Depends what you did??? Can take years!
The cases usually is a about a year sometimes longer
I’m in ny they last as long as it takes for you to do what they want…some take years some take months in ny with you not being allowed around your kids without being supervised that’s because you had to of done something seriously wrong…they will make you jump through hoops it would probably take a year or more hopefully not where you are from but our cps drags things out our county not speaking for all of ny just my county in ny
With a Mom that had to fight CPS. It took me 18 months from the time they took my child to when the reunification to him was the longest I had ever had to deal with something I don’t wish on anyone! Only advice I can suggest is get your self an lawyer even if it is a public defender… also do any classes they say that you need to do and then MORE!!! And look for more classes. Stay on your therapy. And your councling. And get the help you NEED!!
Not all are about reuniting. Some aren’t cuz they make more money keeping kids away or in a foster home. I’m going through it like I said for over a year now. I have all my rights an not in the same state even as the father who got my kids where they are nor was I around for an was lied to about all the cases he got in one year smh an I’m fighting hard with no criminal record even on my end. The system is twisted. I showed up 12 hours after hearing my kids was being taken away cuz the drives that long for them not to hand me my kids smdh. I also have a friend who’s been fighting for over two years now to get her 4 back. One was a new born at the time they was taken.
Do everything they ask when they ask and you will get them back.
they’re all different. ours went on for 5 years🙄
Gotta complete your classes in a timely manner it all depends on you. Bout 6 months at the least.
When we had custody of my niece and nephew, we had them for 18 months before they gave them back. And the record follows you for 10 years. And if you get them back, they do check ups for a few years, and track their doctors visits. And if they miss a check up or dental check up, they contact you to remind you.
But you are probably looking at a year before reunification. It’s not as quick as doing a class and getting them back. It’s a long drawn out process, even if you do everything asked. My nieces mother was called after 5 years from cps because she missed my nieces dentist appointment. So they do keep track, and for a long time.
Not my case an I been going through it for over a year now. Sounds like your being accused of abuse or sexual abuse tho!
They could last for months or years. It’s all up to you and only you. You have to be one step ahead of them at all times. I had a close friend go through this , their kids were in foster care for almost a year.
Depends on your progress. If everything is good they’ll close it. If they feel you’re not safe to be around they’ll continue the case.
If they try to make you see one of their counselors Decline and find one of your own. Women’s resources specifically has laws in place that prevents them from getting your most intimate details to use against you. They tried that ish with me when my husband hurt me, they used fraudulent misrepresentation to try to get me to sign off on all of my medical releases from the incident and a form saying I would see one of their counselors and that anything said can and would be used against me. I got my own through women’s resources and fought my case and had it thrown out. Talk about kicking a bitch when she’s down. I know they’re there for a reason and that they’ve done a lot of good for some kids, but I fought tooth and nail to protect my kids when we were in a bad situation. They didn’t mean to do all that shit to me, and if you sought help for your issues then you already did the right thing for your kids. They have to acknowledge that. Build your defense and work on fighting it, wishing you the best.
They dropped my case in 60 days. I had 2 different safety plans during the time of case being open. Probably depends on seriousness of the issue going on
It really just depends on how quickly you move to get things done to address the reason for their involvement.
The kids will come back in time worry about getting better!
Depends on how fast you compete the requirements
Depends on the state but up to 60 days in the state of Illinois. Just went threw a dcfs case with one of my babysitting families. And their case just got closed last week after being opened since March 26th
I was a case manager for a company that was responsible for placing and working cases where children were removed by DCF. I was responsible for creating safety plans and case plans to make the tasks parents were required to complete. There is NEVER a definite time frame. If there is a safety plan there is a concern for the safety of the children. The only person who has the final say is the judge based on recommendations from child protection and the progress made by the parent(s).
I worked for cps in the past. Some cases were open and close in 2 days. Some cases were open for years.
