I personally change bubs outfit 1-2 times per day (she gets dirty lol). I also bathe her every night before bed (part of our routine). Everyone is different
My kids change clothes twice , the clothes they wear for the day then pyjamas, then fresh clothes the following day
I personally change my kids clothes everyday. But if you dont have a washer then I understand why you cant. Have you tried hand washing them? I know it can be a pain but at least they will be clean. You dont have to tho. Your the babys parent so you know what’s best and some of us do things differently xx
Some days I change them twice or more, some days they fall asleep in the same clothes, I dont stress about it, But maybe you could alternate days and let the clothes air out or something. I hand washed a lot when our machine was broken, we Got by. Dont worry, you are doing your best❤️
I feel you! No washer and dryer here and if I changed my kids as much as some of the people here are suggesting we would run out of clothes quickly. Family of 5 here and laundry at a laundromat is expensive! If it’s clean then it’s just fine for them to rewear. Underwear is the only thing I make sure is new (clean) daily, I just invest in tons of underwear (especially since I’m potty training my 2 year old).
My Kids clothes be changed every day
Its noone elses business
Honestly. We don’t even put clothes on our younger kids if we are not going anywhere. They just get them dirty and strip them off and throw them everywhere anyways. So if we are going somewhere and their clothes stay clean looking/smelling… we will likely have them re-wear them since they come off as soon as we get home anyways I also have 7 kids too. So I already have enough laundry as it is. The older kids have been living in pajamas unless we go somewhere. Three of my 4 older kids will sometimes wear the same pajamas for two days. They still bathe daily or every other day. So I’m honestly not too concerned. I just tell them to put clean underwear on daily. You do you mama. If the clothes are clean… let them wear them again. Honestly if you’re at home, at that age there really isn’t a need for clothes.
If the clothes are mostly clean, why bother changing their clothes? I do it lol ive had my kids in the same pjs/clothes for 3 days at a time because they stayed mostly clean lmao
Every day and new pjs after there bath x I have a 3 and a 7 year old x
Almost a year old is pretty young, I wouldn’t worry. In a few months time you’ll have no choice but to change clothes often though, as they start getting into things and getting dirty. Maybe get one of those portable washers on amazon and hang to dry!
Every few hours because my daughter so so messy
I change my baby’s clothes 2x during the day and she wears her PJ’s during night. She plays outside and when she eats she’ll spill food or drink on herself so a change in clothes is needed. She’s 2.
I would definately have a day outfit and nightwear. But my LO also wears his jeans/trousers more than 1 day if not dirty. Every day clean underwear though!! His shirts just get dirty every day. I mean, us adults usually wear jeans for more than 1 day too, right!!?
Wow if you can get 2 days out of an outfit then go for it ! i wish my little one was a clean boy like that im lucky if i get away with only 3 outfits in a day
Clean clothes and pjs everyday a bath every 2 days its each to there own but I prefere to have fresh x
It depends, my daughter can go a day in undies, another in one outfit and another she gets 2-3 outfits just because she got messy.
My kids wear clean clothes every day and clean pjs every night. How don’t you have a washing machine? Can’t you buy one second hand?
Personally I do change my kids outfit everyday and every night new pjs but if the clothes don’t have any stains on or don’t smell etc I don’t see the problem in wearing them twice I’ve done this myself when I’ve wanted to wear something but it’s not been washed just yet. But for my kid I do things differently because I wanna make sure he feels clean in himself. If you don’t have a washer etc for now maybe get some cleaning products you do have and put them all in the bath with the clothes etc and then hang them out afterwards x
Honestly, my 6 yr old son has been in the same clothes for 3 days before. We stay at home 99% of the time since March. Now that virtual school started he does change his shirt everyday. I’m trying to get him back on the habit of showering every other day.
When my kids were babies/toddlers I would change them 2-3times a day depending on how messy they got that day. Now that at are 4&8 it’s usually daytime clothes and then pajamas for bed but again If they get messy I make them change.
