How long should you breastfeed for?

I have been breastfeeding for about a month, but every single time I do, it hurts. I have seen multiple lactation consultants, and nothing is wrong with the way the baby is latching; it just hurts. They said sometimes that happens. So, how long do I have to breastfeed? What is best for the baby?


Fed is best. Doesn’t matter how just as long as its eating. Formula is loaded with nutrition. I never got to breastfeed. Tried i just didn’t produce enough so always had to switch to Formula all 4 of my kids are healthy and growing just fine. Don’t worry how you feed that baby. Just feed it

Fed is best!
Nothing wrong with bottles and formula


There is no right answer. Breastfeeding is different for everyone. I would suggest you do it as long as you can but don’t beat yourself up over not being able to continue.


Try nipple shields… or just pump and feed. Other then that formula is just fine.

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There is no rite or wrong answer to that question. There r benefits to breastfeeding yes but if it is painful and u decide to change to bottle feeding there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I had 4 kids and i breastfed them all for different lengths of time. They all turned out healthy. Don’t feel ashamed or like u r doing something wrong just because u go to formula instead of breastfeeding


8 months into breastfeeding my baby exclusively, and the first few weeks is like my soul is being taken out from my body. My nipple is sore all the time because it’s inverted. What I do is I warm compress every after feeding and pumping. I also massage my boobies with nipple creams.

Patience is what you need most to get through the pain. It’s temporary, though! But of course pain is pain, and pain is uncomfortable. Breastfeeding is a dedication, not just a choice.

I said before I will breastfeed only for 6 months and I’m done, but when I learned a lot about the benefits of breastfeeding and breastmilk to me and my son’s health I decided to breastfeed him until he weans on his own. Breastmilk is indeed best for baby and there is no substitute for breastmilk. Building a great health for our child is what they need to be a strong and healthy adults in the future. Breastfeeding lessen the post-partum depression. It build a special and strong bond between mothers and their children. Breastfed babies tend to be more loving and gentle towards their mothers.

Check for lip and tongue tie that also contribute to the painful latch, also check for the position maybe he’s shallow latching.

Breast feeding was o e of the hardest thing i ever did and struggled to keep up supply. They say breastfeed for 1 year, but I only made it to 6 months. Do what you can and remember that your health (including mental) is just as important during this time. Nipple sheilds and pumping helped but its ok to switch. The overwhelming relief once i stopped means i knew i made the right decision.

I had the same problem on just the left side. It hurt so bad but I kept breastfeeding and finally the pain went away after about a month and a half. It didn’t matter if I pumped or nursed the pain was the same. There is no right or wrong answer. It is what you feel is best for yourself and your baby. I breastfed all 3 of my children for different lengths of time.

Well you have to do it till the baby can eat food…wow some of y’all don’t need kids


I support any woman that feds their baby, breast or bottle, but have you tried a nipple shield? My daughter and niece did that for the first few months n it helped with the soreness

Apply the breast milk in the area as soon as you feed …wipe the area before you feed …breast milk heals the soreness

I have 3 children… breast fed each of them for 6 weeks to 8 weeks… that’s all… they were all 3 very healthy… you chose what’s right for you and don’t listen to ANYONE ELSE!!!


They say a year, but if it hurts then don’t torture yourself! Your baby will be better off with formula and calm mother than breast fed by a stressed out mother in pain.

What’s best for the baby is having a relaxed, stress free bonding time with Mum whilst feeding and nothing more. If it’s causing you pain, you’re tense and unable to relax and fully enjoy these moments with your Bubba. If it’s causing you pain, I’d consider switching to bottle feeding. No pain for you, Bub is still getting fed and you’ll both enjoy the experience more because you’re not sitting there in pain. And you don’t listen to anyone who tries to make you feel guilty for not breastfeeding!
Like Aly Hollinger said, fed is best…whatever way that is. Good luck Mumma :sparkling_heart:

Fed is always best I personally tapped out after 2 and a half months my mental heath and boobs couldn’t take it anymore :woman_facepalming:t2::blue_heart::baby:t4:

Can I ask how you are feeding? Like the position? I found changing the position on one side stopped the pain my baby is 5 weeks so know your pain. I was feeding with pillows under my arm so removed the pillow from hurting side and it changed her latch which stopped the feeling of skin being pulled off my breast slowly lol. PM if you like.

I’ve had 2 babies and didn’t produce milk either time so both were bottle fed from birth. Both are healthy and happy. Change to bottle if it’s best for you. Don’t suffer cz u think breast is best. If you are suffering it will lessen the wonderful experience of being a mum and impact your enjoyment of baby. Baby won’t care as long as they are fed and nourished.

I remember that pain. I nearly gave up because of the pain in the first few weeks. I found out later my mother was in the exact same boat and she gave up. That made me determined to keep trying. I got to 8 months solely breastfeeding. . If you can get support from a breastfeeding group. They could give you advice perhaps on expressing if that is something you’d like to try. Do what is best for you, there is no right or wrong.

Its definitely normal to be sore the first few weeks. Your nipples need to get used to it. So if you want to try, give it a few more weeks. You could use nipple shields, the hakaa one looks great. You could also look into tongue / lip ties as that affects babies feeding. Otherwise just formula feed. No shame in that. Breastfeedings not for everyone.

No one HAS to breastfeed. A fed baby is the best! Formula is fine!!! Do what is best for you and your baby!

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I did not produce enough milk to feed my first child… he actually lost weight. I had no option but to change to formula… I felt very guilty, but my baby thrived and that’s all that counts!

You really should trust doctors and experts on this and not the opinions of people on FB who are all biased based on their own personal experience. Science doesn’t do that. Everyone saying you don’t have to aren’t answering the question as to what is actually best for the child. Science shows breastfeeding is best and for at least the first 6 months is crucial.

Unfortunately this does happen, its still early days for you, that pain wont last, and it’s incredibly draining, but it will eventually ease, keep persevering as long as your comfortable doing so, On average for the pain to ease, it can take a couple of months…Good luck x

14 months and counting :woman_shrugging: you nurse for how long you want it’s your choice :slight_smile:

Are you able to pump comfortably? Breast milk is looked upon as being more beneficial for the baby, how ever, a happy mom is also very important. Try to extract milk, and bottle feed baby with that if it works for you. If not, go with formula, baby will still be happy and healthy.

They say fed is best but actually support is best… they say as long as baby is gaining an latching fine 6 months is best for baby obviously you nurse your baby for as long as you want and as long as baby wants :slightly_smiling_face:

I stopped after three weeks.

You can always pump if you are really wanting to give your baby your breast milk. Or just stop now and give formal. As long as your baby is feed that’s all that matters

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Try pumping. It will give you the best of both.

Your nipples are just getting use to the abuse they are taking. It will get better, stick with it.


I am at almost 10 months pumping and breast-feeding and it still uncomfortable to be honest I think it’s a personal choice if it’s that painful for youI think it something people have different opinions about it as long as your baby is getting fed somehow formula or breast and you’re comfortable and babies happy that’s all that matters :heart: and good luck it is definitely not an easy thing to do hun! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What is best for the baby is to have a happy and comfortable mummy.
If your in that much pain you’ve done amazing to get this far. You dont have to breast feed, if you want to try pumping thats a option. If you want to go to formal thats also an option. Do whats best for you guys


Try pumping to see if that helps but the longer you breast feed, the better for baby andddd the easier it gets.

You get used to the pain after while but it’s ultimately your decision. I did for 6 weeks with my first then 13 months with my second.

You never HAVE to breastfeed. Of course it’s excellent for baby if you can and like it, however, it isn’t just about baby. It’s about you too, mama. I was miserable breastfeeding all of my children and that translated to how I felt as a mother. I felt guilted into continuing with my oldest and I did until she was about 3 months and when I stopped it was an immense relief to me. With my next babies I swore I would try but if it didn’t work, I wasn’t going to allow myself to feel guilt or pressure. Some people will try to guilt you into ‘breast is best’ but ultimately your baby having a happy mother and being fed period is what’s best.


your choice your body. if ur in pain try pumping but if that doesn’t work do the formula. happy mommy hsppy baby

When I first started breastfeeding, it would hurt every time I had a let down. The pain diminished as I continued breastfeeding.

You don’t HAVE to breastfeed. If you are miserable then try pumping or do formula.


You could also try nipple shields. They work good and it doesnt hurt as much


I stopped 4 days after birth because it was horrible and I ended up with mastitis. A fed baby is best! You did your best!

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Took me over 2 months to stop hurting

My nipples hurt so bad for the first couple weeks. They were just sore because they were not used it. I about gave up until I got nipple shields. Not sure what kind of pain ur in but I def recommend nipple shields.

You don’t HAVE to breastfeed. It’s an option. Not everyone does it. I didn’t for personal reasons. My girls tried with their babies. I think my youngest did it ther longest which was two or three months. Don’t let ANYONE shame you into continuing doing something uncomfortable.

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Until you don’t want to anymore. I would try to push thru sick season. The antibodies in breastmilk r good for baby.

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Have you checked to see if you have thrush?

It’s going to be uncomfortable for a little while until your nipples get used to it. But it will get better. If breastfeeding is what you want to do, stick with it. It does get better. You can always pump and feed too. I breastfed for 16 months.