It really depends on the severity of the case and if you are working with them to get things taken care of. Just keep doing what you have to do and eventually everything will be fine. CPS doesn’t want to remove kids from their mothers for minor things but ultimately they are for the safety of the children. So keep following their guidelines and things will work themselves out!
U answered your own question… as soon as everything is done
Cam go on for 2 years could go on for 6 months. As a foster mom I’ve seen it all
Really it depends on you.
Every case is situational. I was on a safety plan for only 2 weeks. But it was because of seizures.
My case a long time ago took me 9 months to gain full custody again
AS LONG AS THEY WANT!!! Took us almost 5 years and it was for an incident with natural mother that the child wasn’t even living with or having contact with and the state drug it out almost 5 years!!!
As long as they want to. They will let ur case sit in a pile on their desk esp if it’s supposed to close just to collect more $$.
I had a case 6 years ago and my son was removed and it took me 18 months.
Until your children are safe.
You should actually be thankful that they’re making sure your children are safe.
Dont sign anything!!! If you sign a plan they can keep adding to that class after class…be respectful document everything…when they want you to sign a plan you need to take it to someone else you trust that has a little knowledge about cys like your therapist…thats who i used in my situation…i just wanted confirmation they weren’t doing any of their shady stuff. I had a caseworker from hell in the beginning && an angel after her. Every case is different. After I completed what they wanted me to I called them. If I felt like i wasnt getting anywhere then I called the supervisor.
It takes however long it takes you to complete everything on the safety plan. Whatever you do, DO WHATEVER CPS TELLS YOU TO DO!!! My sister had her 4 kids removed in December. She agreed to do the safety plan. It’s been 6 months and the case is still open because she hasn’t done anything and she’s on the verge of loosing her kids completely. The end of this month I will have permanent guardianship of 2 of my sisters kid’s. Once they close the case my sister will have to personally take me back to court and fight me for these kids. Which she won’t cause she’s a POS. Don’t be like my sister. WANT YOUR KIDS BACK THEN DO WHAT CPS SAYS AND DO IT ASAP!
Here it’s about 18 months
You’re case worker would have that information. You need to reach out to them.
Depends what the case is for and how your state works and how cooperative you are. I’ve seen cases open and closed in as quick as 30 days
Get a lawyer not all case workers are there to help you I have seen first hand kids be left behind that should have been removed and I have seen kids removed that never should have been removed you need to get a lawyer and let your lawyer handle this and you do all he ask if you our child protective services is broken and has been for many many years
It usually closes as soon as you get every single thing done they require of you… and you are capable of taking care of the kids… alone.
It really really depends on the state. In wisco they have 6 weeks to prove there is a reason they need to be involved they have 6 mos to make it a more permanent basically 6 mos to get ur shit together before CPS takes it to a judge.
Honestly depends on the state, severity of the case and your cooperation with the case workers. My friends case lasted around 6 months but they didn’t need to be supervised. They had the case worker come and do home visits to see the baby and make sure the house was suitable and clean. Just do what you need to do but don’t let them run over you. Because not all case workers are the same nor really care about fixing the situation so the case can close. Something seems off try a lawyer.
45 days is the quickest I think …but it depends on your cooperation
Just get it started so they can close you out.
I was on one but that was because he couldn’t handle formula and was failure to trive and he had a mark on his back that looked like a bruise but it is his birthmark, he is half Guatemala (and before any gets bug up there butt, I tried and couldn’t breastfeed because I didn’t produce milk(even with the pill/drink/food that is supposed to help) I was with my case for 9 months but where I was the CPS suck and only want money(4 caseworkers fired for stealing the checks ment to buy the kids in need clothes and shoes)
As long as they want do EVERY THING AND MORE than the plan says n if it goes on more than 6 months AFTER you have done all classes, counseling, appointments then u should speak to a supervisor BUT if u don’t do 1 thing they will hold it against u n use it I don’t wanna or need to know the specifics it doesn’t matter if they say do 1 parenting class do an extra and add on counseling and always be available for drug tests and in my opinion I’d have your doc do them cuz then insurance covers them n I’d get them at least weekly to back anything up
Get a lawyer and do not speak to anyone and don’t sign anything. Do not cooperate and never share more than you absolutely have to. CPS is corrupt and the entire organization is rigged against you. You have already Lost. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Your family will never be the same. As long as you cooperate, they’ll never stop and they’ll overreach into every aspect of your life. If you need anything, please reach out to me privately. I’ll help as much as I can.
Not trying to be judgemental or throw stones but i would definitely take the time to get my life straightened out instead of worrying more about just closing the case. Cps doesnt want to be involved in situations or take kids. They will give you all the resources you need to get your life back on track and that can be a lengthy process. Best of luck on getting yourself together and getting back with your babies❤
Cases can last week, months or years. I’ve had 2. First was automatic removal because I went to jail (pissed off the wrong cop). That lasted 4mo. 2nd case was when I left an abusive marriage. That lasted a year and a half with them dragging it out, and actively trying to get me to screw up. Had the caseworker talk to me about sobriety, then twist my words and use them against me in court. The caseworker makes all the difference. My friend had a case that lasted for 6yrs. It only ended because she signed her rights away.
My husband just had a case open on him, it was about a week and a half start to finish.
I had a CPS case when my son was first born because I was honest and said that I was smoking weed during the first part of my pregnancy because I had no idea I was pregnant, they filed a case against me, I had my case worker and we zoomed maybe twice. I showed him the room my son would be staying in and that we had plenty of food and a safe space for him to live in and then my case was dropped. CPS is NOT always corrupt. If you are truly of no danger or harm to your children nothing bad will happen to them or you. I wish you best
In NY, if indicated, they last until your youngest child turns 18. And they have 90 days to investigate and come to a conclusion.
Just continue to do all the classes that they have set up for you. Get them done. Ask her/him everything you can do to get your child back to you.
CPS case I had was when my oldest was almost 2. It last 6 months.
I had one when my oldest was 6 months it’s was obviously false allegations the came once sent me a letter in the mail stating the allegations were unfounded and I never heard another word. The length all depends on the state and your case Just do the best for you and your kiddos prayers to you and yours
Get a jump start on the classes and crap. The faster you get done the quicker it goes away
Do everything they want you to do. As that’s probably the quickest way. And the good news is that they didn’t make you leave the house
TBH, it all depends on the situation. Your situation sounds really serious, so serious that your husband had to get emergency custody. Not only that but you have to take classes and get a mental evaluation before they close the case. All of that takes time.
Safety plan can last 30-90 days.
They can revoke and take you to court at any time. Even if you do everything right…
We had a case because my daughters leg was hurt & she wouldn’t walk on it so we took her to the hospital. They called us back like 6 hours after we left saying she had a tibula fracture. So they called on it. They came & looked at the house, both my kids room, saw we have food. They looked at the picture & said it didn’t look like a fracture. Went & got a second opinion & no fracture. So they dropped the case.
I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be in this situation and just want it to be over. My only advice I can give you is although it’s easy to want to just “get it done” so you can have your kids back to “normal” … but you need to take care of yourself right now in the highest degree possible because ultimately that will allow you to take care of your kids the best you can too.
Listen to their advice, complete the classes, ask for help when you don’t understand or don’t know what to feel, let everyone know you will try your absolute hardest, but don’t rush. It won’t be the long term success you need.
Take care of yourself, they will thank you for it
The agency I worked at for years dealt almost exclusively with CPS cases- What I observed is that if you do everything they ask in a timely manner with no complaint they go away much much faster than if you don’t. The time frame really depends on the situation but 90 days was a common starting point
There are so many factors that determine how long a case will remain open. Nobody here will be able to give you an accurate idea because it varies from case to case. If I were you, I would put all my focus and mental energy into staying on my P’s and Q’s and doing whatever necessary to get your life straightened back out and into a better place with your children. Whatever that may mean. I’m definitely not judging. I’ve been there myself. CPS workers are just like anything else… Some are good hearted people who go thru hell just to see that children who arent being taken care of get the help that they need. Some, on the other hand abuse their power and search for any reason they can just to remove a child from a loving (yet imperfect) home. I’ve encountered both. Use this time for a good old soul search and figure out what you need to do to make sure you’re the best momma you can possibly be for your babies and do whatever it takes to get things straight. Prepare to jump thru hoops for cps. It’s worth it in the end! It’s not gonna be quick or easy… But most likely you’re gonna look back one day and see that is was all actually for the best… I wish you the best of luck!!! Hang in there Momma
45 day investigation. Then they either open a case , or close it.
What’d you do to cause this ?
Mine lasted a yr. It all depends WHY it was opened and other circumstances. There’s no time frame. But it definitely won’t be closed until you complete everything they tell you.
Until they deem you ‘successful’ in your requirements & the original complaints are no longer an issue🤷♀️ Some cases are open & closed while others can remain open for seems like forever…
They will keep the case open until they feel everything is to their satisfaction…every case is different. Do everything you’re required to do.
When is your next court visit? It could be that soon… complete all the classes… please please attend every meeting to see the kids. Clean up the house and have good communication skills when it comes to talking to your case worker. Try to keep stepping fwd reaching out.
Its not about having the case closed its about doing the work and showing CPS you are safe around your children. Do the work for your kids sake.
Time. There is no limit to how long they can keep your case open if they think it need be. Do ALL requirements by CPS and go above and beyond that. Take extra courses and therapy on your own. The more you show you’re willing to accept their help and change the better the outcome
I’ll say this much, due to my son not attending school due to bullying and the school not helping I had a complaint called in on me. I naively thought I didn’t need to comply with CPS. Wouldn’t communicate with them answer calls or the door. They went to court and got an emergency removal order in which my parents took my oldest and my youngest (barely 2) went to foster care. I didn’t get my baby back until he was 5. Due to alot of factors. I relapsed. I had a horrible CPS worker (whom was fired due to her actions) my oldest was sent from one end of the state to the other, to his active drug using bio father, back to me, back to foster homes. It was a journey for both my children and I. I got clean, I moved to a better area and cut ties with everyone. That is when CPS closed the case and let me have my baby back. Always work with CPS they can be your best friend or worst enemy.
My case was quick and got my kids back at 6 months only lost visitation for 1 week. Do EVERYTHING THEY SAY PLUS MORE
Depends on how long the classes are. My ex caused me to lose my younger kids and even after completing everything my guardian ad litem didn’t want us to get our kids back. We were on the verge of adoption until he passed away and we got a new one. He reviewed the case and said we should have already got our kids back. 2 months later all our boys were home 2 months after that we got sole custody of them back
Went through the same thing it lasted 9 months this was back in 2017 (August-May)
CPS will be in your life until all of your children are over the age of 18.
Mine was closed the same day. I was in a domestic violence relationship and they just wanted to make sure the kids were safe. And since I cooperated, it was closed the same day.
It varies case by case…however, it will go faster if you do exactly what is asked of the treatment plan. Don’t just go through the motions…actually gain from it and grow.
Just do what you gotta do, for your kids. Don’t stress over how long.
8 months. My daughter was removed from my care 8 years ago, after i did everything in my caseplan, parenting class, NA/AA meetings, alcohol and drug classes, one on one and group meetings and drug testing, i got my daughter back at 7 months and at 8 months it was closed
Um… I was involved with cps for 3 years for meth use I still had my kids under my care because my husband faked his ua … long story short i almost committed suicide because my husband thought I was cheating on him… ended up in the psych. Ward… anyways I got clean 2 years ago and they closed my case almost 3 years ago and also left the pos husband that introduced me to the drug in the first place and I have never been so much better and happier. Sometimes cps is there to help you do what they say.