However I did have a time where we also did not have a functional washer/dryer so I would make their outfit last as long as possible.
Do what ever suites you and your family. No one else’s opinions matter you know whats best.
Im not tryna be judged by any snotty mom’s. Whatever you do with your children wether you clean then everyday or every other day or if you wash clothes everyday your gonna be judged… long as you look after your children love them take care of them have clothes on there back then your doing the best job you can do sweetie. You can get a white goods grant from government for a washing machine I used to wash all the clothes then hang them out on my curtain rail to dry. Hand wash them then let them dry. It’s not easy being a single mom and it’s not easy being a mom even when ur in a relationship just keep your kids safe and loved and looked after. No judgements from me
Well shit I must be a bad mom I have a washer and dryer and can wash clothes everyday and my kids change into pjs on nights they get a bath. 9 times out of 10 they fall asleep in the clothes they were in that day. Hell, my son will wear the same jeans for 2-3 days just bc they are his favorite and that’s just not a battle I’m gonna fight. Now since my oldest and my son are in school they change everyday and shower every night or morning for school but the weekends and summer time is a whole different story. My 3 yr old sometimes will wear an outfit 2 days in a row. And tbh, idc because until someone else is paying my water bill, buying my detergent, or buying my kids clothes they have no right to say shit about it
You’re doing just fine momma, don’t worry about it. As I said I have a washer and dryer and CAN wash clothes daily and my kids still will wear the same clothes for 2 days
You do you and what works for you
I can’t even get my 2 under 2 to keep clothes on !!! I hope everything works out for you some times us mama bears struggle but we dnt quit do what you gotta do keep fighting and fight hard u will get there …
Actually I don’t know any kid that stays clean all day. Even if they don’t go outside they inevitably drip food or juice on their clothing. I changed my children’s clothes every single day. Wash clothes by hand if you need to. I’ve been this way since elementary school but to each his own
Every day, sometimes more than once a day and she’s going to be six.
When she was younger (under a year) I changed her practically every time she had a diaper change. And then every time she ate when she was old enough to eat solid foods.
If they’re still clean I’ve used clothes two days in a row(mainly pants)
Have you thought of hanging a line in a room and hand washing a few clothes ,then just hang them to dry?
When my kids were that old daily PJ’s every other night I had a bed wetter so she had to get changed sheets everything everyday but if they’re a little bit sweaty or anything off the clothes go I used to take him to the laundromat and I’d have piles and piles of clothes there’s nothing like that smell of fresh clean clothes
At a year old they were changing clothes every time they ate. Now that they are eight and older I can get away with not washing some things sometimes. As babies though they change clothes more than once a day.
Exactly what u said is how it is…if its not dirty and if it still smells good then the kid(s) are good.
You can have a kid in the same outfit a while week and nobody would know unless you say something. As long as they happy, healthy, and clean then thats all that matters…im in the same boat as you, i dont have laundry at home and its a struggle to go to the laundromat, and now with the kids doing school its even harder.
If I didn’t have a washer or dryer or easy access to a laundry mat, I’d be washing them in the sink or tub by hand(which I have done before) Clothes are definitely no go for staying in because they carry too many allergens from the day on them especially if my kids have been outside. Pjs is a different story. They have worn them to bed and then the entire next day and occasionally fallen asleep in them the following night. However, they also don’t go outside in their PJs and pick up the allergens like they do with clothes.
My one year old is a pretty messy eater so he goes through one or two outfits a day. He gets clean pajamas put on every night with his sleep sac. I understand though if I didn’t have a washer and dryer I might try to stretch his clothes to last a little longer.
I’ve let my kids wear clothes multiple times in a row. When they come home they change into comfy clothes so their other clothes can be reworn if they were still in good shape. Last night I put the baby to sleep in a onsie. This morning there was no sweat or pee on it so I changed his diaper and added pants. Easy. Back before I had a washer I would wash and hang dry clothes as needed to stretch my money further. Laundromats are expensive so yeah you do what you gotta do.
At that little your good. As long as they are clean and smell good.
When he gets older unfortunately I don’t think
Other kids will be so kind to him wearing them same clothes twice
Recently I have been putting my son to bed in the t shirt he’s wearing the next day so when I leave at 0500, all I have to do is change his diaper put some shorts on and bring socks and shoes for him to put on when he wakes for the day at grandmas. He gets agitated when I change his shirt early in the morning so this works for us.
Different outfit on school days. They where whatever on the weekends. Sometimes they wear the same outfit all 3 days. Depends on how dirty they get. Before my 3 year old started school she almost never wore clothes unless we had to go somewhere
My kids are pretty messy and love dirt so I rarely can go without washing after one wear. I try to get a few days out of jeans if they look clean. They wear their jammies two or three nights though.
My boys are 2, 4, and 6 and I’ve given up on clothes unless we need to leave the house look away for 2 secs and they down to their undies/ diapers again anyways lol when they do get dressed it’s a clean outfit and my 6 year old is in school so he gets clean socks undies and outfit every morning on school days
Didn’t have a washer or dryer still washed kids clothes in the sink and hung them up by heater vents to dry. However my children choose to wear their favorite clothes forever before they let me change them I just put them in jammies and wash them for when they wake up.
When they were little like 5 times a day so they could get to wear everything before they outgrew it, barfing etc. Now they’re older (when they had school) 3. They would have school clothes, come home and change into something comfy, pjs. Now we’re doing online school they just wear pjs all day.
Change clothes every day but re use pjs for the week unless they get dirty. Everyone does there thing different no reason to judge.
Honestly my kids tend to live in pjs or in diapers, theyre not huge on clothes but if theyre not dirty and werent going out in them I dont see the issue. However if Im taking them to the store or park I do since you dont know how truely clean anything ever is
I personally give my son a bath every night change clothes every day and never wear pjs more than one night . But most friends don’t bathe their kids nightly and use same pjs etc
One yr. olds I’d have to change daily . I can’t stand the thought of it . I hand washed my childrens clothes when needed I made a homemede clothes line and dried them out side . One yr.olds drool . I’d make a bowel of water with soap and wash the clothes out if needed put them in the bowel to soak at the end of the day wash them . They got a bath at night and fresh pjs.
I change my sons clothes every morning no matter what. I don’t have a laundry room in my home either but Walmart has onesies for $2 most days
You are the parent. If YOU feel as though your child is cared for and can stretch an outfit to 2 days then do it. Hang in there momma! I’m sorry you are going through tough times. I wish I lived near you to help you out with some clothes.
When my child was small i was fortunate enough to have a change of clothes everyday. Sometimes twice a day if she spilled on them. I washed once or twice a week
You can wash clothes in a sink, especially little baby ones. Then hang them up to dry. However, I do feel like as long as your baby is kept clean, I really wouldn’t worry about it.
At that age I changed my kids 2-3 times a day depending on how dirty they got with meals or just playing. And new PJ’s every night for sure. But we had a washer & dryer so it was a little different for me. Now my oldest is 12 and he does not care if he’s in the same clothes for 2-3 days
I’ve always changed mine into new clothes in the morning. Change into pajamas at night but sometimes wear pajamas multiple nights before washing
My daughter will stay in the same outfit for almost 2 days, so I don’t see a problem with it But for all you mommas out there that don’t have a washer and can’t go to the laundromat everyday, but a portable washer. They are smaller and you hook them up to your bathroom sink and it drains in your tub. You can find cheap ones at home depot. Especially during a time like this where you don’t want your little ones out, it is well worth it. Message me if you’d like some info. I just bought one and it’s amazing
I have to change my daughter every day, she’s 2 and is a walking garbage can, everything lands on her clothes, but when she was a newborn til she was about 1 and a half, it was every other day since she wasn’t getting anything dirty
I’d wash them in sink or tub nightly & place where they can dry quicker. I’d try & alternate outfits @ least every other day . Pjs they r ok to repeat a couple nites in a row as long as they r not soiled . U could also just chg shirts each day & wear same pants or shorts a couple days in a row
I change his day clothes, underwear and socks daily. Sweatshirts he wears a couple times. I have him wear his pj’s a couple nights.
