How many pairs of shoes should a kid have?

This is going to sound really dumb but i bought my daughter 5 pairs of walmart shoes for school…(on clearence) and when i posted them to a mom group showing them…they all told me that she has way too many shoes for a 6 year old and it was excessive…i didnt think it was excessive as i got them on sale…am i wrong?


Don’t worry about what other moms think. You do you, especially if they were on sale. Kids RUIN shoes so fast so its good to have extra pairs laying around anyways. My toddlers have a pair of dress shoes, a pair of “outdoor” shoes for rough play, and a regular pair of shoes to wear out in stores and stuff. Besides maybe your 6yr old will be one of those people who really loves shoes and in the future buys some extra shoes as a treat yo self or feel good thing.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How many pairs of shoes should a kid have?

I think ur just fine

Do what you want with YOUR child … Why do you even care what people are saying ?


Their opinion doesn’t matter.

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My son has 2 pairs. He’ll be 4 tm. School and play shoes and then a nice pair for when we go out. He has water shoes as well but just for beach and water play at daycare

I really don’t think it matters, kids outgrow shoes pretty fast :woman_shrugging:t3: my son has quite a few. You do you momma. Don’t worry about what others think. Not their child not their business.:blush:


If this is your biggest problem/dilema in life right now then goddamn are you lucky

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It’s your child, your money.


Even if they weren’t on sale,what you choose to buy for your child is your business :person_shrugging:


Buy your kid however many pairs of fucking shoes you want to. Who actually cares

My granddaughter has tons of shoes and shoes

I think that she’s your kid and they can mind their business. Buy whatever you want to buy her.


My 2 year old grandson has like 5-6. They r name brand and aren’t cheap. But u can never have to many shoes even at a young age

No it’s not excessive, my kids go through shoes like it’s going out of style and that’s just because they get worn and beat up quick and you got them on sale it’s not like you bought 6 pair of Nikes for her/him to start school. But no my 6 year old has a wide variety and more shoes then me boots, tennis shoes, sandals, dress shoes, heels you name it she’s got it same for my son.

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Girl, u don’t have to explain urself to anyone.


There’s a different shoe for every style; casual, dressy, athletic, etc. I don’t think it’s excessive at all.

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It’s your child, if you feel that it’s necessary, than it’s necessary! Who cares what anyone else says.

My child has over 20 pairs of shoes… some I bought, some were hand downs. :woman_shrugging:t2: she’s a girl and shoes gotta match the outfit


My two year old LOVES shoes and has probably 15 pair :woman_shrugging:

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If they’re not buying them , then their opinion is invalid . Personally , I do 2 pairs of school shoes , 2 pairs of shoes to go out , a pair or two of crocs . But that’s just my home


She’ll never not find a pair of shoes in the morning. I say it’s a win

My 8 yr old has like 9 or 10 pairs. 3 play shoes, the rest are his good shoes.
My 5 yr old has 7 pairs, 3 play shoes, the rest are her good shoes.

My 10 yrs old have like 10 pair lol. Only getting one pair once school starts back then he will get more once it turns cooler.

My daughter is 3, you don’t even want to know how many pairs of shoes she has :joy::joy::joy: you’re fine mama, you do you and what you want for YOUR child, anyone that says otherwise can kick rocks. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face:

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Your kid, your business!!


I literally got each of my daughters( my 2 youngest) like 10 pairs of shoes each for the spring and summer lol and come for fall and winter they will get about 6 each. People hate too much. You have every right to spoil your baby.


My kids have 5 pairs of shoes each… actually maybe more… but we will stick with 5…

Goodness no, my 4 year old has 8 pairs of tennis shoes, 2 pairs of sandals, 1 pair of house slippers and 2 pair of water shoes. I’ve also got 5 other kids and they’ve been got just as many. I believe it’s smart to catch them on sale, you save money! Besides, it’s your kid, your money and your business. Who cares what they think, that’s your baby.


Ummmmm. My girls are 19 months and 3½ they have about 30 pairs​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Do what’s right for you. I personally buy extra when items are on clearance because my children go through things quickly. Not everyone will cheer for you when you find good deals. But I will!! :slightly_smiling_face:


If that’s excessive :rofl: my 5 yr old has a 20gallon tote of shoes :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3: she has an addiction :rofl:


Lol To funny. People are just dumb.
I did same. I put them up. I bought all mine at Walmart too when by girl was young. They go through shoes fast because they get tore up quick with them playing and stuff.
Don’t let it bother you. It’s your kid and your choice of what and how many of something you buy for your kids.
I now after 16.5 years have my miracle son that is now almost 9 months old and people would crap their pants if they see how much I got for him.

No. Its none of their business how many you buy.

