My babysitter tested positive, and I have no other options for babysitters. I just finished my quarantine from being positive and am suppose to work tomorrow, but I can’t. I’m afraid I’m going to be fired because of this. My fiancé makes $15 an hour. Being a SAHM sounds appealing but idk how financially we would make it. How much does your SO make an hour for you to be a SAHM? How do you finance? I really don’t know what to do
Depends on where u live… and your standard of living… $15 an hour isn’t much to support a family. But just do the Math and see if it works
My ex boyfriend was a stay at home dad. I worked making 13.50 an hour. It was tough, but we made it.
So i have 4 kids (4,2,1,&6 months) the older two are fully potty trained, but my husband makes $13 an hour & we manage. Some months are harder than others, it all comes down to budgeting & prioritizing your expenses.
Well I’m a stay at home mom me and my husband have one child and 2 from his previous marriage
He get 18 a hour and still we are having a hard time
Two oldest are homeschooling
Sorry but $15 aint enough to support a family
I think y’all could do it. My SO makes 17 an hour and we have an 18 month old and due in Feb. We always get what we need for 2 weeks since he gets paid biweekly. Any left over money is spent on wants and 50-100 stays in the bank for emergencies.
My husband works till six and I lost my childcare due to work changing my schedule every week and it’s interfering with my childcare schedule so I’m looking for a night job or late evening job to make it work so I’m not just working just to pay childcare the money I’ll make will go towards bills and stuff
I believe it depends on demographics my dear ! In mass making 60000 a year is difficult to live ! So 15 an hr here couldn’t cut it , that’s almost minimum wage here !
I am lucky I stay home but my husband makes 41 dollars an hour. We struggled for a long time though
Well we didn’t really look at what he made but more so how much you actually bring home after you pay daycare! It wasn’t worth it for us
My husband owns his own business if he didn’t we wouldn’t be able to afford
Where live $15 is just a little over minimum wage and there would be no way we could currently afford things just the 2 of us. You fit your lifestyle to your income, you will running on bare minimum at $15. Could you find a job in opposite of your fiance? Example you would work morning and he would work evening then you dont need to worry about a everyday sitter.
Depends where you live. Where I live $15/hour is minimum wage.
You would also get child tax so you could factor that in as well
You better hope you have no debit
If you get fired just look for a new job . To me that would not be enough. But it depends on where you live and how his income compares to your expenses.
I’m blessed to stay home, my husband makes $46hr, but it was a long time coming. We struggled for years. Just have to weigh out your options.
Just a thought but maybe you could work the opposite of him period if he works daytime you work evenings, weekends etc…
It’s do-able. My husband works 60+ hours a week with no days off. Just have to figure out how much your willing to sacrifice really, as in him being away for the duration of the day and budgeting.
My husband makes $24 plus gets VA disability. He works a lot of overtime. We can live comfortably for me to stay home with our 2 boys, but it hasn’t always been like that.
Look at what bills you have to pay monthly and add in food and gas expenses and then see how that compares to his income. See what you absolutely don’t need to keep paying for and drop those bills too
Husband owns his business but pays himself a salary of about $4,000 a month.
I stay home with the girls. However we don’t have expensive car payments or a $1,500 a month rent payment so that factors in as well.
for my family lifestyle theres no way we could afford a 15 hr job. my hubby works at a mine as a heavy duty mechanic and I’m.a part time lifeguard. I’m at 30 an hr hubby more than.meu put your expenses etc. we pay our credit off each month and have a mortgage payment. and we are landlords to a rental and get income from that as well. i work part time hubby full time on a 4x4 schedule and we are just making it. all depends on cost of living too.
Maybe try to work opposit shifts? If he works days find nights vice versa. With the holidays some companies go work from home call centers you could try something like that! Good luck!
Where do you live like which country
You can find something you love to do and turn it into a business apparently lol I started a little mom hustle and it turned big three years later of course nothing happens overnight and you have to keep pushing what you believe in and what you can do
It all depends where you live, how much for utilities, rent/mortgage, groceries, etc.
