How honest should I be with my children about where babies come from?

I lol because they are so curious they want to watch videos lol. If you don’t show them some way some how they are going to find it on the internet. I don’t have any advice except to comment on how cute kids are and how parents through the centuries have to deal with this subject lol

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My girls 7 and 8 was curious as well. I was pregnant last yr with my now 1month old son so the curiosity turned into persistence so we used good old YouTube. I showed them a video of a c section and a vaginal birth. Now both my daughters are so in love with birthing videos. They cant believe that mummy’s go through so much pain and the entire process. My 7 yr old watched the video over and over till she was satisfied. They’re brave kids so I knew they would be okay when I showed them. It’s up to u mama. If u think they are ready then go right ahead and show em


I’ve always told my children everything. Correct terms, etc. Its just biology, everyone has the same parts, I don’t see why so many parents still clutch their pearls when it comes to reproduction. When I had our son, my kids were 9, 7, and 5 and they did just fine. He was the first boy amongst girls and I breastfed so they had lots of questions daily, I just answered them honestly. Now, my two stepdaughters mother did not care for it. But she hasn’t talked to them about any of it; if not for me, they would know nothing. I also got them a book about what new babies need and how to be big sisters.


First. Teach them basic anatomy. They aren’t gonna understand any if it until you do that. “Front bottom”? No honey.


Use correct terminology. My husband had a cousin that still called her vagina her ‘kitty’ when she was 20 years old, and she had her first child at 18. It was ridiculous. You don’t have to teach them about sex, but using the basic facts with the correct terminology will give her a general knowledge of how a baby is made, and you’re being informative without sexualizing it. Even saying that a baby is born through a “birth canal between their mother’s legs” would be better than saying a “front bottom”.

I teach my kids real names of things to start with. So now they know babies are born from womens viginas and yes its very painful thats why we go to hospitals to have babies generally. Just be real with them


My 4yo knows already lol. She also knows the name of the vagina no nicknames for me. I have not gone into any detail about sex though, but as far as birth she knows. It’s natural and nothing to be embarrassed or weirded about to talk to your children with imho

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Mine have been asking alll the questions to… I tell them the NATURAL truth. They are 7 and 4 hate if ya want🤷🏼‍♀️


My kids (son-9; daughter-4) both know exactly where babies come from. They don’t know how their made tho. They also know the correct and proper names for their genital areas. It’s nothing weird. It’s nothing sexual. It’s the human body and it’s a beautiful thing.

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Tell the truth but break it down in a manner that is age appropriate. We need to stop lying to our kids. They are smarter than we think. I’d rather they find out from me than someone else

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First off I wouldn’t call any body part a front bottom. That’s just confusing. Use proper names for body parts. As far as telling them at that age, I’d just say a baby grows in a mama’s belly until it’s time to be born and then a dr helps her get the baby out. If they aren’t satisfied with that I’d give a more detailed, yet age appropriate explanation using the correct terms.


I told my kids from the time they could ask the absolute truth at an age appropriate level. We dont sugar coat or lie to our children about body functions or anatomy. We don’t use cute names, we call body parts by their names. Doing anything else causes confusion. I showed my 6 year old every birthing video I could find when I was pregnant with her brother, including c sections. They have both seen videos that show gestation from the moment of conception to birth. Always be honest with children. They can handle it.

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be honest!!! and use the correct anatomy terms! your daughter could be starting her period sooner than you think and deserves to know the truth about her body so she isn’t scarred when her period shows up… the more you are honest about it with them, then they won’t go searching for the information on their own (and end up misinformed)


“Front bottom”. Teach your children the correct names for all of their bits and pieces. It’s extremely important. I choose to be honest with my child with language that she understands . It’s easier to tell them the truth at the start, rather than some weird story that will have to be corrected as they get older.


100% honest. I don’t understand why people question this. Use age appropriate facts and words, but there’s nothing wrong with being 100% honest about where babies come from. If not, you’ll end up with a 15 year old giving birth because she didn’t think she could get pregnant because he just put the tip in. And yes, that actually happened. :woman_facepalming:t2:


…front bottom? Vagina. It’s called a vagina. Yes. Teach your children more.

I haven’t read but a couple of these comments but I would say if at that age they are starting to ask questions like that they are going to be asking more difficult questions that you are going to need to tell them. Kids will ask others and find out the hard way so you need to be as open as you can.

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be honest and also use the correct wording for body parts!!! vagina is not a bad word. I don’t need some sick perv touching a child’s “cookie” and them speak up about it and people don’t understand that she is really talking about her Vagina!!! GET IT TOGETHER PARENTS!

My daughter learned everything about sex in 3rd grade unfortunately. I told them no at the school and they taught her anyway. She told me way more than I wanted to know. So, when she asked, I was very honest with her. She’s 13 now and it has actually brought us closer as since we have had many talks about it and the way she asks questions, I have total trust in her to wait.

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I knew a girl in school that got pregnant at 12 so I vote pretty honest.


Just tell them that they were a gift from Jesus Christ that was given to you and your husband

It’s all biology :woman_shrugging:t2: there’s nothing blasphemous about pregnancy and birth…I wouldn’t describe the positions they were conceived in, but that’s probably about it!

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My kids 10 girl, 6 boy and 3 girl know that girls have a vagina and boys have a penis and that babies come out of a womans vagina they will always get honest and truthful answers from me no matter what the question. Ask yourself if it’s not you teaching them then who could they possibly be learning these things from.

Front bottom🤦‍♀️ just be honest. I would rather my kids hear it from me first.

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They don’t need to see videos of babies being born, that is way too much information for 7 and 8 year old. just explain it as much as you want and then say that’s all you need to know for now. Keep it age appropriate.

They don’t need to see videos. Just explain. Tell the truth.

Tell the truth? And please never say ‘front bottom’ again…its a VAGINA, its not a curse word babe

My two didn’t come out my front bottom. But the sunroof lol :joy:


There’s books that help
Explain it as well, check amazon!

You can buy educational books that explain it in a very child friendly way. A YouTuber I watch Jesssfam recently bought some online and featured them in a video as her little boy was asking questions.

My kids know it all. From sex to birth

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My innocent 9 year old said to me today ‘try not to vomit or ul vomit baby out!’ :joy:

Probably no videos but no harm in telling them. Lol I told my 3 year old daddy gave me a baby and now it has to grow and that when he’s big enough they will take him out of my stomach (csection) I’ll tell him more when he’s older haha

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Just throw some one born every minute on and they’ll learn what they learn.:joy:

a front bottom?! You mean a VAGINA? it’s only awkward if you let it be, it’s basic human anatomy. You can leave out the sex part and just begin with “when a woman decides to have a baby…” go from fetus to birth and leave the rest out if you don’t want to explain sex yet but please use proper words for anatomy

Front bottom? Really. You can say vagina & vulva. Just tell them. They’re going to find out sooner or later. Don’t make it funny or call body parts what they aren’t. You have a daughter. I’d start by telling her what a period is & lead into the baby thing because it goes hand in hand.
You’re the one making it awkward. They want to know because they asked.
My 12 year old stepson asked why I didn’t push the baby like his mom did? So I explained what a c-section was. At the end of that conversation he said “that sounds like way too much work & I wouldn’t be walking either.”
If they’re asking, they have an idea & they want to know. 7 & 8 years old aren’t dumb. They can handle things like this.

There’s a book and a cartoon film that I think can be found on YouTube. That’s how I learned, and how I taught my daughter when she asked while I was pregnant with her brother. It tells everything and shows it all in a kid friendly manner. It’s called “Where did I come from”

Conception to birth -- visualized | Alexander Tsiaras - YouTube. You can show them this and fill in the blanks like… woman have eggs and men have sperm… once you hit puberty when your a teen, hormone release them. Teaching moment for periods.

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With my 3rd baby my older 2 were 5 and 9. I kept the conception part pretty minimal details. Once I started explaining the baby growing, and showed them some videos of 3d ultrasounds thru out pregnancy, they were enthralled in the baby more than how the baby got there. I kept them informed, every week we’d watch a video on what’s new in development with baby, I taught them about some basic complications, complications I had, what could happen as we go. Practiced baby care, got them things that’s was their own to use with baby.
It’s hard when they’re so young as you dont want to confuse them, especially about conception/sex. But it’s better they hear the truth and correct anatomical terms from you than some kid at school.

I have a 9, 8, 7, 5 and 3 year old and i am 36 weeks preg with baby #6. When we found out I was pregnant, we of course told our kiddos first. My oldest has always loved being involved with the pregnancies and births of her siblings, but we limited somethings. Well this time my 8 year old (she has no chill factor or filter) asks me “how do they get the baby out of you?”
After thinking about it for a minute i just said “well, after my body gets ready i have to push the baby out and the doctor is there to make sure everything goes like it is suppose to.” She jumped right back with “but where does it come out?” So I told them it comes out our girly parts" i thought she was freak, but she didn’t. It was just my girls that were asking (9,8,5 year olds). They were pretty chill about it, asking if it hurt and if I could take medicine to make it not hurt so much. That was it. I didn’t show them videos but my oldest found a baby story on tv and they watched it. It didn’t show anything really, but enough that they got the idea. They were very curious as to why the baby was “messy” when it came out lol… I would say it is up to you because they are you kiddos. You will know what is too much info for them and what they can handle. I suggest watching any video before them to make sure you are comfortable with them seeing it.

First, They should definitely know the real words for their privates. Second… Maybe try to find a video that isn’t so graphic, maybe shows the mom’s pov. But if they are asking, it’s better to tell the truth than to sugar coat it. Maybe it’ll scare them into waiting to have kids. shoooot i know I was.

My son knew since he was 4 he came out my vagina. He knows how babies are born I was vague on ow they get in there though told him when two people fall in love, they get married, after a while they hugs tight and god blesses them with a baby (he is 7 and ASD) SO no details needed atm

i’d be honest. it’s a beautiful thing. it’s how they came into the world and there’s nothing wrong with it. i’d definitely use proper terms at the least

Usually when my kids are too young for something I tell them that and they’re ok. “You’re too young to understand this right now maybe we can talk about it when you’re a bit older”

My daughter knows just about everything except hasn’t asked about how I got pregnant yet. She was in the room with me when my water was broken with my youngest and saw a lot of the stuff going on.

With this day and age kids in school learn about it early from peers. Better you explain it than another kid. I’d start out with showing an animal giving birth. That’s how I learned. Grew up around ranch animals kind of hard not to know what’s going on.

I let mine know exactly where they came from that way if anyone ever touched them inappropriately they could tell me and whoever else they need to exactly what happened where.

It is fine to call if your vagina, it’s not dirty, its factual & they need to know human anatomy. I tell my kids the truth about where they come from but I dont go in to horrific detail (like complications etc).

My 10 year old kept asking me so I finally told her. I explained it as she appropriate as I could of course. Her response (with a shocked looked on her face) “I’m adopting” :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

It isnt too much for them to handle. Mine have always knows since they were little bitty. Its natural and ahould be explained to all kids.

My just turned 9 year old was in the delivery room when his brother was born. It was more like a biology lesson with dad commentating on what was going on not much support for me but he wasn’t traumatised by it. A few years on he learnt how the baby got in there no by watching lol and now as a teenager knows not only how much work and sacrifice baby’s r but what a woman goes through to give birth and bet he’s not going to be a teen dad. Life is messy life is painful but better the child/teen whose educated about where their choices can lead them

Just be honest, it’s better than telling them some lie. Mommy and Daddy love each other very much, and when 2 people love each other sometimes they make a baby together. You don’t have to indulge all the details yet lol

I Defos would not show any child a video of a woman giving birth … that’s traumatising enough for an adult to watch !


So tell them? And please use the correct term for genitals. It’s vagina. Not “front bottom”


They’re old enough to know correct terminology and how everything works. They dont need more or less than that. My general rule of thumb is they’re ready when they’re the ones asking questions.


I wouldn’t show videos that actually show a head coming out of the vagina but if it stays away from that angle I would. My 3 yr old and 4 yr old have been told where babies come out of :woman_shrugging:t3: why lie? It’s just life. Just be honest and say things in terms they understand. They even know about c sections. I told them sometimes babies are cut out of a mommy’s belly


by the ages of 7 and 8, you’ve hopefully taught them about their own bodies enough to know if someone else touches them, they need to speak to you. I found using the clinical words helped, not things like ‘wee wee, cooch’ or other silly nicknames.


Yeah I’m the type that’s an open book I dont go into how they are made but as far as the pregnancy and birth go I tell all. Birth is natural and nothing to fear. My 3 year old watches birth videos with me and thinks they are beautiful. It’s all about how irs viewed though. I aspire to be a doula/birth worker so birth intrigues me and I view it as part of life and something that sould be taught by parents not by schools or friends.


My mom gave me the info when I was 7. Use correct terminology and encourage them to ask questions. I wouldn’t go as far as showing them a video of a woman giving birth though. But if you can find a good anatomy book for reference, it’ll help a bit


I told my daughter that the come out of your vagina or they are taken out by c sectuon i explained what happens and she took it quiet well havent told her how they are made yet thank god she hasent asked just yet but honesty is the best way and i use the right names to


I would explain it using automatically correct terms and let them know when they are older they can see how, but they dont need to see a video now.

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Be honest. Women have a vagina, men have a penis. Babies come from mommies vagina. I have always referred to both my sons genitals exactly as they are. Their penis. That way, god forbid, should they ever be in a situation that they need to tell me what is going on with their body, they can give me an exact name of what body part.


My mother told me that if you’re old enough to ask, you’re old enough to know the truth. She told me everything then brought up a documentary showing gestation and birth. Turned out it was the same video shown in Health class in high school. There’s no need to hide it.


You 100% should be using correct terminology. I wouldn’t show videos but I would absolutely explain the process. It’s natural and shouldn’t be taboo. Saying things like “front bottom” is asinine and it confuses them. You’re making it taboo.


so there’s a book called “The Story of Me” and it has a sequel called “Before I Was Born” that handled this really clearly but delicately. they get progressively more in depth from one to the next.
there’s religious undertones, (references to “God’s Design”) so if that’s not your jam it may not be the way to go, but they’re really well done books that meet the awkwardness head on. i read them with my two boys and honestly it was so much more painless than i expected. (on their end, i was low-key panicking the entire time, lol)
i will say, the earlier you get into it with them, the more “this is simply how it is” it will be, and the longer you let it go, the more shell-shocked they’ll be. if they’re asking questions, answer them clearly, honestly, and factually. but you don’t need to volunteer any unasked for info.

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My 4 year old knows babies grow in mommy’s tummy and come out of her girly parts. She also knows that’s daddy has to plant a special seed

I told the truth, babies grow in the belly and when they are born, they come out of the vagina,

My kids and I watch live birth videos on YouTube they are 8 and 5 now. But Dr. Sears has a great book called baby on the way. My kids know that babies grow in a uterus and come out of the vagina. They have these parts and should know the names

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Everyone is outraged that this woman called a vagina a “front bottom”. She can call it whatever she wants to HER children. Jesus


Im honest and use proper words. They started sex ed last year in school so had questions…i figured Id rather tell them whats up than their friends.

My kids haven’t asked yet. I’m almost sad. My oldest is ten. Tell it like it is and answer the questions honestly. There is nothing wrong with how a child is made and there’s nothing wrong with how they’re brought into this world. Both are very beautiful things. The sex part could definitely be left out until age appropriate for your household. But down to the nitty gritty, if you’re not ashamed or embarrassed about how you conceived a child then don’t be confused or embarrassed about explaining it.

Ummm…all the way honest. Just put it at an age appropriate level

Mine have seen videos and know babies come from a girls privates they no its a vagina but prefer fufi or some times the ladies tummy. I’m not one for lying too them if they ask I tell them ( apart from my daughter asking what sex is I tell her when she’s older wel talk about it) they are 8 and 6. X

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100% honest. There is an awesome page on IG called empowered birth project that has all things birth. I watch videos with my girls and they are 5 & 3, they love it. I think it’s soooo important to show boys and girls what real labor and birth looks like, not what they see on tv… birth is normal and beautiful. If I had a boy I would want him to see so when he becomes a dad he isn’t scared to be a part of it and my girls to know their bodies are made for this and they can do it. Plus it’s great way to start the sex conversations, the last thing you want is your kids learning about sex from porn and even at their age it’s very possible they could see it…

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Why would you tell them it comes out of a front bottom? It comes out of our vagina. Telling children incorrect information is wrong and can make it more difficult for them to relay information if they are abused. And if they are old enough to ask the question then they are old enough for honest answers. There are plenty of great videos about conception and child birth. Watch it with them and pause to answer any questions they may have. We have to stop making human anatomy and body functions shameful.

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I’d start by using the correct names for body parts. Then yes, explain in an age appropriate way.

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I knew where and how babies came from since i was 2💁 i mean my mother explained it differently of course “baby comes out of a mommies vagina” we all knew the proper names of our genitals when we were 2 to 3. “babies are made when daddy and mommy have love time” never called it sex never taught us sex until we were a little older of course.
I plan on and teaching my children to where they can understand like my mother did to us. Its really how comfortable you are- if youre not but you dont mind their teacher educating them ask their teacher- ask your best friend- ask your parents. Its never a bad thing to answer questions like these- their children theyre curious and their minds are starving for education :blush:

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I dont see a problem with telling them. Personally, I dont even want to see a video of it even if it isnt graphic, and I’m about to have my second baby in less than 2 weeks. So, I wouldn’t make anyone watch that. That’s me though.

My 7 yr old knows everything. My 2 yr old will when she asks
Why lie 🤷

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Use real names for thing. Not down there. If you are uncomfortable showing them a woman giving birth, find a video of a cat or dog. Tell them it works the same with humans.

