How long do CPS cases usually last?

I am involved in a cps case; they have a safety plan. I can’t be around my kids unless my husband or mom is with the kids and me. I have to do classes and get a mental health evaluation done before the case can close. Husband has emergency custody. Kids have not been removed, and neither have I just can’t be unsupervised…how long does this go on for? Obviously, I have to and am willing to do everything I need to do to get this case closed. I am just looking for advice and some help and waiting to hear from the caseworker. I was in the hospital for a week, so I haven’t really been told much about anything.


Generally 24 months or so no less than 12 if the allegations were founded which sounds like they were since you have a safety plan

The length varies. I’ve had cases last only a couple weeks. A couple months and a couple years! What i suggest is to look into your rights. Google what rights cps has in your state. Make sure you are doing what is required of you. The more you cooperate the quicker the case will go. But they have been known to not follow rules so make sure you keep a journal and document EVERY THING!!! Good luck hunny.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long do CPS cases usually last?

You will probably have to go before a judge several times before the case is closed. The judge will be who grants you unsupervised custody.

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The fastest as far as I am aware is 3 months. If you have more questions feel free to message me

We have personal experience with this. The individual had classes as well. There was also a police investigation. Everything took around 8 months.

Until you do everything on the safety plan they are there even after you do complete it they still pop back up to make sure you are still doing everything you need to for the safety and welfare of your child


Until you stop acting crazy. Get it together and do what you got to


The sooner you work the plan and finish the better. Then it closes about 3 months after you finish your case plan

I would say plan for a year.


All depending on the exact situation, everyone’s different. :pray:


I was told 1 year is the longest they allow in my state when children have been removed from parent. 3 years for non removal.

30 days to 15 months. It sounds to me like you are under a safety plan. That is good, means you still have a shot of doing what they demand without losing your kids. Do everything on that list.


3 months is the absolute minimum, review hearings are every 90 days, so work the plan and be on top of everything!

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Just do what they tell you to do. When they tell you to.
Ours had taken over a year now and still going on. Good luck!


It’s a case by case basis, they will need you to complete all things they ask, and also go help yourself too, until they feel you are mentally ready to take on the care of your children and are nit at risk of the same thing happening again, it can take a fair while, I’ve had a friend go through this, and they stayed involved for years due to the fact she was only doing what they asked her, and wasn’t proving she was bettering herself and life on her own as well.


Took my daughter about a year. Unless you don’t complete what they ask you to do satisfactory. Then possibly longer. Alot will depend on you and the reason all this is going on.

I have custody of my niece, our case closed after about 3ish months. They try to get things squared away fairly quickly from what I see.

I was a foster mom, cases are usually a year minimum and can be up to 2.


What state are in? Are they discussing filing a cina? What are you being accused of? It all depends on those questions. I’ve seen some cases last 4 months and never stepping into a court room then others cases last over 2 years.

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It can last years. There’s no set time line. Especially if you have to do all of that. And I’ve never seen it take less than 10 months.

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I’m not sure about the question you asked, but I just wanted to say even though I don’t know the circumstances, good on you being prepared to do everything to be a healthy mumma to your kids, I do hope you recieve the support, guidance and care you and your family need if this is due to some mental health issues etc. Keep looking for the positive future and the end goal.


It depends on the situation - if everything that needs to get done gets done (currently) and everything is safe and all well for the kids to be around you, honestly.

Until you complete everything you need to do and the courts/CPS decides it’s over with. Could be months or could be years. The sooner you get it done the better though hopefully.

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My sisters case took a year! At the year mark they placed her children back with her. That’s after she did the mental evaluations, therapy, parenting classes, got a stable place, car, and job. They waited months to make sure she was serious about getting her stuff together.

Look at this as an opportunity to get the support that you need, so that you can be the best mom that you can be. We need to be a healthy person to be a healthy mom! CPS has a bad reputation but they can really be helpful and supportive, and can help you access any needed services. Embrace this situation, and take this opportunity to work on yourself!


