How long is too long to care for someones kids?

You are wrong to have an opinion on this at all. If she had been like this since becoming a mom and she just sucked that would be different. But this woman is clearly drowning in grief and people in these comments are literally saying the caregiver should sue her for custody lmao…this is horrible and some of y’all never learned empathy.


The mother is mourning but instead of all this I’d be more concerned that she’s gonna go down the wrong path in her grief especially knowing her other kids are well taken care of. People think they can do drugs or whatever to help but then they get stuck in that rut.


I’d say mind your own business and if you really can’t then maybe look in to services that can help the grieving mother instead of looking for people’s judgemental views


I think you should mind your own business unless you have lost a child. This is between the mother and the caregiver and unless thats you it’s none of your business.


Honestly the best, safest place for them is probably with the caregiver. Clearly “mom” doesn’t have her head on straight. I’m not one to judge bc we all make mistakes and need a break from time to time. But it sounds like she doesn’t wanna be a mom.


You don’t get to decide how mom grieves. And care giver and the mom have an agreement. If care giver is unhappy with the arrangements then they can discuss w/mom. You are not involved.


First of all it’s none of your fucking business its not about you !!! Do you know how it is to lose a child ?? I have no clue how she is feeling and I pray for her and her family everyday! It’s not like she is leaving her kids forever! It’s not like she don’t talk to them! I know in fact that they are well taken care of!!! She loves her children! It’s not like she left them with a complete stranger It’s FAMILY!!! It looks like you are either jealous of her or you are just a drama starter!! GET A LIFE !!!

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This post just makes me so furious I cant get it off my mind… since when do I need someone to talk for me and talk bs at that… I’m not a caregiver for 1 I am family I am an aunt that is there when needed… I can see alot of ppl need to recheck there family status because if one person on here is saying they wouldnt be there for there family the way I am for her and her kids yall dont deserve family… yes its stressful at times yes it can be exhausting as well with a 1 yr old but if I thought I couldnt do it i wouldnt no one knows me or what i am capable of family is supposed to stick together in hard times and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Worry about ya self I’ll worry about me n mine


I think the poster is the caregiver and genuinely needs advice. Some of these responses are so harsh.

Have a talk with the mother. She has to have the realization that 2 other kids need her. She also needs grief counseling to instill healthy coping mechanisms. If she’s in no place to care for these kids, another conversation needs to happen about their future and placement.

Unless you know the whole story and you know this poor momma who’s heart is aching like nothing else imaginable in this world (which none of you do) you should not be passing judgement. You read a malicious Facebook post and immediately started making assumptions. Half of you didn’t even take a second to consider the pain and the confusion this momma is going through. It has been 10 days. She just lost her baby! Her aunt doesn’t mind watching her children and helping because she understands that this mom is HURTING in a way Im sure most of you who were so cruel don’t and hopefully never have to understand.
Half of the things listed in this post are lies. And as women you should look at this and think even if it’s true, let’s show this hurting mom compassion. Instead you hopped on your keyboards to spread hate and hurt her even more. Im sure she’s already struggling to get up each morning and move forward. You need to think about what your harsh words could do to her already severely wounded mental health.
Tiffany Jackson, don’t read these. Don’t reply. None of these women deserve an explanation. You know how much you love your children and that shows even now because you are doing a selfless thing by stepping away while you recover from the worst loss imaginable instead of making them have to feel it with you and watch you hurt like this. You are strong, you are beautiful, you are a great mother! You take all the time you need! This is not something you can just move on from, it will take time. I wish I could help you or take away some of this pain.
Let me know if you ever need to talk


I don’t know this whole story, but what I can say is grief is a horrible thing. And a little more kindness and support in general as someone looking in is always warranted. We don’t know what her internal process is.

It sounds like a whole lot of none of your business unless you are the caregiver in question :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I’m not sure IF there’s a right or wrong but a mother leaving her children in trusted caring hands is responsible. IF the caregiver is uncomfortable THEY need to be more forthcoming. You can’t predict grief and the hopelessness which consumes. I’d be worried for the mother’s mental state and children’s communication with her. Keep the line open, they’re alright and mommy is calling.
Let her come back with some love!

It’s up to the caregiver to say enough is enough. While I don’t agree with the mom taking advantage of the situation, she left the kids in someone’s care. Legally she did nothing wrong.

Unless you’ve experienced a loss like that you really shouldn’t speak on it. Unless the caregiver is complaining about caring for the children then it’s really no one else’s business. Leave the Mom alone and let her grieve in a way that she sees fit.

Not to be mean, but its none of your business. Its between the mom and the caregiver to work out. In general, it’s def not the norm, but I don’t know these people. I try to not concern myself too much with what others do. I have enough to stress out about lol.

Apparently there’s a lot of know it all’s out there…if you haven’t been in those shoes you have no right what so ever to say what you would do…and the person that put this post up apparently is one of those people…

I could barely care for my 2.5 year old when his brother died. But I wouldn’t have had anyone else take him. He was my security blanket. But grief is different for each person. When your child dies, it changes you. She may have a fear that the other children will die so she is distancing herself from them. I would suggest therapy to help her cope and rebuild a relationship with her living children. They are traumatized too.

So she could give her children up for adoption n give them a loving Stable life…i had to n i have no regrets…my daughter actually thanked me for giving her a great life

You know what ik this post is about me! I just lost Rucker 10 days ago how are you gonna sit and make a post about me? And most of the things u said is uncalled for! I never partied, I worked so my aunt had my kids and I I take care of my other 2 kids to my aunt Jessica Johnson just helps! Right now no I’m not in the state to take my kids I’m hurting hurting so fucking bad. If only you could take away how I feel right now. My aunt Jessica is the only family member I have besides my uncle that is here for me and my kids. So idk who u are but u need to stop and no the facts about everything before saying shit.

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So let me get this straight, before baby was even born Bio mom was dropping them off to go party or do whatever? Red flag #1 right there. Pregnant women just don’t drop off kids and go party when they are serious about being a parent. Yes maybe one night out of the week possibly 2 but this seems like a normal routine for the kids. I get death affects each person differently but this sounds just irresponsible from the beginning. Caregiver either needs to reach out to other family members or reach out to social services.

Maybe the kids are better off with caregiver at this point

Someone has a issue with what me and my family does to help dont it’s none ya fking business period thanks


If the caregiver had such an issue- why did she enable mom to begin with. If mom going out partying was such an issue, why did caregiver keep them instead of telling her they wouldn’t watch them?
That was a past issue. The interim issue is the way that she is choosing to grieve.
We often try to teach children that yelling, throwing a fit, & not utilizing their words when something is bothering them is incorrect behavior. Adults are no different. If the caregiver doesn’t want to be in this position- then that is what they need to do- USE THEIR WORDS. Be an adult and speak up to mom. I don’t even want to begin to fathom the immense complexity of emotions the mother is going through. Set boundaries and stick to them. It might be a beneficial idea to set the seed in mom’s head about potentially growing her village, so there may be other’s that could help with her children when needed. It’s a heartbreaking situation all around. I seriously hope that this mama is able to find solace.

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Stop judging unless you’re this mom or this caregiver. Nothing you think or feel matters one bit in this situation.

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Seeing as how this was “caregivers” (her aunts) response after seeing your post… I’d say you’ve more than overstepped :grimacing:

“I’m ready to fuck some one up I swear I wish a bitch would come out of hiding and reveal themselves”

Y’all the mom found this post and she is literally now trying to prove to the internet that it’s her aunt who is taking care of her children. The OP is garbage for this post.

I wouldn’t want children with a mother that wasn’t ready to care for them.

And how is this your self appointed concern? Just curious how you fit in.

What pisses me off is this mother just lost her baby. Watched him slip away in her arms and these judgy cunts make a post where the mom eventually finds out and now has to deal with this as well and some of these ignorant hateful ass comments. To the mom: don’t let this or any other POS folks that talk shit, get to you. Fuck them. Do what you need to do to get yourself in a better place to care for your kids. hugs

I would say if the caregiver is feeling taken advantage return the kids to mom and tell her she needs to find another sitter there is a difference between a sitter and practically being there mother if you do not want to stop watching the kids be firm on the hours that you are willing to watch the kids if she doesn’t show up to get the children call the police for abandoned children if you are unwilling to take the children in full-time and mother unwilling to take care of them social services needs to step in they can help the kids and also get the mother mental help so she can be reunited with the kids

Barbara Lee Cvengros agreed. In the post it was stated mom used to have caregiver watch the kids while she went out drinking/party.

I love how this post is all about judgment and not offering help.

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First off this is Tiffany your boyfriend’s wife! My son didn’t pass of filthy environment! My son passed because he had a health issue in his brain! And second off I take care of all my kids I have them full time and here soon I will have mine and Andrews son either full time or part time! I try to reach out, I have for over a yr but people ignore me cuz Andrew is only thinking of himself! Not Zeke. So before you go running your mouth thinking u know everything about me and my life and believe whatever u hear on social media or from my husband get your facts straight!