How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

Dude men are stupid. U can legit go thro a shit birthing experience or a great one and they wont care. They just wana fuck. Sooo have sex when u are ready. He can wait or he can use his hand. Absolutely do not feel pressured.

My ob/gyn told me to wait 6 weeks, then go to him for a check up. At the check up he gave me the go ahead. My hubby got savaged that night :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Tell hubby that’s why he has rosey thumb and her 4 sisters until you are ready.

I waited 2 weeks with my first (hubby raped me). My second he waited 4 weeks.


There are other ways to be intimate with your husband that don’t require vaginal penetration. If you’re up for it, experiment.

6 weeks is what most Doctors recommend

Recommended time is 6 weeks. You should be following up with your physician at that time, they will make sure you are healed and discuss birth control of that is what you want. Prior to this point, increased risk of infection, pain for you and you can become pregnant again. L&D RN here

As anxious as you may get use a condom. Few women really want to be pregnant at their 6 week check up

Bible states 40 days after a boy, 80 days after a girl.

C section she was 4 days latter

Follow your Doctor’s instructions. If you don’t you could pay a price later. Wait!!!

Infection you may get

Personally why are we talking about this on Facebook

Dont… wait at least 6 weeks. You’ll start bleeding all over again. And its a trainwreck down there

Be careful you can get pregnant so easy

Tell him to have patience,

Rule in Islam : 40 days

Not appropriate for public viewing

Waited till check up and BC in place

Why are you asking facebook and not your OBGYN

Really is up to the individual.

Soon as she got home

6 weeks. You risk infection if you do it before then. I worked with someone who did it around 4 weeks, got a very bad uterine infection and almost died. Why risk it IMO 🤷🏼‍♀

Best to wait 6 weeks

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Until the Dr said it was ok

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Too much information thank you.


There’s always anal :woman_shrugging:t3:

6 to 8 weeks I believe

6 week to 8 weeks to prevent infection and complications on your end.

Wait til your 6 week checkup! To make sure you have healed correctly and to prevent infections and pregnancy! You are VERY fertile after birth.

We did it in the hospital same night


If you’re interested, you should definitely speak up about it. Check in with your doctor about this. Most commonly, and I believe recommended as well, is to wait 6-8 weeks. It’s important to know that you’ve healed enough. Attempting before your body is ready could make sex painful in the future. Infections can happen in such delicate area.
Ultimately, do as you feel comfortable. And I do stress feeling absolutely comfortable.
Slow it down. Take your time and make sure you’re not feeling pain through each “step”.

Good luck hun. I wish you the best. If any of these concerns are stemming from feeling some sort of pressure from your partner to perform, then perhaps it would be best to postpone.

6 weeks, I repeat wait the FULL 6 WEEKS. It always makes me cringe when I find out women have sex like a week after birth. It is not healthy to do so, and can cause an infection. Do NOT do it.

6 weeks so u can completely heal… Better put that mouth to work girl

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6-8 weeks and I’d tell him go push a watermelon out of his asshole and see would he be wanting sex then

  1. Ask your doctor. I’m fairly sure he/she has already talked about this.
  2. If you’re going to listen to advice online, at least listen to the majority here - 6-8 weeks.

First child 2 weeks , second child 5 days later my bleeding stopped.

Are you kidding.Heal shit,6 weeks minimum

Until your dr clears you.

Wait till after your final checkup tell him to get Lost

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Don’t they tell you to wait till at least your six-week checkup


I waited at least the 6 weeks for my body to heal. Even then it was tender the first couple times

He has no respect for your body, to ask before you are healed. To risk your health, means he possibly associates sex with porn, not with love. That’s not healthy on anyone’s part.

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6 weeks but I waited 2 months

6 weeks but I waited a little longer

Lol I told my husband 90 days and he waited. Counting down the days on the calendar. I was in labor for four days. Water broke at 7months, delivered four days later.

omg that’s a very personal each person is different


Oh for god sakes. He won’t die. You are supposed to wait six weeks.

Almost two years. I was traumatized :joy::rofl::joy:.


If hubby cares about your well being then he can wait. If you are feeling the need then I would just foreplay with him (leave you out of it though even toys and hands can cause infection)

Till I was cleared by my doctor!!
You might feel “okay” but your body needs time to properly heal. Healing on the inside is a massive process, the uterus needs to shrink, your pelvic floor muscles need time to relax and repair themselves. Too soon can cause damage

Infection is why they tell you atleast 6 weeks!

