How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

I’m 18 days pp and my bleeding has almost stopped, I feel fine but hubby is waiting patiently.

Doctors recommend 6 weeks minimum because of chance of infection

Minimum 6 weeks. There is a “wound” inside that is roughly the size of a dinner plate. High risk of infection which could keep you out of the saddle a lot longer than 6 weeks! Check out Momma Doctor Jones on Facebook or YouTube. She’s an OB/GYN with a lot of really good information. Wait until given the all clear by your doctor

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

I waited 4 weeks but I had a c section with my last. 12 days pp with my 2nd one. Lol. Not sure with my first.

People say to wait at least 6 weeks as you are still healing and have a plate sized wound inside you. It’s very dangerous and could lead to infection or worse.


You’re supposed to wait until you get checked out at your 6 week pp check up, but my hubby and I only made it to 4 weeks… :joy:

gonna be so real. it took 17 days after my first, although I did bleed a little after, and it was 24 days after my 2nd. I will warn you… down there may feel tighter and there may be some discomfort, so take time and dont rush… other than that, go get some momma!!!


I waited 10 weeks with my first and 6 weeks with my second. Second was a much easier birth.

Six weeks on the dot

I waited till I stopped bleeding and I felt comfortable.

Don’t rush yourself even if he’s impatient, you don’t wanna hurt yourself. But as long as you feel ready then go for it

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6 weeks. I knew everything was going to be traumatic. When I came home from my first check up. I told him I had to wait 8 weeks. I was emotionally ready in 6.

It’s not about him, it’s about YOU!!

6 weeks after vaginal birth and 4 after c-section. Lots of other stuff you can do without penetration!


Truthfully your body will tell you when it’s ready.

Six weeks as recommended by my doctor.

6-8 weeks. Like there is a giant plate sized wound in your uterus. Don’t risk infection and just wait until you’re cleared by your doctor.

You should never have sex even if you feel okay because your uterus literally has a gaping hole in it for the next six weeks while it’s retracting you can get septus and literally die from having sex too soon


I had 3 c sections and was cleared officially at 4 weeks each time but technically you should wait 6 weeka

The OB for my 1st and 2nd told me to wait 6 weeks and with my 3rd they told me to wait 4weeks. Personally I waited until I was done bleeding and just felt more comfortable. It was a longer wait with my first and I think 6 weeks on the dot with the 2nd. I honestly don’t even remember with my last baby because I felt like I bled for way longer than my other 2

Yeah not to be rude but they don’t recommend you wait 6 weeks for your comfortability. It’s because of the giant gaping whole in your uterus where there was just a child. Having sex so early could lead to major infections, and just because it hasn’t with some people doesn’t mean it won’t with you.


After my six week check up with both. Uterine infections are so not worth the risk.

I waited tell I was done bleeding

2 weeks both times, and lived to tell the tale

I waited beyond the 6 weeks. I want even interested in having sex right after having a baby.


I had a friend go in for her 6 week check up & she was pregnant again! Her boys are 9 months apart!

So the real reason to wait the full 6 weeks is because it takes that long for your cervix to fully close back up and you could get an infection. In one of the due date groups I’m in someone dtd early and got an infection. A year later still dealing with it and not healing yet.


My friend had sex 2 weeks after giving birth. Guess what??? She has 2 kids born in the same year. Doctor was pissed at her.


You can get pregnant again also

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Tell him to keep waiting.


At least a month! Lol i was not risking twins again lol

Should wait until you’ve been cleared by your

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I had sex 9 days after. I wasn’t bleeding by the 7th day. I do not recommend! It felt good but I was in ppd and thought that would make me feel better :unamused: I tell you after my third baby, I never knew before her what ppd even was.

6 months :upside_down_face:
It’s a cause for infection or hemorrhage if you don’t wait at least the 6 weeks though


You literally have a gaping wound in your uterus. Wait 6 weeks like doctors advise or risk getting an infection that takes away your fertility and leaves you dealing with PID for the rest of your life :woman_shrugging:t2: There are other ways to be intimate with your spouse.

