How long do CPS cases usually last?

Mine lasted 10 months I did everything they asked as quickly as I could and I documented EVERYTHING! good luck momma it’s not a life sentence you can do it . My kids have been home 4 years now .

Just follow your parenting plan and do whatever it is they want you to do. The more cooperative, the quicker it is. A year is the least it could take.


Typically 45-90 days, I’m dealing with it right now because my ex made a claim my fiancé was harming my children…my fiancé even passed a polygraph for me. And no deception was indicated. But their dad filed for full custody which I had before all of this, so now they’ve been with him since February until we go back to court on august. :pleading_face: I can only see my kids supervised by my aunt for 4 hours every Saturday, they won’t even let my mom do the visits. Stay strong :heart:

Depends on your case. If it drug related it can go on for up to 3 years. Heroin/meth user has to remain clean for 3 years here in Texas. The clock resets if you test positive. My husband and I adopted our daughter. CPS was involved in our case.

I have been through this too. It took about 9 mths to close the case and I still had my child through it.

It lasts until CPS deems your children safe.

It seriously breaks my heart how many people have dealt with CPS on here! Wow! :frowning:

It depends on what happened… also thinks vary state by state.

I’ll tell you from our weird experience after taking 2 of our children (both oldest 2 girls of 3 and 2 boys) of 5 total. For truancy with doctors excuses all but like 3 days missed. We had a rough school year with sickness. Taken 2 days before the end of the school year, 3 hours away no option for family or friends to get them. Gone 3 weeks to 2 different homes. Parenting classes, no history of drug abuse or any abuse. Weird AF, trying to pit hubby and I against each other and other 3 kids, 1 older. I’ll pray for your situation , I couldn’t afford a lawyer but the public attorney was absolutely baffled with what they were doing without any type of drug test or mental health exam. Supposed to be around 1 time a month for 6 months but came 3 weeks later and simply closed the case. We were done completely wrong and fought back. Told the judge how strange the experience was and they were reprimanded and laws were changed shortly after. Hugs momma I pray everything works out soon

It can go on for as long as they want to kinda…I know eventually they have to close out and make a decision but they can keep pushing it back further if they want. When it comes to mental health stuff, like getting the eval…you have to REALLY watch what you say. Those people are supposed to be a 3rd party who haven’t read your case blah blah blah but when you get your eval back it’ll seem like they twisted everything you said around on you. More than likely they’ll diagnose you with some kind of mental disorder cause thats what they do…bare minimum they’ll say you have depression and anxiety. When you do talk to your case worker try to talk through email as much as possible that way its documented and he/she can’t make up stuff that you supposedly said. Other than that do whatever services they want you to do. Good luck!

I hate to say this but it’s typically true depends on how much money you have.
If you hire a lawyer the case will be resolved in no time.
Otherwise, just do what’s required of you and once completed let them know you would like the case closed out. Their turnover is high and people get lost in the system so stay on top of it asking for a supervisor to close out the case.

I’m just curious, but everyone here knows that cps LOVES threads like this? I mean, I’ve heard stories of agents creating fake accounts to get into groups like this one and watch what we post. Just be wary. God I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I swear it’s true!


It is insane and can last for a few years. I had to deal with that as well.

After the safety plan was made it was 2-3 more visits…

We got rid of them after 7 false reports and a lawyer shit for slander. Even after we gave them evidence we wasn’t doing anything and it was all her exhusband they didn’t care.

Im sorry you’re going through this! Its a scary, stressful & traumatizing time. My heart goes out to you & your family. :heart:

I have no idea but I hope everything works out well for you x

I’ve been there… … in the County I live
. Not whats being done… its whos Doing it…
Get away from Toxic people… might be lonely but… better

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Depends could be 6 months to 2 years.

Do y’all know what happens when your cps case gets turned to inhome services??

Every case is different depends on the severity of the circumstances that got cps involved in the first place

And if they close your case, sometimes they can stay in your life for another 6 months after to make sure things are really okay

Unfortunately even when the case is closed it will always be on record.

