"How many wet diapers do/did your 5-month-olds have? I’m changing 8+ wet/pee diapers in a 30 minute time frame four times a day.
He is formula and breastfeeding. He seems healthy it’s just his diapers are so frequent, I’m going through one and a half 40 count packs a day.
I just changed a pee diaper not even 5 minutes ago, and it’s already wet again. Plus, it was changed twice before that in the last 20 minutes."
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“Huge waste of money! Change baby about once every 2 hours, not every single time they pee. Diapers are meant to hold more than one pee. If they poop, then change it more often. At night, use night time diapers. Baby can go all night without a diaper change.”
“Are you changing it every single time he pees? Babies can pee multiple times in a diaper before it needs to be changed. Diapers soak up the pee so babies skin doesn’t stay wet, maybe change him every 2 hours or so, or after a poop.”
“He can pee a few times in a diaper before changing especially if he’s peeing that often…”
“Like completely full to the point of leaking or just peed once? If he’s constantly drinking something I can see the peed once every little while but if it’s completely full I’d talk to your baby’s doctor. It’s a sign of diabetes if they are peeing that much.”
“It’s not a bad thing to wait. Babies pee a lot; you don’t need to change every wet diaper right away. They are made to hold a few pees.”
“That is not abnormal, because all of his nutrition coming in is in liquid form, if you start him on solids, you will see a slight drop in wet diapers. You can let him pee more than once in a diaper, the diapers nowadays do hold a lot, as long as the diaper feels dry next to his skin he should be fine.”
“Sounds like you may be changing every time he goes just a little. It’s ok to wait until the diaper gets a little more full to change. Just don’t wait when he poops or he’ll get diaper rash.”
“I mean if you’re changing him EVERY time he pees I could see you going through that many. I usually check my 8-month-old every 1.5 hours but she poops like clockwork so I know to check for that and I can’t miss the smell lol I buy the little movers by Huggies and they work great. Also, make sure you’re using the correct size maybe go up a size? I always go up when it seems like they are peeing through too quick vs when they physically look like they are running small.”
“If you’re really concerned, talk to your pediatrician. But I’m with everyone else in saying you don’t have to change him just as soon as he pees a little. The diapers these days are pretty decent at taking the moisture away from the baby and holding it. Also if you feel like they’re not doing that, look into a better diaper. For instance, when I used luvs on my little one he’d be leaking pretty quickly but I switched to Huggies and they held more and kept little man dry longer.”
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