My kids are 10yrs apart
My son is now 11 and my daughter will be 1 in 3 months they have an awesome relationship he loves his little sister and she loves her big brother she follows him everywhere. I feel what helped us was we made him part of everything baby cloths shopping , everything he also took a picture announcing that he was becoming a big brother I think that helped us a lot. Also I always make time for him mommy and son time/dad and son time he talks to me and with dad is movies and the barber shop. I also let him know that if he feels that I’m ignoring him to let me know
My kids are 6, 8 and 10 years apart from my first They love each other.
My eldest and youngest are 9yrs apart and the love truly is there. 7months later when she was 10 her dad and his wife had a baby. So she’s got two sisters less than a year apart. She loves them both.
Mine are 13 years apart. I love it. He helps so much and plays with her all the time.
My 2 oldest girls are 8 years older than their younger sister and they’re fine. I don’t think they’ll be super close because of the age gap but they adore her and help us out a lot with her.
I have 2 boys 9 years apart. My older son is very jealous and a times has said he hates the baby. But when he talks to his brother or interacts with him he is so sweet. Which leads me to believe that my older son is just trying to get a reaction out of me. I have been focusing on me and my older one having one on one time. It’s been a struggle but I think it will pass with time.
I just had twins and my son is 12, he loves them!
Theres 22 years between be n my youngest sister
My brother and i are 9 yrs apart. I got to know him better when he went to college.
My children are 8 years apart and honestly it’s a blessing for me. No rivalry.
Mine are 10 years apart, daughter is 11, son is 19months. She has been an amazing big sister. I was so worried that she would become jealous or start playing up as she doesn’t have our sole attention anymore, but she has handled it so well and I’m so proud of her. I know they will be very close as they grow together regardless of their age difference.
My youngest sister is 9 years younger than me and we are close and always have been.
I’m the youngest of 2 sisters. They are 22 and 24 years older than me. I’d say our relationship was great as I was growing up bc they didn’t have to live with their annoying baby sister we have always had a close relationship.
My youngest bro is 20 years younger, but that’s normal in my family
My sister is 12 years older and we have always been close.
My oldest sister is 40 im 28 we aren’t close at all but that’s her choice my other siblings and i are a year apart im close with my sister not my brother… But my son is 12 and im trying to have a baby he wants a sister or brother
I think it’s great too because you won’t have 2 little ones at the same time so it won’t necessarily be as hard Idk just my opinion
11 year old and 23 month old…
Oldest is 18 youngest is 2 almost 3. Oldest didn’t want anything to do with baby till just recently cuz now he does more then cry eat and poop.
My oldest (daughter) is 14, my son is just about 3.5 years old and I’m due August 11th with another girl! It’s been just fine My daughter just isn’t much of a helper lol
There are 4 in my family 10 years between me and my youngest brother - we are super close - closer to each other than any of the other
Mine are 5 years apart. But me and my sister are 11 years apart which is a blessing because my mom died when I was 10 and my sister was 21, so she was old enough to be able to raise me.
I was 9 when mum had my youngest brother and we are super close it was like having a real life barbie doll
I have a 15 yr old and an 8 month old it’s super easy the 15 yr old is very helpful
mine are 6 years and greit’s great. my oldest brother was 10 years older than me, we got along great
I’m 8 years older than one of my brothers and we are super close now (30 + 22) I did find it a bit annoying in the beginning. Having to turn music down or being asked to let him sit with me when I was doing something. More a minor inconvenience than a serious problem but as I said we are the best of friends nowadays xx
Pros…live in babysitter for when you need to go to the store (when the baby is older, obviously). Cons…at some point the older child will accuse you of giving the baby more things than them because they don’t understand babies need more care.
I had my first 2 very close. They are now a 8 year old boy and a 9 year old girl. And i currently have an almost 6 month old.
I was worried at first, because I felt i was too old for a new baby, my kids were too old, like i had all these crazy thoughts. But it’s been amazing.
My daughter has been such an amazing help. My son, who was so mad/upset he was getting a baby sister instead of a baby brother has even been very helpful and they both love her very much. You will be fine.