Get a lawyer if you can plz

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6-12 months I would think. But I wanted to say good for you for reaching out, mental health is very important hugs mama!


I had a case once with cps my kids were removed for 5 months… i did everything i was supposed to and started doing classes and meetings before i was ordered to so by the time i had court i was already enrolled i also never tested dirty never drank again made every visit every court date and was in touch with my lawyer every day asking questions and extra things to get them back… my case was closed within the year… i was however told i was one of the exceptional cases and got my children back and case closed faster than usual… it does take 1-2 years depending on how severe the case is


In my experience as a foster parent, most cases are open for a long while. However, you are an “in-home” case and my experience is with out of home cases. That said, the circumstances of your case will change. As you do the things required of you, the courts/ social workers may change how it’s set up. Like you may be able to unsupervised time with the kids while the case is still open. You may be completely done with everything required of you and your life may be completely back to normal and the case could still be open. Usually social services and the courts try to do things in stages, in order to gradually take you back to normal. So even though everyone on here is saying long time frames, don’t stress too much about the time the case is open. Just focus on the next steps you need to take to get back to normal.


It goes on for as long as your unwell


Sending prayers. Don’t lose hope or strength! Take it one day at a time! Getting help is the first step.

One year is pretty average. Never lie or hide things from your worker. The more cooperative you are the smoother things will go. I had a cps case during my custody battle because my ex tried to use my postpartum depression against me saying I was unfit (I have sole custody now :crossed_fingers:t2::two_hearts:). I have sporadic cps visits because my son is autistic. He self injures himself quite a bit and people call it in. He has ear splitting screaming meltdowns and those get called in. It can be scary to deal with at first, but it’s not as bad as you would think. They are there to make sure the kids are safe, not to try to take them away without reason. Keep your chin up, mama. You got this :two_hearts:


Depending on your state honestly. I have family members have a case over and done within a week and some last as long as 3 years. It’s all of a matter of what happened. Not trying to be judgemental but they should treat every case seriously. Take the #GabrielFernandez case. That poor baby was abused, neglected and ultimately killed. Again, not saying that you did anything like this but just do what you need to do but be ready for a fight if you truly are innocent. Not all case workers are nice. Some look to take kids away for whatever twisted pleasure. Others, are genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of the child(ren).


I have done what they have asked and its still going on 5 years later

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its a beauty contest.

Prayers and good vibes. Do everything they tell you. Go above and beyond. Hopefully its over in no time. I’m sure you love them and they love you.

This would be a good question for the case worker on how you can work up to not having to be supervised

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I had similar happen to me when I had my son in 2016 but I only attended an FGC when my son was 3 months old and it was there that I was told that I could move out of the family home and into my own home with my son. By the time I found a place, 2 months had gone by. I got 1 visit there, then case closed. I never actually had him removed from me though.I still had custody during the time I was restricted, just had to live with someone else from my family.
I now have had legal custody(via court) since my son was 10 months old although he was in my full time care from birth anyway

When ur done everything and they evaluate it

It just depends on the case, why it was opened or what has happened for them to put the safety plan in place. We had a ‘case’ because something happened in another house with our daughter. They took her from us over night until they could check our house for her safety. We got her back in under 10 hours. Our ‘case’ lasted 32 days with just the initial house check nothing after that. We opted into parenting classes since they were suggested. It’s case based and it’s based around why it was open and if there is more possible danger to the kids. You can do what they recommend but even after that, they can remain with an open case for the kids well being for as long as the case worker sees fit.

I had that situation with my ex husband and it took 6 months. The case worker would also randomly show up just to make sure he wasn’t alone with the kids. It really depends on the case worker and the state you live in though. Unfortunately for you, if you and husband decided to split and the paperwork says you cannot be alone, you husband can use that to prove you unfit. I didn’t know that until my lawyer told me because I was asked if there was any previous cps cases between us and he was able to get a copy of the paperwork. Not saying that your husband will do it though.

