My daughter likes options just like I do, that’s it, that’s all🤣
I personally think it’s a bit much. Only because my kids and grown really fast so I don’t see the point in wasting money if I’m going to turn around and have to get bigger sizes in a few months. My oldest who is 14 I’ll buy her multiple pairs now because her feet are pretty much done growing. To each their own though!
My 6 year old son has 2 pairs of sneakers, 1 pair of sneaker boot things, 1 pair of slides, 1 pair of crocs and 1 pair of regular sandals. 5 pairs of shoes is not a lot espically with how hard kids play.
This is so dumb. You do you, stop worrying about petty shit from other moms. And don’t post pointless shit online if you can’t handle intense criticism. Don’t we all know that by now?
I think my kids each have like 8 or 9 pairs of shoes.
Oh lord. I’ll show you excessive! My kids have crocs,bogs, tennis shoes x2, sandals, boots etc each kid has at least 10 pairs of shoes. Their feet are always growing, and they’re hard on shoes. You might as well have plenty of options, especially with all our seasons and weather changes.
My nephews were super hard on shoes, still are lol they go through multiple prs a yr. Get them cheap, if she doesn’t wear a pr or 2 much and when grows out of them donate them to a thrift store or organization for needy. It is better to overprepared than be looking in walmart at 9pm on a weekday cause her only 1 to 2 prs are ruined or too small! (Been there done that! Not Fun) don’t worry about what others say, you do what makes most sense for ur kiddo! plus I don’t know about ur area but trying to find what you need in stock right sz & style, man u best grab it if u see it!!!
They must not have kids who play outside. My kids go through shoes quickly specially during the school year. So when shoes are on sale you go for it… I mean how many shoes does those moms have? If they have more then 5 pairs then i guess they are being very excessive and need to cut back on what they buy.
I don’t even know how many pairs of shoes are in this house. My kids definitely have enough lol. You got on clearance, that was smart and you do you.
My 2 1/2 yr old probably has 20 pairs… it’s our money and my child so I would tell those people to hush and go get their kid another pair of shoes!
U can never have enough pair of shoes for your kids. My kids have a lot of shoes
Kids outgrow kids very quickly and Wal-Mart shoes aren’t made the best
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” A great quote and one I live by. DO NOT let someone make you feel bad for buying your child shoes. ANYONE (including commenters here)that criticizes you is lifting themselves up at your expense. You bought your child 5 pairs of clearance shoes at Walmart. They weren’t $100 a pair designer shoes. It was not excessive. I’ve done the same thing for my twins with those cute cheap summer $7 sandals at Walmart. You need to find another mom group! This one appears to be filled with self righteous women that think it’s perfectly acceptable to tear other moms down. It isn’t! Bid them adieu ASAP. Don’t you feel guilty about your purchase for one second!
Walmart shoes last a week. Should have bought more.
My son (6) has several, but he is very particular about his shoes and how they feel so he will only wear one pair until he literally wears them out then I have to make him get new ones. He HATES getting different shoes. He finds some he likes and will only wear those. But I say it’s your child, your money and your business how many different ones YOU buy for you child. As long as your child has shoes then I don’t think it’s anyone else’s business. That’s just my opinion though.
My 9 year old has 4 pairs of sneakers, 2 sandals, 1 cowgirls boots, 1 fuzzy boot, and 1 snow boot, oh and 1 extra pair of sneakers for gym class. She likes to have different shoes to pick from
If they thought 5 pairs are too many, they don’t want to look into any of my kids closets…
5 pairs? That’s a lot. My kids have 2 pairs each. One pair for school, & one for outside at home. But to each their own I guess.