My sisters teenagers and my oldest brother was 11 and my second brother was 5 by the time I was born. They all helped my mom after my mom had me so dont stress your self. My daughter was only 2.5 when I had my son and she still helped me she was such a big help. As long as you include her and she gets excited sge will help and itll be easy
My son is almost 12 and I have a 2yr old son and pregnant again. My son was and is still very excited.
My kids are 12 years apart and are inseparable! They have such an incredible bond.
Yes i like the yr difference , im have 3 , 1st one 2009 an then same exact date i had my 2nd 5yers difference 2014 an now due w. #3 an they will be 10yrs difference so im feeling excited an lil anixity lol
My son’s are 12, 10, 8 and now 6 months … I was totally scared to have a baby after 8 years because my older three were so close together … But it turned out to be so beautiful because my oldest son’s adore the baby such big helps and not only that but my patience dealing with an infant and older children has grown so much I am so relieved!! I have very busy older boys sports school ect… The baby just fits in so perfect!! Hope it goes the same for you!!
There’s 20 years between me and my youngest siblings (twins) and I treat them like my own mainly because they’re younger than my daughter but still, we have a good bond! Don’t get me wrong I was pissed off to begin with but wouldn’t change them for anything
My daughters are 11 years and 1 month exactly apart. And yes I was afraid of the same thing… but they are SUPER close and I ansolutley love it… it’s been amazing… but oldest is in college and it’s me and my younger at home… this is them being silly at our last vacation… congratulations and enjoy it will be great… Now I did work very hard to make sure I still gave them both attention as much as possible so they didnt see too much of a difference. But I truly didnt have any issues… I was very blessed
My kids have a big age gap and my sister and I had exactly 10 years apart too. I personally like the age gap my sister an I where the very best of friends we never had anything to argue about. She was like being gifted a second mother at times. And I see the same dynamic between my daughters.
My oldest and youngest are 11 years apart and they are the best of friends, very close. The middle one could care less
Their 15 yrs between me an my youngest brother and we are close than any our 5 siblings we are all older than him our youngest sister was probably 10 years older than him when he was born
I have an 18 yr old and an 8 yr old.4 kids in between.They all get along ok for the most part
I don’t have kids 10 years apart but I was 10 and 11 when my two brothers were born and I absolutely loved it. I also have a twin sister and we argued a lot more than I ever argued with my younger brothers - I thought 10/11 years was a fantastic age difference. If you encourage your daughter to be involved with helping you with the baby I’m sure she’ll love it too x
My sons are 10.5 years apart. They as opposite on personality and opinion as you could get. They give each other greif all the time. But God help anyone that gives either of them trouble. I will be complicated and an unbreakable bond.
My oldest and youngest are 10 years apart and have such a special bond.
My brother and I are 8 years apart. He’s my friend, I look out for him like a mom which he hates but we have a great bond
I have a 9 and half year gap between my first and second, took my daughter a little bit to ajust but she did and is a great help, watches her brother while I organise dinner or have a shower or what ever, they fight alot because he is now 2 and she is now 12 so they are both at difficult ages but they also love each other so much and if he is hurt or upset she is the first to see if he is ok i love my big age gap I’m more worried about how my toddler will handle not being the baby any more when I have this next one lol
Me and my little sister were 15 yrs apart and we have a bond like no other
My kids are 15 years apart. My daughter is 16 and my son is 9 months. I love it!
I have 6 ages 25 and a 2 Yr old I think I have a lot more patience at 44 and I have a 2 Yr old grandson an 8 month old grandson and 2 grandchildren on the way. So it’s a good thing lol xxx
Im 12 years older than my youngest brother, he’s my baby. We’re super close, he knows I’ll do anything for him.
Me and my sister are ten years apart when i was little she left home when i was five but now we are very close and we do a lot together
My boys are 11 1/2 years apart & their relationship is so fun. My older son is very helpful & so protective of little brother. He loves teaching him new things! I thought with them being so far apart in age that they wouldn’t pick on each other but they totally do! lol I love that I got to spend so much one on one time with my older son before his brother comes along. & when the older one goes off to college, I’ll get lots of one on one time with the younger one. In the meantime I’m enjoying them both & watching their relationship blossom. Having the large age gap was perfect for our family
My almost 2 year old is 15 years apart from my oldest and 11 years apart from my second oldest. My youngest 2 are only 14 months apart.