$15 an hour isn’t a lot and you will have to budget big time which you obviously know…
Sit down and add all your bills and how much you spend monthly on gas, groceries, etc… see what the total is and you decide from there if it’s a good idea.
There is help for low income families as well so apply for EBT and all if you haven’t tried yet.
Wish you the best of luck!
Guess it depends on cost of living where u live and how much u pay in bills and groceries every month. Where I live I wouldn’t be able to stay home on a $15 dollar an hour income. I think minimum wage where we live is $14. Just work on getting some of your bills paid off or paid down if u have loans or financing payments.
Honestly other people telling you what there spouses make won’t help you because what’s possible will vary person-person.
You need to budget out your mortgage/rent, bills, average grocery cost, and other monthly spending (children’s clothes, gas, car payments, insurances, etc) and subtract that from what he makes and see if it’s possible or not (always try to have some wiggle room cause you never know what will come up)
They can’t fire you because of COVID. You could sue them if they did.
I can’t tell you exact hourly wage, I just know gross income amount. But my husband works crazy hours. We were both working, but I had a complicated pregnancy last year so I stayed home. I had every intention of going back to work this March, but covid hit and everything was put on hold. God willing I will be back at work next school year. There’s only 4 of us and gross income is $130k for my husband. So, it looks awesome on paper but there’s times where I feel like we don’t see a lot of it . We’re “pretty good” I guess you can say. We luckily only have one car payment, plus our mortgage and just basic bills. I want to say minimum wage is still $7.25 here in Texas. You have to calculate everything and figure it out from there.
My husband makes like $13.50 and I’m a SAHM. We can’t afford the world but we get by, and I’m so happy I have the opportunity to be the one raising my daughter instead of a daycare worker. It really depends on whether you both in agreement, what sort of luxury you’re accustomed to, and your location.
I’m a single mom making 15 and paying for babysitter. I struggle and we go without sometimes. We dont have internet or cable. Just the essentials. But I live in Ky where the average rent is 600
How much they make dont matter if the other persons income is more then the bills and monthly expenses then go for it but every family is different with different bills so what works for others may not work for you and what is enough for you might not be enough for others
My husband is salary. He makes 67,500/yr + 1anual bonus maxing out at 5% of salary.
So right at $70,000
We have 3 kids.
I make that and live very rurally, there’s NO way our family would survive. You have to look not only at bills going out, but cost of food, and consider any extras (car repairs, unexpected emergency) into the budget as well. Unless your man starts making a crazy good amount you will have to make sure you live the lifestyle of SAHM. No coffees or snacks at the gas station, no quick pop in at the store for a craving, etc.
It really just depends on your demographic, spending habits, etc. I was a sahm for 4 years. Only you can really answer that question. Right out all your bills for the month ( including groceries, gas, spending money). Then decided what are basic needs and what’s just nice to have. (We cut out cable, subscriptions, excessive junk food, things like that) Create a budget and go from there. It’s challenging at times but also very rewarding.
i’m a SAHM & my other half provides but i’ve recently started my own business (perfect perfumes:white_heart:.) to help take the strain off him as he pays all the bills! Now i’m able to contribute as my business is slowly growing
It’s a lot of sacrifice, but it’s worth it to never miss a beat with the babies. My mom was a SAHM with me growing up & im so thankful for her. My husband makes pretty good money, but we live week to week if that makes sense. He works so hard for us to make it happen for me, but it was definitely a big adjustment after I quit my job.
I am a sahm really my husband doesnt make enough. Most months we struggle. It is definitely hard had to make cut backs but it had to be done.
It all depends on where you live. We are in the bay area CA. My husband makes about 55 an hr. Im SAHM and we do just ok.
My husband makes $27 an hour and works overtime every week day and each Saturday to make it work and make up my income (stopped working in October). It’s hard. We have four kids.
When I started being a sham my hubs made a little less than $15 an hour. Our rent was cheap, we only had 1 car, and we either went without or to food pantries and stuff like that. Now (6 yrs later ) he makes 32 hes hustled working and has never worked less than 50 hrs a week and sometimes up to 70 and hes gone back to school while I’ve juggled everything on the homefront and keeping expenses down. Weve made it work. at times it wasnt pretty and other times it’s been beautiful.
