How Many Times a Night Should You Check on a 1-Year-Old? Am I Checking Too Much?

Once before I go to bed, and if either my hubs or I wake up we check on her

Almost 2yrs and I check about 4-5 times! Lol

Check ya babys as much as u feel u need to ,
I still check on my teenage babys haha

You check on her as much as you want too. She’s your baby so it’s only natural to have those momma instincts even more so now that your pregnant. I checked all the time! Heck mines 5 and I still check on her at least twice a night. It’s the mommy in us! :heart:

I constantly check on mine when i get home. I usually look and listen, but then 2 of them are nightmares to get to sleep so don’t wanna risk waking them.

However i am not pregnant and so not constantly up.

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I still check on my 9 year old :heart_eyes:

I wake up every 30 minutes just to check if my 9 month old daughter is still breathing.
I can be dead asleep and BOOM I’m awake and the only thing I can think is to check on her.
Don’t feel alone I think we all do it a little to much but honestly to us it’s never enough. Do what makes you feel better…always

my kids are 10 n 12 n i still check if they’re breathing when they’re asleep lol

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My little boy is almost two and usually wakes through the night anyway but if I wake up and he’s asleep I often would check him in the cot

So it’s not just me !!! Literally I do it whenever I get up & out of bed for anything . I check on alllllll of my kids at least 3-5 times a night

If you didn’t check on her, I’d say something is wrong with you. Your an amazing mom, keep it up.

I check on mine all the time. Especially if I’m not the one to put them down. However, they are light sleepers. So I have to just peek over them to see their chest move or hear them breathe rather than touch them. Maybe that will help not wake her up again? If it gives you peace of mind, check on her as often as you need to. :two_hearts:

With my 1st I did a lot. I dont constantly any more with my little ones. If I get up in the middle of the night I do go to their doors and listen for them but I don’t enter the room I can hear them through the door. We have a 8 month old 2 yr old 3 yr old and 9 yr old so I just go to the door as I walk down the hall. Its ok to check on them if it makes you feel better.

That is something that does not go away… I had the check the breathing routine with all my kids…all the kids I babysat…all the kids I watch now going on 30 years…one thing I did thanks to technology was place a monitor very near the crib so I could hear breathing…instead of physically checking

Many times lol dont even rmmber like b half a sleep bt checking all the time make sure they breathing ok they have blanket on etc etc

If your that paranoid then have her sleep in your room …

Get a cloud camera. They deserve sleep like you do. Watch them from your phone or TV. It does bring a sense of calm.

I check on my kids through there camera multiple times during the night. They are light sleepers so I try not to wake them unless they are sick, but one of my kids wears an owl sock so I get double coverage

Id say anxiety. I dont check on my one year old at all. Lol. I did do this often with my first 2. But it really is just extra worry for no good reason.

My first: compulsively… my 3rd: let him sleep! :woman_shrugging::joy:

I still do this and mine are teens, always have.

You should do what makes you feel better and if that means checking on her every time you go pee than so be it!!! If it makes you feel better that’s all that matters!!! But its not uncommon every time I wake in the middle of the night I check on both of my babies!!! I have a 9 and 2 year old!! As moms we will never stop worrying about our babies!!!

I got super protective of my first born (7) while I was pregnant (10mths). I wouldn’t let her stay over with family the whole time I was pregnant until the end when I wanted a little time to myself. I wouldn’t let her out of my sight. I heard it was completely normal, I think your senses are heightened and you’re more alert and there’s nothing wrong with that. Good luck and congrats!

Do whatever ur comfortable with!!! Probably doesn’t help that you are pregnant and in full swing of mom mode lol but that’s what moms do. We care about our babies and want to know that they are ok. Dont think about it too much Momma, ur doing good :blush:

There is no harm in checking and if it reassures you so you can sleep then it’s a positive move, so as long as you don’t wake the baby or take her back to your bed.

Its called being a loving caring mother and mothers do that and if that’s what you do with your child/children then its a beautiful routine awesome mom.

My 5 year old has a habit of sleeping completely under the blanket head and all (like me :joy:) so I check on her every time I wake up to go pee too. My dad use to check on me too. I’ve always slept under my blanket like that and he was afraid I’d suffocate even at 17 :joy:

My daughter is 11 and my son is 7 months, once they are asleep I dont go in, my daughter has a horrible time getting back to sleep if she wakes, even if its to use the washroom (she gets it from me ) and my son well he is 7 months old, has slept through the night since 7 weeks i am not about to mess that up lol but whatever makes you feel better do that

My daughter is almost 3 sleeps with us lol and I still am up many times through out the night watching her breathe. Can’t help myself

My little girl is 2 and JUST started sleeping in her own bed and I STILL do this. I even done it when she slept with me in the same bed. But I thought the exact same thing!!!

I use to do this I kept a monitor in her room until she was three and she will be 4 in December

I do this with my baby he’s 10 weeks and when he’s asleep I do this all the time

I still check on my 3 and 5 year old anytime i wake up. I’m 3 weeks PP so once hes done eating and back to sleep I look in on them

Sometimes i go in and cover her up. But ive never been paranoid enough to think shes not breathing.

Every one does that. You are fantastic.

It’s normal, I still check on my 4 year old son when I go bed and if I have to get up in the night for whatever reason I check on him then as well, like others have said, think it’s a mummy thing :blush: xx

I dont check on my 14 month old. I use a baby monitors still so if i absolutely needed to look i would look at that. If i went into his room at night for sure he would wake.

I havent checked on my kid in months! Hes 17 months old. We have a camera monitor so if i worry i just click the screen on and look. But he usually wakes once a night for his pacifier then goes right back to sleep. Some nights he doesnt wake and those are nice. He is a good sleeper and always has been so I never worry.

I never stopped checking in on my daughters and now I do the same with my grandbabies. Before my girls were grown and moved out, every time I got up I would check on them. Dont worry mama, check on that baby all you want

There’s no rule on checking on your babies. Mine are 8,5, and 3 and I still check on them a couple times every night.

I still check on my 5 and 6 yr old at least once before going to sleep at night

I still check on my 13 year old

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I always check on my 2 yrz old :heart: literally after every 2 minutes :speak_no_evil:

My kids are 12and 15. I still tuck them in (by there request lol). And I check on them when ever I wake up. We still camp out in the living room some times of it’s to warm. Single mom here so it’s a comfort thing. When days are crazy busy and they need mom time.