Our house clean pjs every night and clean clothes every day. Scrub clothes in the tub and hang up.
I change their clothes every day. Sometimes they wear the same pj’s but thats bc they bathe at night and are only sleeping in them so they don’t get to dirty.
Girl do what you have and what works best for you! If the kid(s) look and smell clean, doesn’t have any rashes, aren’t itchy then you’re good!
If you can’t afford going to the laundromat, you can always wash the clothes in the bathtub lol I had to do that a couple of times back when I didn’t have a washer. Your kids will enjoy helping you. I know my kids did.
Different clothes for each day. And different pjs at night. However I have a washer and dryer. My kids are older as well, so they get dirty (6 and 2.5). My new born still gets new clothes though. It’s your child, and as long as they are clean, that’s fine.
Hello Momaa if baby is happy healthy and you are good…whatever works for you goes there is absolutely no hard and fast rule on how you should mother your babies.Remember always everyones journey is different and quiet challenging already so enjoy your journey with your little bubs after all its only clothing sometimes we just put such strain on ourselves to be the perfect mommies…hope this helps all the mommies out there to know you are not alone and lots of things are common to all mom’s.
My 5yr old son has been wearing a dinosaur costume for 5 days, not by my choice He peed on it so it finally went in the washer… it depends if we don’t do anything maybe not. But they always wear clean pjs, dinosaur costume isn’t allowed in bed
My 2 year old when at home lives in a diaper lol my boys are always in their skivies when at home, but when we go somewhere we obviously put him in clothes, which then usually come right off when we get back home and he will wear that same outfit multiple times before it is washed unless visibly dirty or stinky or i randomly feel like a change of outfit or am doing a load a laundry and see it there
None of y’all come to my house. I know for a fact my 9 year old has been wearing the same sweat pants for at least 4 days, not for lack of me trying to convince him to change … We have a washer and dryer & im hardly ever behind on laundry, or I’d lose my mind. My husband and I have 5 kids. I just told my mom this morning I guess I’ll just be thankful my 9 year old really doesn’t contribute much dirty laundry
That young change him when he is dirty and to hell with what anyone says that is your baby!! My almost 2 year old granddaughter has to be changed a couple times a day because she is at the age she wants to feed herself but most time I strip her down to diaper when eating then put on the same outfit after she done. If it’s not dirty and doesn’t stink I dont see any problem but if the comments bother u then u could change him and pick up the outfit u take off for him to wear again another day before u wash it. I completely understand how it is when u dont have washer and dryer, my dryer is broken rn. It is rough especially when u have kids
When they are at school they change everyday. During the summer or now since we are home schooling I let them go a couple of days without changing if they’re not dirty and don’t stink. It makes it a little easier now too since my washing machine is broken at the moment.
I change my daughters clothes every day sometimes three times a day she’s two and loves clothes and loves showers or baths and she’s the one who insists she needs a new set of clothes after her shower or bath. She takes a bath in the morning and a shower at night and sometimes to soothe her before her nap we plop a shower cap on her and she gets a midday shower before her nap. She’s my youngest and she’s a little diva but oh well maybe we’ll regret it when’s she’s older but she has lots of cousins who hand down clothes so she has way too many and we do have a washer and dryer but I only do laundry maybe once or twice a week.
My kids (2.5 and 5 months) get changed when they wake up for the day and again at bedtime. Minimum. Obviously the baby probably gets changed more because of blow outs and spit ups. And if my toddler is leaving the house she usually has a home play outfit and will change into a cuter “going out” type outfit and then back into play clothes at home. I dont wear the same thing for 24 hours so I wouldnt want my kids to. I use pjs over for like 3 or 4 days though. And somtimes shorts or jeans as well. But switching between day and night is a good idea in my opinion.