No I would like one pair for each day of the week so they can change them and not wear and tear them as fast


My kid demolishes her shoes so fast that’s definitely not to many shoes thats probably what I’ll be buying for me kid

My son is 11 and has gone through some shoes since he could walk. Never enough shoes for that boy! I don’t think it’s anyone else’s business how many damn shoes you your kid.
All the problems in this world and we’re mom shamming for buying too many shoes??? Get a life!

My granddaughter has sneakers for gym, snow boots ,dress shoes ,and spare speakers.i think its normal.

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Oh Damn my 11 month old has about 30 pairs in her size right now maybe more :joy: :sweat_smile:

Not excessive. My kids have a bunch of shoes also

No one’s business but your own. Why’d you need to post them?


Would of bought 3ish in her size and next size up. But do you boo and don’t worry what others think


Momma. Run your house how you wish. It’s nobody’s business.
As long as your daughter knows she may not always get 5 pairs of shoes every year. And appreciates what you do for her.

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Walmart shoes tend to fall apart more quickly than some of the more expensive name brands so with a larger rotation of shoes it’ll likely make them last a little longer. The last time I bought sneakers for my son from Walmart for the start of school they were falling apart by mid October so he basically got about a month and a half wear out of them.


Nope !! You are NOT wrong ! Kids go through shoes so fast. This way she will have a “nice” pair of shoes for any occasion. Rotate her school shoes to make them last longer. Smart thinking !!

That mom group is not the group for you… there’s nothing wrong with what you did and clearance is where its at! Good for you…. Here just to prove youre not alone, and no these draws dont include all the shoes im to lazy to pic up.

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Pfft. I don’t even mean to have the amount I have. I buy them some they have hand me downs or some given and I end up with more than I can handle and there’s nothing wrong with it. My 7 year old only has a skiff left to grow and she’ll be able to wear my shoes. I’m not looking forward to her stealing my shoes. And I like having multiple shoes bc they misplace them all the dang time and I don’t have time to go on a shoe hint in the morning since they won’t put them where I want them and will kick them all over the freaking place.

Definitely not to much. My daughter honestly has more shoes than me. Going out shoes, okay, slip ONS, jelly’s, open toe, Crocs and much more. Your fine don’t let other people make you feel bad or uncomfortable.:smiling_face:

To me it’s a bit excessive especially because they grow so quickly. But it doesn’t matter, it’s your dollar

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Definitely not excessive. Especially on clearance!


My 4 year old has 20+ shoes and so does my 7 year old, and I myself have over 30 pairs so it’s just compares on you and what your need/wants are :woman_shrugging: growing up I always had more than 20-40 shoes at a time (two tall baskets full) you don’t really have to explain yourself to anyone :woman_shrugging:

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At 6 my daughter probably had 15 pairs but I paid maybe $2.00 a shoe. Shop clearance n lightly used.

You got a good deal. No, it’s not to many.

My 11 year old daughter has 3 new pairs of tennis shoes and 3 or 4 new pair of flip flops all from Kohl’s. I don’t see an issue.

It’s not excessive. That’s just crazy. Wait till she’s a teen. Don’t let people like that get to you. It’s your child. Who cares if they were on sale it’s your money and your child.

People and their opinions :woman_facepalming:t2: buy however many pairs you want to and forget about what other people say

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As many as you want and can afford

Your house, your money, your kid, your life.


When my son was younger he had at least a pair of sandal type shoes, sneakers and gumboots.
Now I’m lucky if he has 1 pair that fits. I definitely think kids should have several pairs of shoes. That way there’s back up pairs if others are wet etc

I have 3 girls they all have multiple colors of boots to go with every outfit. Different styles
They have every color dress shoe.
Running shoes, light up shoes Rain boots, snow boots, . They have tons of shoes!! It’s ridiculous actually and I love it

My daughter’s favorite things in the world are her shoes and her spider man’s. This year, for her 3rd birthday, her Pop Pop bought her 7 new pairs of shoes. This girl has more shoes than everyone in the house combined. :sweat_smile::rofl:

If you wanna buy your baby 1 million pairs of shoes regaurdless of price that’s your buisness… I dont think it’s bad it’s called options and that’s a good thing school shoes play shoes dress shoes house shoes mess around in the rain shoes Mud shoes bike shoes snow shoes just because shoes!!! So what kids grow buy the shoes if you can there’s bigger things to worry about in life than the opinions of other people.

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Not even gonna lie. My 7 year old daughter has 9 pairs. 3 pairs of tennis shoes. 2 pairs of Crocs and then the rest are sandals and flip flops. Kids go through shoes quickly. Better to have extra then need them and not have them.


I heard a wide woman once say you can never have too many shoes!

