How many pairs of shoes should a kid have?

Girrrrrl my step son has a closet and under his bed full of shoes for each outfit… if they broke that can say that instead of talking shit to make themselves feel better about it lmao. Nobody judged them for not having enough shit for their kids so they can stfu and keep their irrelevant ass opinions in the comment section where nobody gives a fuck. :rofl::100:

Jealousy most likely. My daughter has 5+ at any given time…… shoes, flip flops, dress shoes, cute ankle boots, winter boots, cow girl boots and usually a couple more because I’ll get different colors or styles of each. Whatever ones down get worn down get passed down. (Which are usually the sneakers :sweat_smile:) she loves her fashion haha :joy:

My daughter has 7 joggers 5 sandals, 4 boots for depending season. And she is 4 years old. And she has two cupboards full of clothes

I don’t even want to show you both my daughters shoe collection I have a thing about shoes I littlrey own 100 pairs just for me and now iv had kids I have a thing about buying them shoes :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

My kids have a ridiculous amount of shoes each lol sliders sandles pumps 2x trainers 2x school shoes boots ect something for every occasion :flushed:

Who cares what other people think. Do what you want for your child.


Shoes are exspensive you buy your kid whatever you can afford and chances are the parents that are judging you have way more pairs of shoes then thier kid or kids

Lol no my son got 3 pairs during summer then I got him 3 more for school but the 2 pairs are crocs and he won’t use them at school

l Get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16944 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

As many as you or them want… There is no limit. It is ypur choice and screw everyone else.

My daughter went through at least 4 pairs of shoes last school year. As long as they get worn, I don’t see a problem.

You do you mama! Ignore the whiners💞

My 6 year old has 1 pair of flip flops, 1 pair of sandals, and 1 pair of sneakers… I have a pair of sneakers and sandals lol

Tell Karen to mind her business. Ur daughter could have 500 pairs and it’d still be none of her business

My kids have 4 or 5 pairs of shoes each (sandals, slip-ons, crocs, sneakers, boots). If you can afford 6 pairs (on sale at Walmart or not) then buy them. It’s not like you bought her shoes instead of food. I really don’t see the issue here. Rotating 6 pairs also means less wear, so you can pass them on to another little when they’re outgrown.

Who cares what people say

I only bought my daughter 1 pair, she will outgrow them before Christmas, maybe even before Thanksgiving. She does have sandals that she can wear. She will get more shoes as the school year progresses. It’s your kid, do what you want.

My 2yo has at least 18 pairs of shoes :joy:

Who cares what people say.

l Get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16944 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

You’re obviously a terrible mother keep searching for validation in social media

I’ve always had had no less than 8 pairs as a kid

my son went through 25 pairs of school shoes last year 1 pair lasted him a day before he kicked the front out in school buy your child what u want and ignore the people who moan at u

My daughter has at least 20 pairs of shoes and she’s 4….

Buy your kid what you want, if you can afford them then why not it’s your kid, I have a teenager and she has a ridiculous amount but she’s my only one

I tend to buy as needed because they grow so quickly . Personally if I was buying 5 pairs id have bought a couple in a bigger size but its your business and no-one has the right to tell you how to spend your money

There will always be judgy, know it all people. Not like they’re $100 shoes. And even if they were, still not their business!

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I had one pair of play shoes and one pair of nice shoes for school and stuff like that as a kid. Now my oldest son, since my youngest can’t really wear shoes yet, he has a pair of crocs for playing/getting dirty outside, a pair of boots for also being outside like in the woods and stuff, and he has a nice pair of DC sneakers to wear out and about. If I had a daughter, I’m sure I’d probably be splurging on cute shoes much more than I do with my son. If you can afford them, and actually put each pair to use, it’s not excessive. People need to mind their business :joy:

Can’t keep everyone happy so don’t sweat it when people are rude take notice of positive people :ok_hand:

My son is going into 1st grade. I bought new Crocs, 2 new pairs of sneakers (Puma’s and Underarmour) and he still has his Birkenstocks in good shape. He has a couple other pairs of sandals he can wear, too. Before it gets cold, I will purchase new boots and new Hey Dude’s. Excessive? Probably. But, our shoes do not affect anyone, so I don’t care!

My daughter has like 15 pairs…she’s 6.

Shouldn’t post anything unless you want criticism. Its your child, if you want her to have 6 pairs of shoes… so be it!

Jeesh … I have so many pairs of shoes… they are 1&3 … And I have shoes for them up to size 4 jr . So like I feel like I’m set until grade 2 at least … and I have like 4 pairs in each size… plus winter boots in each size …
I don’t think having plenty of nessessities is a bad thing… How is one pair of shoes gonna match every outfit.