My youngest at that point, to my youngest now, actually turned out ok! They are pretty close, and it’s a girl-boy… even tho she really wanted a sister it worked out ok tho! I think she’ll come around!
I’m 10 years older than my brother and 15 years older than my sister. I was ecstatic to have a sibling both times. If you’re excited, she will optimistic.
Me and my sister are 16 years apart and I’ve always helped with her we had a special bond as I took care of her when my mom worked or went to school
My son is 10 and he does so well with our 2 month old…super helpful, loving and protective. Not an ounce of jealousy(atleast not yet) fingers crossed it stays this way
Mine are 8 yrs apart. They are both adults now. Went thru some sibling rivalry but now they get along fine. Got each others back!
Im 17 years older than my 7 year old sister (im 24) and i gotta say, its pretty great. There are days she irritates my soul but i love her to pieces. Im glad mom had us at the age gap she did
Mine are 12 and 15 years apart from the youngest and they have a very strong bond. Advice: they are not built in babysitters. I had so many people say that but I would not allow them to feel that way
I was 10 yrs old when my sister was born and it was amazing for me. She was like my doll lol. I loved helping my mom with her.
Me and my youngest sisters are 10 and 11 years apart. The down fall, I was taking care of them All. The. Time. Couldn’t have my own life. On the plus side, it made me super close with my sisters.
My two boys are 13 years apart and it hasn’t really been an issue. They are so good with each other!
My little brother is 10 years younger than me. Literally the biggest blessing ever. He is easily my best friend
Our boys are 15 years apart. Best friends.
My kids are 7 yrs apart (almost 5-girl and 12-boy). And in some ways its so much easier abd in other ways i wanna kill em before they kill eachother. So basically… War zone 24/7
My sister is 7 yrs older than me. And now that we are grown shes one of my best friends
My husband and his sister are 6yrs apart. They are close but not as close as they could be.
Adulthood is awesome… Childhood is war lmao
I have a sister 16 years older than me, she was like my second mom/ best friend and as i grew older we got closer, i love having older sibling because they have taught me so much!
I have six siblings. My sister and I are 2 years apart, my other sister and I are 6 years apart, me and my step sister are 7 years apart, my brothers are twins and we’re 7 years apart, and me and my youngest sister are about 10 years apart and I was so excited with all of them
Mine are 12, 10, 2, n 8 months. My oldest loved it when I had the last 2
I have a 12 year old, 8 year old and 2 year old, she just turned two. All girls. They love her, and they are always playing with her and helping me with her. Honestly I thought it would be crazy with kids that far apart but it has been such a blessing and so so much fun:heart:
I am also 31 and have a 15 year old brother, I remember growing up I just adored him.
Sister and I are 8 years apart. We are close HOWEVER, we are not always on the same page and that creates rifts, which we get over quickly.
My two boys are ten years apart. A little difficult keeping them both entertained at the same time due to the age gap but other than that it’s been great. My 11 year old is the best big bro and my 1 year old couldnt love him more if he tried.
My baby sister and I are 8 years apart, and we have always been so close!
I have a 10year old and 2year old. My 10year old loves having his little brother help out with him alot. He actually will get upset that his little brother doesn’t get to do everything he wants with him. I think if they were closer in age I’d have more fighting.
My brother and I were 8 years apart
I have a 15 year old, 7 year old and a 6 month old. Funny they are all just about 8 years apart. They love each other so very much but also have that brother sister fighting and noone has been jealous of the new baby. Both of my oldest children are very big helpers
My oldest is 11&13 yrs older than my younger kids. He is everything to them. They idolize him. The problem is others who think he’s their father instead of brother.
Not to worry. That could be a good thing in many ways. Older siblings can be really good mentors and guides for younger ones. I loved my brother who 10 years younger in a very maternal way.
My daughter’s are 14 months old and 12 yrs old.