How old is your little? Thete is relief if school aged (5 plus) in the form of child care costs
You may be able to get paid time off from work due to child care. If I dont have a sitter or schooling is unavailable. I can leave work, get paid, and they cant fire me. I would not make as much as I normally would working but it wouldnt be nothing either. I would look into it. Good luck
He makes $13.75/ hour, but also $479 is taken out every month for child support for his son, from a previous relationship. We struggle. But get by. Been thinking of going back part time as a care aide again, but so nervous.
My fiance makes $12.50/hr and $18.75 on weekend for mandstory overtime we have property taxes, a car payment, car insurance, electric, gas, gas in the car, and were smokers so cigarettes as well and we have leftover because hes paid weekly. However this is a very new job. His last job was $12/hr and only about $700-750 every 2 weeks with $500 rent, the car payment car insurnace gas electirc and cigarettes and all that. We barely had extra we had enough to buy diaers wipes etc that our son needed and thats ehat the extra went to. But were content. We still dont have a ton extra to just go and do like weekend vacations or anything but were content eith our life this way. We have enough extra to get oir son toys when we go to the store just because and thats ok with us.
Your going to need to sit down and look at all of your experiences. Bills, what your spending on food, clothing, cars payments, rent or mortgage, credit cards, ALL of it. Add it all up, then add up what HIS take home pay is plus the baby bonus. There are ways to cut back on things. Your going to have to figure out what your willing to cut back, or cut out (all together)on as well. Don’t forget about unexpected car break downs, and emergencies, like if your kid gets unexpectedly sick, or if a close family member is sick and they don’t live close by. It’s going to make it hard to get to them, if you’re needed.
420/week. We get some state assistance as well.
Mine makes about 24.00 an hour, and im currently a SAHM. Some weeks we dont have a ton extra, so we dont splurge in the weeks that we have all our bills due. We have enough to pay our bills, and get groceries-150 or less a week. We have 3 kids. We dont buy alot of extra for ourselves, and if our kids need clothes, any body products etc-we buy a little bit at a time or when we have it. We have one car currently to prevent having 2 car payments. I can afford to buy myself a coffee here and there, its not like we dont have a dime to our name… but when its a one income household you do have to budget yourself, not overspend, and sacrafice. Right now it works for us, my kids need me home. We dont have money to save, but also covering our bills well.
Mine makes almost 16 an hr. We struggle but we make it work. I’ve been a sahm for 2 years now. We have another baby coming in July. He pays child support for his daughter from his previous relationship. We only get $48 a month for Foodstamps which we just recently got last month. We can’t afford daycare nor have any daycare options around us.
22/ hour. But our expenses are really low. We have 3 kids and paying for childcare on top of it would be a nightmare.
I think it depends on where you live, but I don’t think I could be a stay at home mom if my hubby only made 15 an hour. Maybe if y’all live paycheck to paycheck and don’t have any debt at the moment. It would depend too on how old your kiddo is. I think getting a budget together and listing all of your monthly expenses might help.
Not gonna say how much he makes because I was raised not to tell people how much you make.
Depending where you live and your bills will depend on that. I live in a really small town with low cost of living and am a single mom. I could make it on $15/hr. But I had a super strict budget to follow. Its possible
My husband works 2 jobs…1 full & 1 part-time both making about 20/hr. We have 4 kids and unfortunately live in NJ so we just get by.
It’s hard. $16/hr. 4 kids. 2 together, one from his previous relationship ($200 in child support) and one from mine. We have $2100 in bills (rent, 2 cars, insurance, credit cards, phone bill etc) but it’s still cheaper for me to stay home than put 2 under 2 in daycare full time. We don’t have the best of everything and make a lot of sacrifices to make it work.
It depends on bills how many kids you have and all of that kind of stuff. I was able to be a stay at home mom for four years with three kids while my husband made almost $16 an hour before I had to get a job when our youngest was 6 months old
Just depends on cost of living where you live. Look at all your bills and compare it to what your husband brings home. If you feel you’ll be okay with bills and necessities than go for it. But if it feels too tight for you guys to live than dont. You dont want to be in a situation that will leave your family struggling. Best of luck!!
