All cases are different, they are doing an investigation. It sounds like a more complicated case if they’re starting off not letting you alone with them or having custody right now. They must have been worried about them being in danger. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long.
Safety plans last 30days it should say it on there and you have to be persistent with them and please know CPS will hold every little thing against you.
Kinda depends on your case and state I believe. SC totally screwed me. 8 long ass months because of my teen Sons behavior!
Over a year usually 1 1/2 years but if ur getting visits outside of the CPS building that says alot most parents don’t get that for about 6 months or longer.
Get a lawyer and don’t sign anything. Cps is absolutely horrible. My first case was almost a year. Spent 10 months fighting to get my kids back after they were stolen. Second case was only 30 days while they “investigated” thankfully that worker had a brain and saw thru the false allegations, but I also refused to sign anything
I had a cas case opened up for moving in with my sons father (we already lived together just with my parents and then moved into our own place) bc of his OLD drug addiction over 2 years before I even got pregnant and he had been clean since meeting me. They stayed in our lives for over a year, and then his dad bc abusive and I moved into an emergency shelter for a month and they told me I had to keep my case open for “safety”…. I looked up the laws and realized I actually didn’t and she was just refusing bc she wanted a case (I was her ONLY case) so I texted her saying I didn’t want to meet anymore and would like my file closed, she ignored me for a week and then texted back asking when we could meet again, I resent my previous text and she said “well I guess I’ll have to talk to my supervisor about it and we need to meet once more to close the case” I told her I would meet again once she already had given me written proof she was closing the case, and then I never saw her again until she showed up at the shelter angrily saying my case was closed a lot of them sadly just wanted more cases or even just one case and will do ANYTHING to keep it, regardless of the child and parents needs/wants
Minimum for a open custody case is 90 days. In Minnesota. They can check in as much or as little as they want to. Just do what your suppose to and it’ll be okay. Good luck momma
Mine was open the day my son was born and closed 3 months later. Depending on your location will change things. I’m in Texas and it’s a minimum of 3 months that a case has to be open.
When they feel like you’re being a better parent, when you show them, prove to them you’re a better parent. The length of time will depend solely on you. Six months to a year minimum. I hope you can do better for yourself. Best of luck to you, your children, and the rest of the family. xo
I’ve been in the same situation (NY)(VT)I asked for help due to mental health and safety to get out of DV and jumped through every hoop and completed every class and took my meds properly, dealt with CPS for a Yr and 5 months and they never intended to give my kids back. I never brought either of my boys home from the hospital. I was raised in the system as was my mom and grandma so it was believed that because there was a family history that I’m just like my prior family, and when I complied and did everything and it was realized that I could parent my kids properly they used the DV against me the told me I needed to leave and when I did they used the fact that I had no support from family or friends… Now living in VA I do have a 2 year old and have proven to NY and VT that I can raise a child as well as my doctor said all the medications that NY had me on wasn’t necessary and it did more harm than good…
Can take years depends on why they got involved, what the case plan is, if you have to pass drug tests, parenting class, psychological exams, many factors into how long it will take.
I had to get custody of my niece and Had her for a year. So it depends.
In my experience third-hand as a law enforcement professional, a CPS case lasts as long as it needs to. With as little information as this post provides, it is impossible to predict. So much depends on the facts of the case, and the people involved, on both sides. I’ve seen them last a couple of days, and others go on for a long while.
Mine lasted two years. They took them from me in 2019, placed them with a foster family. I just got them back around April. Still waiting on the final paperwork to go through.
CPS is a private organization and is not recognized by the government. I was involved with them as well and refused to follow the safety plan and gave as little information as possible. They were being discriminatory against my child’s father and we threatened a lawsuit. The CPS worker came to our house and seen we had everything and more that was needed for our child and advised us that a lawyer wasn’t necessary because the charges were unfounded when we explained the situation, and they closed the case within 90 days
If you are a danger to your child’s safety then it should take forever!!!
How long the case last completed depends on why it was started and how long it takes you to comply with the requirements they gave you
Usually 45 days up to many years it depends on what social services in your area wants to do a lot of hoops to jump through and they can make you do whatever they want
I’m not sure i can offer advice to your situation but I hope your kids (and you) are in a safe situation. My mother called CPS on me on May 30 out of spite after my brother assaulted my boyfriend (stupid and long story) but thankfully our CPS worker it actively trying to close our case now. I thought when it first opened that she told me CPS cases don’t close anymore but im relieved that isn’t the case. Hopefully, assuming your kids are safe with you and your husband, your case is closed soon too. CPS is one of the most stressful things I think I’ve ever had to deal with, the anxiety alone is super scary. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone who didn’t deserve it.
So from what I was told when a counselor at hospital turned me in for doing drugs while pregnant and around other kids on the day my son was born and sent to nicu… (she lied I had previous pass screens) so the lady showed up when son got out and told me that if it was positive they would have done what your doing and if I was left alone with them then they would have to remove kids… but they are pretty strong on keeping kids with parents… as long as you are doing what your supposed to be doing… do not post to social media do not even communicate about your personal life that can be twisted and do as they ask not long maybe 6 months max… but if this is mentally then you need to be mentally stable see who you can ask cps for more services get the help you need… I been there as a mom it sucks when your alone in a word you only are on repeat daily and even though you love your babies failure is always in your mind… if you need to talk I’m here!!!
It can go on for as long as they want to leave the case open. I worked w ones that had cases open for years. Until u get that letter that the case has been closed comply w all stipulations. They want to see u try to put forth an effort.
Depends on how long they fee they need to be and how cooperative you are. There’s no telling as each case is different. Follow orders, do as they say, and be honest with them.
I hate them. They don’t help kids in trouble, they complicate lives for parents having a hard time trying.
I’ve had 3 cps cases 1 I was lied on said I was doing drugs and abusing my 10 almost 11 month old at that time he was learning how to walk so yes he did have bruises on him. They came out did what they had to do I had to pass a drug test and my case was closed within a week.
The second case was I took my little cousin in because her mom said she was done with her and ready to put her in the state so I took her she ended up lying on me said I was doing drugs giving her drugs all that she was 11 when I took her. They came out checked my house had us do another drug test we passed they closed out my case. The 3rd case was because my sons ears drain really bad no matter how many times I clean them within a hour it’s full of wax again. ( he has tubes in his ears) they tried to tell the cps worker that they think he had a ear infection when he didn’t I had just took him to the drs the day that said he was saying his ear hurt so I kept him home the next day just to go get check by his ent doctor just to be sure after his pediatrician said he didn’t. He had no ear infection I even took his paper work to the school to let them no he had no ear infection and then he was sticky when he went to school he literally just got done eating pancakes and I didn’t have time to finish wiping him off the bus showed up and they don’t like to wait they came out did what they had to do then my case was closed again within a week.
They will remain in your lives until you complete EVERYTHING they have asked you to do. So its really up to you and how long you take to do what they are asking you to do.
3-4 months but could be different with each case
I wouldn’t worry so much about closing the case… worry about getting better then everything else will fall in line.
Record all conversations you have with CPS is for your protection cuz they lie quick as hell.
I had a case open for 15 months. Due to not something I did, but what someone else did and my kids were actually removed from the house. I had done everything they had asked and even went to court and it still was a wait game. Ive had CPS in open and close cases to, and one that lasted 2-3 months. With your situation, even if u are complying, they want to make sure u will get and be mentally stable. If u are needing to take meds then they want u adjusted on them to see how that goes. Its a lot to take in. Just hang in there. It also depends on the caseworker, u get some good ones and then u get some bad.
What state are you in?? Normally they’d have to prove you’ve done it before they issue those kind of orders
Safety plans are 90 days here in Pennsylvania
I would think it depends on the reason you are having to be supervised in the first place.
18m depending on the province and then a trail will be held if need be
What’s more important drugs or your kids
6 months after you get your kids back in Florida
My husband’s been involved with them because of his ex for 2 years now.
Do everything they ask. No matter how weird it may seem. It literally just depends on how long it takes you to do what they ask you to do
Mine lasted 3.5 years but I am going to find our video to show the happy ending
They can last any where from s month to six months to a year or more just depends on the case
Usually 6 months if you break the saftey plan its a year
My cousin just got her kid back after 3 years of fighting
Get all the stuff done they are asking for and it will move a lot faster.
Omg I’m surprised to see so many ppl that have had to deal with cps
All I can say is wow so many cases here. I am a little in shock at how many there are. In our area it seems that kids can be abused severely and no one will get involved… so to see this many cases here I hope the children are all ok.
Depends on what you have a opened case for … I do know one thing a lawyer has told me do NOT sign a safety plan that’s taking your rights away & they use that to their advantage … Never say too much only answer what they ask , do everything but catch on to how the system works & YOUR rights you STILL have … Be your OWN advocate as of right now they are AGAINST you even though they might say they are trying to HELP you
I had cps called on me because my grandma with alzheimer’s had accidentally hurt hurt him while I was smoking a cigarette. (we didn’t realize it was that bad yet) Once I let my mom take temporary custody (for one year) they closed the case, I was back in the house after 4 months, because I could prove I was clean and everything. and they basically said they’re gonna keep an eye on his name for the next 5 years. It’s already been 2 and no problems. Once I changed custody they basically never bothered us again.
DCS wants to see the behavior changes
Honestly if clean up the house, clean up yourself, and do everything most cases will only last a few weeks honestly. But we don’t know what you did in this case so could be alot longer. Go to classes go to everything.
it concerns me thst you’re worried about getting the case closed instead of fixing the behavior that got you there in the first place
Years. And they don’t do shit. The more families they keep together the more funding they get. They’re useless.
They can go on for years. Or weeks depends on your case.
They can last up to 2 years typically unless progression is shown in one of the parents then it could be longer but if someone is willing to adopt they will try to close it out quicker you have to be on the straight and narrow do everything they say no exceptions
I dont have advise but I hope everything ends well for you and your family.
Honestly, I’d have this entire post removed. There are workers all over social media watching.
Until you finish all the classes, evals, etc.
My lawyer flat told me to slam the door in CPS face. It is not your job to help them incriminate you. Treat CPS like the police. It’s their job to investigate you. I cannot say this passionately enough, FUCK CPS.
Cps is a dirty system very involved with destroying families to keep a narrative going in our country. They are also linked to human trafficking in many cases. Look into this, more evidence comes out against them daily.
They can last a long time. All three of my kids were removed by CPS, starting with my first at 23 years old. I’m in my 30s now.
Good luck!
I wish folks would understand that unless these caseworker have a signed judgement from a judge, EVERYTHING they do outside of a signed court order is NOT law and you do NOT have to comply in any way. CPS are wolves looking to kidnap and profit off your children. They knock on your door, you do not have to answer. Even if they have an officer with them to try to intimidate you, unless they have a piece of paper signed by a judge, tell them to gtfo. Look at them as predators. They are there to harm your family and profit off the destruction.
Your involved now so there’s no going back but you need a lawyer, Pronto.
Depends on the issue but if it’s an alleged abuse issue it can go on I’ve seen for at least a year MINIMUM…or if it’s something minor like not attending school regular it can be like 1 or 2 months but there will be tons of zoom meetings and Dr’s appointments and in home meetings visits and activities they will have and make you do and if you even try to be difficult and not cooperate the case will become a huge state issue and they will put you through the Ringer. Being that the father has custody I’m not sure what you did or were accused of but best advice, listen and learn and don’t screw up again and do everything n go everywhere they ask you too because the more u cooperate the better the process but they are never exact they can tell u 60 days and it can last 2 year…but like I said fully cooperate so there’s no delays. And remember if they come in all nice acting like ya friend remember their not!
It really just varies on you and your progress. Good luck mama and focus on you and your mental health right now
NYS has a 70 day(I think) limit on when CPS must inform you of their determination. The time frame information should be in your paperwork.
Why were they taken away to begin with?
My husbands BM has an open case. The case worker says they give them 15 months to change their shit up. 15 months before they take your rights.
60 days to prove their case and decide what they gonna do
Until they deem you to be fit, and until you get evaluated I’m sure.
My voluntary case was 4 months
Call your caseworker.
Also go get your own mental health evaluation not one with their Dr’s. Their Dr’s will lie for them
On average, one year.
6month to a year is normal
Usually closer in 30 days.
Our happy ending after 3.5 years
Could last for months, could last for years
Here is 6 months to start.
CSB legally kidnapping children!
Mine took two months
My step mom is a cps supervisor. The number one reason people lose their kids permanently is because they don’t do what they’re told to do. Go to EVERY appointment ON TIME. Do NOT miss one even if you’re sick or there’s 10 feet of snow on the ground. Rescheduling counts as a missed appointment in some places. If they out you on meds take them. Participate in your treatment fully. Since this is a mental health case I would imagine they will be around in some form for quite a while. They have to see that you are doing good and things have leveled out for a long period of time before closing the case. As far as the restrictions concerning your kids. That could last anywhere from a few months or years depending on the severity of the case. Obviously, it’s not too severe since you are still in the home. They will probably lighten up on the restrictions after they see that you are willing to seek help and that you are cooperating. That will take at least a couple months. Psych mess take 6 weeks or more to stabilize in your system. It tool almost 3 months for them to get my medication right, but once they do and they see improvement they’ll allow you to be with your kids alone. DO NOT BREAK THAT RESTRICTION. Not for any reason. That will be the fastest way to being removed from the home and they have ways of finding EVERYTHING out. Trust me. Hang in there. As long as you do what you have to do you’ll be fine.
We had a case open from November-January after DV towards me. My husband did everything that he was told to do and once he completed his anger management the restraining order was lifted.
Never ever ever let social services get you to sign a service plan. It should all be court ordered. What’s odd is your husband can be the supervisor but you can’t be alone with the kids. That’s odd they never let you go. They usually end up with the father or husband since he was deemed safe will probably get custody. You should try for joint custody.
Mental evaluation use and hire your own. If you use the court appointed one they say whatever cps wants to hear. I’m so serious come up with the money hire your own and hire an attorney.
Depends on your situation. I wouldnt worry about the length of the process and start worrying about why its happening and do everything you can to alleviate any issues. Do the counseling, classes, and whatever else they want you to do. Focus on getting better.
Minimum is usually 3 months and can be a lot longer. Depending on why they are involved will depend on how fast the case progresses. I’ve had many cases close in 3 months and many take a lot longer to close.
Depends on why the case was open
It will take however long they need to make sure the children are safe
It took me a year and seems like we had the same court order only thing is they said I couldn’t protect them against their dad but I did parenting classes and the drug and alcohol testes weekly finally after a year of passing every drug test finally they gave me them back.
Girl do whatever they say. No questions asked. The more you resist the longer it takes. Go above and beyond what they ask of you. CPS is no joke. But remember this. Most times you and your children are just a file number. So it’s up to you to do what they say and abide by every single rule ry hey put on you. No exceptions. Many many years ago they took my children from me because of lies. I promise you that. My daughter almost got raped and my boys were physically abused by case workers. Thank God for my sister cuz she got them into her custody and from there it took me 6 months to do all they asked of me and I paid big money to be able to go to court quicker than they wanted and I got full custody of my kids back. It took me a year to prove I was innocent but the damage had been done.
Please do everything they say. If your kids get taken you wont know a thing about who is around them and who might hurt them. For now do everything in your power to make sure those kids know you love them. Because God and Love is what helped us through it and helped me be the best mom possible. I was hanging out with the wrong people and that’s where lies started. Since then my circle is very small. I raised 3 WONDERFUL kids and it shows by the way they live their lives now. I promise you God and all the Love you have inside you will help now and years from now.
Be strong sweetie and please get on your knees and talk to God.
I’ll be praying for you and your children.
You talk to God through prayer. He’ll talk back to you by you reading your Bible.
Forget any guilt you may have inside you and start today… healing your family.
I dont know you but I care for you and your children. I mean that.
How could anyone possibly comment on this who is not your lawyer?? Or at least living exactly where you are and has gone through the identical situation???
Let’s not focus on how long it takes to close the case but focus on getting better so you can get it resolved. There isn’t a timeline on this. It’s all going to be based on how well YOU do in the programs. Oviously they felt the need to put a safety plan in, so something is going on. In that case you have more important things to worry about than how long this CPS case is going to stay open and just get better.
Same thing happened to me. It can last up to a year but you have to stay clean.
I think this account got hacked.