How long should kids play video games?

My kids are teens. I play video games WITH my kids. We are a gaming family… They do their homework, have a bedtime. They do well in school… Wth is the problem with it?? can’t stand when people force likes and dislikes on their children just because “they are in charge” I feel bad for your future kids… I have an absolute amazing relationship with all 3 of my kids.


As long as my kids chores are done and they keep their grades up, I don’t care how much they play video games. I don’t give them limits on tv either as long as they turn it off a certain time before bed. My kids are great kids and they also play outside quite a bit. Judge me :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yeah. The obvious answer here is that you should absolutely mind your own business


You don’t even have kids and you’re trying to judge a mother? That’s worse than a mother judging another mother. Let the parents be the parents.


Mind your own kids :rofl: oh right, you don’t have any so stfu :roll_eyes:

I get why you would feel that way but unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it

My favorite saying “I was a perfect parent until I became a parent”


Never say “I would never let my kids” if you don’t have kids


They aren’t your kids and it’s not your business… you aren’t even a parent yet to have any room to judge another parents choices not that being a parent gives you that right at all but it will definitely open your eyes :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: stay in your lane girl.

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When you decide to have kids. You will find those horrible video games kept your kids at home safe and gave you a little mommy time. Because you WILL need it!


You didn’t get the chancla when you were a kid and it shows mine your business sister Karen


Girl take a seat. You don’t have any kids so you really have no room to talk. Go do something with yourself and mind your business.


To each their own. Your kid your choice

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18355 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I used to say my kids would never have a TV’s in their room until they were older. I also said they would only watch for an hour a day. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Facebook really needs an eyeroll reaction. :roll_eyes::laughing: Mind your business!

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How about you stay in your lane and not try and parent SOMEONE ELSE’S children.

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Maybe when you have kids you can put you two cents in until then just :shushing_face: “I would never let my kids do that, if I had them” read that to yourself out loud so you can hear how silly it sounds lol

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I’m ready to just make it a free for all

It’s so easy to say, “Oh, I’ll never let my kids” or " I’ll always let my kids". We have these grandiose ideas about parenting until we become parents. Just wait, if you decide to have kids, you’ll look back on this and laugh.


Why are you in this group??? You have 0 kids🤪


You can always mind your own business :roll_eyes:


I feel like the admins are just making up post at this point to get engagement


So like, why is it your business, and why are you in a mommy group with no kids? :thinking:


Mind your own business.


Not you children not your business


Everyone is a perfect parent until they have kids of their own. Smh


Idk why everyone’s rude. We all said the same exact things before we knew better. She just doesn’t know yet.

I monitor how much my kids play games and watch YouTube because I don’t want them on devices constantly. Through the school week, no devices. Only on the weekends.

Your sister has parental rights over these kids. You don’t. Yes, excessive screen time hinders their opportunities to interact with the world, foster their own health and world being, learn to socialize, etc. But despite how clear and warning the research is, your better knowledge doesn’t mean she can or has to do what’s best. The most I would do is sit down with her ONCE, show her the research, and offer to babysit/do housework/whatever she does that prevents her from spending time with the kids and using electronics as a substitute :+1:t2:

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My son plays all the time and has excellent grades and a possibility to graduate early so I’m not pressed about it. If he neglected his school work I would have something to say. He also has been getting up on his own and out the door for school since middle school in 5 years he’s only missed the bus not even a handful of times. :woman_shrugging: I guess I’m one of those moms. He does his chores too. I must add. I have no behavioral problems with him ever. He goes to bed at 10pm firm rule here.

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It’s not how much mine plays it’s more about knowing that if he’s in his room he’s safe and not doing drugs or drinking. Now days peace of mind means everything! He’s in college and is doing well, going for heating and air. He’s a great kid and does what I ask him to do so he can play as much as he wants. Whenever you have kids you will understand!! :woman_shrugging:t2:

She at least knows where her kids are and what they’re doing.

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if you are kidless shut your mouth!


My kid is 17 and plays for however long she wants

Mind your own kids :woman_shrugging:

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When asking these questions, answer these first. Have you raised them? Do you feed, clothe, and pay for them? If the answer to those is no, then your original question doesn’t matter. Just through it out the window.


Why are you in a mom’s group downing other moms without kids of your own? :roll_eyes:


I would get out of her business, as long as there is no neglect or abuse, you can formulate opinions all day long about her parenting but until you are a parent you wouldn’t understand.
you don’t even had kids but it bothers you? I bet them kids bother her all the time lol :laughing:

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You already answered ur question… “It’s ur Sisters Kids” let ppl be parents to their kids and keep out of it

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People parent in different ways. We use a reward system. Some days that means more screen time and other days none. We also parent very differently in the middle of a pandemic.

My kids screen time significantly increased with virtual learning and expectations and there are now more apps, games and screen available options to connect with the world, in a very different way due to the pandemic.

In fact, my kids were only able to connect with friends through video chatting, teams, google meet etc. which means more screen use.

Until you have kids, multiple kids in the middle of a pandemic, where screen time is required to succeed in school ; I would just smile and nod and be humbly patient with your sister through this very unstable situation. We are all trying to navigate this. It is very difficult to be anti-electronics in these times. It’s just not reality for most people with kids.


My son plays video games. Playing them has sparked his creativity in creating them. He uses a website and started creating computer games. He’s 13. He also wants to create video games once he’s older. He has good grades, he has also done soccer for 9 years. He also plays outside, goes on bike rides, etc.

What are you gonna do about it? Nothin’. Stfu and worry about your own damn kids.

Not your kids, not your problem

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Not your kids. Not your place or business to tell her how to do things. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Lol ya good luck with that

Keep your fat beak out fuck all to do with you thank fuck you don’t have kids because it’s sounding like you don’t have a fucking clue

“Whenever I decided to have kids” and that’s the kicker hahahahahah


I’m personally glad my parents limited my electronic use and I grew up climbing trees and exploring the woods by our house instead of sitting in front of a screen all day lol but that’s just me. Even as an adult now, I barely use my phone or any device. But no judgement to mama’s that let theirs have a little extra screen time. Everyone has their own rules, as long as the kids are taken care of🤷‍♀️

I think you should probably let your sister deal with it since it’s not really your business

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16247 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

First of all, they’re not your kids so mind your damn business. Question answered.

Its so easy to say “my kids won’t do that” when you don’t have kids. Leave your sister alone and let her parent HER kids


There her kids lol not urs

You have no fucking clue :joy:

Lmao. They aren’t your kids. Mind your business

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When u decide to have kids that word never goes out the window what u say you will never let ur kids do they end up doing


That’s your problem right there. Not your kids, not your problem!

Are they your kids? No? Then mind your business. When YOU have kids, you can decide what their screen time looks like. :roll_eyes:


Also….if I had a sister I might think you were talking about me and my boys. I’m too busy hustling to put food on their table that video game restrictions are the least of my worries, that’s a battle I decide to ignore, because while I’m working, at least I know they’re at home, fed and safe! That’s all that matters these days really. Your poor sister shouldn’t have to worry about sh*t like you being annoyed by how much screen time HER kids get.


Not your Monkeys, Not your Circus!!! My point is, ITS NOT YOUR BUSINESS!! All these PEOPLE WITHOUT KIDS, always THINK they’ll be better or DO better! It literally makes me laugh!


This has to be a troll.


Don’t be “that mom” worry about your own children.


My kids don’t play games like ever, they could but they never earn it even if though they get a million chances. I won’t give in to them when they haven’t earned it… They don’t have electronics period beside IPads from school, for school only.
Kids have become disrespectful or mean these days when it comes to technology/games.

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To each their own they’re her kids🧏‍♀️

There are other things to do in a household beside play games. :expressionless:

Should at least monitor your kids, especially if you let them play online. I know people who didn’t check who they’re kids are talking to or have let them use their credit card and then bitched about how much money is being spent.
If you allow it, don’t complain later then.

No your kids, not your business. Stay in your lane.


It’s always folks without kids who have the most opinions. :joy:


So you don’t even have kids and you want to judge​:joy::joy::joy::joy: have kids first then talk!!!

You have no kids, so no opinion. You remind me of my sister; she is also childless but has a lot of opinions about raising children. You have no idea what it is like to take care of another person 24/7/365. You have no idea what a mother goes through mentally, physically or emotionally. If your sister chooses unlimited screen time or limited screen time that is her business and you should keep your mouth shut. I feel sorry for your children if you have any, you are already competing with your sister and don’t have any kids. I have a feeling you are going to try to use the comments on this post against your sister which is why you asked for advice on a mom page and you have no kids.


You can say what you won’t do with your kids simply because you don’t have any but once you become a parent I bet you that’s all your kids will do. Talk is cheap it’s all in action. An at least they aren’t out causing trouble being disrespectful kids let them live their life an you but out

My kids don’t play them at all

My son was is his xbox all the time. Now that he’s in high school he goes out alot more. Video games is how most kids communicate with their friends now. We moved to AZ a few years back and he plays with his friends from CA and one that moved to TX. That’s how they stay in contact. He also plays sports so I don’t even worry about it. You don’t really know what you’ll do until you actually have kids. As long as they are doing what they are supposed to do I don’t worry about it.

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It depends on the kids and whats going on. Some kids can handle it and still manage to get off the game when something else has to be done. Others not so much. So it really depends you do you when you have kids. Yet your nieces and nephews do what they want as long as they aren’t being disrespectful.

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My sister did that same crap my future kid will NEVER now her oldest is playing online with my youngest. Sush lady raising imaginary children is cake walk

I promise u when u have kids alot of ur veiwes will change !! Of course when we start out we wanna b these perfect parents n make sure our kids eat healthy and do learning activities and just enough screen time ECT ECT …but I promise u all that will change when u have ur own …I mean don’t get me wrng u could try very hard to accomplish all these things and u could do a great job at it but there will b things that u thought u were gonna do and not actually do …go easy on sis !

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12954 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Omg, get off your high horse, you dont even have kids. Come back with an opinion once you become a mother. 🤦

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How about you don’t worry about your sisters kids and just continue to raise your unborn children as you see fit. Pretty simple.


Being a Mother is not easy! Unless she is abusing her kids then you need to leave it alone!

Her house, her kids, her rules.

There’s a limit?
I ha e 3 boys and ooohhh buddy. Lemme tell you :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Lmao how about you stay the fuck out of your sister’s parenting decisions? You have no business judging her and you don’t even HAVE kids. Go find something productive to do with your life instead of being a judgmental rhymes with witch (tired of FB jail). That being said, my child has limited access to electronics but I don’t judge what other parents do as long as it doesn’t hurt their kids. And your sister’s kids are teenagers. Very different than smaller children playing video games. Go find a hobby and stop being so pressed on what your sister does that you went and made a whole anonymous Facebook post about it. It’s pathetic

Don’t ever say Never! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Mind your own business!

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My eldest son (soon to be 14) loves his games. I limit it only during exam periods. But even then, I don’t police it. If he’s doing his chores and still bringing home the distinctions, then he can clearly manage his own time. So, is there really a need to limit their time? Other than it “bugging you”?

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I said the same thing. Then I had multiple kids and needed to shower. Or eat. Or do. Anything.


Ur opinion is invalid until u have kids and want alone time​:rofl::rofl: then u really dont care how long they are on them!


Not your kids, not your problem. I think you should just keep your own metaphorical children handled and let your sister parent how she wants.


Not saying unlimited screen time is good but if you don’t have kids mind ya business.


And it’s your business why? Good job being judgmental :ok_hand:t3:


I have kids but even I’m thinking “Mind your own business because her kids are not yours”. Unless they spend the night at your house then you have no say whatsoever.


Mind blown that it’s bugging you that much so you have to write on Facebook
About it.
We all parent differently and we all think our way is best. But we are all doing our best to survive parenthood which no matter what anyone says it’s a fucking ride, we are just doing our best to stay on.

You are correct, video games are very bad for the mind development and emotional development even social skills.

But respect her choices. If she ever confine into you that her son has an attitude problem or too much anger… then gently bring up the video game effects you have read in studies.

But she is your blood. Love her, believe in her and be there for her. Your job is to love her she has the whole world for the judging part.

Says everyone who doesn’t have kids :rofl::rofl::rofl:
You should see all the shit I said I’d never do lmfao

Never say never. You’ll have kids and come nevering like you’ve never nevered before. It’s easy on the outside looking in, but once you have kids of your own the whole game changes. Mind your business.


Lucky they are not ur kids then! How ur sister parents her children is not of ur concern be supportive or go away


It’s a good thing they’re not your kids. Worry about yourself!

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It’s always wise to give advice to pass parenting judgments once you actually have kids :wink:

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l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16761 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

“When I have kids I would never” :joy::rofl: let us know how that goes in the future lmao


If you read 30 minutes and can play for 30 minutes

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