How long should you date before you get married?

My sister got married after 3 months and have been together 6 years now and still happy… I don’t think there’s a limit…

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No reason to rush!..

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It’s your life… I knew my now husband in high school. He graduated in 2001, I graduated in 2003. We lived 2 blocks away from each other and didn’t know it. We started dating in May of 2005. Engaged that Christmas. Moved in together beginning of 2006 and had our daughter in November 2006(she’ll be 14 tomorrow). We got married in September of 2007. Had our son in 2012. Just celebrated 13 years of marriage and are just as happy and in love as we were back then. Yes we’ve had our struggles. Yes we’ve seen our lowest of lows (had an apartment fire in 2015, where we lost everything we owned, and I almost lost him and our son). But strength and love overpowered it all. There are highs and lows in all relationships. Ultimately it is your life. You don’t need to rush though. Move in together, experience life as a couple before committing to a marriage and family. I personally have no regrets about our choices. But that’s my opinion in the context of my life.

Met my husband in March, got engaged in June and married him in October - all in the same year. We’ve been married for 28 years. Sometimes you just know it’s right.


It depends on the relationship… My husband and I got together when he was 20 and I was 17. Got together in may 2010 and engaged July 2010 and I turned 18 december 2010 February 2011 I found out I was pregnant. In April we decided not to wait to be married and got married July 2011 and had our first child in September 2011. We have had rough patches but we have been together over 10 years now. I definitely recommend maybe living together on your own before getting even talking about marriage.

My husband and I knew each other a little over 1 year before we started dating. Got married 7 months later and have been together almost 6 years. It honestly depends on the relationship and how well you actually know each other. Communication is key :key:

It varies from person to person. My husband and I were dating for 2 months before we got engaged… And then got married 4 months later🤷

Live with each other for at least a few months before making a decision like that

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Well I married my ex husband a day before our 2 yr anniversary. (We were married almost 8 years. Together for 10 when we got a divorce because he knocked my best friend up)… take your time. You’ve been in a relationship for over a month with him. Heck I’ve known my current for 5 years. Together 3yrs and a baby. And I’m just kinda maybe sorta thinking about getting married again. (When we can make it to Vegas with my older two kids.)

Far too soon. Waaaaay too soon.

It’s totally up to a couple.

Knowing someone and dating someone are 2 completely different things. You are still very much in the honeymoon phase. My first marriage, we got engaged after a couple months of dating. Married after being together a year and a half. Split after about another year and a half. Current husband and I have been together 10 years… only married for 3. If you’re so certain, then why try to rush it? If it’s right now, it’ll be right ina couple years. Easy to go forward, very very hard to go back.

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That is kinda one of those to each is own deals. No matter what though get a prenup!!! I deal with these and marriage is an investment you wanna protect it and a prenup helps keep everything in the lines and adds a safety net of insurance

I moved in after 3months of dating, and always talked about marriage and kids, we knew we were meant to be, then he proposed when we were together for 5 years, got pregnant then 6m after our son was born we got married, then had our second son :smiling_face: when u know, you know. We’ve been together 9 years as of today :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

There is no time frame for things like that if it feels right and it’s what you both want go for it. My partner and I have been together just under 6 months and he moving in with me and daughter before Christmas sometime. If it feels right go for it

Its up to the couple. I’ve been separated from my first husband for almost 3 years now. Our divorce was final recently. I’ve been dating a man for not quite 2 years. When we met he said he didn’t want to have a second wife. I was disappointed because even though my first marriage wasn’t great, I did love being a wife. But that’s my new guys choice, and I accept that. I know he loves me, marriage or not.

Is no timeline for love it’s different for everyone do what feels right for you

If you both are in love and want this go for it…dont wait yrs and then 6 months later your in divorce court? Good luck sweetie💜

I met my husband online and after a week of texting we had our first date early Feb, by May we were engaged, July I was pregnant and we married exactly a year from our first date. 6 years on and 2 beautiful children we are very happy. I don’t think there needs to be a set time, when you feel it’s right then go for it. I’d had past relationships and never had the same feelings/desire to get married as I have with my husband.

We got married after 9 mo of knowing each other. We are still together 14 years later. I was 17 whn we met- 18 whn we got married.

Live together for a few years first. You will know all their quarks and whether you can live with them forever by then.

