How do you tell another woman her husband cheated?

HI, i am trying to figure out how to tell a woman that her husband I worked with has cheated on her not once but twice in the last two years. Do you reach out to facebooks personal accounts to do this?? I don’t really know the woman, but i would like her to know the truth


That is so tough. But there is no easy way to do this. best to just rip off the bandaid

I would mind my own buisness


Whatever you do be prepared for fallout. Your butting into a messy situation and you may get burned. That’s all I gotta say.


I would first ask do you have any evidence? If not then either get some or leave it alone because you need to be able to back what you are saying.


If u have actual proof send info anonymously. If u know her well and know their marriage…tell. if not them mind the biz that pays you.


Stay outta their business. It has nothing to do with you!!!

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I wouldn’t even get into it if you don’t know her plus you work with the guy? You are putting your job at risk. To be honest she probably already knows or will find out soon.

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I get that cheating is despicable, but why would you insert yourself into somebody else’s relationship?


I married a horrible cheater. Please find a way to tell her. She needs to know. I wish someone had told me rather than wasting years on a vile man. I had to find out after he even had another baby with someone!


Is he cheating WITH you, but won’t leave his WIFE,and now you wanna expose your coworker?


Yes, tell her. Nothing worse then others knowing and her being made to look like a fool in the end. I was that wife who was the last one to know and it was devastating…be gentle about it, but do it.


Yes, she needs to know. You have no idea if she is in a domestic violence situation at home, to keep the truth hidden. We have to look after our sisters, regardless of the fallout. If you can do so anonymously even better.


People saying to leave it alone and dont tell her probably have never been cheated on ( not that they know of)


Everyone saying mind yo business… maybe it is her business maybe she is the other women… maybe she didn’t know about the wife at first


Anomalous letter would work but make sure that you are certain or else you could be ruining lives. If you are sure she deserves to know.

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I’d want to know. I’d hate being cheated on and looking like a fool if someone else knew something I didn’t.


Its none of your business


Its her business as she knows. And def tell her. Who cares how just do it. Poor woman!


Yes you can send her a message on facebook messenger.
I would :100: tell her, what she does afterwards is her own business but she needs to know her husband is a dog.


You keep your nose in your business and out of theirs. That’s how you handle that…its not your story to tell


I would love to know if it was me


Some of you saying keep your nose out… Wouldn’t you want to know if it was you?!!


You could, I dunno, mind your own business maybe. Try that. I bet it works out for ya.:roll_eyes:


Get all your ducks in a row concrete evidence is always good and yes tell her. How would you feel if it was you


I wouldnt tell her through message. Ask her to meet up with you youd like to talk to her. All i can say is have proof cuz no woman wants to believe the on they love is cheating.


It’s sad how many women are being rude and telling her to mind her business, but I’m sure you’d be like “well why didn’t you tell me blah blah blah :sob::sob:” if it was your husbands. :woman_facepalming: tell that woman. Rather she believes you or not, atleast you tried to do the right thing.


Imo, find out how to contact her :woman_shrugging:t3:

I’d rather find out, and talk with my partner about it vs being lied to.

Can do it on fb, or anonymously!

But please please be 10000% sure (I’m assuming it’s not you but someone else you both work with), if it is true, make sure you have proof (a lot of humans need to see the proof to truly believe you now a days :roll_eyes:).

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Be careful :woman_facepalming:t4: ive learnt… women get so defensive and blame it on you :flushed:
Id wanna know tho :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Im wondering if the poster is the woman hes cheated with, things arnt going the way she would like so now she wants to spill beans? Just another perspective maybe.


Why would you tell her? What’s your motive? It’s non of your business, maybe they have an open marriage. If not and he’s cheating the truth will come out, why would you want to get involved.


How do you know that she doesn’t already know and chooses not to do anything at the moment ???


I’d make sure I have some evidence and reach out to her. Us women need to stick together.