We live in phx and mt husband is flat rate at a body shop so it fluctuates a lot. He usually brings home an average 2500 every 2 weeks but sometimes its less than 1500 and others its over 3000 so its hit or miss. Phoenix is pretty expensive and keeps increasing. We have had to cut back on things. I also do pet sitting if im able to take my daughter with me so that helps. We definitely would not have been able to afford it if he hadn’t switched jobs once we found out I was pregnant.
He gets paid a hell of a lot more than 15 an hour and we’re barely making it.
Mine makes 15 and I just got on ei because we’re expecting and due in three months… it’s doable! But we def need the ei and family tax or we wouldn’t be able
If I quit my job we could make it he makes 26 an hour at his full time job and 12 at his part time. I make 15 at my full time job. Iv been working since I was 16 and don’t plan on quiting plus we have 4 kids so we spend alot if money
Sit down and make a budget plan for the month . How much you pay out for bills and how much is brought in with just your husbands pay for the month and if you get any for baby. See if your able to pay all your bills with the amount being brought in and see if it’s manageable
Mine makes 100 a day and we have 1000+ bills every month and 4 kids expecting our fifth. I’m a stay at home mom only because it’s cheaper than daycare for 3 kids about to be 4. So for us it’s cheaper. I was working to pay for daycare and we agreed I needed to just stay home
Wow I don’t know hows you all live! I’m from Australia and I make $25- $35 and hour, my partner makes $35. $15 an hour here is junior hourly rate. The older you get the more you get an hour. But here in Australia there is no way we could live off $15 an hour
Depends where you live, what your expenses are, how many hours of work per week.
I make $28 an hour and I struggle still. But I’m in NY everything’s super expensive.
I’m a SAHM & my hubby makes 12.50 an hour. You just have to know how to budget. & apply for food stamps!
I live in pa and make over 14 an hr and its NOT enough for my family to survive on and we don’t even have a mortgage or rent payment…
My husband’s a Drill Sergeant. So around $20/hr though his check isn’t hourly, it’s fixed. Don’t wanna go saying his yearly though haha. The benefits he gets from being in the Army are really helpful too. Honestly I don’t think I’d be SAH if he didn’t have this career already.
You do realize childcare expenses will be even more finiancial burden
My partner is $26 an hour full time. I am a stay at home mum. I did work 2 jobs 70 hours a week before hand at $30 an hour. Its hard. But I get aid as well here is Aus.
You have to figure out what works for your family! Ive been a sahm for 5 years my boyfriend has had 3 different jobs with different income sometimes I take on babysitting for a little extra cash but we’ve kept our heads above water and we just live within our means! The huge thing was for me putting 2 in daycare would have meant I pretty much worked for nothing
How much do you make? It may make more sense for you to work and your husband stay home. I can’t even imagine a family of 3 living on 15/hr. If you just don’t show up you will for sure be fired. Be responsible and call and explain your situation.
There is no right answer to this question. It depends on your situation. Can you afford your rent, utilities, car, gas, food, ect on his income? If yes then go for it. If yes but only temporarily go for it. If no, talk to your job.
Depends where you live and how much it costs to live there.
I blame congress and the current administration. They’re helping only the rich
When I first had our 2nd I didn’t work at all and he only made 15/ hour… You figure it out and you make due really🤷♀️ I still don’t work like full time today. My best advice is if you’re going to be sahm then learn as quickly as you can to save EVERYWHERE that you can! Coupons, sale shopping, apps, cash back, deal groups…I had to get so creative with a lot of things to make sure we could still provide what was important to us on our income, like eating more healthy which is already expensive yk. Also you can do things like surveys and focus groups. It’s definitely not an income supplement but it helps when they come! Then lately I’ve been working on like paying all our bills on our cash back card and earning free money that way, also things like getgo points when you can… it’s a lot but I mean, you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do yk
It depends on what the significant other makes and what the cost of living is. I’m a stay at home single mom. My only income is my school refund checks every 8 weeks. This works perfectly because I own my tiny home, own my car, don’t have any bills that aren’t necessary (streaming services for example), and have minimized things like phone bill and power. I also don’t pay water or sewer because I’m on a well and private septic system. However, this would most definitely not work for others who have a car payment or rent/mortgage. Years ago, while living in an apartment in the city, my ex and I were making a combined total of about $40 an hour which was barely enough to get us by.