Not really. When I would shop for my grandkids it was usually 3–4 pairs all depending on the season. Clearance items are the way to go…
And there’s different shows for different occasions/situations. She prob had sandals, tennis shoes and boots! Makes sense to me and you weren’t asking them to buy them lol
I would not take that to heart. On sale? I would have done the same. Kids lose their shoes or want different options. They can have different purposes. You’re not wrong for providing for your child what you see fit. Mom groups are a firing squad in disguise. Every single one I have ever been in I have left shortly after because of the judgement and ridicule shown in the comments of posts. There’s more than one way to parent but everyone thinks their way is the only way and can’t keep their mouth shut about it. Do you mama. Next clearance you see buy 5 more in the next few sizes so you won’t have to get them in the future. Lol
My experience with Walmart shoes, when my kids were young, was they didn’t last very long. By the end of the school year she will probably have gone through them all. You bought them on clearance so I’m sure you have less invested than if you bought one pair of high end shoes. Also, are they different styles? You have a girl. You could easily have 5 different styles/colors. Who’s to say how many is too many, anyway? Be proud you scored clearance prices and your daughter has shoes.
I mean I bought my kid 2 pairs of tennis shoes, she still needs a new pair of crocs, and I plan on also getting her a pair of either vans or converse. It’s your money, your kid, your choice. 
It’s your kid who cares what u buy. Get what u want .
She’s you kid not theirs. Ignore them. If I had a little girl she would probably have shoes to match every outfit !
Walmart shoes get holes in them and wear out pretty quick. It’s not excessive, it’s being smart and thinking ahead so they can last longer. Switching between 5 pairs will be less wear and tear.
it’s your child, your business
My girls literally have dozens of pairs of shoes oops
uh no … you can buy your child as many shoes as you want
It’s not excessive! Do not worry about what other people think!
When my daughter was 12-24 months she had around 60 pairs of shoes (first girl in the family lol). now she has probably a good 10-12 pairs but mostly uses the same 3-4.
People need to learn to mind their business. If I find a good deal of clothes or shoes I buy a couple also In different sizes. Kids are expensive and we gotta save when/where we can.
Do what u want…why even question it. That’s UR kid and UR money!!! I just bought both of my kids 4 pairs of shoes each for school that was all $100 a piece…idc if anyone else likes it or not
The way kids go thru shoes… And you got them on Clearance!!!
GIRL Kudos to You!!
To hell with what others have to say, She’s Your Kid! Buy Whatever you Like!
I Wish a MF would comment on a purchase I made for My Child!
it’s not excessive at all! Good for you for being prepared!
Everyone is different, and honestly kids are really hard on shoes. Don’t worry about what others think. I once had someone call me a mediocre mother because I’m not the soccer mom type, I’m the hiking camping mom type and at first it hurt my feelings but then I realized nobody has the same idea when it comes to raising children and as long as my kids are fed, clothed, happy and have a roof over their heads then in doing a fantastic job. So don’t worry about what other moms think.
My daughter will be 3 soon & she has more than 6 pairs & she’s not in school, daycare or anything. She has her shoes she wears with only dresses & stuff like “fancy” shoes, she has shoes to wear only outside to play in, she has nice sneakers that I wouldn’t want her to play in but it happens.
I try to get her colors that she wears a lot like pink, purple, blue … I also try to get all black, all white & all brown because they match with everything but if I know she has alot of butterfly clothes at the moment then I will get something that has butterflies, she has a few pairs of slippers & easy slip on shoes like slide sandals, she has boots for winter & fall time including rain boots. She has water shoes for beaches & pools.
I buy so much stuff for my kids & people tell me all the time they got too much stuff but you’re the one that’s gonna be dealing with all that stuff so it shouldn’t matter to them … they’re not picking out the shoes or finding a place to put them. My daughter has more shoes than me & I go more places than she does & idc. Try to get some bigger sizes too especially if they’re on sale at the time because you never know if they’ll be on sale again & kids grow fast so by the time they reach that size you’ll already have some pairs for them.
When my son was a NEWBORN, a little little baby his grandfather bought him 5 pairs of sneakers that he still doesn’t fit yet & he’s 7 months. & 2 of the pairs are size 1C & none of them were on sale.
A girl NEVER has to many shoes!!
My daughter has 6 pairs of shoes to match with all her outfits I don’t see the problem. Not only that but kids are super hard on shoes especially walmart shoes.