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Just do every single thing they tell you to do & don’t do anything to jeopardize visitations & you will get your babies back & it all depends on the judge & what he/she determines after you have completed everything you need to do.

10 months so far for my family and I

Lolol I’ve been dealing with Dcf for 8 years, it really really depends

Ur on a safety plan not in services. Jus do what they tell u and do commen sense stuff theybwant u to donthings without them ordering u to do it.

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Usually 6 months as long as your completing everything asked of you

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It took around a month for mine to close but its a permanent record

There’s no certain time… Can be months or years.

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6 months in fl if theres no reason to pursue

They never leave you tf alone …at least not here in Illinois :sob:

They usually stay up to 24 months

Get in touch with an Attorney …ASAP.

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Until the judge and cps fees you can be safely around your kids . Follow the steps

Get an attorney and don’t trust or share anything personal with anyone except the attorney. None of the people that are assigned to your case are your friends, no matter how nice they seem, not even the volunteers. Don’t take anyone’s advice accept the attorney. If you have a women’s center, connect with them ASAP.


My best friend lost her kid for 6 months

I’m praying for your health and you get back to being with your family

Most cases are 6 months to a year minimum. I wish you luck!!!

Ours has been ongoing for 338 days.

Wow i can’t believe how many people have been involved with CPS.

I was a Foster parent, I’ve seen kids go home in 6 months and I’ve also seen kids go home after 3 1/2 years in custody. It all depends on you. Get your shit right ASAP, do all your classes, show up at court.

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Have you been to court and been ordered this? Sometimes cps gets calls and they take the law into their own hand! If you have just a safety plan that you signed giving the case worker your word and they have no fact finding then I would get a attorney!

It all depends why the case was opened.
Get an attorney, and go to trial if they decide to pull anything janky and don’t have any evidence against you being a bad parent.

As long as they want honestly. You kinda answer to them now. They’re not going to give you a date. Even if they did give you a date they can change it at any time if you don’t meet their requirements.

I have nver had an open xps case or had my kids removed but i know plenty women who have
cps is a nightmare

Try to comply with everything but All I know is to not let them take your kids without the cops present if they don’t have a cop with them and they don’t have a warrant then they will still attempt to take kids and allow you to legally forfeit your kids when you don’t have to
Then when you come back in the case they will say you forfeited your children willingly and lie about you in every way they can I’ve seen them do in several cases with many different women
No warrent,…then do not let them take your kids , cuz then you will spend months trying to get them back and it will be hell

Mine was suppose to be 2 weeks is what they said but it’s been a few months but I’m due with baby number 2 in a month and they are trying to get my first back in the home before then. I wasn’t deemed a threat to him my sister who lives with me was.

I’m sorry you’re going through this and I hope that you get the help and support that you need :heart: I don’t have advice about CPS, but I wanted to let you know you’ve got someone on your side! Get those classes done, get an evaluation done, get a game plan to help keep you on the healthy path and stick to it!

It really depends on the case at least 6months to a year probably to complete your services and get an attorney!!

I has a case for 2 years, but I was on the other side of it if that makes sense. My SD was being severely abused in every way. We called CPS when we should have called a lawyer right away. In KY a court order trumps cps so that’s how we were able to end it. Her mother was doing the classes and they kept giving her more time to complete everything. Her mother was charged with abuse, we have full custody and after she completed her classes she gets her every other weekend. We had to jump through hoops because she was placed with us, and I had a social worker in my home monthly just so they could say they saw her and my home was an appropriate environment for her. It was a pain in the ass. My advice is to get a lawyer asap!

A safety plan doesn’t necessarily mean that there is an open case. It means they believed that you were some sort of risk so they put one in place while they investigate further. I’ve seen people that have safety plans and cps never shows up again but I’ve also seen them do safety plans and then turn around and take the children out of the home. Be very careful what you say. Do not give more information than you must. Answer with yes and no when you can, don’t elaborate anything. They will twist your words. Look up and read and understand your rights in your state/city. If they come back and offer a plan it doesn’t mean it’s mandatory, ask what happens if you say no. A lot of times they try to make people do things by saying you have to do xyz and people don’t realize they can refuse and there isn’t anything they can do. But that really depends on circumstances and what “evidence” they have.

Do you have an attorney? If not, get one.

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Just do all the classes you can and.get those nazis out of your life!!!

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There’s really no telling. Just stay strong and do what you have to do :muscle: :purple_heart:

30 days if theres nothing wrong

Whenever you finish your classes and prove to them your okay. Each state is different so it’s hard to say how long.


Even if you are perfect and do everything right it can take 6 months to a year. Mine was closed exactly 1 year after. I did everything to prove I was fit. Mental health was the hardest part. Way easier if no drugs were ever involved I did follicular testing n my hair showed clean over 10 years

When I was in this situation it was like a couple months it stayed open but really it all just depends . It was open but they only came like twice for drug test and called references and that was pretty much it

I was on a cps case for 3 years. It was such a long hard journey but I got there. Kids were not removed from me at all not once, they stayed with me but my god social services were on my back. Was glad to see them go. The last social worker I had that closed the case was amazing though ill always be so grateful towards her and what she done for me and my kids :raised_hands:

Honestly depending on their findings you may never get to have visitation without someone there or custody again. If they clear you it just depends on how long their whole process takes.

I will say this I hate cps with a passion but at the same time if they didn’t step in and removed me from my mom who knows what would have happened to me even though I was judged and put in hard circumstances I know for a fact I wouldn’t be alive today so while not every one needs cps there are people that do hell just a month ago had cps stepped this little boy amari Nicholson would still be alive I do think they need to have more resources for families and I do think they should do more to keep families together before separating the kids from there parents but not everyone should have kids and be parents

It took my kids dad 3 years to get custody of his son after he was removed and later he was investigated in an open case for neglect of his son and it was closed after a couple of weeks it sounds like you are going to be dealing with this one awhile since you have to do classes but hard to tell since we don’t have a lot of information on what your case is for I would highly recommend getting lawyer bc my kids dad had one and it was still 3 years later that he got his son mind you he wasn’t even the one his son was physically taken from they found the kids mom passed out on drugs while pregnant and she was living with her new husband at the time

I’ve never had my kids taken away or anything to do with cps…idk wat your case is about but good luck! with everything and they close they case soon​:pray::purple_heart:prayers from. 1 mom to another

Depends on severity of the situation 6months -2years are most cases

I would think it has to do with the reason why the children were removed .cps has a good reason for removing children I would think .

I was on a safety plan for about six months. I did all my classes passed u.a test along with hair hair follicles. I was on cps due to my couple times of use of marijuana so since its not legal here in texas i had an open case. My u.a was clean when i got my first visit but because my hair still had signs i had to have an active case and the hair follicle test i took went back to five months it wasnt until i was fully clean and drug classes were done my case was finally closed in december. Then i had another case open in late march investigator did the well fair check. i was not put on a safety plan and my kids remained with me.there were no signs of abuse or drug use. I didnt take a drug test till a may 12 idk she prolonged it. She barely came june 22 which was this monday to tell me my drug test were negative and she was gonna work on my case and try to have it closed by friday. I guess it just depends on the case and the investigator

This is a question for your worker. If there’s no court involvement typically it’s 90 days then they might be required to file a petition if it goes beyond that. But this is Michigan

I’ve seen cases close in 3 months, some years later.

They last until u complete their recommendations

6 months to who knows how many years. Case to case basis u just have to do everything right. :broken_heart:

They might threaten your husband to leave you.


Our case was open for a month

If you’re in Florida DCF here is messed up. They’ve passed so many laws that make parents guilty until proven innocent, and they don’t care about anything at all. They love to blame DV victims as well :upside_down_face:

Get a attorney that help a lot.