I change my son’s outfit every day. New clothes in the morning and at night. I change everytime it gets very dirty or when it is soaked with sweat. I prefer to change his clothes, towels, etc even if it looks clean and smells good to have a peace of mind on my part.
At that age it really doesn’t matter it’s not like he’s running all over gods green earth. And sounds like you’re home a lot so I don’t have laundry either and do it at my parents on the weekends. As long as my kids clothes aren’t stained, she sleeps in them cause washing clothes for the day and pajamas gets insane. And then she wears a new outfit the next day. But she’s 2 so messy and she goes to daycare. When I was a SAHM when she was 9-13 months she didn’t really change unless she was dirty or we were going somewhere
Baby sometimes wears the outfit 2 days in a row if we are home and its not dirty. Sometimes she only has it on if we go out to the store quickly and then back home. She is in her carseat the whole time anyway. My older kids wear new outfit everyday.
I live in Africa. Have never had a washer or dryer but my kids change twice a day. Once after their bath,and second time at bedtime. Try to hand wash the lighter clothes twice a week if you can manage. Your baby needs clean and ironed clothes everyday☺
If you washed daily of each clothes everyone wears, it shouldn’t be hard.it’s even harder if all clothes accumulated are washed once.i find it time consuming that way. But hygiene is most important specially these times.i would wash clothes before I bath at night.
I didnt have a washer and a dryer for about 2 years until i moved when my daughter was about a year old. I still changed her outfits every day just because babies are messy eaters. They crawl around and everything else. I washed them out in the sink everyday. It got to the point where the soap would irritate my hands lol. Im not judging. Ur your own person and u have your own judments about things. Just giving u my personal experience. My daughter is 9 now. I make her change her outfit daily but usually i will make her wear her pajamas double nights because shes clean when she puts them on and all she does is sleep in them. The laundry struggle is real tho even when i think im caught up…nope lol
We’re in quarantine and I’m pregnant. We only put on clothes to leave the house or if someone comes over. They’re not going anywhere. Not playing outside. I’m not letting them make any messes because I’m too big and tired to clean. They’ll be ok. That’s how they build their immune system.
I know i wash my my kids clothes and hung them behind a wood stove in the winter to dry cause they would freeze outside
when he was a baby all the time but now like three times sometimes two of he showers i try and feed him then shower him next bcs saves a lot of clothing and time .aometimes he’s onl wearing a onesie bcs he’s just so cute and also bcs he sweats a lot
Your the mom. At age 1 if he doesn’t smell bad then I’d say 2 days are fine. Don’t make him wear wet though as that can cause a rash or worse
With mine, if we were at home they ran around in a diaper I also didn’t have a washer and dryer. We also had central heat and air so it was a lot easier to control the temps.
Clean clothes and pj"s everyday. Bath every night. I jabe a 8 yr old and 14 yr old. Even when they were babies they had clean clothes and pj’s every night dirty or not. With me if I only wear pants or shorts for a couple of hours a will wear the.mm the next day tho.
When my 24 yr old was little I use to change her multiple times a day because I loved to see her in different outfits my 16yr old I use to change once sometimes twice a day because I always wanted him to look sharp. Now my 6yr old and 3yr old they can go a few days in the same clothes if I let them. Shot I even let them wear what they want to even though it don’t match
. So from my experience lol if they ain’t black from being dirty then don’t worry your fine. What iv learned from this in 24yrs of being a mother and the clothes situation my 2 oldest love spending money on clothes and nice ones. My 2 youngest don’t care even if I get it from a yard sale if it fits they love it
Do what you gotta do momma. No shame here. I’m thankfully able to use as many outfits as necessary throughout the day. But I’ve definitely reused outfits that he happens to keep it clean lol and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’d say stop reusing the same outfit for days in a row. Switch him into a different used outfit so that people will think you washed it since he last wore it. I’m so sorry you are going through hard times and please don’t listen to any rude comments😔 nobody should laugh as you never know, you may one day find yourself in the same situation as what you’re laughing at. My son is only 10 months, otherwise I would send you some of his clothes he’s grown out of. Hang in there, hun.
