How is it having kids 18-months apart?

I have stair steps 39,38 $ 37 my fist two are 14 months apart and then it’s 15 months apart

Your gonna look back after baby #4, and your gonna wonder WTF were you thinking? Lol. Exhaustion. That’s what it will be. I have 2 that are 17 months apart. They were more like twins when the baby got up on 2feet, lol. Hey, knock your socks off, lol. Your life.

My sons are 24 months and 9 days apart

A friend of mine has 4, 5 and under. The oldest is 5 the youngest 1. My big take away here is make sure you have HELP. Either family members or a sitter/nanny you feel comfortable with. It’s a lot of work and with 4 that close your going to need it. To maintain sanity as well as making sure your kids get 1on1 time. Also if you have that many do something with each of them alone regularly. There is a lot and they need time to be alone with you. The oldest LOVES his brothers (yes they are all boys) that’s nice. They all have their own personalities.
But my main takeaway is make sure you have extra people in your life to help. They do and when they go out with all the boys they have at least one extra person with them to help. Also my friend’s husband does as much as she does. When we go see our favorite group sing (it’s all age friendly) he is usually the one who takes the boys to the bathroom or to be changed.

My grandmother had 18 kids all 11 - 18 months apart

I had mine 18 months apart but I had twins. What worked for me was having them on a schedule everything and everyone had to be on a strict schedule I went to school part time took me much longer than most to finish but I made it. I wouldn’t have had it any other way than having all my children before the age of 28 I didn’t want mine to far apart in age I experienced that with my siblings there was a big age difference and I hated it. My children are extremely Close and I love it. I wouldn’t waste my time on the thoughts of others if you and your husband are in agreement and your both happy with your decision that’s all that matters

My parents had a dozen children !3 of my siblings all. born on November 18th a year apart .My brother,& myself are a year&2 days apart . We’re all good ,do what you want

My 3 are all aprox 18-20 apart. I started when I was 22. My eldest is now 21 and Id have it no other way, plus I still feel young. I cant wait to be a grandma.

My first two kids are 10 months apart and my oldest wasnt quite 3 yet when my youngest was born. Alot of work. Never could have done it without my mom’s help. ( and before anyone wants to judge, yes all 3 of my children are with my ex husband)

Talk to your doctor. Ask yourself if you can afford more children ? I would give some time myself . Like 2 years apart. That’s just me . You may decide by waiting you really don’t want a bigger family .Just think it all through.

My oldest and middle were 5years apart and my middle and youngest are 14 months apart. I have to say it was a lot of work was like having twins always into something but boys have more energy. If I had to do it different I’d do 2yrs apart I feel my middle son missed out on bonding time with me! It did get easier as they got older.

I had 4 children almost 1 year bar 2 days for the 1 and 2 19 months 3rd 22 months the last one, there was a few problems with 3rd. but I managed and there were no disposable nappies and the like in my day also no washing machine all done by hand, and my husband serving in the Army was away most of the time, it’s as Loryn says and also it has to be right for you

L m f a o. It all changes with number 3 and on. I had 4 under 5 once​:japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin:

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I am the 5th in 5 yrs (mom was 24 when I was born) and then had 3 more after. All with no issues. She is now 79 and still healthy. I had 3 in 3 yrs before I was 20. I stopped. Also no issues and at 55 am still healthy.

My youngest two are currently 3 and 4 years old boys. If you see flares in the sky, that is me calling for the national guard. My 3 year old dumped 2 full jars of turtle food into the turtle tank today. What was the question?

My sister and I were 18 months apart, I can’t speak for my mom but I liked being close in age with my sister growing up

3 kids in 4.5 yr. It was hectic, fun, exhausting, & I was young.

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I had 3 children every other 9 months it wasn’t easy my husband worked all day and I worked at night so we didn’t pay for daycare we both enjoyed them growing up together and they were close played together I do have to say it was a lot of work always had 2 in diapers and as they got older had 3 at kitchen table doing homework if your husband isn’t helping full time you will where yourself out! My 3 are now 31 29 and 28 I was in my 20s and had the energy to do it it was nonstop work keeping house children school work and taking care of myself then I had a 4th at 39 he’s now 16 he’s like a only child as my others are grown if your gonna have them at one time do it while your young because it is a lot of non stop work but it was nice when they turned 18 and started there own lives and I was still young too! Good luck to you!

Just thinking about having that many kids, that close together makes me want to throw up lol.

I’m a twin my older sister is 11 months older than me, two other sisters so that makes 5 kids under 5. I guess that was normal back then

My two oldest are 11months apart

Honestly id think about how that will affect your time with them. I had my kids 4 years apart. I got to really get to know my oldest and spend good time with him. He’s now in pre-k and Im getting to do the same with my 2nd son.
I personally couldn’t do that. If your healthy and feel its what’s best for you then more power to you.
Id sit and do the math on finances, think about how your gonna deal eith 4 kids under 5/6 if & when thier all sick. Are 4 car seats gonna fit and so on. Just go over everything to make sure you can still take care of you while your doing this. Your mental health is important too.

I had 3 kids under the age of 3… at the same time. My first 2 were 51 weeks apart… it’s hard as hell. Good luck hon!