2 weeks I think it depends on the individual

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1year because of the trauma i had during labour​:sob::sob::sob:

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6 weeks. Your cervix needs time to close, or you have high risk of infection. Also you are WAAAAAAYYYY fertile after having a baby, so you would have a very high chance of getting pregnant.

First time 2 weeks had to wait for stitches to resolve
For some reason I instantly felt horny after my first
Second time it was a while about 14 weeks post emergency section I was in a bad way

when the doctor says it’s okay for you to have sex again , don’t damage yourself for your partner. heal as much as you can


I was told at least six weeks when I had both of my kids. 18 days is absolutely not long enough


I personally waiting 6 months due to the fact my daughter’s dad and I weren’t together and because I had a tough delivery. But you can risk serious infection if you don’t wait until
Your body is healed

You’re supposed to wait 6 weeks but there are other things you do can besides vaginal intercourse.

6 weeks. If you have sex before then, you’re signing up to seriously harm yourself.

If you did a vaginal birth you are suppose to wait 6 weeks so that you can properly heal even if you didn’t tear. I’m not sure on a C-section

Honey 6 wks like the doctor told you!! You and hubby can wait 6 wks. You just gave birth, you body has to heal!!!

Follow your doctors orders. Speaking from a mother with Irish twins.

Once your doctor has cleared You for sex You can have sex when You are ready. Do don’t have sex before you talk to the doc or if YOU don’t feel ready!


Recommended minimum of 6 weeks. You need to wait for the all clear from a doctor as any stitches/scrapes need to be fully healed to prevent infection. Hubby has hands, he can use those.


Im going to be honest from personal experience… I didn’t wait after having my first. I think I was right around 15 days when my bleeding stopped and started having sex with my husband again. Then BOOM pregnant with my son. Annnnd then after having my son I stopped bleeding about 3 weeks pp and did the same and when my son was 3 months old I found out I was pregnant with my youngest. :joy: moral of the story wait until at least 6 weeks or use protection and get on birth control as soon as the Dr okays it. :roll_eyes::joy: you are definitely more fertile after having a baby

Wait at least the 6 weeks of you be pregnant again sooner then you think

Wait. My first I waited the full 6 and was fine my second I waited 3 weeks and tore again and had to go back to the dr and my third I learned my lesson and waited again

drs will say 6 weeks but everyones different. took me almost 3 months to fully heal

Depends on the delivery. I had to wait 6 weeks with my first. He was a big baby. My next 2 dr cleared me at 3 weeks. My last was a emergency c-section and I honestly can’t remember how long we waited.

Wait until your doctor tells you it’s okay to have sex. You have the wound the size of a dinner plate inside you and just because you “feel fine” doesnt mean your body is fully healed. The only way to know for sure is when your doctor gives you the okay. Please dont risk yourself for your baby daddy. You can get a serious and sometimes deadly infection if you have sex BEFORE your doctor says it’s okay to have sex.


Stephanie Nevalasca this shits wild……

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If hes waiting patiently he can wait the 6wks


3 months…I had a C-section with my second and a longer healing process…6 weeks with my 1st but I went natural with him

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If you don’t want to get pregnant again, make sure to use protection!!! You are most fertile after having a baby!!

Waited 8 weeks bc of my csection and still wasn’t ready

They tell you 6 weeks because your high risk for infection before that. I’d highly reccomend you wait. I waited and still had some pretty bad abdominal pain the next day, my body was just not ready.

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My doctor told me the full 6 weeks….but I did after two weeks. There was blood everywhere and looked like someone was murdered in my bed….so the ex husband and I stopped and didn’t try again till the full 6 weeks. I had a vaginal birth and that was my second child.