Wow, I would have gotten a lawyer right from the beginning.
Safety plans can last years.


I was accused of comitting an act of violence in front of my son. Near 3 years later, he cant tell you what happened. You see, he wasnt there. He never witnessed it. I was a ward of the state and they’ve harassed me since he was birn. I had a miscarriage, had cps on my arse. They removed him when was 11 weeks old on a friday arvo. Their report full of lies. I got him back the following monday. My mortal enemy has put multiple fraudulent claims against me, in which i was harrassed every time. All unsubstantiated. In 2017, after a month long slogging of cyber bullying, threats and all sorts, i rang police to come get him. I was suicidal. I got help. Its been brutal and soul destroying. Its nearly cost me my life on more than one occasion. If i had of committed an act of violence in front of him, id probably understand. But i dont.

So far. . . Its been almost three years

You’re entitled to legal representation. Read up on your rights. Do not volunteer anything, but do not be argumentative. Do not trust cyf,dcf or whatever your state wants to call it.


It just depends I’ve had some places that was closed within a few days and some places that lasted 6 months and had my daughter removed cuz she lied and that was over 9 months I think if I’m a remembering correctly the supervisor said that most cases lasted from 9 to 12 months if they are removing kids or doing stuff through Court but if they’re not then it should be a lot less yeah I’m just guessing but by my experience I wish you luck

Seems like I remember too something about it could go for up to 2 years then something has to be done either remove them or let them back in together

Depending on the state if you want to know about there process or what the kids are going through you I can message me I’ve been on both sides I was in cps custody until I turned 18 and I also had cps cases in my case I was judged for being in there care my self as a child they though if my mom wasn’t a good mom then I wouldn’t be able to be a good mom


It depends on the case and what all they want you to do. And how quickly things are getting done. Could be months, could be years. Good luck

My strongest piece of advice is this.
They are going to ask you to jump through every hoop, you do what they ask AND more they ask you to get a mental health evaluation you get 3. They ask you to go to therapy weekly you go twice, join support groups and have people surrounding you that can testify how great of a mom you are, go with your husband on outings, make sure your house is fully stocked with all they need and more join programs like healthy babies, or healthy families that have social workers come fo your house go teach you neccessary parenting things and help your children develop. Attend every pediatrician appointment. Show them your willing to do all they ask and more. AND DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.
The average case lasts 18 months-26 months when a child is deemed and CINC and removed from the home. I hope your doing better, but no child deserves to not be around their mom just for mental health issues as long as your safe around your babies. I’m proud of you stay strong!


It all depends on how and why all this started


Go to your own doctor for the mental health evaluation not one cas chooses and avoid their parenting capacity assessment as they pay over 8 k for this and is set up to make parents fail and I havent seen a parent yet pass it and will forever get used against you as well as your mental health

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It took me 8 months to get unsupervised visits
It took me 8 months, even though we had gotten in parenting classes and counseling and had both completed before a safety plan was even put in place. And my case worker still wanted to continue the case out to her first birthday but the judge stood up for us and said no that we deserve and need her back. case still wasn’t fully closed until Feb 27th of the following year. Stay strong!

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long do CPS cases usually last?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long do CPS cases usually last?


CPS has been in our lives for over a year now but my case is insanely complex. I have been compliant with my case plans. But every day is filled with terror and anxiety because I never know what to expect from the case worker or judge. Wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. I really couldn’t do that. But please know I am so sorry and wish you the best of luck. Like people have said, follow whatever plan they give you. Any hint of noncompliance and they’ll retaliate, viciously.


Be careful…I jumped through all the hoops and they still took my kids away from me. They literally lied on me in court. Using what I told them against me by flipping it around. It’s been since 2007 last time I seen them. Then the foster home they went to was abusing them. All they did was take their foster license. I had pictures of the bruises and welt from a belt. I was ignored. Just be careful.