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You don’t truly know someone till you’ve known them for three years and then you don’t until you’ve lived with them. Start having the hard convos first. Anyone seems like the one when it’s talk about the glitter and gold. Talk about religious views, family, traditions, hard boundaries, infertility, whether you want kids, scenarios you would handle with them in regards to certain things. Just enjoy being with someone than let it happen. When it does you’ll know.

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Move in together first for a year. Then decide.

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Whenever you like. There is no timeline you have to go with. If this is what you feel is right for you and him do it.

My aunt got married with my uncle just 8months after meeting him . Now they are 15 years of happy marriage and still in love :heart: they are my couple Goals!

I know someone that knew each other for 53 days and have been married 15 years and still going strong. It depends on the people

It’s different for everyone… my husband bought a ring three months into the relationship, but he told me he just knew, going on 4 years and our third baby. :slight_smile: Happy days

I met my husband for the very first time in March of 2019. We got married August 2019. We are very happy. Have 5 kids together (2 he had, 2 I had and one together now)

Depends on the couple.
My husband and I knew each other and were close friends for 6 years before we got together.
And we got married 3 months into our relationship :joy:
We’re still happy as can be, going on 5 years.

There is no magic number. Whatever feels right to the both of you. I was 1 yr for my husband and I but we lived together for 6mths already. When you live with them there is no hiding secrets. Some people are together years but last 1yr after marriage.

IKR!? Is there a manual we read or directions on time? Whats too fast or too slow as heck ???

When it’s right, it’s right. Don’t rush, but don’t wait either. If you have any doubt that you’ll end in divorce then wait it out. But if you truest believe he is your soul mate, then go for it.

At least live together first :joy:

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Its wonderful to think/imagine being married, but there should never be a rush or push to it.

Just because you’ve known him for over a year doesn’t mean you know him well enough for marriage. I know that sounds strange, but who we are with our friends is completely different to who/how we are romantically. And romantically you are just getting to know this man.
At the moment, you and he are in the beginnings stages of getting to know one another in a more intimate way.
You’re in a sort of “honeymoon” phase. There are things you may find as adorable quirks now, but in a year or two may feel like a real issue and aggravation to you.
Small things this is typically a nonissue, but this can translate to bigger things as well.

So while there’s no set time frame, its definitely something you cannot know after 1-2 months.

My ex husband and I got together June 2012.
Moved in with him in august 2012.
Married January 2013.
Had baby june 2013.
Separated and divorced September/october 2014.
He was amazing when we first got together.
After we moved in red flags and verbal/mental abuse starting popping up…and got worse after we were married.
After i had the baby…the abuse got worse and progressed to physical abuse.

My (now) husband and I have been together for 5 years…got together 2015.
We moved in together after 6 months.
We got engaged after 2 years and a baby in Dec 2017.
Married october 2018.

There was absolutely no need to rush. I think we both “knew” long before we were actually engaged. In fact getting married changed absolutely nothing but our tax forms. We were married in all the ways that truly mattered long before we made it official.

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We got engaged 2010 & got married in 2013 … was surpose to get married 2012 but all the venues were booked up . We been together for 16 years

If it feels right then do what you’re heart tells you. You can’t put a time frame on it. I’ve known people who were dating for 3 years and then got engaged, their marriage didn’t last. I’ve know 2 different couples who were married after 3 months and 6 months of dating and have been married for over 30 years.

My husband and I were together 4 years before we got married, but that’s only because we weren’t 18 yet. We’ve now been married 10, together 14. Do what you want. If it’s meant to be, it won’t matter if you’ve been together a year or 10!

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I met my husband November 28th 2007 and we were married March 22nd 2008. I knew on our first date that I wanted to marry him, here we are almost 13 years and 4 kids later he is still the love of my life! Everyone thought I was crazy.

I dated my now husband and I got pregnant 7 months after we met. We got married 11 months after we met. Our son is 3 and we’ll be together 4 years next may.

Everyone’s different. This isn’t for FB…


Tom & I dated 364 days before marrying. We tried to marry on the day of our 1st date but couldn’t get that date. We dated 7 months before getting engaged. We will celebrate 45 years Feb 21st ") We’ve had ups & downs there has always been respect for each other which helped us thru difficult times.

