How long should you breastfeed for?

I did it with my first until she but me and made me bleed when she was 6 months then I pumped. My 2nd I did until she was around 9 months and then i didn’t make enough and had to supplement. It definitely hurts it hurt worse the 2nd time around for me. But eventually it gets better. But if you can’t do it just pump and just feed from a bottle. But fed is best. You do t have to breast feed if it’s not for you.

You do what’s best for you and your baby. You don’t have to continue to breastfeed. It isn’t for everyone. I did it for about 6 months with my oldest. I hated it. Sorry but it’s true. I tried for my youngest and it just wasn’t possible. Fed is best.


First 2 kids not breast fed my little guy was. After about a month it was painful for me but i stuck it out and the pain went away. I breastfed until he qas almost 2

It’s best to breastfeed baby for as long as you can. The first baby hurts the most, it stops hurting as much after 1-2 months. You might still feel a pinch, but not such a constant pain. But don’t feel bad if you feel like you can’t continue. What’s important is that baby is getting what baby needs, which means if you have to feed baby formula so be it.

I had no issues with my 1st and my 4th. But with my second I had issues. He seemed to latch ok but it hurt every time and I would get blood blisters. I finally had to stop. We found out when he was 10 through an orthodontist that he had a short lower jaw and that is why nursing was so painful and awful. That could be the issue. It is not always evident in babies. That’s what the orthodontist told us. If it doesn’t get better I would do what you feel is best for yourself and baby. My son is now a happy healthy 15 yr old he’s almost 6ft tall and athletically built. Don’t worry fed is best no matter how you do it.

We are 17 months into our breastfeeding journey. Eventually you do “toughen up”. I think for us it was around the 5 week mark. However, just because out my journey, I would ask if the IBCLC you have seen have been savvy in tongue and lip ties.
I would say as long as you want and are comfortable, breastfeed. If it’s not working out for you and the babe, don’t.

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You don’t HAVE to breastfeed.

Eventually your nipples will toughen up though. I breastfed my babe until she self weaned at 8 months old, she had an upper lip tie that affected her latch. I chose to leave it alone and power through the pain. The pain subsided at about 7-8 weeks and then I never had any discomfort after that unless she bit me.


Whatever is best for you the mommy, is what’s going to be best for your baby. Trust me on this.
Having a new baby is stressful enough - if breastfeeding is wearing you down and interfering with the joy of having a new born - then STOP :stop_sign:
Your baby already has received a lot of the benefits of breastfeeding.
If you would like to transition more slowly, then take the advice of another poster and start pumping some. I found that way less painful cause I could control the speed and position. Have someone pick you up bottles and such and feed your baby that way. You could gradually mix in formula over a week or two, if you want. Regardless - fed is best.

I got 6 weeks with my oldest before I dried up I had nothing for my youngest but it honestly depends on u, yes we all want what’s best for our children but if ur in pain and very uncomfortable baby will sense that go to formula or pump but really as long as baby is fed and thriving ur doing great! best of luck momma! ur amazing!


Try a nipple shield and see if that helps you at all. My baby just hit two months and last week we stopped using the nipple shield but I had zero pain when I was using it . Now it only hurts if he bites down on my nipple too hard or if he latches funny.

You must do what’s best for you. No one else is living your life and no one is feeling the pain. I stopped at 3 mos for my son and at 4 mos for my daughter bc my supply just dried up. They were very healthy by supplementing with formula.

I always believe not to ask personal questions as this is your life and you will get a lot of opinions of which can do more harm than good. Good luck momma!

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the best thing for baby is mama not hurting and being able to care for her baby and herself.
So what works for you and your baby is best
You could pump and then bottle feed - that is a lot of work. (As a mom of twins I did that and it was exhausting- I lasted 3 months or the time of rental on the machine).
You can do formula - lots of babies are fed with this without any issue.

Do what works for you and your family!

Sounds like you need nipple cream, you can buy at the store which is safe for baby. Breastfeeding takes practice, they recommend you breastfeed until the baby is two years old. I always weaned mine by 17 months olds. Breastfeed however long you want to, it’s your choice. If it’s not working out then bottle feed, you’re the momma you know what is best for you and your baby. Over time your nipples will toughen up, baby might just be a hard sucker.

