How long should you date before you get married?

Your mind and thinking changes as U get older, If ur young now give it time to be sure.

There is literally no right or wrong answer to this question! A friend of ours’ parents just got married after 20 some years together & another friend of mine married her other half after 6 months together. When you know, you know :heart:

We dated for 18 months before we were engaged and married 3 months later. We’ve been married for 12 years now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Don’t date till your married

6 months to a year OR less than 5 yrs

When you know, you will just know :heart: Got engaged on our one year anniversary in 2018. Got married September 2020 (our April wedding got postponed due to Covid)

Dated for two years, engaged for a year and a half, we’ve been married for a little over two and a half. My thing was seeing a “partner of all seasons,” meaning dating for at least a year before marriage.

There is no set time on when you should or shouldnt get engaged or married. You do you and dont worry about you, not about what other people say. :heart: if it feels right and you know it’s right, then go for it!!!

My husband & I got engaged like 3 months after dating. We’ve been together 6 years & married for 4.

Engaged after 7 months. Got married 7 months later. Been married 20 years so far.

My partner and I have been dating for 7 years now :rofl:.

7 years but if he would have Asked me a month or 2 in I would have said yes lol

My husband and I were married five months after meeting. We did know each other previously. We’ve been married for fifty-seven years.


Until you live together and see what lies hes told you that pop up as you meet his friends and family.

Together for 1 year 4 months then we got engaged
5 year engagement

We were together 5 months, got married…that was 13 years ago.

We dated for 2 years and got married the 3rd year. Happily married 22 years now.

With my husband we got together Jan 2015 got pregnant a 1.5 month later, engaged Valentine’s day 2016 married Sept 2016, almost 6 years together 4 years married, 4 kids another on the way. When you know you know.

Me and my husband got Engaged in 3 months, Married 6 months knowing each other. We have now been Married 22 years this coming March and have 4 kids.

1st mistake is stop dating after marriage.
You can get engaged & plan wedding for a good 6-8 mths. It’s not easy to get quick divorce so why not take your time. Marriage will not make him a better guy. He will not magically change overnight (if he has major flaws). Your feelings won’t change in a year or 2 & hopefully his won’t either. A lot can happen in a span of a year so take your time. No need to rush.

Do whatever your heart tells you! I started dating my husband in January 2015, we got engaged July 2015, married April 2016. :heart: in my opinion, If you know, you know! There’s no time limit on love. :blush:

I met mine in March, married him in November. That was 11 years ago and it’s still as magical today as it was when we first started dating <3

Everyone is different. Dont follow a timeline. My husband and I were together for 6 years before we got engaged and then we got married a year later so 7 years together before marriage. You’ll know when the time is right! We’ll be celebrating 10 years together this summer.

I’ve been with my fiancé since August of 2019, were getting married 02/20/21. Follow your heart!

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I started talking to my husband at the very end of Sept and by March we was married
Now 2 years together and still going great
If you feel ready go for it

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Love together first, make sure you can stand living with him, it’s very different to being at each other’s place each night.

Lived together after 1.5 year.
Got engaged after 3.5 years. Married at 4 years
In jan will be married 5 years, with two boys!

Why get married? My bf and I have been together 8 years, 2 kids and just bought a house…10/10 we are happier than anyone married I know😅


When you know you know. We got engaged 5 months after we started dating :blush:

If you question it then it’s not right.

Met in august, started dating in sept, engaged in December and married in Jan. That was 7 years ago.
Follow your heart :black_heart:

What’s the hurry? A lifetime together means you have plenty of time❤ my parents were happily together 48 years my dad passed in August at 63 yrs old. And myself been with my husband 21 years and we’re still not married. Love is love. Love lasts forever no matter what.

I got married in six months :woman_shrugging: Life is crazy… Just enjoy the ride :heartpulse:

I met my husband January 2007, got engaged in May 2007 and married in July 2007. I can’t believe it s almost 14 years since we met, I knew he was the one for me.


I met my husband on 2/14/15 and we got married on 6/7/15. Been together for 5 years and have two sons. When you know you know. I dont think there is a set time on whats right to wait for marriage or to get engaged.

I think it’s totally up to you and him. If you think you guys are ready, I say go for it! My husband and I have been married almost 19 years. We had known each other since middle school, became friends when we were juniors, starting dating in September 2001, got engaged on Christmas and got married in July 2002

i got engaged a month n half after we met. :woman_shrugging:t2: been together almost 6.5 Years, married 5

My husband was my best friend for 3 years. After 3 months of dating we moved out of state together, 6 months we were engaged, 9 months we were married. We’ve been married 2 years.

I knew my then boyfriend for 2 years before we started dating, he was a regular at a diner I worked at. He moved in with me 2 weeks after we started dating and we got married 7 years later. We have been together 12 and a half years.

We met in November and married in April. Yes, it was less than 6 months but we’ve been married 15 years now. Do what feels right to you.

12 going on 13 years still not married but we have 2 kids so there’s that lol

When it feels right for both of you. No one can or should tell you what is right in your relationship. No one else knows but you two.

Ive known my guy for 11years and dated 4 years and still not married. We have 17 month old and one on the way that be here any week now. But you do what you want cause at the end of the day who is there for you and don’t try to please anyone. Live your life and just be careful.

Me and my fiance have been together 9 years he proposed the first year we were together and we plan on getting married but were not in a rush

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We started dating feb2014 and just got married nov2019. Celebrated our 1yr on monday. We have 2 children and never been happier.
:person_shrugging: id say 2yrs is an ok amount of time to get to know someone. Live w them. See their habits. Build trust. Let the happy new googly love feeling wear off s bit.

Lol, this question alone tells me you haven’t been together long enough. Knowing someone and actually being with someone and planning for a future are VERY different things. I personally think you need to date AT LEAST a year before even considering or thinking about an engagement. You also should try living together first. Living together opens a whole other can of worms you may not have even thought about.

You’ve been dating a month and are talking marriage though? No way. You are still WAY too much in the honeymoon phase of your relationship.

I don’t expect people to date as long as we did (7 years) but rushing into it before you really know one another is a huge mistake. Live together, grow together, face problems and obstacles together, have good AND bad times together before you can truly decide this if the right person for you.


Met and dated for 9 months. Going on 9 years of marriage this upcoming January.

My husband wanted to wait until he got out of the army. We dated for 3 years.

Be in a relationship AT LEAST a year. At the very minimum.

I got married after 6 months of dating and everyone around us thought we was moving to fast and we’ve been married 7 perfect years to my hero that made my world perfect

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I wouldn’t listen to anyone but yourself… some could be together 6 years and get married and then divorced. You could marry after 3 days and get divorced or the complete opposite in both situations Your life is your own. No one else is going to live it for you!


Don’t worry about what other people feel or think. It’s all on how you feel. Some people are together for years get married and then get a divorce shorty after. Some people get married after a few months and are together forever.

Well me and my husband started talking online in March 2009, first date in may 2009 and engaged March 2010. Married November 2011. Regardless of what people say there is no right amount of time. Do what feels right.

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I was friends with my husband for years. We got married 1 year (to the day) after we had sex for the first time. :woman_shrugging::joy:

My fiance and I got engaged after 6 years, no wedding plans yet. (Stupid covid)

Married my love five years after being together. It’s a lot of work but we love each other and have beautiful babies together.

My husband asked me to marry him 9 days after met. Our wedding was over a year later and we just celebrated our 20th anniversary.


We picked out a ring 2.5 months in, got engaged a few days after our one year. When you know you know. Almost together 4 years and we’re not married yet because we just haven’t had time too lol

So my husband and I dated about 11 months first. No labels, got to know each other, made sure it’s something we really wanted. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Got a place & lived together once we were “official”. Then he proposed a year and a couple months after that. We just got married in august :slightly_smiling_face:
I agree with the living together thing. Sometimes that’s a deal breaker for some people - great relationship but can’t cohabitate :woman_shrugging:t2:
Luckily my husband and I are almost the same person so it’s very easy to live together. We are both clean and organized and do equal share around the house. And of course we blend well together and have the same views on most things especially children and parenting which is HUGE


Whenever you’re both ready. F*ck society and their rules.