Who cares? My son is 3 and has 5 pairs also. Indoor, outdoor, sandals, rain boots and “nicer” shoes. Don’t see what the big deal is :woman_shrugging:


I start the school year off with 2 or 3 pair: sneakers for general wear (fall and spring), sneakers that are kept at school- for indoors during the winter and that are also used for phys ed, and winter boots either beginning of school year or right before winter. I buy another pair later if needed and usually rainboots for mud season. The indoor/phys ed sneakers if they still fit become general wear for summer when school ends.


One can never have too many pairs of shoes

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My 5 year old has about 10 pairs. She likes shoes. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Well they don’t want to see my 6 yo closet then lol

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Bahahaha we had like 15 pairs for my girls when they were little. Boots, a few pairs of tennis shoes, sandals in every dang color. I was super poor growing up so I want them to have what I didn’t.

Not a thing wrong with it.

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Who cares how many pairs of shoes you got for YOUR child. if i could afford it i would buy that many pairs too, but my daughters are older and they like nikes and namebrand shoes :woman_facepalming:t3:

Ignore them… who are they to judge you…

Its her as.many as you want.when I was growing up in a family of 8 kids we were very firtunate to have 1 pr.every when I had kids I got them several.pair.after I 2 granddaughters I bought them what they wanted.They had as.many as each.when they outgrew them they still
So I passed them on to girls who needed them.

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Hahaha who cares what they think a sales is a sale and variety is nice.


No Walmart shoes wear fast and I’ll need them throughout the year. I just got my middle one some and o still plan to get her others for the school year,she went through 4 pairs last year. All Walmart on sale shoes too!

If 6 is excessive my daughter be trippin :joy:

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Seriously who cares what other people think. Your kid, your money, your choice.

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I mean, she’s going to outgrow them in a few months😂I think its a little excessive but if you think it’s fine, then that’s what matters🤷‍♀️doesn’t matter what other people think


My kids have more but I have twins an I love shoes myself :joy::joy: who cares what they think

Honey she’s your child. You do what you want to

My daughter is 7 and has about 6 styles total. The boys have probably 4 different ones. They’re older. Your kid, your money.

My 2 year old had like 25 pairs

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First, that’s your child. You buy or do as much for your child as YOU want.

Second, little ones are HARD on shoes. You can either let her alternate the shoes, so there is less wear and tear on each pair and they last longer, or you can let her wear a pair at a time until they’re worn out completely and then pull out a new pair. WalMart sneakers for kids are only like $10 a pair. My girl is 9 and she has about a dozen pair of shoes. She has sneakers, boots, slides, flip flops, sandals etc.

My response to those moms would have been “do you own more than one pair of shoes?!” :roll_eyes:


My 4 year old has like 20+ pair, some never worn yet. I buy shoes when they’re on sale all the time. I just can’t miss a good deal

My 2yo. Buy whatever you want for YOUR child ! :blue_heart:

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Well my granddaughter got 4 pair of shoes and boots
My grandsons got 3 pairs of shoes and boots so
I was very poor growing up I was lucky my granny got me 2 pairs of shoes and maybe 4 new sets of clothes so now my hubby and I make sure are kids and grandkids have aleast 5 or 6 sets of new clothes and 2 or 3 pairs of shoes are CHOICE

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My almost 3 year old has 20 to 30 pairs, all bought used or given to me, but she likes to pick out her shoes everyday for daycare and she likes variety. Who cares how many pairs of shoes she has? She’s your daughter. Your money, your choice. People are way too judgemental these days.

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I meannnn my 21 month old has prob 6-8 pairs of shoes each size we get to ….

Don’t let ppl tell you what is or isn’t excessive

I custom make vans for our guys in every size he gets to

What might be excessive for some won’t be for someone else ….

There are other things we don’t do that make up for the stuff we do do …. They don’t know your life so assuming they do and making a very presumptuous comment as such is preemptive

Buy all the damn shoes you want !

No idea, but mine currently have one pair each and it’s too few. We are holding off to buy school shoes :frowning:

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No not excessive, but Walmart has a policy that if your child out wears their shoes before outgrowing them you can bring them back and get a bran new pair free!

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I have a room dedicated to shoes. They don’t even want to see how many we have !

Your first mistake is posting to a mom group. Lol.
And my kids got probably 10 plus each season so I can’t say a word.