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If you don’t have proof, don’t say anything

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Mine your own business. That’s what you need to do.


All the ones saying “mind your business” are the ones who will have sex with married men. Carry on, find that lady and tell her. Whatever the outcome is, atleast you did your part.


You barely know the woman yet you’re ready to blow up her whole world! I hope you have concrete proof and not overheard conversations, second hand information?? Before you do anything, you need to make sure you can prove without a doubt that he is actually cheating, telling her what you saw and expect her to believe you over her husband isn’t going to work. I’d be more inclined to present your proof to him and say that he needs to come clean or you’ll do it? If you barely know them then they will tell you to mind your business


Mind it. U dont know what you could be getting yourself into. You could get yourself hurt. And u dont know her personally? Just work with her husband… I wouldnt risk it

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It’s dangerous. People can be vindictive. I’d want to know for sure but there’s people out there who would kill you for telling on them. I’d do it anonymously.


Hell yeah let her know. Scumbag!!!

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How do you know if he has cheated or is just gossip. J you lk dent say anything unless you are 100% sure

Why all this twice? You got so many comments on your other post answering the question.

Make a fake Facebook and message with events and proof


I can tell you from personal experience to leave it be unless you have concrete proof meaning a text message, hotel receipts, or pictures. If you do not, walk away and leave it alone. You will cause her more misery without proof as it will be your word against his and I’m sure he has years of practice lying to her.


You mind your own business

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The messenger always gets shot.


She probably already knows.

Mind your own business :smirk:

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Mind your business…

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If I was said women I would defo want to know tho no matter how hard it is. U will have to be prepared for the backlash tho. If u make a fake account will she even believe u also its just more lies. Just be upfront honest, say your bit and its down to her if she thanks you for it or hates you for it. Make sure you definatly know the facts 1st tho as it’s likely she will want proof. If u rnt 100% or have proof then it’s not ur palce to say n e thing especially hiding behind a fake profile.


Are you the one he cheated with? :thinking:


Mind your own damn business

Tell her, whether she believes it or not she deserves to know. I reckon all the people saying to mind your business are people who have been the other woman.


I’ve been there twice, and I sure as hell won’t be the one to be messenger again. Smh.
People seriously don’t appreciate the notice and cause issues with you one way or another.

A year or more later, those two people I’ve told, have apologized to me and ended up divorced.
But still, it’s the fact that my cousin and a friend had ruined us being close bc they didn’t bother to check it all out first before having an attitude.

If you no longer work with the dude and don’t know the women,
Just leave it be.
Karma will get him.

Don’t put yourself in any possible situation that could make things bad for you. :confused::woman_shrugging:t2:


Stay out of it… it’s none of your business. You will make her so unhappy and depressed for something that might not even be true.

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Don’t get involved, could get very messy and you will end up the bad guy in the end. Resulting in losing your job. Not your monkeys, not your circus

Everyone saying mind your own business :roll_eyes: Eww.

No, you just tell her and what she does with the info is then on her. The majority of people would want to know if they’re being cheated on. 🤦🤷🏻


Mind ya own business.


Wow all this mind your own business is funny I’d like someone to tell me if it happens.


Most problems are started with people that can’t mind their own business & stay in their lane.


Probably best to keep ur nose out of it - not like u are good pals with her, u said u don’t really know her - nobody likes a gossip busy body!!!

Yeah I’d prefer to be told. I wouldn’t react immature about it, I would ask more questions. Yeah people backlash but I literally would say “what do I have to gain from telling you a lie? I just wanted to let you know”. once information is told then it’s up to the woman to decide what they want to do next.
Everyone easily just wants to turn a blind eye. Hell I confronted a cheater, ended up telling her bf. He thanked me & moved on with his life. He didn’t lash out at me. I hate when people are being played.