The ones here are just out to make you look bad. They don’t follow through with services or anything they are supposed to. I was getting community resources was honest that with my ptsd I was having a hard time. I was sole provider for my kids not much support system. I told my Ireland (community resources) worker my mental health was declining I was dissociating felt on auto pilot in survival mode. She kept saying ur doing a great job
Then after 3 nights of nightmares and everyone getting sick i was not having a good day but was caring for my kids fine. She called dcs on me and they thought I was on drugs. I proved that i was not and I was telling them the truth
All they did was make things worse and harder and everything on safety plan was everything I was already doing. They haven’t helped at all. I don’t trust them.
Deadbeat Dads can abandon their kids, get far behind on child support, go in and out of rehab, do what they want. I couldn’t even get the mental health help I needed(was waiting two months for my appointment) felt I needed more than just once a week I was struggling snd honest about it and got punished rather than help
I’ve had 2 against me. The first one was open and shut immediately. The second one lasted about 3-4 months I would say. They never once said I was in danger of losing my kids. Not all cases end up bad. Just do what they ask of you and you’ll be just fine momma.
Be careful what you put on social media… They will use it in court. Along with anything they can find… including getting stopped by cops for pulling into a closed park to change a flat tire
I had emergency custody over a friends baby while she got herself clean. As soon as she was able to give three clean urine samples, do the classes she was mandated to do, the case would be closed. Cps made it clear all the steps needed to get this over with
It takes as long as it takes for you to do what you need to do to get better for your babies and for them to know without a doubt that they are safe with you. I wish you the best and that its over soon. It can get frustrating but they really do want whats best for the kids.
I can’t even believe you are asking this. You should be more concerned about getting better yourself and for the well being of your children. CPS is not out to harm you or your family but rather to help you. They have resources available for you to get better mentally and to be a better parent. That’s your job and responsibility right now. Let them help you and not be worried about how long they will be involved. That’s sure to set you up for failure along with causing harm to your family. They know what you’re doing and how willing you are so the more you fight it the longer it will go on. If you don’t follow the rules and expectations your kids could be removed and no one wants their child removed from the home.
Get better
Speaking as a caseworker, the process can be a few short months or a few years. It really depends on the specifics of your case, your treatment/support outcomes and the safety and well-being of your children.
Not long. They don’t do shit. My ex has had two cases opened against him for abuse. Both dropped and he was/hasn’t ever been held accountable. He allowed my son, 11 yrs old at the time to drink whisky, and at 15/16 was abusing him. Both times Doctors and counselors reported him. Yep. Cps doesn’t care. They have too many cases.
It really depends on your individual case, I’ve had CPS called on me (maliciously) and it was open and shut both times… I’m sure if there actual evidence a child is in danger or parent is a threat to themselves or child(ren) it goes on longer
CASEWORKERS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND! I went through a case 6 years ago. I took the “help” when I was offered. YOU CAN DENY THEIR HELP/SERVICES! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EVEN LET THEM IN YOUR HOME! if you can I strongly advise to get an attorney! It took me a little over a year to get my son back. I jumped through every hoop they wanted me to and some more. Classes and everything they recommended that I should do. They also took my son right after I had put him down for bed around 8:30 at night and when I got the paperwork stating that CPS was taking him out of the home and it even said on there no night searches. do not take child out of home during night! They took him anyways! Do not trust cps/ case workers!
I’m just going to give a positive feedback because it can be a scary thing.
CPS was involved after the kids being in the room with a domestic violence situation.
I did everything that I was told to do, if I got back with their father they stated I would not have my children and made me sign a paper. When I moved to a different state cops were called to make sure the kids and I were in a safe place without their father. ( he was in prison anyways ). It was closed after 5 months and the caseworker was very nice and understanding.
The length varies. I’ve had cases last only a couple weeks. A couple months and a couple years! What i suggest is to look into your rights. Google what rights cps has in your state. Make sure you are doing what is required of you. The more you cooperate the quicker the case will go. But they have been known to not follow rules so make sure you keep a journal and document EVERY THING!!! Good luck hunny.