A girl can never have enough shoes :tipping_hand_woman:t2:
This is my 9 year old’s


Literally fck what anyone else thinks. This post makes me mad, and sad. Whooooooooo caresssssssssss what anyone else does. You wanna buy her 100 pairs of shoes? DO IT. You’re not wrong. You do you. Please.

My daughter has like 18 pairs of shoes rightnow and 3 pairs in one size up. Who cares what that karen has to say…

Wow… then they don’t want to know how many my kids have…. It also depends on the climate …

Currently we have sandals, crocs, dress, rain boots, 2 pairs of tennis, flip flops, water shoes

And in the winter we will add in fuzzy crocs, winter boots, snow boots…but not have water shoes, flip flops, and sandals …

How many shoes you feel like buying n she wants is how many she should have
Some moms r too judgmental

I live in Alaska and we have a lot of shoes based on the time of year and what we are going to do that day. So in my opinion, i don’t think you can have enough shoes lol. There are 6 of us in my family and we all have a pair of snow boots, tennis shoes, gym shoes, rain/mud boots, hiking boots, dress shoes, sandals or water shoes. The bigger question is how do we store them!? :joy:

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Naw I do the same thing and I have been a mom for 27 years… you have normal school shoes, gym shoes, dress shoes, winter shoes or boots depending on your location then after school shoes

I’ll never understand why people think things like that are any of their business. They’re shoes. What does it matter. You buy however many pairs you want. I typically buy 2 pairs of sneakers for my son, along with a pair of winter boots. My daughter on the other hand, has 2 pairs of sneakers, sandles, boots and dress shoes. I’d probably buy them even more if I knew they’d put them away.

Until they’re paying your bills, they need to :shushing_face:

My son has 1 pair of sneakers, 1 croc and one slide. He’s 11 and hate shoe shopping. My daughter is 7 and has maybe 2 or 3 more pairs

My kids has 2 to 3 pair.A pair of addidas,converse and nike

Your daughter, your rules, your house, it’s nobody’s business my 6yr old has more pairs than yours. I’m a clearance shopper too.

my 9year old daughter has 8pairs of shoes we have just about one for every out fit!

As many as you wanna buy them lol

My middle daughter was a clothes horse, she loved clothes and all the accessories! When she graduated from high school she had over 300 pairs of shoes, 75-100 purses, unbelievable amount of jewelry all because I shopped clearance only!! When she was your daughters age she had clothes shoes and purses to match also. It just depends on the child. My other girls hated shopping and only wore tennis shoes. If it makes you and your daughter happy and you can afford it, it’s no one’s business but yours.


My daughter isn’t one yet and has about 15 pairs of shoes

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I have a 6 year old and she has way more than 5 pairs . Kinda need a variety


10yr old son currently only has 1 pair of tennis shoes and 1 pair of slides. He jumped up in size and I havent gotten a chance to buy extras and snow boots I wait closer to fall/winter to buy in case his foot grows again. But he usually has 3 pairs of tennis shoes, pair of slides and pair of snow boots. When littler he had probably 5 tennis shoes,rainboots,snow boots,sandals,slides,flip flops and water shoes lol

Who cares what some stranger thinks about you? Does her opinion mean anything to how you live your life? No. Ignore her comments and move on in life.

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She’s your kid and it’s nobody’s business but yours

My 6 year old son has 3 pairs of sneaks a pair of slip on vans and 2 pairs of slides he also has a pair of “work” boots. My son has made 3 pair of sneakers last a year so far by not wearing the same pair every day and as long as they stay in good condition when he out grows them I’ll put them away for one of my other sons.

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My 4 year old has like 20 pairs :joy:


It’s none of their business who cares :sweat_smile::person_shrugging:t2: whatever works for you and your family.


My kid has wayyyyy to many shoes. Don’t listen to them.


Never have too many shoes, boots.


If you can afford it, why does it matter? Excessive or not, it’s your child. I’ll be the first to admit that I excessively spend on my kids. They don’t NEED it but I want it and it’s my money so :woman_shrugging:t4:

My 7 year old son has 12 pairs of nice shoes ans my 3 year old has 9. So if you can afford it then do it

You do what you want to do… don’t worry about other moms what they do…
You get your kids as many, or as little, as whatever you want…

if you ask my husband I buy grandsons too many shoes lol this year they each got 2 pair

Your business.
Your money.
Your kid.


My Friend is in his 40’ s & he has 100 shoes

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No you are not. It’s okay for a kid to have shoes

It’s nobody’s business. Period.

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Who cares, miserable people will always have something to say :woman_shrugging:.

Your kid, you’re money, and not their business :call_me_hand:

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My boy’s are 18 & 20 and have a crazy amount of shoes
This started at a young age.
I’ve always let them pick their own shoes too.
My boys definitely have an excessive amount of hat’s too.
Honestly I love that they like to match and wear every color out there.
Variety is always great :heart:

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