You do what you feel is right for you. If it’s to much pain for you then either pump or do formula. As long as your baby is getting fed and getting the nutrients they need that’s all that matters.

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They do make a breast cover, sold at walmart, that helps assist with nursing so you can enjoy it with your baby. Breastfeeding hurts for awhile at first and then eases up. My daughter still nurses at almost 15 months and now I deal with teeth…lol. Try a warm compress before to soften the nipple and make sure baby has the whole nipple in its mouth. That helps a lot too

I breastfed my 1st for two weeks. Breastfed my second till 2 1/2 and my current Is only 5 months but I have to mostly pump cause she needs some formula mixed with my breast milk for extra calories but we can rotate bottle and breast . Try nipple cream and shields. Does baby have a tongue tie that can make it painful . My daughter had a super strong sick when I started nursing her it’s getting better.

I breastfed both of mine. With each one it hurt for at least the first few months! It was horrible!!! Especially with my first. I breatfed my first for 10 months and second 2 yrs it does get better i promise x

I did it for 16 months, the first month is hard, you and your baby are both learning how to work it out.
Have you tried to use the plastic nipples of medela, it does give you a little of relief until your nipples get use to it and are less sensible.
Follow your instinct and do the best for you and your baby. Breatfeeding hurts a little bit at the beginning but after that is so easy and rewarding.

Its recommended to breastfeed for 2-4 years. That being said, you dont HAVE to breastfeed at all if you’re not comfortable with it. I would like to add though, while breastfeeding it got the most painful for me around 1 month and the pain lasted for a couple of weeks before getting better. After that though my nipples got used to it and it was completely painless and actually really easy. I loved breastfeeding compared to bottle feeding because it was much more convenient to be able to just pull my top down and feed baby rather than having to carry bottles and formula and getting up to make bottles in the middle of the night. So if you’re determined to breastfeed, stick it out. It will get MUCH better and actually be an enjoyable experience. If not, you can formula feed! Do whatever is best for you and your baby


This is quite a few years ago but I wanted to breast feed my twins as I did their sister the pediatrician finally told me after 3 months. Mom you dont have to if you dont want to anymore. I never ever slept and I was exhausted and crabby. Do what feels good to you they will grow up loving you either way.

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Fun fact no one tells you about bf…IT FREAKING HURTS. Your nipples may toughen, you may get used to the pain. It’ll always hurt tho! At first I bled so bad that my milk was pink and the doctor said that happens a lot. Use nipple cream and a shield to help. Put a cold pack on them after nursing and warm beforehand. Just pump instead. Don’t wear any bra or tight shirt. Prevent your boobs from constant irritants of fabric rubbing on them. Fed is best so do it as long as you can or until you want to stop. The pain was too much with my son and 2nd I bf for almost 2 years.

I have breastfed for my three children, will breastfeed my fourth. From the second to the third child I didn’t stop because they are 2.5 yrs apart. Third child is currently 2 and 4th baby will be born in January 2021 so I see the same thing happening😩 that being said… It’s isn’t always easy, sometimes it hurts sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes your baby hurts you accidentally or sometimes your nipples start cracking up and it’s the most painful…mastitis too with clogged ducts… A lot of things can happen, and have happened to me in these past 8 yrs while breastfeeding, BUT the good thing is that no one is forcing you, it’s what you feel is best for you and your children and what you’re most comfortable with. Don’t be discouraged by the pain, and don’t feel pressured to put up with it just because other people tell you to. We all have different pain tolerance as well it isn’t easy for everyone, you do your thing momma and everything will be alright as long as you both be healthy.


Try Lanolin nipple cream, it works wonders! I had the pain around the same time with both of mine, put Lanolin on after every feed, its safe for babies to eat so you don’t have to wipe it off before feeding. I ended up breastfeeding my daughter till she was 18months. And currently at 4months with my son now. Its about £10 a tube, but you will only ever need to buy one as a little goes a long way! Good luck! Xx

Personally think its entirely up to you how long you do it for I have breastfed my 5 kids for different lengths of time. My first I fed for 6 months . But my last only 3 weeks I found it uncomfortable and she was to hungry you should be proud for trying x


I had to see many lactation consultants before my problem was solved. It all boiled down to the particular way my son was latching. When you find the right lactation consultant, who believes you, wants to do what’s best for you, and really listens to you, and really knows what they are doing, they will help you solve the problem. But try not to stress. You are amazing to keep trying. And don’t feel guilty of you need to supplement. Just keep looking for the right consultant. Pain doesn’t just keep happening. What you need is just the right technique for latching that’s right for you and the baby. Once I saw the right person, she saw the problem immediately.

You can pump and bottle feed. Once they start teething it will hurt worse. I couldn’t bare the pain. I felt like I was going to punch my baby out of reflex (I never actually punched him) so I pumped. But i didn’t produce enough and they said that why it hurt. Because they were sucking and nothing was coming out.

What’s best is the baby be fed. If that means by breast or formula it doesn’t matter; I was lucky enough to nurse both of my kids for about 15 months. It hurts like hell for a while but it does get easier. You are the mama and you are the only one that can answer this question for you and your child. Expressing some of the breast milk and rubbing it on your nipples really helped them heal (for me) I hope it gets easier for you. Good luck!

There is no right or wrong answer really, so please don’t put too much pressure on yourself if feeding your baby directly from the breast just isn’t for you due to the not being comfortable or too painful full stop, there is other ways. You could maybe give pumping ago thought it doesn’t always work for every women, there’s hand expressing you could maybe try too. Then theres formula feeding too and there is no shame in that what so ever. I strongly believe that it doesn’t matter how your baby is fed if it’s by breast or formula so long as baby is fed, happy and thriving that’s all that really matters :grin: Wishing you all the very best on your choice momma only you know what’s going to work better for you and your baby :blush:

If you can get past this stage it’s so much easier to breast feed and much healthier for bubs and oh man lord I know what you mean but I got past that pain and breast fed each child (five of them) until around 12 months

I had pain everytime I nursed for about a month finally my nipples healed from being chapped. I had to cake i mean cake my nipples with nipple cream. But it did go away now sometimes i cant feel her however she just got a tooth, she doesnt bite me but sometimes i feel the sharp little thing. You dont have to do anything… But if you can hang in there to see if the pain goes away i would try. Cause having milk on tap is so nice, i had to pump for a day just to give my nipples a break so do what you need to… You are the mother!!

You breast feed as long as you want! A happy mum makes a happy baby, formula milk gives them all the nutrients they need! Regardless of what people say it’s not for every one! I fed for about a year to be honest, I wouldn’t do it again. Just enjoy your little one .

Trush…I had it for months before my daughter showed the classic symptoms. Once we were treated no more pain.

Do what is best for you first and foremost. I pumped nonstop and never produced enough. I realized now years later what a mistake that was because I was so tired and never felt 100%. So I feel I wasn’t at my best for my son.

As long as your baby is fed is best. I breastfed all of mine for varying lengths with my last one being the longest but i say if your baby is fed you are doing great.

Hang in there, it does hurt but your nipples will toughen up. I remember having scabs the first time around for me. The health benefits, the convenience and the cost make it so worth it.

You do what’s comfortable for you, if it physically hurts for the baby to latch onto you then maybe try pumping and bottle feeding. You can only do what’s comfortable for you. There’s no wrong way for you to feed your child

It dosen’t matter how long you breastfeed. Fed is what’s best. Just do what you need to. I have the same issues when I breastfeed.

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Stop whenever you want. A month is amazing and baby has had the most Important milk.
I fed my son for 3 weeks and my daughter for 8 weeks. Every feed was horrendously painful so I chose to stop.
Don’t let anyone pressure you into carrying on. You stop whenever you want to.

I pumped and then gave via bottle. So my baby still got the benefits of breastmilk but there was no issue with the latching and comfort. I fed her that until14 months.

Do what’s best for you. With all three of my kids I just pumped and bottled . It didn’t hurt me doing that because all my kids are tongue tied . Try that .

If it’s still uncomfortable after you’ve tried all possible remedies dont feel bad. Just use formula and bond with your child.

That is totaly up to you the fact that bub has breastfed up till now is good as bub has gotten all the good stuff thats in those early feeds ,do what makes you comfortable,

What’s best for the baby is a mommy who loves her baby. :revolving_hearts:If you need to you can try pumping and if pumping is to much then switch to formula. Breast milk is amazing but your mental health is way more amazing for your baby. :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

Stick it out. It took me 6 weeks to get used to it with my first child, about 8 weeks with my second. When my daughter had her baby, it took about 6 weeks to acclimate as well.

You don’t have to at all. 3 of my kids I wasn’t able to breastfeed. My 4th is 12 weeks old and is the first I’ve been able to successfully breastfeed. The best thing for baby is to be fed whether it’s breast milk or formula.

There is ZERO time limit on breastfeeding!
Just know IT IS OK TO FEED WITH A BOTTLE!!! It can be pumped breastmilk, or formula. As long as the baby is fed. With all 3 of my kids i stopped making milk at 3 months. And they all went on formula. Today my 22 year old and 11 year olds are gifted, my 8 year old hasnt been tested yet but he shows the same signs the older ones did,
they are healthy and just fine. Continue to try, or try pumping, but just know IT IS COMPLETELY OK TO BOTTLE FEED!!! You should do what ever makes you most comfortable. Bottle/formula feeding DOES NOT make you a bad mom or a less than mom. You should make this decision on your own feelings. But remember, if you are in pain or stressed out, it effects your milk in lots of ways. It is OK to do what makes you and baby the happiest!!!:wink::wink::wink::heart::heart::heart::heart:

You can pump if it is too painful. My daughter wouldn’t latch, so I pumped for a year.

Fed is best it’s your choice to breastfeed or bottle feed nobody else’s if you don’t want to don’t make yourself do it and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Breast milk or formula doesn’t make you any better or worse of a mother as long as your baby is fed.

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I had a similar issue
I stopped breast feeding around 3 months and pumped exclusively
It took some scheduling discipline to ensure my supply didn’t drop and paying attention to my body.
But I was successfully able to pump until after her first birthday.

If that’s what you want, to give your baby breast milk, then you can try pumping. But if you’d prefer to spend those hours with your baby and your comfortable with formula, then that’s 100% ok as well.

What matters most is your baby is fed and you both are happy.

Does pumping bother you as well? My little guy didn’t latch ever :confused: but I pumped and he got formula and breast milk till 1 year old then I switched to whole milk

Everyone is different. A fed baby is the best way to feed your baby. :two_hearts:

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When I breast fed I kept getting infections. I had to quit. My son is 25 now and very healthy

If you nurse/pump for the first 3 months baby has gotten most all it’s going to get from you as far as antibodies etc. mine were painful as well but usually alleviated between month two and three.

As long as you can is best. That changes for each woman. There is no set guidelines. If you can go 1yr that’s great, sometimes moms can only do 6 months. There are things on the market that can help. Also I had a midwife tell me going braless can help toughen up your nipples if that’s what’s hurting. It should be an enjoyable experience for both. Is it the suction or the latch/bite that hurts the baby maybe to hungry to know it doesn’t need to “bite” that hard for feedings.

My opinion fed is best. If it’s really hurting you then don’t do it. Or if you still want to breastfeed try a pump see if they better. You know what best for you and your baby.

6 weeks +/- is when my pain subsides with nursing. Ive had 3 lazy latchers that will occasionally hurt past 6 weeks, but not too bad. Keep going…its so good for you both!!!

I did four months of breastfeeding, in the end with going back to work it was just stressful and he just wouldn’t want to latch on anymore. But I am happy we lasted that long. Also I had frozen some breastmilk so he has that supply but either way, breastmilk or formula, as long as my baby is getting fed I am fine with whichever he has.

Keep going if you want was soon painfull. It can be the letdown and it takes time but I does get better.took me 3 months…it helps to express when the letdown happends

What is best for baby is being fed and loved. Regardless of weather it’s breast or bottle. You need to look after you to be able to look after your bub.

As long as you can is best but, there’s nothing wrong with pumping or introducing formula. Breast feeding isn’t always for everyone.

Fed is best, no matter how Baby gets fed! If breastfeeding is too painful, maybe pumping is an option. And don’t feel guilty about giving your baby formula, either. :heart:

You don’t have to breastfeed, It’s a learning curve of what suits you both if it doesn’t either express or choose bottle. Fed is best x

How long do you have to breastfeed? You don’t “have” to at all. If it isn’t working for you then don’t. Breast isn’t best. Fed is best.

I breast fed just till the colostrum was finished. I have a healthy 11 year old and 2 year old

I pumped for both of my girls because they didn’t latch properly. With that, I dried up and 6 and 4 months, respectively. They’re both incredibly healthy.

First, as far as the pain goes, have you had baby evaluated for a lip/tongue tie? My daughter had both and while her latch looked good it was very painful until we got it revised.

Second you should feed your baby the way that is best for you and your baby. It is recommended from the CDC, WHO and AAP to breastfeed for 1-2 years depending on the source, however if it is painful for you, you need to evaluate what is going to be best for you’re situation. All of this is a recommendation but not required, as long as your baby is fed that is what is best.

I breastfed my first 4 babies until they were walking and talking but the 5th one (I was 44) was just so painful I ended up expressing then thought what am I doing and put him on formula… he slept thru the night at 6 weeks old … sometimes you need to do what is best for you :heart:

Have you been checked for thrush? Once I had been treated for thrush in my boobs there was no more pain!

When I breastfed I had cracking, bleeding and pain for about 8 weeks. We made it to a little over a year and I am happy I kept going. Ultimately this is a personal decision and a fed baby is best. Do what you feel is right. Like someone else said, you can try pumping to see if that helps. Insurance companies are required to provide pumps now so if you don’t already have one please call your insurance company. Good luck!

Oh my dear. A fed baby is the best baby!! Whether it’s from breast milk or formula. Do what works for the both of you and don’t look back!!!

The breast milk is good and cheap. Can you pump instead of nursing? I had to use a nipple shield the whole time with my youngest. But honestly if it’s just not working for you and making you miserable you get to take care of you. Formula was made for a reason. No shame in using it if you have to/want to. Do what works best for you and your baby.

If its hurting you then I would say now .brest feeding shouldn’t hurt

Pump and then give in a bottle so that it doesn’t hurt and the baby is still getting your milk

I think the same time the bottle is to be taken away (12 months) so should the boob. Breastfed 6 kiddos. Got them all weaned between 12 & 14 months

Whats best for baby is a happy mom. If you are in pain then you are not being the best mum.
Enjoy your babe and of its a bottle its a bottle.
Don’t stress

I think every body is different and you shouldn’t let people bully you and say You Must Breast Feed. Not everybody can.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

My first, a week. My second 3 months (of hell at that)…I plan to try again with #3 but it doesn’t work for everyone.

As long as you want to. I bottle fed both my babies and there is no shame in it(though some disagree) as long as your kids are fed thats all that matters

I did with all 4 of my kids and until they were 2 years old

Try pumping and giving milk to the baby that way , I found the best luck with manual pumps and that way you can completely empty your breast sometimes engorgment and clogged ducts can cause pain .doit as long as you can and as long as you enjoy it , I loved breastfeeding loved the connection loved that my body naturally produced food for my babies :heart:

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I pumped and bottle fed it to my son for 6 months.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with formula. You can also pump

Use lanolin from Medela the only thing that helped me.

Switch to bottle if you want. No one else’s business

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As long as you want! Have you tried nipple shields??

I used nipple Shields, they helped but for as long as you want or feel comfortable doing it xx

I have breastfed my baby for 2 years now and Glad and proud That I have weaned him out gently and surely❤

All five of my kids were formula fed all of them are healthy as can be😄

It should not hurt!!!
Get baby checked for ties!!!

Give it time! It gets so much easier!

Fed is best for mom and baby…

Fed is best! Whatever u prefer!

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U may have infection it will take three months then no hurting

I tried nursing and we were all miserable so I stopped after a week with each child. It was painful, even with the creams. If you are miserable and in pain, there is no reason to continue. If we ever have another, I’m starting off straight from the bottle.

Look on amzon for beast Shield. Loved mine for my kids.

I breast feed for Two years

Nipple shield helps a lot

Whatever you choose is BEST!!

Invest in a nipple shield.

Over 1 year.

Do you have enough milk. Sometimes if it gets low it can hurt. If the baby isn’t high enough and your breastfeeding is stretched it can be painful. It’s hard when you are tired and nursing. Sometimes your arms relax and stretches.

How is it painful?
Too much milk.?
Eventually you are so used to the sensation the feeling is less.

If you can breastfeeding is best.

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