Let them be.
Someone saying you’re extra, shows they simply aren’t enough.
Be you the momma YOU are. :nail_care:t4:

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Buy them steel toe cap boots last longer

Tennis shoes, dress shoes, sandals, at a minimum

As many as you want her to have. My kids prob have 10+

My daughter has bear paw boots 2 pairs of vans and Steve Madden boots adidas and some target brand sneakers. And idk maybe 4 pairs of sandals. But who cares. She keeps good care of them and some she buys with her own money.

You gotta have a selection. Boots, sandals, sneakers. Who cares it’s your child, your money :woman_shrugging:

You can choose to wear two pairs at a time or just enjoy what you did. It was your budget and your decision

Walmart shoes wear out fast you’re gonna need those, these kids grow like weeds and run and rip stuff, don’t worry, buy what you want, you don’t have to overspend just budget and good quality stuff.


Why do you care what they think?


They grow quickly at that age so you probably won’t get your monies worth (especially since they’ll likely want to wear a favorite every day lol) but it’s really not anyones business.

As many as you want them to have…Mine have A LOT!

My 10 year old son has at least 5 pairs of name brand sneakers, some he bought some I bought some his dad bout as rewards

My daughter has about the same amount and she’s 5. We switch it up quite frequently depending on her mood or outfit. :woman_shrugging:t2:

My daughter has totes full of shoes. Let that child enjoy her choices and don’t worry about others. Every one will have a snarky opinion at some point.

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It’s not like they are 200 dollar shoes,if you want to buy your kid 20 pairs it’s no one’s business,it’s jealousy :person_shrugging:

Disregard the haters!

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As long as you didn’t buy all the same size , I think it’s a great idea . You saved yourself some money and your daughter had NEW SHOES to show off …

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No no it’s yur kid do what u want to do

Tell them to mind their own Business

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it’s YOUR daughter. do what you want.

I don’t think ur wrong at all my son has a lot of of shoes maybe like 20 pairs in his current size and I’ve already started buying multiple shoes in his next size aswell . I like to have back up shoes Becuase he is soo hard in his shoes at daycare. I find them all on clearance also

Definitely not excessive. My 3yo has more pairs of shoes than I do

My Son has tons of shoes! People just sound a little salty… I wouldn’t waste a second worrying over someone else’s opinion on my kids shoes lol

Buy her all the shoes! My kids always had a lot of shoes, variety is life as are shoes


Not excessive at all. My kids wear and tear on their shoes so having a few pairs to switch up is good

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My daughter probably has 30 pairs. All brand name from multiple ugg and Sperry to Nike and vans. She even has birkenstocks. And I don’t care what anyone thinks about it. I always find it’s the jealousy that talks. Even my kids know, if it doesn’t concern you, mind your business!!! :rofl::raising_hand_woman::woman_shrugging:

We have 2-3 pairs of gym shoes and sandals for our daughter of her size . But I also will start buying the sizes up in shoes and clothes and things if I see them on clearance or whatever else.

Mines 3 for reference and ruins shoes every 3/6 months. And they do splash and things at daycare. So I usually keep a pair of each at our camper and 2 pairs at home and one pair of summer water shoes in her daycamp bag

My 8yr old son has 3 pairs of tennis shoes. And like 10 pairs of flip flops. If you want to buy your child 100 pairs of shoes, that’s your choice and no ones place to judge

Why does everyone care what anyone thinks?? Who gives a shit how many shoes someone has!

I have about 20 pairs of trainers my kids have about 10 pairs of trainers then sandels crocs for the garden welly smart shoes shoe shoes winter boots etc

Do what you want…don’t listen to other moms who may be jealous. Your child …your money… people are always going g to find a reason to complain

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Not excessive. Especially because they were on sale. Only problem. Their feet grow SO Fast!

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You found them on sale and others are likely just jealous they can’t get their kids that many. While they grow fast and that many may not be necessary, you can use them for different things.
One pair for school.
One for the car/travel.
One for dirty/rough play.
One for a just in case or backup.

Shoes can definitely be used. I would ignore them. Always someone to say something bad no matter what you do.

You got them from Clearance I think any mom that would like to save would. My 8 year old has so many shoes and he just got another pair yesterday for school. You do you momma don’t let people tell you other wise.


Literally who cares. Who cares even if she did have too many pairs and who cares what a bunch of random holier then thou moms have to say in a group of people you will never meet or know.

My kids have 2 pairs of sneakers, then they have a pair or 2 of fuzzy boots then a pair of snow boots, rain boots. Then we have sandals for summer and swimming. :woman_shrugging:t2: you do you

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It is your choice how many you get. And buying them on clearance is a very wise use of money.

Welp it’s a good thing that she’s your daughter and you spent your money :upside_down_face::smirk: tell them to kick rocks. She is your crotch goblin, not theirs. Buy her 5 more pairs