Mine was 3 years and I haven’t seen my daughter since she was 7 now going on 19 all because they stated I did drugs with no proof and passing every test they gave me I wouldn’t wish cps/ dps on my worst enemy


Six months is usually the start then it can get closed or extended it depends on the situation


I had my kids removed for domestic violence towards me. It depends on why they are involved and how well u do. My kids were removed completely and back within 6 months. Which in my experience is super quick.


I’m in the same boat right now…my daughter’s father put his hands on me ,so my niece, son and neighbor called the cops…dfc(cps) came the next day and removed the kids and made me sign up for a bunch of classes…I feel it’s bs cause he’s taking his to trial so he dont have to do a case plan…but yet I did no wrong …I was the one who was attacked and didn’t fight back…the system is so fucked up


My case went on for 2 years. My best advice… Just do what they say. Don’t argue. Don’t procrastinate. Because they can and will put you through hell. Which then puts your kids through hell. And don’t lie to them. They have connections and have ways of finding things out. My kids were never removed from my custody. But I wasn’t allowed to be unsupervised with them period. They’ll drop the safety plan if they see you trying and doing well. They will take everything your superiors say and document all of it. So watch what information you dish out. Oh yeah and Don’t miss appointments or court. Sorry I know that’s a lot but it’s all true. our caseworker became like my big sister and I still talk to her often. They don’t want to see you fail. Don’t listen to the ones who shit talk because they didn’t wanna humble themselves and do the right thing.


I had somebody call on me maliciously… a step sibling…. I wouldn’t let them near my kids & called my lawyer & sat outside with them until he pulled up. 15 minutes… that’s how long they were there… they got to SEE the kids, and my cabinets, & the lawyer escorted them out… two weeks later I got the drop letter.


Could be 6 months could be years. Do NOT trust the Caseworker, they are not really there to help you. Get a lawyer!


Every cps case is different. It depends on many things as in like both parents fighting for custody. Also if a parent is on drugs/alcohol/no job, etc that majorly affects it. The safety of the children is the top priority in the deciding the outcome. So any type of abuse will be looked into. They make sure u can provide for ur kids, and depending on their age, they can voice their opinion on who they wanna live with

I have the same thing going on right now, My kids were taken in November… As long as you do literally EVERYTHING they say, Ya know complete the case plan & so on it shouldn’t be too too long. I have court next month & my lawyer believes Ill get my kiddos back then. But honestly, My case was was because of drugs & I didn’t even start my classes or anything until like a little over 2 months ago. (I’m off of drugs now & get weekends with my kiddos so please no negative replys). If you need someone to talk to that knows what you’re going through my inbox is always open, I know how hard & stressful this can be! ( PS make sure you ALWAYS keep record of anything you complete. Parenting classes, Mental evaluation just anything! I cant stress that enough!!!)


Around 6 months, you don’t have to take classes or do anything…you didn’t have to agree to supervised visits with your kids either. Unless your being charged with something in which case your kids would of been removed from you, you don’t have to even talk with them…Cps likes to scare people , intimidate and make you believe that if you complete classes it looks good on you…well it looks good on them they are making sure they cover their asses not yours…at the end when they do close your case they are gonna classify it at a level 2 meaning ur guilty of whatever ur accused and u agree cause you accepted to take classes but they didn’t have enough to charge you …


Never give more info then needed ! You may think that your doing the right thing by being so honest and transparent! But they will turn around and throw it in your face ! Just follow everything they expect if you and never give a dirty urine and as long as you have a decent case worker you’ll case should be closed in a year ! Good luck


Depends on reason they got involved and what state you’re in. Cases last years but for kids being placed back in home they will stay involved for 1 year from the day you got kids back.

I’m 99% positive safety plans are only 30 days. After the 30 days is up then they either open the case and take further action or close it.


