"How many times a night do you check on your one-year-olds? I’m currently eight months pregnant, so I’m constantly getting up to pee, and every single time I do, I have to go into my daughter’s room, put my hand on her to make sure she’s breathing, and cover her up again.
One night, I actually woke her up doing that. Which made me think… am I checking on her too much?
I’ve tried to just go pee and then go back to sleep, but I literally lay there and lay there and think about how horrible I would feel if she stopped breathing, and I didn’t check on her that time.
So I get up and go check on her, then I can fall back asleep. Is this PPA? PPD? Or maybe prenatal depression, or prenatal anxiety? Do any of you do the same thing? Or am I really checking on her too much?"
RELATED QUESTION: Is it normal for my newborn to sleep so much?
“My son just turned 4 and his bed is still up against mine… terrible anxiety if he’s not.”
“Never wrong to check on them. If I’m passing their room I’m always checking. I still check on my 5-year-old and my 2-year-old while they sleep. It’s a mother thing; I don’t think we’ll ever stop checking on them.”
“Oldest is 3, we left a baby camera in his room, so when I get up with baby brother (3 months and in our room still), I check the camera before I go back to sleep. I only go in if he needs to be covered back up, just so I don’t wake him. It’s a mama instinct to make sure all your babies are sleeping well.”
“My daughter will be 2 in December and I still check on her every single time I get up in the middle of the night (usually 2 or 3 times). It just helps me feel better and gives me peace of mind. I think it’s okay to check on them no matter the age, as long as you’re being gentle and quiet enough not to wake them.”
“Sounds like this might be anxiety. At 12 months, they are outside of the highest risk of SIDS. I would talk to your doctor about your anxiety. It can get much worse after baby is born so better to start treating it now.”
“I only check on him before I got to bed and when he wakes me up (which has been rare since he was a baby, I have a very good sleeper). However, I’ve never been much of an anxious parent (eating solids never stressed me out, for example). I think as long as you’re not making yourself miserable by getting up (considering you’re up anyway) there’s no problem! Just make sure mama is getting her rest where she can too.”
“My daughter is 3 1/2 and I still go in her room and check on her whenever I get up in the middle of the night. It’s a mom thing.”
“I still get anxiety about this sometimes and my daughter turns 4 next month. If it gives you peace of mind get a good camera baby monitor… might help a bit. If I wake up from a bad dream I either have to stop myself from checking on her or I do check on her and it wakes her up at least half the time and I regret it.”
“My daughter is almost 5 and I still check on her multiple times during the night lol; so does her dad if he gets up for anything.”
“It definitely happened with my first, not so much my second but sometimes I do still get up just to check on them both! But maybe a monitor will help, with a baby coming you will want to keep her on her schedule as much as possible.”
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