We were engaged within 4 months I got pregnant so we waited till she was older. I think we were engaged for almost 2 years. I couldn’t of imagined lite any other way.

My husband and I started dating in August, engaged in November, married in December and we are coming up on our 9 year wedding anniversary. Its different for everyone but sometimes when ya know, ya know!

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There is no right or wrong amount of time. I’ve known people that dates for years and were married for years and now in their 60’s are divorcing. I also know people that dated for months and got married and are still going strong. I suggest seeking counseling. Someone to unbiasedly work through the decision making process with you and if you can both go I’m sure the counselor could bring some things to light.

Whenever you want to. No matter how long you wait until marriage there’s always the chance of things going to hell. BUT I would recommend living together in the same space for at least a year first.


That’s right should try to live together first and see how that works out then you’ll know a little bit more about each other

My husband and I dated for 3 months before getting married. We also didn’t live together until we were married. Now I dated someone for 6 years and never felt like we would get married. So it can vary a lot.

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I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 9 years. We’ve lived together for 7. He proposed when I got pregnant at 2 years in, but we went thru a rough patch and called it off. We stayed together, but not engaged. The only thing making me not want to get married to him right now is the fact I don’t want my money tied to him right now. He doesn’t have the best financial practice and I worked too hard to bring mine back up. I love him with all my heart and I know I’m going to be with him the rest of my life. Being married has to do with more than love…I learned that after my first marriage. I’m not trying to discourage you. If it’s right, go for it. I’m just giving my advise.

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I was with my ex for 18 years. Married 12 with 5 kids and I knew it wasn’t going to last based off the toxic abusive person he was…so I was very careful with choosing my next partner. We knew eachother 6 months then together for 15 months while living together 13 months before he proposed and have now been engaged for almost 14 months. He had never even thought of marriage before me and had even made fun of a friend who got married 4 months after meeting his wife. This couple has been happily married 7+ years. We were talking about marriage 3 months into our relationship…Sometimes you just know when the person is YOUR person.

4years and still waiting :rofl::rofl:

I’ve known my fiancé for 14-15 years.
We’ve been together almost 3.
But talked about marriage a few months after being together.
He was my best friend for so long growing up. We still aren’t married but more so for financial reasons.

I met my hubby 27th Jan 1998 (my 34th birthday) we got engaged 13th June 1998 and married 10th Oct 1998. We just celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary. My previous boy friend and 1 were together 5 years, engaged for 15 months but 6 weeks before the wedding i just couldn’t picture us 10 yrs down the line, so I called it off.

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No one can give you the correct answer.
It’s your happiness!!

I met my husband at a wedding in Scotland, im from Ireland we done the long distance thing for 1.5 years then I moved to Scotland - got engaged when we were 3 years together married on our 5th anniversary - we are 9.5 years married now

Just do it when u both feel its right cx

If you love each other nothing wrong with waiting.

I was with my ex for 5 years and all we ever did was talk about marriage I was with my husband for 5 months and got married. I don’t think time matters. When you know you know :woman_shrugging:t4:

I was with my husband for 3 months til we got married

We dated 7 months. Engaged for 13 months. Married now over 11 years.

Met my husband around
Valentine’s day got married
April 29 48years ago

My husband and i got married after 6 weeks. We been married for 5 years now

Met my husband in October 2016, got engaged in March of 2018, and married September 2018. We now have two kids together and couldn’t be happier.

My one friend met someone and they went on exactly 2 dates and married a month later it’s what they both wanted and they are still happily married 10 years later

Wherever you want. Every relationship is different

Im gonna get frown on but my husband(bf then) told me he loved me the 1st week and the 2nd week asked me to move in. I would never do this to just anyone. I didnt know him but felt this strong pull towards him. Over 13 years, 3 kids and 2 dogs later we’re still happy as can be. Screw society. You DO WHAT YOU WANT. It was either a lesson or a blessing.

We got engaged after 14 months, moved in together after 19 months and married at 2 years. This march we will be together for 16 years, married for 14 years :two_hearts:

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We moved in after 1 month of dating :scream: and bought a house together after 2 years. He proposed after 3.5 years and we got married after 4.5 years. Honestly we get to know something knew about each other constantly because we are both constantly changing/growing as individuals and as a couple. Get comfortable with reaching out for professional help when you need it and enjoy the ride!