Me and my husband dated in 2016, he proposed to me new years eve of 2018
We got married in May of 2019 we could’ve got married sooner but we decided to get a house before that happened

My husband and I dated for about six months before we got married . We have been married almost a year and have a wonderful relationship.

What is so important to you about being married?
Life is not a competition, so you shouldn’t compare yourself with others. Everyone’s situations are different.
Before I had children I dissolved marriages at the Court. To me marriage just seemed like a piece of paper.
I have 2 children with 2 different fathers. Was engaged to second, never got married. Both of those relationships weren’t right and didn’t last. Son was born after 8 years together, daughter after 1.5 years together.
I am currently engaged to a guy who I’ve been friends with for 20 years. We dated for 4 years and this coming Christmas we’ve been engaged for 12 months. He has 2 kids.
At this point we haven’t got a date because family stuff but theres no rush.

I married my ex-husband after 4 years and it was the biggest mistake of my life. My ex-boyfriend’s parents got married after 4 months and they are at almost 40 years together

there is clearly not a one-size-fits-all answer to this


I was with my husband 10 years before we got married. We made it through 2 years of marriage and are divorcing. There’s no time limit for love. Don’t rush anything though

My hubby proposed after 4 months of dating. We’ve been together for 16 years so far.

About a week shy of one year of dating, we’ve been married for a year :heart:

We got engaged 7 months in and married a year to the Sunday (he’s a tattoo artist and Sunday/Monday were his days off). Just celebrated 6 years married.

I’ve never really quite understood the whole point of being engaged. Just my opinion, but you’re dating or you’re married. But as for how long, that depends on the couple. Some couples spend their lives together and never actually get married, some spend decades together before marrying, some get married in under a year…

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Do what makes you fucking happy. There is no science to it. Feels right and real? Go for it. Doesnt feel right and real? Run.

No one can answer that question but you two. Its your relationship. If you take advice from everybody you’re just gonna fill your head of what everyone else is doing.
Do whats best for you two.
I’ve known people like yourselves who’s marriages have lasted forever. I’ve known people to wait get married and divorced. And vice versa.
Its a matter of you two willing to put in the commitment, use communication. And be willing to grow with one another.

My husband and I were together 9 yrs before we got married. Have been together 16 yrs in May. We moved super fast other than marriage. Was living together after only about a month and a half of meeting. Got pregnant with our daughter after only a month (was a surprise)I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to this question. When you know you know. Good luck honey.

A study i read said you should live together for 2 years before you get married and it’s honestly a good idea. Things that might be fine in small doses or short-term can turn out to be deal breakers in the long run.

Dated a year, then got engaged, was engaged for a year, married 27 years so far.

My husband and I met in August 2016 dated November 2016 moved in January 2017 pregnant May 2017 Married June 2017 happily married since

I was with my ex husband for 12 years total only married for 4 years and divorced. With someone new and I now for sure he’s the one . Not married yet but engaged to be married been together 3 years. So none the less I don’t think it matters as long as you believe what your doing is the right thing

I’ve known my boyfriend for 4 years, but just started dating this past month… Not even thinking about marriage. After coming out of a miserable 12 year marriage after dating for a year and then getting married, I’m gonna go ahead and say that you should wait. Just my experience though. Everyone is different and everyone’s souls respond differently to each other’s. Your heart beats differently for other people, you know?

I don’t think it matters how long, if you feel like it’s right then go for it but never with the mind set of “there’s always divorce as an option if it doesn’t work out” because with that mind set you’re already giving it a chance to fail. :heart:

I feel like maybe my situation was a little different and maybe he was forced into marrying me :grimacing: but my husband and I first started dating June 18 2016, got pregnant in May 2017, got engaged Dec. 22nd 2017, and got married March 16, 2018. So we got married really quickly, we were super young and starting a family and it felt right.
I saw the truest post ever saying “a man you’ve been with for two months can make you feel more loved and appreciated than a man you’ve been with for two years “ and that was definitely accurate for my situation. I knew in my heart he was my soulmate and that I wanted forever with him.

My husband proposed like 7 or 8 months after we started dating.

Hubby and I were friends for a few years dated only a few months fell pregnant, got engaged on my 21 had more kids brought a house and got married 18 years after we first started dating, we have been together now over 20 years and over half my life! There’s no perfect answer just do what suits you both.


My husband and I are celebrating our 1year wedding anniversary/our 3 year relationship anniversary i moved in with him right away and we got engaged at 6 months together but had discussed marriage and children before. We also have 2 kids I got pregnant right before he proposed. Chemistry is really everything I’d dated the same guy for almost 5 years before I met my husband and we never even thought of marriage or children.

I would suggest living together first. My wife was my best friend for 6 years. Got together nov 2016, moved in together dec 2016 engaged august 2017 and married nov 2017. I wouldn’t change the way we did things for the world but everyone’s different. But only you guys will know when your ready. :heart:

We only dated each other for NOT over a month. He proposed and I said yes—without hesitation. :joy: Happily married for over 3 years now.

My husband and have together for 11yrs. We are not married just yet, but he calls me his wife everyday. Because of this pandemic. We had to put it on hold. But we are still getting married. He didn’t propose to till Feb 3rd of this yr. We love each other very much and we are spending the rest of our lives together.

Try dating for two full years before planning a marriage because the honeymoon phase of dating can last that long.

I was with a man for a year, he gave me a ring , but I found out that he was also cheating. I kicked out that liar. It is all up to you to decide. Nobody will know a person unless you live with them.

I married my husband after 2 months of dating! We ran to the courthouse just the two of us! It’s only been a year and 4 months of being together and now have a 7 week old daughter. Best decision ever!

I have the 5 year rule. Have to be together for at least 3 before getting engaged and then 5 years before actually getting married. A lot changes over time and as you live with people.
But it’s different for everyone.

Personally I think you (not you specifically) should be with someone a little while (at least past the beginning love part). Get to know each other’s good sides AND bad sides before making the decision for marriage. But that’s just MY opinion, I’ve been in a couple relationships where I was so in love and I’m really glad we never tied the knot because once things got hard or we had a difference of opinion, shit hit the fan.

However, that being said, do whatever feels right for you. If you two think it’s time to seriously consider getting married, go for it. Don’t let other people’s relationships and opinions sway your answer. If it works out, amazing! If not, well at least you weren’t too scared to try. Length of dating doesn’t matter. Trust your heart. Always! Including red flags. Weigh whether or not you think it’s time or not. If you think he’s the one than dive right in. To hell with what people think. It’s your relationship, not theirs.

My husband and I got engaged after 5 months of dating…married 5 months after. We were married 42 years until his untimely death. He was my everything, and I was his. :broken_heart::heart::broken_heart:

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We were married 6 months after we started dating. We’ve been happily married almost 8 years now.

1 month and you’re already balls deep! Eek, definitely need to slow it down and actually get to know everything about each other, spend nights at each other’s house etc.

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I believe it is very situational. You could be with someone for 5 years and it not be a good match, or you could be with someone for a week and spend the rest of your life with them.

What’s his credit score? How does he feel about 3 and 6 month goals? Does he have any? So many more things to be talked about than marriage.

If you don’t know thess off the top of your head, it’s not time.

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Everyone is different. There is no set timeline.

I would say at least a year of being stable and healthy for each other

Theres no time frame for love. Some people it happens quick, others longer. I knew my ex husband for 6 months and I was his roommate for 4 months, before we started dating. We dated for 4ys when he asked me to marry him and we got married a few months later. We were married for 21 yrs before we got divorced… you’ll both know when the time is right when your heart tells you it is! :heart:

I was with my husband 1 week and we got engaged spent 9 months apart while he was overseas and now we’ve been married almost a year with a baby boy that’s 3 months. Time means nothing

There’s really no time limit. It’s what’s best for you.

I think each relationship is different, with my husband we both just knew it’s hard to explain but after 2 months of seeing each other we were engaged and 7 years of marriage later we have a 3.5 year old and expecting baby number 2 in may. I do accept we didn’t know each other that well when we were engaged ( engaged in Feb and married in December, I was 22 and he 27 ) we both grew and got to know each other together - I wouldn’t change our path for anything