Clean clothes everyday. Sometimes we have to change during the day as well. Bath every night and we use the same PJs for a few days.
Everyday all 3 of mine get new clothing. Some days(ever rare) they stay in their PJs all day if they want but they would still get new Pjs on that night. 2 days IMO in an outfit straight is not good. For adult or child
As babies they were changed countless times a day. Now that they’re older (3.5 & 9) they put on a fresh, clean outfit every morning and fresh, clean pajamas every night.
Clothes changed everyday, pj’s worn for 2 nights then washed. How often are clothes being washed? Its said you can’t gobto the laundromat and don’t have a waher… so are all of you not washing clothes??
Changed my kids clothes twice daily. Not all parents are lucky to have what other parents have. If you’re comfortable with it and your child is too, then let it be. If that’s the only way you can afford for now then guess what? You have to live within your means. Sad but it’s the truth.
For me it depends on where they are and what they’re doing. Going out in public = new outfit. Just sitting at home doing nothing = same outfit for several days. This is also provided if doesn’t get soiled for one reason or another. But I live by the same philosophy. Clean underwear but I’ll wear the same shirt and pants for days unless I’m going somewhere.
Are you able to do it by hand? There are plenty of indoor hangers that are meant for drying that do not take up much space. I see them a lot at Daiso. It is extra work but it may ease your mind.
Changed vests socks and underwear (if potty trained) every day. Sometimes if outfit is clean maybe 2 days wear. But honestly if we we were not going out pjs all day. But at the age of 1 til 4 was hard to keep son clothes on, he preferred to be naked all day
Wash them by hand and find somewhere to hang so they are dry. A not even 1 year should be in clean clothes, they get dirty all the time and no matter how calm they, they still spit, crawl/walk on dirty floors. My baby was a very calm child but I still changed him at least twice a day
Yes, my kids change their clothes and underwear daily and put on clean pajamas daily. Sometimes my kids changed four times a day, but they’re also 9 and 11-year-old girls. It is disgusting not to change your kids clothes every day.
I’m not judging, but that is definitely not for me.
That’s totally your choice but my girls change their clothes and shower everyday.
Maybe you could hand wash his clothes as he is so little?
Hang a string or rope and get some clothes pins [hair clips work too need be]…
What is most important is him being fed , healthy , happy but clean is also important. Esp in a pandemic…
If they go to daycare they should change their clothing. Wouldn’t want them going into bed with dirty clothes from school. If they are just home and not leaving the house then a couple days would be fine.
My youngest (she is 1) she gets changed usually 3 times a day. She is a messy eater. For my older girls (9 and 11) my 9 year old changes her clothes twice a day and my 11 year old only changes hers once every few days ( she is autistic). Every parent is different. As long as your kids aren’t dirty, stinky, itchy, or have a rash and they aren’t bothered by it, the timing shouldn’t matter.
I definitely do different clothes every day now that he goes to school, but when he was younger if it didn’t work out that he got a bath i would just change his socks and underwear. They are too young to get very sweaty, and I feel like if they are comfortable and won’t get hurt then it shouldn’t be too big of a deal.
Your kids actually keep clothes on long enough to get dirty? My son strips to his underwear the minute we walk in the door.
So when do you wash the clothes & how? If you have no washer and dryer and you can’t go to the laundromat? Your baby may be very calm, but how do you stop dribble & food getting all over him? You take them off so they last a bit longer?
For us it depends on the days activities. If we stay inside all day the clothes get put up to be worn again if they are outside or sweaty or visibly dirty they go in the laundry basket
You do whatever it takes to get through your day, pay your bills and love your children. Don’t worry about what others think