Reach out on facebook and ask if u can call her


Mind your own business, you don’t want to break up her home


If my husband cheats i wouls want someone to tell me


I would reach out to the personal account of just the wife, either way its going to suck but it should be done honestly

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Yikes. Maybe stay out of it. I don’t know that’s a tough one. I’ll wait for other people to comment

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Girl tell her. No Woman deserves to be cheated on. Don’t let this poor woman walk around clueless


I would also reach out, mainly because if it was me I would want to know!good luck


Reach out to her personal account, maybe have evidence just incase things go sideways.

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I’d make a fake FB so it’s not traced to you and send all you know.


You dont!! At the end of the day she may stay and you make look like the bad person eventhough you were just trying help!


I’d want to be told. Reach out to her directly.


I would make sure you are 100% certain.

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Don’t do it!
You are a stranger to her and giving her life altering information.
If it was a true friend or family member… maybe… but even then, those situations have turned out bad.
But thank you for having a caring heart.


U can tell her … but there’s a chance she won’t believe you. It’s harder to call but I would try to call and not just message her


I would just mind my own business. You don’t know all the circumstances… May be she is cheating on him too.


You don’t. It never ends well. If you have proof send anonymously


You don’t even know her. Mind your own business!


I told my ex wife she is still with him


This is tough because sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth. If you have proof or are the other woman, then tell her. I don’t think it matters how you reach her but privately is best.

Tell her in person. She’s really going to need support.

Don’t do it- she won’t believe you- he will twist the truth and you will have unnecessary drama in your life!


Every woman should know if their s/o is cheating


Wait how would you know???


Send it anonymously! What ever happened to girls looking out for each other?
I’d wanna know.


You don’t. Never ends well.


Let her know I had it done to me mine did it several times and once wt my best friend and she came an told me I divorced him

You don’t you mind your own business just like they tell you at work to leave your personal life at home you leave your work stuff at work because at the end of the day you will look bad


I’d want to know if it were me. Facebook is a pretty solid way to do it. If you want to be anonymous, make a fake account and deactivate right away. However, if you do that route, you’ll really need to prove it. Be very detailed with damning info so he can’t pretend that it’s a scammer profile.

The people saying to mind your own business are probably the type who want to get away with cheating. So, if you want to do it, just do it. You’re doing her a favor.


Mind your own business. What if she goes and offs herself after you tell her potential life ruining news? She could be fragile mentally. Stay out of other peoples lives please and thank you


When my now ex cheated she messaged me on fb and told me! Although i forgave him and stayed with him another nearly 6 maybe 7 years i was thankful she told me d


I wouldn’t want to know. Let me live my fairy tail. If I find out on my own then okay. What I don’t know won’t hurt me :woman_shrugging:t2: if it was a friend I would tel her cause I know my friend and what she would want. You don’t know these people. I’d just mind your own business but that’s my opinion


Just message her, I was messaged about my cheating ex husband, and she answered my questions that proved she knew him etc. I thanked her after and I appreciated it, now he’s an ex for a reason


This is giving me a weird vibe. How does this person know the husband cheated twice in 2 years? This is giving me the feeling that this person is the one the guy cheated with. I could be wrong but something is off here.


Don’t listen to these people about “staying” out of it. Because it’s “not your business” TELL HER. If she doesn’t believe you, or if she ends up staying with the guy then at least you tried and there’s nothing else you coulda done. It would be on her if she chooses to be in denial about it. I personally would want to know. Because eventually you’ll find out, and it’s only gonna hurt more with the years added.


What’s the real.reason behind this? Why do u NOW want to tell.the wife after there was a 2nd time??!


Never get between a dog and its bone it could devastate her so badly it could lead to something traumatic if you don’t know her personally don’t get involved I know as a sisterhood of women some few obligated to let it all be known but the pain and the sorrow that can be caused from this if something that would be on your conscience


Don’t tell her. Mind your own business and don’t get involved. You will get all the blowback.

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Not your circus not you monkey​:running_woman::running_woman: