How long should kids play video games?

For me, as long as homework and responsibilities are done they can play as much as they like. Even now my 6yo can play as much as she likes as long as she does as she’s told and suppose to. Let her parent as she desires and when you become a mom you parent as you desire. Nothing wrong with gaming as long as it doesn’t become addictive.

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I would say it’s not your concern, worry about your own house.


My guess is your kids are small and hers are teens and you just haven’t got there in life yet. Wait your turn before you sit here judging.

I feel like you should mind your business since they are not your kids


If you don’t have teenagers of your own or any experience with having and raising children, you should MYOB.


I have teens … they have perfect attendance since kindergarten, good grades and they hold jobs after school they are allowed to play as long as they want … I’m the mom and make the rules when you have UR kids u make the rules NOT other peoples kids no matter who they are :slightly_smiling_face: no one parents the same .


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16827 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

When you have kids come back and ask that

They are not your kids
Or your home so stop trying to mKe rules in her home


I set the kitchen timer for one hour …


“Whenever I decide to have kids”? So you don’t have kids of your own and want to judge your sister? That’s not cool. Let her decide what’s best for her kids. There are worse things a kid could be doing. The way I look at it, it keeps mine in the house and out of trouble. They can only play once all work is done and we don’t let it be an all day everyday thing.


All activities with teenagers should be monitored closely at all times there are criminals out there just looking for someone to scam keep your precious children safe at every age


This falls under the category of mind your own business .


Oh Karen, stop trying to parent kids that aren’t yours. Have a few kids… your mind will most likely change


Let us know your feelings on that when you do have kids. :woman_shrugging: Until then and especially without all the info other people’s including your own are irrelevant.


The best parents are always the ones with no kids!


Why does it matter? Especially if you don’t have any of your own. If it doesn’t directly impact your life, leave it alone. Don’t judge other parents just because you think you would do it completely different. 'Cause let me tell you, when that day comes, everything you think you know and every rule you think you’ll make for them, it allll goes out the window… :sweat_smile:

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l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13419 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

So you don’t have any kids, but yet you judge other people’s parenting. Wow hypocrite much? :woman_facepalming: Stay in your lane and mind your own business Karen.


My first suggestion is to mind your own damn business until you have your own kids, then continue minding your business since they aren’t your kids :heart:

Not your kids not your business lol why is this a question

Key phrase “whenever I decide to have kids” :ok_hand:

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Well those are her kids so​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: i personally think screen time is unnecessary… go outside kid and use your imagination

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Why do people who don’t have kids think it’s just so easy to parent? Always the first to say my kid will never…. Just wait. Post that again when you have a child.


Video games are better than drugs. They could be doing a LOT worse.


Not your kids, not your business unless they are in danger. They’re not. Move on.


mind your own business

If you don’t have kids then you should not be commenting LOL


l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18355 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Info Here >>>

The entitlement here, yikes.

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Haha before I had kids I Saif they wouldn’t get any screen time and would never eat anything processed :rofl: things changed when I actually had kids. Is your sister doing the best she can? Lift her up and tell her something she is doing well instead of criticizing her :heart:


If you don’t have kids, your biggest mistake is think you know what kind of parent you will be. Nothing bugs me more than hearing, “when I have kids they won’t do this or that” because u have no clue how your kids will be. Not to mention kids change and so do you. I don’t monitor my kids on games or anything like that,but they also don’t just sit on them constantly. I feel like they’re her children, so honestly it’s up to her. Not you. I think you need to just stay out of it.


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14769 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Yes that’s a problem it’s pretty much like an addiction, 2 hrs a day after chores. Kids even teens need to know it’s a privilege to be on the internet. Plus there’s some pretty scary people out there. You have to know who there friends are on the game’s. Parents need to spend more time with their children instead of throwing a device in front of them saying here I don’t want to hear you right now. Time is precious make the best of it.

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Ma’am if you don’t have kids don’t judge how others are raising their kids. And if you do have kids don’t judge how other people are raising theirs unless those kids are being hurt and neglected


I limited my 8 yr old to 1 hr a day. I know 30 yr Olds, no jobs and play games all day and night. Ridiculous

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Worry about your own life, your own kids. If I told my sister (or she tried to tell me) how to raise her own kids she’d laugh me outta her house, and rightly so. Smh


Hahaha wow first off they are not your kids so mind your business and second you don’t have kids of your own so how about you worry about your own life and not how someone is raising their own children….


So you don’t have kids but are the expert? Okay then. :ok_hand:


My kids are 4&6 and they get a couple hours a day max but they don’t even ask to play every day. Teens like playing and usually. Have for yrs. If you ask my bf they can play all day every day but I highly disagree

Mind your own business


Not your kids. Not your business.
When you have your own, then you can choose what rules you have and how you raise them… And I’ll delete the paragraph that followed that statement…

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I just wonder how much of the day you have your phone in your hand?