At least 6 weeks!! Til they check you and tell you you’re good to go

Some of these questions smh


You have a dinner plate size whole inside your body. You may feel fine but you’re not. Please wait til your doctor says it’s safe.


He has a hand tell him it’s going to be awhile! FFS

6 weeks after c section for me but I believe it’s about the same if not longer for natural births to

I’m gonna say I don’t think we waited long enough…364 days after first was born came the second lol


I had a c-section and we waited 4 weeks until my bleeding stopped.

I wait till after my first cycle at least.

8 because of paranoia lmfao

I was the same way but we still waited until after I had my follow up with the doctor just to be sure

6 weeks is standard with a normal birth…if you had any extra circumstances, than wait until your doctor gives you the all clear. You may “feel ok” but honestly you really need to wait for intercourse…do other things if your husband isn’t patient and understanding of your medical needs…get him a bottle of lotion and a box of Kleenex if he doesn’t understand.

Wait at least 6 weeks!

4 weeks after my first pregnancy, 6 weeks after my last.

Wait till your child is in high school
.(at least junior high):sweat_smile::rofl:


My obgyn gave me the okay at 7 weeks and then said I could have at 4 weeks and I had a c-section

Recovery rules&are 6 weeks. Please be;patient. That’s stopping;possible infection for women&when your doctor;says it’s safe.

Until cleared by a doctor unless you want to risk serious infection and possibly ruin your chances of conceiving in the future


I waited until I was on birth control and it was fully in effect since your more fertile after you just had a baby then any other point. My husband was was telling me no he didn’t want back to back kids lol

Like 6 months because the pain was awful

My doctor told me after my c section to wait 6 weeks but I think we (my now ex and I) waited 4 weeks.

When your says it’s ok

Nothing in the vajayjay until dr says but you should try anal if both of you are running out of patience lol

The doctor tells you 6 weeks however I only waited about 3 weeks with 2 of my kids and 2 with the third it depends on you just go slow

We waited 2 weeks … when I went for my 6 weekly checkup dr said you can be intimate now. The face said it all … had 2 babies in 12 months … I think if you are feeling okay do what you feel is right just be very very gentle

6 weeks is what the Drs say to wait


I think some of y’all don’t wait 6 weeks because of them mens. Scared he gone run off or cheat lol Cause ain’t no way you can go through that amount of pain and comfortably have sex while healing. It’s sick and sick for him to even ask and not be considerate.

There’s an entire open wound in your abdomen. Getting an infection can literally kill you… #2 you are never more fertile then right after you give birth.

Sex will be there 6 weeks later.


The reason they say 6 weeks is because where your placenta detaches from it’s a wound and they don’t want you to cause an infection.


Sameee. Im 19 days pp and no bleeding and we have been intimate the last 3 days lol


I waited 10 days after my last child

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The 6 weeks is for your health as well as preventing pregnancy again. You will want to wait because you are extremely likely to get pregnant that soon after birth


Don’t do honey that is the worst time to get pregnant again. The least is 4 weeks.

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2 weeks Max. Most of the time it was when I felt ready

Some of yahll are some really nasty females… and I do mean nasty… nobody should
Be that much in a hurry to have sez

And then, all of a sudden, she was pregnant again… :joy::joy::joy: or at least that’s what happened to me! They tell you to wait 6 weeks at least because even if you feel ok, you could hurt yourself if not careful. But I didn’t wait that long after mine. I think the longest I waited was 4 1/2 weeks, but after my last, I think it was only 3 weeks. Good luck, and congratulations on your baby!

Women has died not waiting long enough the men got charged with their murder . I heard that on the news years ago but still applies. WAIT!

If you can’t wait 6 weeks, at least wait until you’ve had a post-partum checkup and back on birth control long enough to be effective (if you plan to do so).

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If you ended up getting stitches because you tore then wait at least until your doctor says they’ve dissolved. Not sure about csection.

At least 6 weeks, tell him to get a grip😆

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