How is it having kids 10-years-apart?

I have an 18 year old, 12 year old and 9 year old. My oldest son would get frustrated with his little brother pretty regularly when he was going through the worst of puberty and it was pretty easy for my youngest to drive both of his younger siblings crazy. Now that my oldest is older my younger two really look up to him and look forward to when he can hang out with them and he will even take them places like ice cream, the park etc. It is pretty nice to have him around to help sometimes too! I can trust him to babysit now too even lol :laughing: :joy: my aunt & uncle also have a daughter who is 9 and a son who is 21! He is graduating college and she is going into 4th grade. He has always been an amazing helpful big brother and she adores him too.

I have a 12 year old and an almost 8 month old. I didn’t know how it would go, but it’s been amazing. My oldest is the BEST big sister ever. Even on nights that are so hard with a crying, teething baby & I’m in the baby’s room doing all I can do to soothe her, my oldest will still wake up in the middle of the night to see if there’s anything she can do to help. It’s really amazing. I’m so happy it worked out this way. :heart:

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My older boys (10 and 7) loved their new brother. They actually begged for a second younger sibling.

I have a 14 year old, 4 year old, and 4 month year old. My oldest was nervous and scared at first because she thought that once her sister (4 year old was born) that she would be pushed to the side and forgotten about. I included her in on baby shopping and let her pick outfits, blankets, etc. I even allowed her to pick the name. When 4 year old was born, my oldest would not out her down. She had that baby so spoiled. She fed her, rocked her, cuddled her etc. If her sister as much as whimpered, she was running to her side to make sure she was okay and would pick her up and cuddle her while she slept.

My kids are 19, 18, 16, 12, 12, and 10. They are all very close

My son was 12 when my daughter was born. They were close till he turned 18 and went into the Marines. Now their worlds apart.

Wow first thing to change is the way you’re looking at this

My girls are 7y apart and I thought the same, I though miss 7 was going to be the jealous type but it has been a blessing, she loves her little sister like shes her blimmin mother telling me what to do hahahaha, she has been super duper duper helpful and just loooooves playing mum (when the baby is happy and not crying) lol,

I would just make sure she is involved in the process. Like let her help decorate the baby room and help pick a name and stuff so she feels like a part of it and doesnt feel left out

She’s old enough to start learning how to care for an infant. Let her take some of that responsibility and she will feel wanted instead of cast aside. My oldest daughter was almost 8 when my son was born. When he was 3 weeks old she got him up, changed his diaper, and with some help to make the bottle fed him, burped him and put him back to bed. It was the first. Time I got to sleep in.

I have 10 years between my kids . It’s great

My lil brother was 11 years younger and I loved it àns him we are grown and still very close

Kat Straughan words of wisdom? :two_hearts:

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There’s only eight years between me and my sister, not even 10, but many times I felt she was more like my aunt than my sister

I have two daughters that are 10 years apart. They are my only children. I think they will both tell you that it was not a bad experience at all! They both got to experience being a single child. My oldest daughter was an amazing role model for my youngest daughter. It gave my youngest daughter someone to look up to. I also got to have time one-on-one with each daughter! I didn’t have two children in diapers at the same time. I didn’t have children that bickered at each other all the time. I recommend it highly!

I have a 3 year old daughter and a 12 year old daughter. My oldest is like a little momma hen, always wanting and willing to help out. And the NEVER fight! EVER! I consider myself and my husband blessed.

I had a 10 (boy)and 8(girl) yr old when I had my 3rd they are great with the baby especially my daughter girls seem to do better with babies my son likes the baby(boy) alot more now that hes a toddler and wants to do boy things with him. Hope this helps :blush:

I have 5 kids ages 26,24,21,7 and 6. So you can see we have a gap of 14 plus years it’s great. They love their little brothers more than I could have imagined.

My sons are 9 yrs and 1 month apart. They have always been very close and still are. They are both Firemen and have a side business together.

My daughter was 9 when I had my baby girl in August. It’s been great she loves helping. My middle one is 5 and she is just as great too with her baby sister.

I youngest is 19 years younger than my second. So today their ages are 25, 23 and 4. I wouldn’t change it for anything. Definitely a shock at first but they are so close t each other.

My parents had my youngest brother 13 years after my other siblings. He was and is a Great Blessing.

Have three older sisters , my sister was 6 years older than me.we were.close.,miss her dearly…I was the middle child ! 10 and 8 years between my two sisters living.they always took care of me,disciplined me,my mother worked…have one sister 2 years younger, brother 4 years youger,then when I was ten my mom had another son…7 kids in all…never dull moment with five girls and two boys…they were spoiled ! LOL

At first it was nice cause my daughter loved to help out with my son all the time and as he would get older he had to be around her all the time, it lasted till about age 3/4 yrs and up he is almost 10 she’s almost 20 and they drive each other crazy lol all are different though so hard to say what will happen with your two :woman_shrugging:t2:

My daughter and my son are 10 years apart. I have 4 kids. They are very close and Kayleigh has always been Very close to her brother. :heart:

My sister is 9 years older than I am and we are best friends to this day! We have kids semi close in age and our now married selves do basically everything together.

Mine were 9 years apart. It was interesting to watch but I found the same sibling rivalry stuff happened. They were really close after my younger one turned 16.

My sister and i were 10 years apart and we were never close by the time i was 7 she was moving out for college. I personally did not like it.

My oldest son and my youngest son are 10 years and 10 days apart it works just fine he was a big help when the his little brother was growing up

I have 20 years between my first and last and 10 years between my 2 youngest…all of them are very close. Was never an issue

My boys are 13 years apart and I love it!!

Have one 8 years apart and it was ok when baby, after that Jealousy sat in ,good luck

My 13yo loves it and hates it. Loves when older kids take him places, but hates when they are dating and forget about him.

I have 14 yr old girl, 11 yr boy and a 2 yr old boy. Found it hard at the start but wouldn’t swap it for anything :heart:

It’s great… different interest …keep them involved with eachother. Still very close!

My kids are 35, 28 and 14.
I love it

My older sister is 12 years older than me. In fact she is the one that made the final decision on my name. My boys are 6 yrs a part and all I can say is include your oldest one it makes things easier.

Perfect.28, 18, 10, 8

Me and my sisters are 10 and 12 years apart, I’m second mom to them. Always have been and those are my babies! They’re about to be 20 and 18 time flys :heart_eyes: and my children are 8 years apart