Each state is different. They will give you a timeline of what and when to expect court dates and such. BUT!!! It’s not realistic because things happen and court gets postponed. We were told 18 months for the parents to get their act together for reunification and if not, hearing and trial for termination of their rights. Our case took almost 4 years with parents doing absolutely nothing to get their child back. Adoption was finally granted and awarded Feb 2021 after CPS/DSHS initial placement Feb 2017.


Every case is different and I wouldn’t ever go off anyone else’s with this type of thing. I did just get my son back after a safety plan and he only had to stay at my cousins for 3 weeks


I’m sure state laws vary somewhat, but it depends on the specific situation and it really depends on the caseworker. Here in my state, I knew someone who had to go to classes at the local mental health organization and move up in “steps”, so it was a step-based program. It lasted several months but there were drugs involved and the situation was probably different.


Went through the same thing. Got the kids back and left alone, after 4 months. Be proactive and follow your case plan. All this will be a distant memory, if you just do right and show that your are willing to do right.
It fucking sucks but you need to do, whatever you need to do for your kids.


Not all cps workers are corrupt. I agree get an attorney, get in writing with the attorney exactly what you need to do, and do exactly what it says. If they want additional items done, they can be in breech of a contract. Make them sign it!


It will more than likely take a while. I was clean and sober and there was no evidence of abuse and I still fought to get my kids home for over 2 years. And that was after paying $3,000 for a lawyer. I passed every drug test, mental health evaluation, did every class and counseling session and they just kept adding things to my case plan which shouldn’t be legal. My kids have now been home over 2 years but none of it was easy. I would hire a lawyer ASAP.


:thinking: not sure what state your in But in Ma you can deny their services. Its your right. As long as the kids aren’t in harms way.
But cases up here can last anywhere from 6 months to a few years


I had one opened back in 2008… I was young and dumb and left my baby in the car while I ran into somewhere to grab a lighter… was gone less then a min but that was all it took… my case wasn’t open very long maybe 3 months or soo… I was the same way… I could be with my child as long as another adult was around… but they didn’t really inforce it on me… I did do everything they ask aswell as everything they suggested… case of child endangerment was dismissed and then they closed the cps case… I think all I really had to do a take a drug test… take a parenting class and then I volunteered for some type of program where someone (psychologist or therapist) came to my home once a week and we talked for an hour… then it was over… I honestly enjoyed the lady that I talked too… she was so nice and down to earth.


i have been in the same situation, mine only last for 3 months since i agreed to do parenting classes, i was in a mental institution for a week and have gotten necessary help for the case to be close :slightly_smiling_face: hope it helps!


Child protective services have to much power, should never sign safety plan that’s where they take ur rights away from u so they can legally take ur kids for no reason


Trigger warning: rape, molestation, and nightmares.
This is exactly why I don’t talk to a lot of people and stay away. Every time I invite someone into my life they find a way to be shit to me and my family. I was in foster care and my grandmother called CPS on me for a certainty good reason. But it’s sad that the kid get more trauma going into foster care than the offenders or the abusers. I have had a lot of issues. I don’t abuse my kids or hurt them at all. I’m very good with my kids but I don’t trust anyone else now.
Caseworkers treat kids like shit and teach them to be manipulating because they want out of foster care and do everything to get them to do everything they want. Even if it means to be done with their family.
Everything I’m saying is of my experience as a foster kid. I don’t need your “not all are like that.” I don’t care. Biggest trauma of my life was foster care bullshit. Being raped and molested in my life wasn’t even that traumatizing.
How i get that part is because I get more being in foster care nightmares than the actual raping.


It all depends on how quick your caseworker gets the classes scheduled for you that you need and how quick you work through the classes. Every case is different. My niece waited almost a year just for classes. It goes alot quicker if you have funds to hire your own lawyer and pay for what you need instead of waiting on the list for the state to pay for it. Good luck and pray all goes well.

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Schedule your mental health appointment and go to your classes. Then whenever u have court bring paperwork. Call your social worker everyday and let her know what your doing and that your trying. It will look good when u go to court. As long as u are complying.