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It took me almost 3 months with the first to get used to it but now with my second we arw just over 2 months in and we are good! Pumping really helped me both times. I found taking days off and bottle feeding and pumping really helped my mental state

You don’t have to breastfeed at all. If it’s uncomfortable, you don’t need to do it. You can pump, or you can formula feed. There’s no wrong way to fed your baby. Congratulations for making it a month breastfeeding! You’re doing great!


You’ve already gave your baby a amazing start. You do not have to keep going. Mommy being comfortable is important too.

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Try a nipple shield. It can still hurt at times but it’s so much better if you want to keep going. And try the creams. Or pump if you really want

Pumping helps take pressure of your breasts if you’re making enough to do both. Sure breast milk is best for the antibodies and what not, but no one said you had to be miserable in order to do it. Have you tried just pumping and feeding from a bottle? Sometimes just the difference between a pump and the baby latching makes all the difference.

If it’s still super painful, no shame in switching to formula and giving the “girls” a rest

Been fed is best for baby! Doesn’t matter how she is been fed aslong as she is, dont feel you have to do it a certain way especially if causing pain xx


I think recommendation is at least a year, but it’s gonna be what you are comfortable with. Breastfeeding is so taxing. I personally did not enjoy it at all for the first 3 months. My son is now 10 months old and it’s comes naturally and now I don’t see the end of breastfeeding at this time. I will try until 2.

I had the same problem with my first, if theyll give you a nipple shield it helps! But i ended up just pumping milk and giving it to him through a bottle

I was in pain for three months. But I was finally pain free and then continued until she was 16mo. No issues with my second kid.

19 months and going strong! Not all my babies did for that long though. They are all different.

Squeeze milk around the area before he latches on, in a month or so the pain and soreness should go away

You dont have to breastfeed.


It hurt for me for a month and then all of a sudden started getting easier. I did it for a year. Everyone’s different though. Do what’s best for you!

You don’t HAVE to breastfeed. You can always choose to switch to formula or you could try just pumping instead of quitting breastfeeding. It is whatever works best for YOU and not just the baby! :purple_heart:


Honestly it’s your body, your choice. Fed is best! If breastfeeding is uncomfortable to you don’t feel pressured to continue. I barely had any milk come in so I formula fed from the start

I pumped for 2 year with my two oldest ones and I’m currently in my 13th month with my baby. I just couldn’t breastfeed them, it was too painful.

Fed is best :heart: doesnt matter how you dont HAVE to do anything, there are options

How ever long you want… I bf for 18 months with my first 6 months with my second and we onlyanaged 8 weeks with my third because he was premature and had trouble gaining.

Try pumping and put it in the bottle maybe

You never have to… But depending on how old he is and how many kids you’ve had they might just not be used to it yet your nipples not the baby. Have you tried any creams or massaging them in the shower.if it’s something that you really can’t tolerate then don’t worry about it try pumping if the pump hurts then you know what go for the formula it’s going to be whatever works for you if it makes you miserable and not happy then how can you be the best for your baby. Another words if you’re not happy you can’t be at your best for your baby do what is right for you

A lot of nurses pu5 women ona

If you want to continue and have not already try a nipple guard. I had the worst pain for first 2 weeks it was TERRIBLE and finally gave in and tried a nipple guard — world of difference no pain and baby continues to latch fine. It’s so worth trying that if you have not IF you want to continue to breastfeed. If you don’t that’s fine also momma, don’t be afraid to get some formula and give your baby a bottle or pump if you choose. Nothing is wrong with any way to feed baby!! Mix it up and give your nips a rest, baby will still breastfeed too if you want to do both… good luck you are amazing and hang in there!!

A lot of nurses try to make women feel guilty if they don’t breast feed

I breastfeed my first for a little under one month I was in so much pain,it hurt so much and I cried soo much. I gave up and started pumping instead, it lasted till my little one was 7months old. My second I had no complications and sadly dried up around 6 months, Do what’s best for you :heart:

I couldn’t breast feed so I just pumped and I made more than enough milk, maybe just try to pump. Although however, formula is just as good. I pumped for my baby for 6 months and she was on formula for the last 6, I didn’t notice any change or difference in her.

Any amount of time you’ve breast fed is beneficial, don’t beat yourself up.

First I only breastfed for 1.5 weeks and my last I did it for 1 day. You don’t have to BF and don’t feel pressured or ashamed for stopping if you decide to stop and go to formula.

Have you seen an IBCLC they have way more knowledge

Have you tried breastfeeding nipple shields???

You can stop whenever you want, the choice is yours alone to make. However you need to see a Pediatric Dentist for proper diagnosis! Painful nursing does not just continue to happen, its a pretty clear sign of ties.

If you are want to continue giving her breastmilk have you considered pumping? I know it hurts alot less then breastfeeding.

They say 2 years, but most stop at 1 year and go to cow milk.

You should BF as long as your baby continues to…
My mother told me I was done and that was that. I was about a year. She BF my sister’s longer because baby daddy number 2 was trying to get her into drugs and used BF as an excuse. With her 3rd she BF till her supply ran out when she was 4yo and is currently BF her youngest that’s over a year…

I BF my first till my supply dried out when I got pregnant with my second. He was 14 months. I’m currently BF my 5mo till she’s ready to stop

You don’t HAVE to breastfeed. It has tons of benefits but you have to do what is best for you and baby. I went through similar issue and ending up bottle feeding . All three of my kids


You breastfeed as long as you feel you can do it. FED IS BEST! If you have to switch to formula, your baby will be fine! Take it from me!! My son never latched well, so I tried pumping & struggling through feedings until my period came at 6 weeks and my milk dried up. It was a blessing in disguise because I could finally give up the struggle and switch to formula. He flourished! Gained a POUND A WEEK for a month, then tapered off. Hit all milestones early and growth was fantastic!! Listen to your mommy instinct and your doctors!

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I tried breastfeeding my son but had this exact same problm. He would latch right, but his mouths actual suction to my nipple was so strong that it was hurting me, a dr put his finger in hai mouth at his first checkup not believing me amd almost instantly said oh yeah i see why that hurts you try pumping instead. Fed is best doesnt matter if breast or formula. But if you want to continue breast try pumping it lasted the first month for me, wouldve lasted longer but I sadly got sick and had to quit due to it.

You don’t HAVE to breastfeed. It’s a choice. I will say that it hurt me the first month while me and baby figured out how to latch properly but now that she’s 4 months it’s a lot easier. If breastfeeding is what you want to do, maybe join a bf support group. That has helped me a lot! And formula is just fine too. I formula fed my first and he turned out just fine :yum:

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Im still breastfeeding and my son is 16months. If you are wanting to continue breastfeeding but it hurts maybe try a nipple shield as the pain stop (works wonders i tell ya) but also do what best for you there no harm in pumping or even formula feeding :heart:

It was really painful for me. I found that when I stopped using the creams and let nature take its course (my nips calloused) it finally stopped hurting as bad. I only breast fed 2 of mine and for 3-4 months each when I realized I was just a walking pacifier. Gave up and switched to formula and my babies finally got full bellies and started sleeping

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I exclusively pumped for the first 7 months because my son wouldnt latch… its hard but alot less pain and the baby gets all the nutrients they need

Fed is best, if it’s hurting you that much then stop and give that baby some formula. You did good!!!


Just got to formula save yourself the stress that’s what’s best.

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You can stop at anytime. Your body and your baby. Whatever choice you make will be the right choice for you and your baby.


Do what’s best for YOU mummy, everyone will have different opinions on the matter, but in my opinion fed is best. I was only able to breast feed a few times because my daughter was 10 weeks prem and it was two draining for her when she was first born then she was having so much trouble latching, I did pump alot then bottle feed but my supply went dry by 6 weeks and she went onto Donor milk then onto formula… (she couldn’t come home without having a way of eating and I couldn’t provide so formula was my saviour)
Don’t let anyone judge you for how you raise your baby and what you choose to do!


Nipple cream does a lot … def worth a try

1 yr if at all possible but if not … nothing wrong with bottle feeding

I breastfed both my kids til 2 1/2 yrs old. Breastfeeding is not for the faint of heart. It takes alot of work. If you are determined to breastfeed look into bottle feeding the breast milk. Pumping will also let you see how your milk is flowing and the consistency. Sometimes a slow flow could be why the suction is so hard and results in your pain. Had to learn that myself


What’s best for your baby is that you not be stressed. Your doctor can prescribe you meds that will assist in your milk coming in and I believe there are some vitamins or herbs recommended by midwives. Pumping can make all the difference. Research which ones are most similar to baby’s sucking. If all else fails and you are stressed gradually wean your baby and examine various formulas or breastmilk from doners. Baby can sense your stress and that is more unhealthy than anything. Take some down time. Relaxation can help too. Good luck. Don’t stress whatever you choose, love your baby and you can’t go wrong.

Can you pump instead?

My best tip is that once latched, check baby’s bottom lip and make sure it’s not curled in, if it is pull it out so the lips are fully out.
This was what stopped my pain.

How every you want to.

I used lanolin cream for a couple months because the pain was extreme. That and nipple shields during feeding. Also i pumped in between feedings to give myself a latch break. Thankfully after awhile I healed and felt much better. Ended up nursing until she was 2 :muscle:t3:

You’ve been doing it for a month, and I think that was the biggest hump.after the first few weeks it should start to feel like nothing. Lanolin is amazing for creating a protective shield and help heal them faster. Highly recommend. Hang in there though! The pain should be gone soon!