How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

I waited the amount of time the Dr told me to wait. The fk :woman_facepalming:

Damn I see the comments and some of y’all not waiting the 6-8 weeks. Must be a younger person thing. I know the dr says about 6 weeks. I guess if you can’t wait that long so be it! I had an episiotomy the first one and no man so that wasn’t an issue. The 2nd child ripped me up and I had stitches so that took care of the wait.

I waited 3 weeks :grimacing: i had a c-section so my pelvic floor was actually dysfunctioned just made sex feel like he kept hitting a wall i didnt try again until 6 weeks and it was just a little weird. But it got better. I honestly didnt care what my dr said. But we did use protection. You’re extra fertile after birth

With my oldest my ex husband kept teasing me so we did the naughty 3 weeks PP. With my youngest I didn’t want my ex husband to touch me so I waited alot longer I think around 2 months or more. I left him when my youngest was 3 months old.

6 weeks - you have the rest of your life for sexy time. Let your body finish healing


6 weeks or your shit is gonna be a gaping hole​:rofl::joy:


6 to 8 weeks to prevent infection or God forbid another pregnancy. There are ways to get your hubby off besides intercourse

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My first I had a c section. Waited 8 weeks after my doctor said everything was good to go. my second waited for 4 months. C section with both.

After the doc gave the ok at the post birth checkup.

I waited a full month. Dr warned me something about the placenta and how it could cause infection. I also did have a C-section so he was concerned about that as well

Alot longer then 18 days pp let your body heal


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

After clearance from the MD. 6 to 8wk check up.

First baby 4 weeks second baby 6 weeks with ok from doctor

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You probably need to wait at least 6 to 8 weeks


I don’t think there is any set time on it it’s all about when you feel comfortable to do it just make sure your ready x


I was 9 weeks before i even thought about it.xx

Depends if you had stitches if so 6 weeks minimum if not the whenever you feel ready

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Honestly? Six months, had a tramatic birth, post partum anxiety and then moved house. My husband was great and didn’t pressure me and waited til I felt ready

They say 6 weeks, not because of when you feel okay or when your bleeding has stopped… But because you have a dinner plate sized wound inside you where the placenta came away and poses a massive risk of infection :woozy_face:


About a year after my first :joy::joy: that kid messed me up :joy::joy:

You literally have a 10 inch wound inside your body from the placenta detaching. Don’t be dumb. You were told to wait. So wait.


You need to wait at least 4-6 weeks. You’ll risk infection or hemorrhage


Docs say 6 weeks. Chill out


Next you’ll be asking how fast can you get pregnant after birth good luck to you​:rofl::clap:


2 months before it even crossed my mind. Give your body time to heal.

See your doctor and ask if you’re ready for intamacy

10 days after here :joy::sweat_smile: all was fine for us


I had 4 kids and to be perfectly honest I never waited more than 3 weeks. :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m not saying it was smart but that’s my experience lol

6 weeks due the the massive internal wound you still have from your placenta that is really open and prone to infection


He would be the last one I’d be sorting out. It’s all about you… how do you feel …


6 weeks!!! That’s what they tell us🙃

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First baby 6 weeks second baby 12 weeks as that’s when I started on contraception

6 days for us all was fine x


I had emergency c section. And about 2 weeks??

I’d wait unless you wanna be pregnant again lmao :rofl: that’s how my sister in law got pregnant with my second niece shortly after giving birth to my first lol.

Took me 6 weeks to fully heal.

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I’m over 4 weeks pp and still don’t want to :joy:


You can please him and yourself without having intercourse. Refraining from Intercourse it’s for your health.


6 weeks. Inside still needs time to heal.

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4 months and it could have been 4 years for me


6 weeks with my first, 12 with my second (waited for contraception).

The first 6 weeks are your most fertile. The midwives told me that my partner could sneeze around me and I could fall pregnant :rofl::rofl:

If you’re not planning another baby anytime soon, definitely wait

6 weeks & was on bc so as to not have another baby

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I’ve waited different with each child (I’m currently pregnant with number 9). I’ve gone with how comfortable I have felt and also my flow x

The full 6 weeks. I was worried about infection. Women have died or needed emergency hysterectomies from getting an infection from not waiting the 6 weeks to be intimate. It didn’t seem worth risking my life or health over.

I’m 6 weeks pp and I’m afraid to even think about it. I’m barely starting to feel better. It was though healing after having an episiotomy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::confounded:


First born I waited 6 weeks then second born just over a month x

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I’m waiting 6 weeks. Dick isn’t worth the potential uterine infection.


Let him wait some more, you don’t want an infection

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Minimum of 6 weeks.

You have a wound on your placenta—let it heal.
If not for yourself, do it for you baby who needs their mom.