Oh she’s your child you buy whatever you would like for her. Some people just have to make an argument out of everything. She will probably outgrow some of those shoes unless you bought bigger sizes and that’s what I would have done but I have no complaints about no one providing for their children.
At that age and them being from Walmart they won’t last long. Sounds like someone may be mad they can’t provide the same for their kid. Don’t ever let someone get on you for doing for your kids, even if it may be overdoing it. Your babies are taken care of that is all that matters.
Buy what you want my kids have to many shoes to count. Not to mention my oldest daughter buys atleast 2 to 4 pairs a paycheck her money she can spend however she wants
My almost 4 yo has like 10 pairs of shoes at any given time. Lol. And she wears them ALL!!!
Buy as many as you want,but me myself at that age my kids only had a few pair,because they outgrew them so fast…There are diffrent shoes for diffrent things
Your kid your rules f*** what other parents say !
My daughter is 6 gonna be 7 & Last year for Kindergarten she got 3 pairs of shoe & 2 pairs of boots at the beginning of school. Feb/March she gets 3 new pairs for the remainder of the year & right before school lets out my husband buys her sandals…
We feel she needs a white pair, a black pair & a color of her choice.
No judgements you shop them on sale you can buy as many as you want if you’re getting a good deal imo. My daughter is rough on her shoes they don’t last long so having spares is a good thing.
You know what kids go through shoes the amount you have isn’t even close what my child gets she usually has four pairs of tennis shoes two to three pair of dress shoes then three to four sandels flip-flops trust me what you bought is nothing and besides that she don’t pay your bills don’t worry about what she has to say
My son has about 10 pairs of shoes. One flip flop set, two pairs of sneakers that are his nice shoes. The rest are play shoes because they are cheap or the dog tried to eat them at one point.
3… 2… 1… Now que the bad mom comments because I let my child wear chewed up shoes.
Nope. …little girls need to have lots of shoes and hair bows…lol
My grandkids have many pairs of shoes. Boots, sandals, crocs, tennis shoes and winter boots at least 2 pairs to swap when wet. We buy all their shoes on clearance. Because my grandkids spend so much time at my house we have shoes and clothes at both houses. No one should be telling a parent how many shoes a kid should have. I have at least 100 pairs or more as well as purses. To each his own. Stop judging people and live your own best life.
My daughter has 20
girl likes her shoes
My niece was hard on shoes and went through multiple a school year. You’re just being proactive.
Don’t pay any attention to what people say or think, there will always be someone who will have something to say. Sounds like you found a great deal, your child will enjoy having so many choices, and if you only bought 1 or 2 pairs that would of been fine too, people need to mind their own business
As many as u want to buy her. You are the parent !
That mom group sucks and you should leave the group . you do what you want! It’s your kids! Go buy one more pair if you want too!
I have 2 pairs for all my kids
Both my kids boy and girl always have at least 6 pairs.
My youngest son loves shoes…he has like 8 pairs of shoes and will probably get more soon…who cares what they think as long as you and most importantly that baby girl is happy
As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone…the only thing you and your daughter should worry about not wearing or owning is other people’s opinions…
Fyi…I get my son multiple pairs as well because he wears them out so fast. Might as well get them on sale and have more time between replacing them. I also keep old ones that are worn but fit for outside play at home or when we go camping and 4 wheeling.
You do you girl! My girls have about 12 pair each they are 5 and 3.75 years old!!! Kids are rough all feet and shoes are different. Out of their 12 they wear maybe 5 because of how their fit fell in them!
I mean if I see a Walmart sale of $1 shoes I’m gonna buy them. That said kids grow fast. My now 11 yr old went from size 2 kids to size 7 women’s in a few short months but My 5 yr old has been in the same pair for 2 yrs.
You can’t seek attention or approval without criticism… you love the shoes, daughter loves shoes. You did good mom… do you
Lol my boys have sneakers n flip flops girls on the other hand have sneaks flip flops n dress shoes n dress sandels
Them people aren’t buying any of them shoes, so it’s no of their business how many shoes she has. Buy more if you want to.