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“Whenever I decide to have kids.”

Hate to break it to you but until a child exits your vagina. Your opinion is irrelevant. Move along.

You don’t have kids? Get off here. Why are you even posting an anonymous question like that :joy:


Do you happen to be on any medications that could cause weigh gain? I had the same problem and I’m on seroquel I wasn’t loosing either.

i hope this is a troll post because if it’s not… lady, they’re not your kids :joy: I’m sure you’ll be the first ever perfect parent when you have kids, don’t worry :roll_eyes:


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12483 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

We are all perfect parentd until we have kids


So don’t let you kids play video games without monitoring them… and they’re teenagers at that​:joy: sounds like you need a hobby othet than judging how others parent :woman_shrugging:


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16315 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

I know how frustrating it is because I have a husband a brother in law and mother in law that all they do is play games or sleep all day except my husband doesn’t sleep all day and really he can’t because he has to make money some how to support us I can’t stand them being on the games all day all night or sleeping all day I personally think Joey my brother in law should get off his ass and look for a job and I think he’s mom should encourage him too do so but she won’t do it and I also think she should get off her ass too and look for a job there are plenty of in home jobs but she won’t because she’s lazy and rather rely on my husband and I for everything

I think everything should be done in moderation and unlimited video gaming causes an addiction to it.

The first :triangular_flag_on_post: was “my sisters kids” then “in my opinion” and lastly “whenever I decide to have kids”

Go fly a kite :kite:


My 6 yr old son is ONLY allowed 1 hr on his tablet a day after he has completed school work. We homeschool so he has to do his school work before any kind of play. We don’t do video games yet but he plays games on his tablet.

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Until you are a mom don’t judge what others do with their kids! Not your circus not your business! I would NEVER tell my sister what my niece’s can or can’t do nor would she. We do ask each other advice.


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19854 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

:rofl: I immediately knew it had to be someone who didn’t have kids!!! Come back after you have a few kids and your tired exhausted and just want some quite time!!! Then we’ll see if you still wouldn’t ever let your kids entertain themselves by playing some games. (Not 24/7 but hell yes go play your switch and let mommy sit here and watch a full movie in peace :v::woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:)


Seriously shouldn’t judge when. 1 they are not your kids and 2 you don’t have any yourself

If anything monitor what they are playing and who they are interacting with, but as long as it doesnt interfere with school and family stuff who cares. Its keeping them busy, and happy and you know where they are. To me it’s a win win in most cases.

I always find it funny when people feel the need to limit stuff like this. There are kids who play hockey and its literally practice after practice and game after game with little time for other things, but you never hear people complaining about limiting the time kids spend doing stuff like that.
I was a bookworm when I was a teenager. I literally read non stop for hours on end. It was a time consuming and expensive hobby, even with my library card lol I read everything… including horror and violent books. No one ever told me to put my book down, that i was reading too much lol.


“when I decide to have kids” is a very strong statement. They’re her kids…


You will trust me. I have said that many times and now my son goes on more then I would like but it helps me get stuff done. Time limits are great tho


B4 I had kid I had 100 theories…now I have 100 kids and no theories 🤷🏼


“Whenever I decide to have kids” says it all.


Unless you’re feeding, clothing, caring for the health, and paying for the college of these kids, mind your business.

I’ll give you some advice though. Nothing will make you eat your “nevers” faster than your own spawn.


Not your circus, not your monkeys. Mind your own business. Especially having zero parenting experience. :woman_shrugging:t3:


To each their own…lmao

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Not sure why it bugs you. Any negative effects will be dealt with by her, as the parent. You should enjoy being the autie…when you have children if your own, you can make the rules. Until then, you really have no idea the challenges that parents face. It’s harder than just making rules, it’s a constant battle, especially with teens. Maintaining a good relationship through these years is very important so there has to be some compromise so they don’t shut you out.

Not your kids not your decision. When you have your own then you can make the rules

It’s the “Whenever I decide to have kids” that gets me. If they aren’t your kids it’s not your business. Pretty much that simple. Your sister doesn’t deserve your judgment esp if you don’t have kids of your own bc you have no idea what it’s like to raise kids. You can think whatever you want and you can plan to do or not do whatever you want if you have kids but don’t judge… it’s not nice

My kids all get good grades they finish their chores and what they do in their down time is play video games. I don’t even care if I’d like to see someone tell me what to do in my down time…

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Lady mind your own damn kids! Ugh

Personally not really a fan of kids gaming and if they do it should be age appropriate not GTA or COD etc :woman_shrugging:t3:

Not your kids not your problem!!