If you’re okay with being so bored you’d rather kill yourself than see your kids one more second… go for it.
14 an hour and he does Hvac on the side. We just bought our forever home. We struggle sometimes but have pushed through and made this happen. Sticking to a budget is a must. We have 2 accts one is direct deposit from his job the other is just to put money away. Every week without fail we put money in it. One week it may be a couple hundred and the next it could be 75, but no matter what we put something in it… And I also clean houses on the few days a month the kids are not with us. You can stay home most the time and still find a small job to bring in those extra few dollars, it helps…
Mine makes 28 hour and I work and we barely make it with house and 2 car payments
Apply for food stamps if your staying home
You could babysit in your home for income, saves you money not paying your own daycare expenses and allows for some income coming in. My husband makes 62k/year. We don’t always have money for our wants but we cover all the needs.
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Asking hourly wage is irrelevant without knowing location. Cost of living varies widely🤷🏻♀️
Or you can look for a night job so thier would be someone always home with your little one and you would still get income coming in
Right now my husband’s work has been slow. I make about 11, and have to pull 50 hours a week to cut it. I should mention that the house is paid off, so we don’t have a mortgage to worry about. Many years went by where we worked opposite shifts.
This depends on where you live. It also depends on the number of kids you would need to have in day care. The cost of the daycares in your area. Depends on how you budget as well.
My husband makes $14.5 an hour, but he makes sure to work lots of over time.
I’m a stay at home mom.
Daycare is just too much.
I was working pre pandemic but with baby #2 on the way and lots going on decided it’s best to be home until the kids are older and maybe I’ll just work part time.
I was the primary “bread winner” before being a SAHM making 5k a month.
We changed things to make it work.
We got rid of our Camaro, I now have a piece of crap car, we don’t spend unnecessary money.
We make it work. It’s hard but honestly it’s worth it to just spend time with your kids.
The least amount my husband can make for us to pay out $1,800 in bills each month, buy groceries and live comfortably is $25 per hour or roughly $750 per week. We live in SC also and cost of living is fairly cheap where we are.
For you to figure out what you can live off of you need to sit down and go over your finances, budget, meal plan and make sure you’re going to be able to make it.
Save wherever you can. Like with grocery shopping use as many coupons as possible bc that will save you a lot of money. Go cheaper on personals if possible. Dont buy unless you absolutely need… you need to learn how to budget an you no doubt would be able to be a stay at home mom.
Can you take a leave ? Apply for efmla for 80 percent oay?
My husbands makes 80$ an hour or more, but also owns his own business. But that his rate. We live comfortably.
I make around $20/hr and my husband stays home with the kids while he gets his degree. Sometimes he picks up random overnight jobs but we hate having opposite schedules.
Where I live so many couples actually can afford to pay a nanny 18-35$ per hour and still afford to live good, and many of them work from home
I’m not sure what my fiancé makes an hour. He owns his own business and I’ve been a sahm for over five years. Three kids and one on the way. Were able to survive on one income
My husband makes $20 an hour, I run 2 small businesses and we are JUST barely making it
Omg in Australia not even a single person could survive off $15 per hour lol
There is absolutely no way that $15 would cut it. My boyfriend makes $31 and I couldn’t stay home even if I wanted to.
My partner makes $23 per hour, I run my own hair studio AND I have a side hustle biz. No way I could be a SAHM we barely get by. We have 4 kids and my oldest helps watch my youngest… this years been tough
It really depends on different factors. Sit down and look at your finances. Look at your debt to income ratio. Can you pay all bills and still have a few hundred left over for the month. You want to live comfortably not paycheck to paycheck otherwise it will cause stress. I was a SAHM to 4 kids, my husband brings home $3,200 a month after taxes. All our bills total $1,300. I just started working a month ago because after 8 years I was READY to get out of the damn house!!! H
Really depends on where a person is from. In one area a family of 4 can survive on 10 bucks an hour and in another it may have to be 20 plus an hour. It also depends on what your household is willing to give up… Example…internet cable the paper etc on how to finance things.
Hrly wage isn’t what matters lol
It’s what your output is, compared to the input.
I’ve been a sahm for 8yrs(worked for 6mths part time in there). My Mr has made different wages throughout. As he’s had 4 different jobs in that time(because of lays offs).
Wages varied up to a $10/hr difference.
We’ve managed on it all tho.
When we were lower income line, I cooked a lot from scratch, made my own cleaners, my own soaps etc to save every dime I could. Shopped sales. Couponed. Etc
We’ve even cancelled “extras” like cable and got an Android box for a while. To cut that monthly bill.
It’s just figuring out what the bare minimum you need for all your actual NEEDS, and making sure the income exceeds that. You’d be surprised how much you can cut out, when you gotta lol
Also be surprised how cheap you can do groceries, when you have to lol
I’ve gotten it as low as $113 for 3wks feeding 3. We ate good to.lol
But ya. You can usually do it, almost on any income, you just gotta make sacrifices .
Family in sacramento needs to may roughly 28.00 hr. Thats if you own your own home. 35.00 maybe would be good if your renting
This greatly depends on where you live and the cost of living in that area. We live in NY, in an area where people live and commute to Manhattan for work. My husband is a flat rate mechanic and makes anywhere from $900-1400 per week. I’ve been home since having our third baby last fall. Hoping to return to the school district I worked in next year!!
Unless you have low bills or crunch big time, 15 bucks an hour doesn’t seem enough to sustain a family happily. It could however hold you guys long enough until you get through this.
But your job can’t fire you if you explain it’s due to covid. Most have to be accommodating because we can’t control that this is happening or limiting life.
Some even have to pay so long as it’s a covid reason. (Which technically your child would need to quarantine if the baby sitter was positive, so in turn can’t fire you)
I think it depends on were you live. No one can really answer that question. Just give you advice on how to save. And cut back on a few things that you dont realy need. You will have to give up some things.
Honestly, this is what we did. Write out every single bill you have. Don’t forget to add in an average for gas, groceries and other necessities for every week. Then subtract it from his monthly wage. If you’re under your good if not see if there is anything you can cut back on or out.
Everyone telling you what their significant other makes doesn’t help because we aren’t your family or your situation.
I made 14.27 and paid my mortgage and all other bills and had a little bit left over each month for the unknowns. It’s possible. You just have to be willing to sacrifice some things. Like cable or dining out. Go through past bank statements and make a budget. See where you can cut costs and save and if it’s possible.
Unemployment due to covid. Look it up you can qualify
Stay at home mom doesn’t necessarily mean no income. Pick up a side hobby and specialize like making decals or tumblers or even babysitting as well. Or subbing
Im a SAHM and I deliver for doordash when he’s home from work. I’d love a 3rd shift job though probably would be better.
Again, it depends on the area, what bills you have etc. But another option might be to work opposite shift as your fiancé. We did in our early years, hubby had a 8-5p job and I went to work at 9p-1am at Walmart. It worked great for us for a long while.
It depends on how much bills are all together, plus food, things for the kids and yourselves. You could just add all your monthly expenses together and see if what he makes covers that. That’s how my fiance and I figured it out. Everyone’s bills are different amounts.
I don’t think they can legally fire you over that.
$15/hr is going to be really tight so if you go for it BUDGET, BUDGET, BUDGET and understand that nice dinners and date nights may be a thing of the past.
I’d suggest writing out your monthly expenses and then factor how much is what I call “guaranteed money” (if I work 40hrs I know I’ll bring home xyz) and see if you can make it work.
It depends on your family and your needs. Don’t cut yourself short. Being a stay at home mom is harder than working!! If you want to stay at home EXCEPT your man to make more then you will need. Above and beyond because that’s what your doing for you to stay at home!!!
My so makes $17 an hour, but I’ve been staying home even when he was at $12 an hour. Trick is to cut all unnecessary expenses. We buy cars outright with taxes. We don’t have any luxuries other than cell phone (pretty necessary this day and age, we have 3 phones one being my little sisters for $60 a month) and we don’t buy the latest and greatest phones and internet (necessary as we have two kids in virtual school). Everything else is just bulls and food. We svae a fortune not paying for daycare for three kids
My husband makes about $28 an hour and i make $12 an hour but still struggle to make ends meet. It all depends on what other expenses you have. We obviously have way too many
We make 15 dollars an hour and I stay home while I get my degree because we literally just can’t afford to send her to daycare
My SO makes about $14.50 and I’m planning on being a SAHM after our baby is born in April. We have spent time paying off our cars, paying down other debit and building up savings to get to this point. We have some other income that helps(we only pay 2/3 of the rent, our room mate pays the other 1/3. And my husband gets a couple 100 a month on a side job. We try to live according to a budget always(look up Dave Ramsey). But we are not super tight. We still eat out sometimes and have some subscriptions. We buy fun stuff. It’s very doable!