13 ouchie day’s. Not by choice.

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Uhhhhh like 6-8 months. But in our case we had our daughter March 9th and then my boyfriend was in an accident March 28th. So he had surgery on his leg March 29/30. Something like that. So we really couldn’t do anything for a bit

Your lucky I was raped by my husband the day after the birth of my first child :sob::sob:

The entire inside of your uterus is an open wound until it’s fully healed, and that takes weeks. Your cervix is still very open which also allows for increased risk of infection. Your doctor will determine if you’re healed enough to resume sex at your six week appointment.

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I think it’s a personal choice as each body is different. Speaking from my own personal experience with all three of my babies; I did not wait the full six weeks. I waited a couple of weeks and “tried” when I felt good enough and if it hurt at all I asked my husband to stop which he did and was very understanding of. I’ve always had a very high sex drive and my husband did as well plus having our daughters together made us both want to “make love” reaaaaaal bad lol. Do what you feel is in your best interest. :ok_hand:

Your vagina looks like hamburger right now. You just pushed out a baby. Let your body heal.

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5 weeks lol couldn’t wait longer but was also cleared by dr

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Our doctor advised 6 weeks! Of course that was back in the 80’s. Now the GYNs tend to perform more C-Sections than before.

After the 6 week post check

with my first, it was 2 weeks 5 days. I needed abit of the other but with the second, I was bleeding on and off for more than 6 weeks so yes, the prick had to wait longer lol

Your baby stretched out every part of your insides. Your organs are still trying to get back to where they were. It is gently healing. The outside might seem fine, but the inside is still in shambles. Be kind to your body. Hubby can patiently wait a few weeks more.


Let him wait, give yourself a time so you can heal from a child birth, it’s not easy to bring a whole human being.

They tell you to wait at least 5-6 weeks for a reason.


Hahaha the day I came home

I’d wait as long as possible. We after 6 wks and it was like razor blades

Maybe you should discuss this with your doc

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I think I only made it couple weeks w my first but bleeding stopped after a week. My son I bled for almost a month :expressionless: but they say 6 weeks for a reason lol

My two are 10.5 months apart that’s all I can say :joy:


6 weeks. Anytime before you are risking infection. Your still healing inside. If he can’t wait maybe try other forms of pleasure.


6 weeks like the doctor recommends? :woman_facepalming:t2:


A week both times :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

You have a dinner plate soze wound on the inside of your belly ! Weather you feel good or not it’s not worth the risk of infection ! 6 week minimum.

Wait as long as possible ,my SO was impatient and we did it 3w post partum bc I stopped bleeding at 2w bc I felt fine and he got carried away and I had to have him stop bc it hurt to bad bc I was still so sore and when he pulled out blood was everywhere ! I had an all natural and had 0 tearing ,also have a very high pain tolerance so for it to hurt me though we’re all different says something ! Not to mention the risk of infection !

I was pressured into having sex way too soon and bled for almost 5 months. Better to wait 6 weeks at least, or ask your doctor.

2 weeks but I also had no tears or anything.

4 weeks. Wasn’t worth it. It didn’t hurt but it didn’t feel good either. Just wait the 6 weeks, it’s not worth the risk of developing an infection either.

You are to wait until your postpartum appt! You are still healing! Plus at that time your Dr will put you on a form of BC unless you want Irish twins!

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The amount of times I’ve repeated this in the last week or two​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4::smirk:

6 I repeat (6) WEEKS AT LEAST!

Honestly not worth the potentially life threatening infection you could get al for a bang!
Plus contraception is key as you’re super duper fertile after birth🤙🏼

For the love of all Gods, the risk for infection is huge! It’s not just the bleeding that needs to stop!

55 years ago it was 6 weeks but things av changed so I don’t l ow about now.its best seek advice.

6 weeks to 3 months for good measure. Your body needs to heal.

Just remember you more fertile after giving birth to be careful you don’t want another one

Girl don’t let these people tell you long as you feel fine take your time if it hurts stop I had a sex in like one to two weeks after

My doctor told me sex before or after…if it hurts dont do it!

Tell hubby to take care of himself. Your body needs time to heal.

Listen to your doctor. You can please him in other other ways.

Youre very fertile right now. So unless husband wants another baby right away

6 weeks per dr directions

As long as possible!

Keep your personnal crap off Facebook. Geez

Good lord, as long as possible​:rofl::rofl: