How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

Wait wait wait !! The pain pp is unreal. It took months after having my son to be 100%

6-8 weeks for healing inside and out


I’m pretty sure your Dr will tell you wait 6/8 weeks you have to heal inside and trust me that’s not gonna happen in 18 days

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I think I waited more like 3-3 1/2 months before I felt ready again for intercourse but we did start messing around about 2 months after.

6-8 weeks…depending on the type of birth.

I only waited 2 weeks but they say 6 weeks

You don’t necessarily have to have sex. There’s other things to please your man :grin:

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There’s a reason why they say to wait a certain amount of time because there’s a huge bleeding open wound inside of you!


I tried 4 weeks and it hurt so waited the 6 weeks and was fine

For my first kid, we waited six weeks. For my second, we waited two weeks. Third, a few weeks cuz I had a complication

It’s a hard journey but do the 6 weeks as there is a open wound inside

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Like 6 weeks I think, you’ve just had your insides stretched to bits, your body needs time to heal

6-8 weeks… Do not stray from the path of abstinence. Just because you feel fine doesn’t mean things are healed internally. It takes time.
A nurse :woman_health_worker:


There is no set ‘time’ limit. As a midwife I recommend not until you have stopped bleeding and when it feels right/comfortable for you

6 to 8 weeks and unless you want internal infections id not let him have access to your vagina until at least that 6 week mark… you do have other options for sexual pleasure though so its not completely out.


6 weeks :+1:t3: your body isn’t ready. The bleeding can start again - it did for me

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Wait the 6 weeks. Your man can wait for you to heal. Lots of other fun stuff to do without penetration

Omg I’m probably going to wait like 9 weeks :joy: I’m traumatized from my birth though I can’t even think about sex rn

take it from a man with children literally 1 year and 1 week apart WAIT THE 6 WEEKS nothing will hurt a relationship more than that weight having one is hard enough planned for let alone to repeat it immediately takes a mental toll on any spouse


I was pregnant again within 8 weeks :woman_facepalming:t3:

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There are other ways

I’m 5 week pp 2day and still bleeding

Ms. please wait until your doctor tells you too. It ain’t that serious😒


Please wait 6 weeks. I have seen mamas need stitches again. Its not good. Your cervix takes time to close completely. Bleeding g may stop and start again. Give your body time to heal


It always been 6 wks but I would say most wanted 3-4 weeks it i

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The doctor said WAIT until after your checkup. Takes time to heal

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Ur very fertile in the first 3months. Take it from me. I had 3 kids in 2 yrs. !


You need to wait 6 weeks because your body internally needs to heal


Wait or you’ll be pregnant again

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Well my first &’ second child are 10 months apart lol

2 weeks with my first two kids I had while I was 19…they are only 10.5 months apart…and 12 years later I waited 8 weeks due to both C- Section & being alot smarter!!

I waited the recommended 6 weeks.

A basic rule of thumb and with some basic common sense is don’t do it if it still hurts.

Whenever you feel your ready :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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After having 2 ceasarians 40 plus year a ago I am trying to remember but probably 6 weeks

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14 months between my last two so not very long.

Wait the 6 weeks. There’s a risk of a deadly air embolism if you have sex too soon after birth.


Tell him to keep waiting patiently. It’s your body it needs to heal complete give at keast 8 wks and even then you’ll still be like ouch down there please believe I got six kids.


6 weeks is the time period for your body to heal properly after birth! Anything beforehand even a tampon can cause a life threatening infection! Not worth the risk! If you can’t wait than you are risking infection and pregnancy especially because you are 100x more fertile after giving birth! Do yourself a favor and talk to your Obgyn and wait the recommend time!!


6 weeks. Tell hubby patience is a virtue

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6 weeks…when you go for your check up and get the all clear from your OBGYN

1 week with first baby. A few days with second baby. Almost 4 weeks with baby number 3 but I had a emergency c-section. I had 3 babies in 3 years. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Give him an old sock and porn mag.


Wait the amount of weeks they tell u to. If u dont ur vagina won’t heal as tight as it should & the walls won’t heal as well as they would. This leads to incontinence, weak vaginal walls, risk of uterine infection ect. Even if it doesn’t hurt, even if someone u know did it, DONT. It’s absolutely NOT smart & who wants to run the risk of a lose vagina? I say this as someone who took college courses in this area for fun. Lmao


At least 3 weeks after all mine :grimacing: but I was cut and torn so if you didn’t have any of that I guess maybe sooner :woman_shrugging:

My vajaja was off limits for about 3 months but that back door and mouth was open.

You should wait the 6 weeks, you are very fertile and you could get an infection

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Why would a man want sex so soon after anyway… It’s not like it’s Gona fall off if he has to wait 6 wks… Any time before he’s a thoughtless jerk… And any woman that can’t wait her 6 wks to heal isn’t any better… There’s a reason u need time to heal…


Tell him to piss off, and wait until you are ready

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Depends how u feel first baby ages last baby prob about a week and a half xx

The placenta leaves a tear in your uterus and if you do it prior to 6 weeks you can get an infection before you are healed.