We did the old skool 40 day wait :woman_shrugging:t2:

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6months after my first born

My suggestion. Wait until your on birth control. I had sex quickly after and now I have two kids that are the same age for a month. :rofl:

Whenever you are ready doctors say 6 weeks though x


10 days I had 27 stitches after, and I was fine xx


4 weeks and got pregnant again.


5 and 1half weeks…it was so long…

I would wait as long as possible. Risks of infection are high at the beginning. It’s not worth the risk. Also risk of getting pregnant again is high for up to 6 weeks after.


2 weeks first time round 5 weeks the second, I imagine if there’s ever a third it will be 53575 weeks


This about you and your body, not his needs. You have been through quite an experience, having a child. Your body needs time to heal physically and emotionally * There is not a correct time, It’s when the time is right for you, not him, or anyone else. Take Care of Yourself, So You can be Your Best You**


It should be 6 weeks as you have an open wound and it can make a new mum very ill and has been known for mums to die. Sorry to be negative but is it really worth taking the risk just to get a leg over.

Slowly after my 6 week check up at the Dr lol

Tried week 3 and hurt too much. Week 5 was perfect

I had a c section with both and was no less than 6 weeks. If I’d gone natural I don’t think I’d of ever had sex again so kudos to all u ladies who went for it so soon after lol

6-8 weeks. There is a large wound in your body that could easily get infected. And not to mention you’re so fertile right now. I wouldn’t even risk it lol


Two days after I stop bleeding and it was great for me🙈

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Just a word of warning for u if u plan not to wait I felt fine and had no bleeding 2/3 weeks after the night I went to have sex withy partner I bled right out and it wouldn’t stop bleeding literally like a tap had turned on inside me. My partner had to put me in the bath as the blood loss caused me to pass out and blood was just poring out of me then he had to call an ambulance for me I was in hospital a further 2 weeks because of it I had to have blood transfusions and I nearly died twice so please if the pros tell u to wait please wait and don’t risk it like I did is sex really worth risking your life for?

jesus christ are you trying to get pregnant again already? just wait. theres a reason for it :roll_eyes:


Supposed to wait 6 week’s

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I waited about 4 weeks but I had c sections

After the 6 week check. Youve got to give everything inside time to heal . High risk of infection before that.

2 weeks but very gently !! If he has been waiting it will be over Quick !!


It doesn’t matter if you “feel fine”. You literally have a wound the size of dinner plate in your uterus. Postpartum infections aren’t fun. Tell your hubby to rub one out and wait. He’ll be just fine.


2 weeks post c section. But my recovery was amazingly quick

The doctor will tell you six weeks for a reason


You’re suppose to wait 6 weeks.

We tried at 4 weeks and it was alright but I still was freaked out.

Definitely wouldn’t go 18 days after. But personal choices at the end of the day.

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I went three weeks and got pregnant again… lol


Are you seriously going to risk health issues possible getting pregnant or tearing open something that’s healing just to make your hubby happy ,crazy give him a blow job or a rub and tug


My brother and sister are 10 months apart… that outta tell you something.

Um at least 6 weeks you will end up hurt and or pregnant again…


Hubby didn’t shove a watermelon out of his crotch. He can wait the 6 weeks. I personally tore even with an episiotomy and I was sore and very sensitive down there for a long time.


In the Hispanic culture it’s 40 days but it’s up to the couple … good luck :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

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So im gonna be the bad person here and literally the day i came home from the hospital after beinf in there for 2 days so waited 3 days he was easy and didnt have any infection its all about your body i also only bled for about a few hrs after birth so i didnt have to worry about that either

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After my csection we waited about 2 and half weeks lol

Are you sure he’s waiting “patiently “? I don’t think think you would be here asking this question if he was…


Don’t forget the birth control :crazy_face:

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After your 6weeks check up if you’re smart!

Tell your husband if he wants it to be tight he needs to wait! Also if you have any stitches, it could tear, and you could get an infection? Personally I’d wait another two weeks . …

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Girl, have you lost your mind? Tell him he’s got about 4 more weeks to wait🤦🏻‍♀️

They tell you 6 weeks for a reason. Don’t put yourself at risk. Geez… it ain’t gonna fall off, lol


Until you see your OB, and get cleared. To don can cause bleeding to start up again.

Think it was around 5-6 weeks

I know…ask your doctor.

My Hispanic culture is always said after the 40th day.

Ask your doctor.Its usually 6 to 8 weeks. Also it’s very easy to get pregnant .


I was told to wait Atleast 6 weeks.

I waited 3 months. It’s 6 weeks though. Don’t risk infection or possible hemorrhage.

If he have any love or feelings for you he put your feels before his owe. Do not put yourself before any man in this world.

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If his inconsiderate greedy self can’t wait, y’all can do anal since that’s more important than you healing properly after giving birth to a baby.


U be still tender try at least a month so your totally healed 18 days omg no long enuff. Tell him to visit mr Palmer if he’s that hungry