more, who’s name was on what

Are you roommates or partners? Roommates split the bills but partners do it together.

I pay the utilities: electric, water, trash, internet. He pays everything else and takes care of home repairs and such. I make less than half of what he makes.