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I had to take something during pregnancy or I would have lost our child due to withdrawals and ill be hated for this but our baby dr didn’t call cps,the nicu did and after 1 month and a half of her being in nicu when we got home,they only did 2 home visits and I couldn’t be around our child by myself unless my husband or mother n law was with us but it didn’t last long because I had a prescription it blocked them from being able to do anything. However I didn’t have to do any classes. It only lasted almost 1 month or less than that and was only 2 home visits,one visit to see the home,and the 2nd to end the case.


Every case is different and at least in LA, it takes 30 days to investigate a situation and determine if it’s safe for kids to be w parents but if there was a situation that put kids in harms way, if your husband decides to, he can go to court and fight for your rights taken away. Every state is a little different but that’s the jest

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I’ve been in this same exact situation and it all depends on what CPS see’s fit and depends on the entire situation honestly. Every case is different. But whatever happened, if they see improvement in the case then it shouldn’t last a long time. But like I said it all depends on the case and the details of the case.

It all depend on tjhe case. Iv had them for a year before and. 90 days. It depends on the situation and how long it takes u to do what they ask. My older kids i lost completly because my mental health was to hazardous for my children even when i did everything asked of me. I wouldnt worry how long id just worry about getting better and getting the help u need.

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This is a little confusing as CPS in the UK is Crown Prosecution service, but in the USA I’m guessing it is Child Protection Services? Just for clarity as this group encompasses all continents.

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Depends on what grounds they made the decision. Two is have an attorney


Oh baby, I hate to hear this. I’m in one myself right now & we’re a year and a half into it. All cases are different. I’m sure mine has a lot more going on in it than yours, which is why mine has lasted so long and still going on. It’s been a crazy stressful ride. Safety plans typically last 90 days before they even consider closing, but more than likely they always extend to another 30-45 days. Even after doing everything in your willpower possible, they ask of you. It’s really hard to get them closed out once opened. Now in some cases you get great workers who really work with you and get it done as soon as they possibly can. Honestly it really just depends on them and if you are doing everything. They have all the power, and a lot abuse it.
I surely hope you get it under control & soon honey. I know how hard it is. And I wouldnt wish this stuff on anyone. Some of these workers truly mentally break you to your core.

Pray pray pray I went through CPs for over 3-4 years but I also kept getting multiple child advocate which some got nasty towards me do everything they ask of you

Mine took about a month to get it closed after! And got sole custody afterward :grimacing:

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Depends. Can be months to year or more. Just do as they say and keep your nose clean esp on social media.


you have to do what they told you to do them give them proof of it and then they will check and make sure everything ok with you snd if it is done properly and everything is better then they willl close the case . if they deem that there’s more issues then they will go from there so it all depends on your evaluations you have to do for them

It can last for a while. A year even. If you get a good caseworker that works with you, it will make this time much easier. I was in a very similar situation. You’re welcome to pm if you need to.

Every case is different. It can he 6 months or long term. It was long term (till kids turn 18) with my mom, but we were taken away and put in foster care and a few of us were old enough that the judge let us make decisions… me and my sister chose to stay in the system but wanted regular contact/visits with our mom and siblings. She too had a lot of mental health issues.

I am a foster/adoptive mom. I also advocate for parents. Length of time will depend on you. Work your plan and then some.

My son went into foster care may 6th, 2020. My case is now finally closed as of 6/21/2021. It took me a little over 13 months to satisfy the court. However, I think it all depends on how willing you are and how satisfied the judge is. My worker has wanted mine closed since February but it took the judge longer to get on board. Every situation is different. Prayers for you and your children! :pray:

Everybody is saying so many shitty things about cps, but everyone experience is different. I had an open file regarding domestic violence and the guy went to jail but my worker actually worked with me & not against me. They aren’t all bad. Just follow what they want you to do. There’s obviously a reason to why there’s a safety plan in first. Some kids do need protection.