1 year after you complete everything they ask of u

Just do whatever they ask give them no reason to
Question you and it will slowly but surely go away :heart::heart::heart: sending peace and love to you :heart::heart::heart:

Uggg U r In A situation I was In… Cry… my Advice 2 You… Uggg U Doing Drugs Drinking???.. please Stop what Your Doing… get The Toxic people out… Free loaders… r u A single mom on Welfare…its Ok…2 Be there… but Funny How these mag. Men prey on Welfare moms… God Says the Husband Shall be the Provider… Protecter… we As The woman… shall be The Gate keeper…

Years hun. Long heartbreaking years.


They can put your kids up for adoption

Usually up to a year

They will last as long as you are deemed a threat to the children.

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Mine lasted 15 months.

Do everything your suppose to do. Cooperate.


1 year if you are doing your case plan

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Plz join my group stop cps DHS free our kids


I had my case closed within 6mo because of the false allegations put against me. All we did was counseling via phone due to COVID-19 :person_shrugging:

Until they are satisfied with ending it.

What state are you from? Also a safety plan usually can’t override a court order. So if you have a court ordered parenting plan from a divorce for example I would find out.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long do CPS cases usually last?

It sounds like a family centered service case (what we call them here) which have no court involvement. Ours typically average anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

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Cps has 18 months for a final decision, you need to prove your fit, take classes and remove the threat that got you supervised visits in the first place
You need to show them that you’re putting in effort to better yourself and circumstances.

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Expect 12-18 months to be permitted to prove that you are fit. In Pennsylvania, safety plans can be for up to 90 days and your caseworker can ask for an extension. You will have court proceedings, if needed and your CPS office can suggest legal aid for you.

I also just want to say to the person (s) commenting we make more money by keeping a child in foster care… You couldn’t be more inaccurate with your information. We DO NOT make more money by keeping a child in a foster home. If people honestly knew the salary of a CPS/Social Worker… They might be surprised. We do not do this job for the money.


I’m dealing with this. And I’m going on 7 months. I did every class they told me to do and extra therepy classes and bent over backwards to get it done only to go to court and be told I had to be stable for 6 months before I can petition again. The faster you get it done the better and for the love of everything good do not break the court order or you could possibly loose all rights.


I’m a foster mom, every case is different. But here, the parent has a year to complete services ordered by cps or the judge. That’s not including time waiting on court dates and papers getting pushed. The quicker you do everything your supposed to do the better. Cross your t’s and dot your i’s. Always stay one step ahead. You have to prove yourself to them.


Be careful with the information you give them they can use it against you. Sense you were in the hospital they are probably just trying to get you for neglect ask them if they have a nurse or consolar that they can get for you and take whatever medications the hospital put you on until the case gets closed. Seek help with a therapist and psychiatrist that you know will take you in with your insurance it’s faster to get in with a crisis.


We have been dealing with them for almost 3 years we went back to court last month and they told us we cant get them back until me and my husband either split up or he gets all of his classes finished and the dang counselors we are working with keep starting him over everytime he misses an appointment which i think is stupid if he has to be in court or get a bench warrant how is he supposed to be in class at same time

I have worked in the mental health field for several years working along side with cases from cps. Their typical goal is always to reunify unless there is extenuating circumstances. I would definitely get ahead and seek out an outpatient therapist, psychiatrist, and see about obtaining a parent coach or in-depth parenting classes. I would also consider mental health skill building if you are also struggling with mental health challenges as they can assist you with your daily independent living skills such as finances, employment, collaboration with all your mental health and medical providers, and ensuring you are taking your medications properly and attending all of your appointments. It can become overwhelming but I think with the extra support you will find it to be a smoother transition. With that being said make sure you follow all the recommendations put in place from the social worker and or whomever is requesting you to complete said services. It can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. In VA the goal is usually to return to the home within a year, provided there are no mishaps or hiccups. Hope that helps.


If this is in Australia, please get anonymous to message me.
I was head hunted and dragged through court only for them to say they have no case after 18 horrific months.
I went for the throat and won.

Every case is different. I however dealt with them for a total of 2.5 years. Depending on the circumstances it could be the few items u listed could shut the case sooner than later. Praying for you


Currently going through the hardest time of my life because of CPS! I’d rather you message me if you don’t care!