I’ve had more than my fair share of false calls made on me. One case was opened due to my mother using drugs around my children (I was trying to help her). I got the case dropped after having to put a 2 year OP on my own mother and kick her out of my home. I have my kids and no case now, but also lost my mother (whom was not the best influence) but I do miss her.
It can go on for months. It all depends on how long it takes for them to see the case plan successful. I worked with them for a little over a year with parents who didn’t complete their case plan. The end result was I got custody of their son. He’s been with me 2.5 years now.
4 years clean cps placed kids with my mom wasn’t able to be unsupervised with them got clean did all the groups graduated outpatient drug tests 3x a week took almost a year and a half to get my kids home now have been home 2.5 years. I got lucky my cps worker fought for me through the WHOLE THING if it wasn’t for her I’m not even sure I would have my kids home with me! My suggestion would be to call a lawyer I had one throughout the whole process luckily I didn’t need him much. And keep your head up.momma it will get better. The bad days don’t last forever!
You need to concentrate on doing everything you can to be better, not just doing whatever you can to get the case closed.
If you have the attitude that you’re doing things just to close it, they’re not going to
Go away.
Cps doesn’t take the moms rights away unless there is a good reason. So if they are saying you can’t be unsupervised around your children there is definitely a reason. Do as your told and you should be fine otherwise your gonna have trouble
I just got my kids back on June 17,2021 and it’s been 16 months since the case opened. The first case worker turned everything we said against us, made decisions without consulting with us, it got so bad we demanded a new one. We were switched to a completely different case worker/area and our new case Worker actually helped us to get to where we are now. Our case will close in 3-6 months as we have done everything that was asked of us and our case Worker has been working with us to make sure that we were able to get to where we are now. It really depends on the case Worker who is working on your case.
I’ve dealt with cps 3x. First time I was 17 had a 7mo old baby and she was trying to stand, let go of the bed and hit her head on the frame leaning a big bump/bruise. Got pulled over by a cop (who hated my trouble making brothers) who said he thinks I abuse my kid. She went into cps custody. Cps tried to make me do intensive in care drug rehab(I smoked weed and my first test was dirty in my hair but every other test was clean) and I left. I did everything else I was supposed to do. 1yr later they were still trying to make me do random things and keep my daughter. The judge lost his shit and told the case worker they had a month to integrate her back into my home because they should have never taken her in the first place and I had all my shit together as soon as I turned 18 and could live on my own. I got her back. Case closed 6 months later. Second time my third kid and my niece and nephew (all 2yrs old) got out my front door while we were packing the back room. Cops came says everything was fine. Cps came a week later, questioned the kids and that was that. 3rd time, my ex assaulted my daughter, I tried to kill him and he is now in prison(got 24yrs). Cps came and questioned me at home, then asked if they could question my kids alone at school. I said that’s fine. They never questioned my kids and I never heard from them again.
I had a safety plan like you have. Only I was given custody and dad was removed. Our 3 month old was in the hospital and had RSV. Kids at home needed groceries and my mom didn’t have a car. I had him drop groceries off, and my children were removed from me for breaking a protection order. I never did drugs. My house was clean. Kids were well taken care of. All over domestic violence issues. Him and my mom got into a fight and she called the cops. So, I had to fight like hell for 18 months to get mine home. It all depends on the case and the situations in it.
Cps is corrupt. They will lie, manipulate, change paperwork, stalk your home and more to try and keep your kids. The longer they are involved, the more money they make.
It varies on a million different things. Originally I was told 3-6 months. Thanks to Covid and some other bs, it took about 9 months. As long as you do everything you’re supposed to do, you’ll be fine. It’s just a long, annoying, stressful process. Just hold on and don’t give up, and make sure you cross your t’s and dot your I’s. They will find any reason to keep it going.