6 weeks, and the fact that you are posting this, means he is NOT being patient. He needs to get over it. Or I’d make him wait longer. .


6 weeks then aweek for the birth control to kick in, it’s not neccesarily about the healing its about the extreme fertility lol


Wait until you go for your checkup. Geez he can wait or self service. Don’t they tell you all of this when you go to the classes or after you give birth?


6 weeks is the recommended time to wait until after your post natal check up. I wouldn’t risk it tbh. You could do some damage inside that you may not be aware of. I had 3 c sections not vaginal delivery and even I waited the required time. You came intimate without intercourse.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

Most doctors recommend 6 weeks or when they decide to release you.


6 weeks. And ended up pregnant again. My girls are 11 months apart :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You body needs time to heal. 6 weeks is the recommended time frame.


Until my doctor gave the all clear. Your body goes through so much trauma during birth. Give it time to heal :heart:


6 weeks is what doctors recommend so you have time to heal!!! And you are very fertile

They make you wait for a reason. And even then, 6 weeks is no where near enough time for your body to heal all the way after what it just went through. Even if there’s minimal pain and bleeding. And infection is a big thing about why they make you wait too.


18 days isn’t enough. Definitely wait


I waited the full 6 weeks. Actually longer lol probably 3 months after

Wait the full 6 weeks!!! Or you could go back pregnant

6 weeks minimum, took me about 12 weeks for it to actually feel good

I waited like 7-8 weeks. Even then I think was too soon.

6 weeks. To fully heal.

As a person currently in labor… Just wait lol… U dnt wanna do this again​:joy::joy:


I waited about a month I would say

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You literally have an open wound in your body, wait until a Dr. Gives you the all clear.


Even though you are done bleeding you literally still have dinner size plate wound inside you. Infection is the biggest risk. But you can also get pregnant again. Give your self time to heal. Give you hubby a tube of lube and wish him luck.


The risk of infection is very high, as well as pregnancy. Not worth it before 6 weeks.


I waited five weeks.

6 weeks doesn’t matter if you feel fine you have a wound the size of a large dinner plate in your uterus from placental attachment.


I dont know what new tired mom wants their husband Jack rabbiting them so soon anyway :joy:


Just wait you can do other things to help him out!!

Hubby can keep waiting. It’s supposed to be 6 weeks.

6 weeks per docs advice

I was told wait 6 weeks nothing internal. I had a c section so I admit, I took advantage of a loophole 2 weeks in. But no actual sex or anything inside until 6 week appointment!

You’ll be pregnant at your six week check up lol


Your uterus literally has a wound that is the sized of a dinner plate. By the way your bleeding may start and stop for awhile.


I waited until like 8 weeks and even then it hurt some and we had to go slow… I bruised a lot after my daughter’s birth and she was a big baby so I wasn’t really excited to start having sex again lol

The 6 weeks your Dr most likely suggested. I’d wait. Infection is not fun in the downstairs area!!!

In the hospital #amishstyle

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6 weeks when I got cleared by my doctor. There’s an 8 inch wound in your uterus that’s at a huge risk for infection. He can wait.


With my first it was 2 days because my bleeding completely stopped the day after labor and I didn’t know the risks of not waiting the 6 weeks and then with my second I waited the 6 weeks


3 months by choice. I was cleared at about 6 weeks

It’s an open wound. Please wait until they give you the ok!

6 weeks, at a minimum. Your bleeding may have stopped, but you are still very prone to infection and pregnancy, both of which could be life-threatening. It isn’t worth leaving your current child(ren?) and husband for, IMO.


Wait the full 6 weeks. You have a plate sized wound in your uterus, regardless of how you feel… You’re not healed. Wait.


Girl just give him a gawk gawk 3000 and tell him to chill :joy:


Be protected cause you are still very fertile still. That’s why they recommend waiting. Not cause it’s harmful to you physically. Can’t. Plus it is harder to recover vaginally, Watch the precut, but anal ejacutaltion might be ok.:woman_shrugging:t4:

Wait until your 6 weeks checkup. There is a reason doctors say this. The wound is still open and HUGE and can very easily get an infection that goes straight into your circulatory system/blood, Sepsis!!! Infection of the blood… Life threatening!!! infection is the big reason to wait until the doctor says you are properly healed. Your little baby needs a mommy. NOT worth the risk!


6 weeks because that’s what the doctor said… lol


You just pushed a baby out. Let it heal, he can wait.


4-6 weeks minimum!! Your are not only prone to infection but you can hemorrhage


Within 2 weeks after my first😬 don’t judge, my next child came almost 4 years after…

6 weeks is preferred by doctors , I wiat til bleeding stopped. I have 5 kids as well. All of them our 2 to 4 years apart though so no back to back pregnancies either. Just use protection

Definitely should wait 6 weeks! You don’t want or need an infection