If you want to figure out if you can swing staying home then write down every single expense you paid for a 30 day period and subtract it from just your fiancé’s income. If you can’t live comfortable, then try cutting out some unnecessary costs and reevaluate. If that won’t work for you, then you’ll have to work or your fiancé will have to make more money.
If you cant make it work you can do work where you can take the kids. I’ve seen people drive for Doordash, UberEats, and GrubHub with their kids. You can normally start the day you apply or within a few days.
I’m not a SAHM but it’s not about how much your spouse makes but how much ya’ll spend and what’s left over now.
It all depends on your expenses. Live off of 1 income for six months and see how you do. If you can still pay all your bills and have some savings, then it might be possible for you to stay home.
We did fine with $22-25 an hour. I was a stay at home mom for 12 years, now I work less than part time bartending while they’re in school.
Depends where u live. How much rent. Food. Bills.
I think additional to how much your SO makes it also matters how you budget
After reading some of these responses I’m really wondering what the hell I’m doing with my life we make over 200k and no way could we afford to live off of half of that. Props to all y’all making it work! I’m truly in awe of you guys!
Its not necessarily who makes more…its about BILLS…work out your expenses what you actually NEED to survive. And then move to the wages…insurance cost etc…who has the better plan whose is cheaper, who would make the most over all…etc…there is no ONE answer for this. Every family is different.
My fiancé makes 31 and hour and I babysit out of my home. We still don’t have enough money.
My so makes 23 an hour and where we are it barley works but I lost my job cause of covid
My husbands makes 21.80 an hour and I couldn’t be a stay at home mom. Our kiddos(9,7,7,4) are in lots of activities, eat A LOT, and I have a lot of medical bills. We would probably qualify for SNAP and medicaid if i didn’t work. I make 21.39 an hour and we MIGHT make 80k this year combined.
We were poor. Not the ideal answer. But thats how we did it. Food banks. And poverty.
But I’m glad I had my mom home
Your work should let you use your sick / vacation. They can’t fire you. Or just tell them you got the rona again.
$32 an hour, we don’t get help and we are doing good. Mom of a 5 year old and 6 month old.
I’ve been a SAHM for over 4 years now, my boyfriend has made as little as $9.50/hr and we still were able to do it on our own with very little government assistance. I mean $100/month food stamps and Medicaid. We had rent, utilities, car/renters insurance, groceries, everything. We struggled, but I budgeted our money really well for what we had and we made it happen. Now he makes double that and we’re doing pretty well I think! But we don’t have car payments, cable, really we don’t have anything we do/pay every single week/month that’s a luxury. We have WiFi and a few streaming apps, I’ve been trying to coupon some, and always shop sales!
My fiancé makes $30 an hour and gets a big bonus every 3 months . I’ve been at SAHM for about 3 1/2 years. We was even able to custom build our home a year ago. (Not bragging but making a point to say that if you live within your means you can make it) But he was making around $24 and hour till just recently switching jobs. I would start by adding up all your expenses for the month and then subtract that from how much income he brings in a month. Make sure to overshoot the bills incase of emergency
Add all your bills together. Divide by 4. See what you have left. That will be what you have for the week for gas, food, etc. Spend as little as possible. 15 isn’t much depending on what your bills are. Don’t buy any extra things. Buy as cheap as possible.
I would also consider odd-hour jobs where you could work when he is home, maybe part time? .or a customer service ‘work from home’ type of job
Family Leave act gives you 6 weeks, check if it applies to you
My husband makes 16.50 an hour and I’m a stay at home mom, we just really really stick to our budget plus we are moving in April and when we move I plan on working again. It’s just about buying what you can afford and budgeting