Been with my guy 7 yrs. Planning on getting married but it’s been a slow process

Me and my now husband have known each other for over 13 years we went to middle school and high school together…dated in high school and seperated, lost touch and then by the grace of things found each other again this year in may…he moved in and we got married in June…at first he wanted to wait 5 years but then we both sat down and talked and said we werent seperating again and both of our past relationships history is the same so we got married a month after being back together…mind you he is also military so we dont get a guarentee of him being home everyday…my thing is, have a very in depth convo about it but if you feel its right you may be right… me and my husband lean on each other for everything and the bond is soo much stronger given the years we have had apart.

Live together for more than a year and travel (see: NOT vacation) together first…
it’s fine to do things quickly because everything feels so right in the beginnings of a relationship. Lust hangs around with the right people for quite some time. But you need to know how that person is in tough situations; loss of pregnancy, jobs, financial strain, family issues/deaths. Or at least have an idea. Once these things start happening or you have kids, being with the wrong person only makes it harder.
I may sound a bit cynical, only because I’m going through it myself. So this is the advice I would give to myself about 3 years ago. X

My husband and I have known each other since we were 7. We started talking in July of 2013 started dating in October 2013 and engaged in November 2013 and married in August 2014. Still happily married.

You need to wait another year. It really does take time to really get to know someone.

U already said “yes” in your post. Go for it !!

My boyfriend and I moved in together 4 months after we started dating and got pregnant 2 months after we moved in. We’ve almost been together for 2 years this April. I want to get married and I’m hoping he proposes soon. Everyone is different when it comes to relationships. My boyfriend and I are happy together although sometimes we do argue, but that’s in every relationship. Do what you feel is best and don’t let anyone shame for getting married when you want to.

Someone elses time frame and experience will never be a good indicator of what you should do for husband an I only dated for 7 months before we married we’re coming up on our 9th anniversary in have to ask yourself if your willing to commit to this person for a whole life many things can happen even if you’ve known them for years.people change life struggles effect us husband is such an awesome human being but in the past 3 years his health has really been a struggle it has changed everything aspect of our lives together.when you marry a person your making them a promise that you’ll stick through the shit life throws at you and neither of you really know what that shit may be.

I went to the same place as my husband as just simple passerbys towards each other for about 6 months or so but we didn’t introduce ourselves to each other and start talking until December 2019. We hit it off, began dating on New Years Eve, and got married February 7th 2020 :heart:
We knew each other for less than 2 months and eloped and got married!
We just knew we were each others person! Although getting married so quickly has its ups and downs since you’re still learning how to deal handle and get to know your spouse, but what makes it worth it is being able to grow together independently and together in unity :heart:
I feel like we’re getting all the hardships out first and foremost. Raw. Vulnerable. So if we can fall for each others demons or dark side first, we can grow to appreciate and flourish within their light sides even more!

My husband and I have been married for 28 years. We met Sept 17th of 1992 and married Nov 6th of 1992. Never go to bed angery with him .

We got engaged a month before we celebrated our 2 years but we’ve known each other for 10 years. You should get to know each other on a dating level before getting engaged. Sometimes you don’t know somebody til you date and live with them. My fiance was with his ex for a year,had a baby and marriage was the next thing then things changed quick and shit hit the fan so you never know

I met my ‘husband’ (boyfriend, but I call him my husband) in June 2015. Moved in with him 3 months later. Had a baby last year. And we aren’t legally married. We plan on it one day.

Met my ex husband in Nov 2016. Split up Feb 2008. Back together August 2008. Pregnant in jan 09. Married March 09. Another baby in 2011. Split in Feb 2015. Divorced Oct 2015.

What I’m getting at is…every relationship is different. Don’t let society make you feel like you have to do things a certain way or in a certain order.

I think the real question here is: is his credit score as high as, or higher than yours? Nobody is worth sacrificing your financial credibility. Can you both talk about finances without getting defensive or it ending in an argument? Have those hard conversations now, work goals (moving, staying, hours), family goals(kids, pets,just the 2 of you), financial goals (homeowner, car, school, travel, savings). Love and passion can only cart you so far.

It sounds like you’ve asked that question a few times before I think you’re just trying to justify giving it up

Being together, committed is equal to marriage to me. I don’t see the point in doing all that extra…but that’s just my opinion. Congrats!