I’m a single mummy now and there is 10 months between my youngest two and I love it. My daughter was in a very good routine when her brother was born, sleeping through from 6 weeks etc( lucky i know) they are are now 3&2 and so close (some days) I will add I have had c-sections with all my 3 and I did find it a bit hard after my last, obviously there was only 10months from my previous section but all was well no infection or anything. I always get the” how did/do u manage with the close age gap” I just say easy, fine lol.If you can afford it and you can manage go for it I say! Good luck x

I don’t have any personal wisdom to share. I have 2 that are 18 months apart, and I can not imagine adding another to the mix. I have a 2 year old and 9 month old. Girl you can take one of mine if you want. :joy: #saveme #imsotired


It’s fucking rough but once they potty train it starts getting so much easier. Definitely helps to have them so close in age and my two are literally inseparable best friends!

I had 3 babies in one year, 1 in jan 2003 and twins in november 2003. The older one started walking at 9 months so chasing her while pregnant with twins was very hard. I have a total of 8. All close in age, its tough to say the least. I dont care what people think of my large family, 7 are from same father and still together.

I have four children. I’ve had them all in less than 10 years. My two older boys are 15 months apart. They’re close but as for my health, not so good.

I now have major dental problems, a bone spurt and a degenerative disk. I’ve also recently found out that now I have high thyroid levels. I spent most of my time working long hours and mostly nights in different towns that was over an hour away from where I live. The life of more than two children is not easy. And it’s certainly not easy on my health.

I’m not saying don’t do it. All I’m saying is be prepared. Raising more than two with the way the economy is now, is hard. I have a very hard working significant other and since we found out that my health has gotten worse, staying home was the best option. As for living, it’s been tough.


if this is what you both want, keep tabs on your health as well as your childrens health.

As for how outsiders see a family more then four, you will be judged. You will under go some rough patches. But the outlook from others is not important. It’s what you do for yourself, your children and those close to you that matters.

My brothers and I were all 1 year 3 weeks apart…we were friends enemies siblings…their friends were my friends. We stood up for each other we hung out together…my oldest 2 are 18 months apart and they grew up close…I recommend it

I’ve done the same and it turned out just fine. They are close now with each other.

It can put you and baby at risk. I have 3 close in age. 11, 10, and 9. The 4th one is 2 months. They had me on alert with the 3rd one cause of already having the other two less than a year apart. It was hell. Tore my body up. Lost the 4th one and #5 was a really hard pregnancy. My body will never work normally ever again. Each body is different though.

My 2 youngest are 13 months apart with the eldest 2 years older than the middle
Loved it hard work but youngest is 18 now and there all the best of mates

Who cares if it makes you happy, and you can handle it, go for it, I wanted 4 but couldn’t, so I was lucky to have 2, blessings.

Its no ones business but yours. After all its you that will be feeding them lol Just remember that they are all individuals and must be treated as such. You can sometimes forget this when they are close in age. All the best :slightly_smiling_face:

You both do what’s right for you, I have 3 girls. One is 23, one turned 11 on New Year’s Day and the other is 12 today so just shy of a year between the last 2. It was hectic with 2 little 1s but you adjust. May seem hard at 1st and they’ll be good days and bad as there always is with kids, but when you look back, which I often do, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Would of loved more children close together but it wasn’t meant to be so all I can say is if you want more then no one is going to change your mind and they do say that the more you have, the happier they are. All the best x

I had my 3 girls in 5 yrs, they were each others buddies and hand me downs were more like borrowed, so it was cool to “borrow”. Now they are in their late 30’s and early 40’s, and their children are close in age. I’m glad I didn’t wait, I have been sterile since the age of 25 so had I waited, I would not maybe had this many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It’s your family and YOUR decision, 18 months sounds like a reasonable time frame. Your body is the biggest reason to wait 2 years between babies, it takes that long to get back to normal and heal from childbirth completely. Pushing too many kids so close has effects on your body as you age, mostly a weak bladder and poorer health with each child. I tried to stay with the 2 yr theory and my kids were healthy (weight gain was little during pregnancy). So if you healthy, very active, then having them close should not be an issue. I NEVER at for 2, I ate 3 meals with meat, a starch and a veggie with milk. One snack and I was hand digging a ditch the night before I had my 3 rd child. Labor was under 3 hours with each child also! Lost over 30 lbs with each child …gained 15 lbs, 28 lbs and 17 lbs with each child. We didn’t have snacks like we do today or fast food on every corner …those were treats, like once a month…today it’s once a year for me. I ate with my baby in mind and not a craving, drink water when a craving hits and change thoughts, it works and keeps the weight down, making losing weight no effort after birth. If a loose bladder is the worst in older age (40 plus) is ok, then have your children and enjoy them! I never gave credit to what others think, march to your own drums and be happy. :slight_smile:

I have 4 children and the first two are 18 months apart (boys), then my third a daughter is 26 months from the youngest so I had a 3 year old, 2 year old and infant. I was exhausted by the third but it was great. Our 4th a daughter was born almost 5 years after our third so it was like having a first without the anxiety. Do what’s right for you! There is no one size fits all :slight_smile:

I think ur going to be spreading ur self too thin, and it will be difficult to give each baby the time and attention that they deserve.