Hahaha. I have a problem when it comes to show buying for my boys… Gotta have shoes that match the outfit
As many as mom r dad can afford
I got my son 5 new pairs of shoes for school. 2 light up shoes, pumas, nikes, & nauticas. I dont think its too many. The way i see it is he deserves it. Hes a good kid & if im blessed to be able to afford it then why not.
I buy my son as many shoes as I want to buy him when I can afford them & they may be usually on sale but I will continue buying them no matter how many he has! You’re only able to buy shoes for your children for a small portion of their life - might as well get as many as you want!
Oh man we have like 10 pairs
As many pairs as you want to buy. My daughter is almost 7 and she has 4 or 5 pairs now and will most likely get more for school.
Not too excessive. Don’t listen to other people it’s your child do what you want
As many as you want to provide…my faufhter has like 16 hahah, who cares
It’s up to you just hopefully she has time to wear them all. I know for my boys walmart shies only lasted every 2 to 3 months so I finally started getting name brand just so they would make I Tull the end of the school year but the last few months of school I still had to get more because they grow so fast.
Its not at all hell I’ve put in an order for 4 shirts and jumpers for my little cousin starting nursery next month bet they will say that’s too many as well shoes wear out fair quicker than what other clothes do
My 5 year old probably has about 15 to 20 pairs of shoes, granted some I bought a size bigger so they don’t fit yet but I also got them on sale for cheap and I was buying them. She also tends to wear out her shoes pretty fast
…both my girls have 8,and my son has 10…
I don’t see that it is anyone elses business as you were the one paying for them–and even if you didn’t get them on sale–it’s your child and your money.
My 4yr old has way more shoes than 3 others in our house combined.
Girl, u good lol
That’s not excessive. Especially for a 6 year old & them being Walmart shoes. Younger kids tend to go through shoes quicker so the kore you have, the more you can rotate them to keep them good longer.
You do what ever makes you and her happy.
We do 2 pair of sneaks and one pair of slide but I have 2 kids so that’s 6 pairs of shoes and if I could afford more I probably would. If I found some on clearance I would snatch them up! They grow out of them fast but they destroy them faster!
Your child do as you want…I had family say I spoiled mine …I only had one and could not have more…so I always got riff for getting her nice things
If it’s on clearance i usually buy my kids 2 pairs they grow fast so i never do more than 2 pairs.
Enough for you&child…no one else’s business…I’ve had a pediatrician tell me…kids shoes need to be changed up regularly
Its your bussness not yheirs
Whew!! No you’re not wrong! My daughter has more shoes than me it don’t matter if they was a dollar a pair or a hundred a pair, it’s not their business. You’re not shaming them for only buying their kid one pair of shoes … Don’t worry about what people say, your kid+your money= your business
The only thing wrong here is you wasting your time to post this. You don’t need validation from people you don’t know.
It’s your money and your kid.
Spend your energy elsewhere.
Kids should have whatever their parents want them to have and are providing them with.
It’s nobody’s business but your own.
I feel like there’s no right or wrong here. Mom groups are a joke and may as well be a shaming group. Get outta there and let your daughter have as many shoes as she wants. Besides, a girl can never have too many shoes
Sandals, boots, snow boots, play shoes, tennis shoes, everyday shoes, dress shoes (black pair and white pair of you are like me), maybe even a pair of “we’re in a hurry, just slip om your shoes”. That’s 8 pair…my girls 10&13 have 5 each…my son 5 has 6
No, especially since they were on sale. I bought my youngest 3 pairs, but if I found more I’d still buy them. My oldest is picky and has one pair so far. You do what you want with your kids!
No thats not excessive at all lol. They should see my kids then. I don’t even know how many pairs of shoes they each have but it’s more than 10 each lol. Some I buy cheap some I buy expensive. It’s your child you can buy them anything you want. 5 pairs of shoes is totally reasonable.