That’s so tricky. I’m sure your kids are tech savvy so if you don’t tell them, they’ll just look it up!

Show them nature videos of animals giving birth? :man_shrugging:. They’ll connect it to humans.

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Be honest and open. They will get the information from someone/somewhere. U don’t want them getting too much or wrong information. It may be uncomfortable but they r old enough to hear words like vagina.

Be open and upfront I was with my daughter and we also watched one born every min together

My little boy he’s 5 and asked the question I am 9 months pregant! We say we wished for him and sometimes it happens and plants in mummy’s belly he hasn’t asked how they get out but he thinks we lay an egg :crazy_face: I wouldn’t show videos unless you want to mentally scare them haa and you :joy: but my boy knows the correct body part names :slightly_smiling_face:

My 5 year old asks me questions like that because I’m currently pregnant. I give him a few “safe” answers, nothing too descriptive, and anything I feel isn’t age appropriate, which is a lot given his age, I just tell him I’ll tell him when he’s older

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I wouldn’t show videos at that age but I believe they should know the truth and especially the correct terminology. If kids don’t know correct terms they can’t tell you when something is wrong and where. And if you don’t tell them when they are curious they will find someone who will. Probably other kids who don’t have the whole story either. Tell them the truth.

My mom was always very forward and open with me and my brother. She used correct names and anything we asked she answered honestly. Which I intend to do with my daughter. By doing that you keep things open in a way that your child then feels comfortable talking to you about anything. Refer to a body part as anything other than what it is is ridiculous to me. My mom sat me down and showed me a documentary on pregnancy. And also a video of child birth at 9. And when my daughter comes to me asking questions I fully intend to be the same way.

Be honest. Very honest. Don’t Nick name parts, and it’s a good time to talk about respect and boundaries for others.

My four year old knows. He’s smart and not grossed out by things. He gets excited when he learns about stuff. I don’t shelter him and boy if he smart🤷🏻‍♀️

Omg. No. Do not show them videos that’s way too graphic for little kids. Explain in Ana he appropriate way but don’t show them lol.

Show them Birth Unscripted videos on youtube or Facebook if you want to show videos. They are so beautiful!

I believe in being an open book (age appropriate of course) The only things I lie to my kids about is Santa lol

The way i see it they wouldnt have asked if it wasn’t something they have been thinking about. I would answer all their questions to the best of my ability (using proper names like penis, vagina, cervix). My veiw is that as a kid it is SCARY to open up and ask an adult a question. I mean think about it, some parents just start yelling at their kids if they ask something wrong. Its scary to ask a grown up about something. So if they have asked its probably because they have had it bumping around in thwir head for quite a while. Kids will almpst never ask about something they arent ready for. The issue is that the PARENTS aren’t ready in most cases and dont give kids the answers they needs because THE PARENTS feel uncomfortable. Answer their question to the best of your ability. If you need to look up a sexual education site. If you want showing them a birth video probably isnt the worst thing in the wprld but that os based on your discretion and whether you think your kids are mature enough for that. Always give your kids information. They ask bc they want and need to know. If they ask they are ready. TELL THEM.

I dont understand why people lie and dumb it down. They are humans, they can handle simple knowledge such as “Babies come from a womans vagina”. Stop calling it a front butt :woman_facepalming:, its a vagina. You can always explain things to children without saying “your in pain for hours, your vagina rips in half, blood everywhere, baby comes out screaming”. Be smart, dont hide things from them.


My daughter is 5. She asked the question, I answered it honestly, glossing over the process as a whole. But giving enough info that she felt informed. I also taught her it’s a personal subject in families, and not everyone is mature enough to know, so we dont share the info with other kiddos. But when she has more questions, she should come to me or my husband

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Tell the truth. Be honest. Mine knew from age 4, age appropriate, but knew the truth.

For goodness sakes take them to a dairy farm or a place they can see animals actually give birth. Tell them that is the same with humans except the mom doesn’t lick the baby or eat the afterbirth. It will also serve as a lesson to avoid sex.

Call it a vagina :roll_eyes: front bottom is so ridiculous. Use the proper terms and be honest but not overly graphic. You’re way more embarrassed than they will be they have a healthy curiosity and deserve to hear the truth. Better they get accurate information from you than nonsense from a kid at school. Plus this then gives you the opportunity to show them that you can have important discussions like this and they will feel comfortable coming to you in the future about other important information instead of hiding it from you

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My 4 year olds know they come out of a vagina. It’s normal and natural. I skipped the male part but I see no reason for her not to know. She’s seen births on tv. Call the midwife ect.