They love each other to bits , don’t play much together as we have other kids but don’t worry mommy they will still love each other
Their is 9 years between me and my brother we have always been really close xx
Me and my sister where 10 years apart and i was so exicted i treated her like my real live baby doll
My daughter is almost 13 and my son is almost 4 so about 9 years apart I have alot of fertility issues so it took a lot longer I have had a few looks and asked why so far apart
But they are great together she helps out with him and they play she teaches him things
I’m ten years apart from my brother and it felt like I grew up as an only child. We aren’t very close and I’m like 15 years older than his kids and closer to them actually.
I am 17 weeks with our only son we have 5 girls and the oldest two are 11, then 9, 8, and 3 so there’s definitely a big gap with all the older girls I haven’t seen too much of an issue with my 3 yr old and the oldest they loved to help out honestly
My youngest brothers and I are 17 and 15 years apart. Im literally almost a whole adult older then them, but honestly it depends on your older child(ren). When I lived with my dad my little brothers were and is one of my best friends despite the huge gap between us. They would love to come into my room and just sit with me. We would play games together, Id help them do their homework. Id even go to bed by myself and wake up with one or both of them in the room with me. They are a blessing and I wish you all the best for your children!!!
My bonus son is 12 years older than my daughter, 14 years older than my son. Its is a wonderful relationship. My bonus son is an amazing big brother and helper. Couldn’t have asked for anyone else.
My kids are 20,13 and 3 months. I love it and they have a great bond with each other. I was able to give the youngest my undivided attention without anyone feeling jealous or left out and got tons of help. Not much of the sibling rivalry either
I have an almost 11 year old, almost 9 year old and 19 month old. They LOVE their baby sister! My oldest daughter(the 11 yr old) is always playing with her, helping with her etc!
I have an 8 year old and a six month old. It’s been great. My 8 year old is a huge help and loves to play with her baby sister
My daughter is 3 and my son is 12 . they have a great bond with each other . She winges abit when she cant have/do the things he does . But other than that no problem .
It can go both ways. I have 4 siblings total. The oldest and I are 21 years apart and then my brother and I are 12 years apart.
I have NO relationship with my first 3 siblings. But, my brother and I have always been inseparable. We also have the same mom and dad. While, the other 3 have different moms than us.
My brother being 12 years older than me was the best. He pretty much raised me and we’ve always had a tight bond since day 1.
My two are 10years apart. My daughter is such a amazing big sister!! My son (a few weeks old) knows his sisters voice and they have such a strong amazing bond already. She dotes on him
I involved my daughter in the pregnancy where I could… Scans, appointments, talking/reading to baby, feeling baby, explaining & talking about her being a big sister, having some us time to ease the jealousy, communication & patience.
You have to understand that you are not the only one going through this pregnancy
I’ve got a 20 year old son and a 7 month old daughter …he adores his little sister.
My oldest son is 32 , my daughter is 26 , and my youngest son is 22 . They are all very close . Especially the 32 year old and the 22 year old . When I had my youngest the older siblings were very helpful and as they got older they babysat . They had their little spats but they always have each other’s backs and love eachother so much .
I have a 10, 8 and a 1 yr old. They both adore the baby and help me out tremendously with her!
My kids are 14 and 2. I LOVE it!! If I could I would wait another 12 years and have another,but I will be too old for that
My brother and I were 10 years apart and we’ve always been close. Even now he comes and stays at my house numerous times a week. Just make sure you’re letting them be involved in the care.
My son is 10 yrs older and is the best big brother I could ask for.
My daughter is 15 and her father had a new baby 2 1/2 years ago. At first it was a huge adjustment for her as she was an only child, however, shortly after her sister was born she fell in love with her and adores her. It will just takes some time for the older child to be accustomed to the change and they’re also old enough to know that a newborn requiring more attention at times doesn’t mean that they’re loves less. She loves going to see her sister and can’t imagine of she wouldn’t be able to do so.
My youngest brother and I are 10 years apart. I loved helping and taking care of him when he was a baby. We always had a good relationship.
I am 12 years older than my brother. As we have gotten older we have become alot closer. I am his 2nd. Mom
My sister and i are 7 apart and we were fine. A few extra years wont hurt.