Depends on a lot of things but I run an in home daycare so I still have income and can be home with my 4 boys!
Write a list of all your expenses.
Down to the cent
Then look at what he makes in one month.
If the amount that he makes is more than your expenses even if just by a few dollars you will simply skate by. Only paying for needs no wants.
If his pay stubs are equal to your expenses it’s not possible.
If it’s less than your expenses you have to go back to work.
When I found out I was pregnant my husband and I put a very large sum of money away. And kept adding.
He was laid off due to Covid and is now working freelance. And I’m so thankful we had that cushion because in the months between him being laid off and a good paying gig we didn’t have to worry about a thing. Now I add to it 3 days a week to build up the savings. In case some other disaster happens or we are hit with a giant bill or the world economy collapsed we would be okay.
Depends on your expenses. You won’t have to pay for child care so that’s a plus. Maybe look and see what expenses you can cut down on, like subscriptions your not using that much, cut cable and stick to only Netflix , phone plans you might find something cheaper, look at groceries expense. Maybe buy more generic brands. Maybe look at cheaper meals. And no offense, worse comes to worse and you need help, go to your food stamp office etc. Maybe you can watch a friends kid and make a little money in your home.
You might consider taking children in to babysit. Maybe build to a in home day care if it works out. It helps but as the other people commented, it depends on your bills and living expenses. You need to have medical insurance . If your husbands job doesn’t provide it the children may qualify for medicaid in your state
Im going to become a stay at home mom in February. Its only cause of how we budget and buy things, all depends how you run your house. But im pretty sure theres ceb or cerb thing for this exact situation. (Childcare gets sick you cant work so theyll pay you) just call the number to make sure
Lord, this is a loaded question. It depends on your circumstances. How many bills do you have? How much are they? Etc. Personally, there’s no way in fresh hell my family could survive on 1 income making 15 an hour. Not because I think I’m better than anyone by any means, it’s just that I have bills that we’ve acquired on a higher salary. I feel like there’s no right answer without knowing the circumstances.
Everyone’s situation is different. Frankly if you do not have a financial understanding of where you guys stand that’s the very very first step. Write out every single bill including a good estimate on food, house hold supplies and gas then compare to income. Best of luck!!
This all depends. Someone that lives in Wisconsin doesn’t need as much as the same as someone in New York.
Mine makes over 20 an hour and we do pretty good right now. I worked before but out still because of covid. I do get unemployment at the moment which gives us a little extra. You will qualify for that because of not having care for your children during this and also having it yourself. I budget our bills really well …always have…and we just refinanced and paid off everything loan bill that we had so only the necessities and a few wants we pay for now.
I think hubby charges out like $200/hour… BUT he’s a business owner, so that’s not take home. He pays himself 1500 a month and I get my maternity pay and baby bonus for 2 kids under 6.
I will be off work until Oct 2021, I’m really hoping not have to go back.
Honestly it depends on where you live, how much a month you have in bills and stuff like that. I’m a SAHM and my husband makes around $21 an hour and is paid every two weeks. We don’t go on extravagant vacations or anything but we live off of it and don’t really struggle. We paid all our debt off so that helps and the house we live in was my childhood home so we don’t have a mortgage or pay rent because its paid for.
I would just sit down and make a budget. List all your bills and how much his pay is and then go from there.
It depends on how you live, how many kids, and what kind of bills you have.
It all depends on your bills my S.O makes 26 an hour at 50 hours a week and we have 2 kids one on the way and time get hard but if you guys really love each other u make it work you will have to cut out all non important things and focus on the most important also it never hurts if your do choose to stay home apply for assistance in your area I was working it was forking more out for daycare it was nuts when we figured it out it benifitted us by me staying with the little ones and with covid and having to do remote learning has helped so much me being home
I worked 2nd shift when mine were little. He worked 1st. . . now that they are older he picked up a second side job since he makes more than me, I stay home. I also take care of everything, he just works and rests unless I can’t do it by myself. Figure out what it costs you to work and figure it out. . . it depends on what your costs are and what costs you can get rid of by not working. I make dinner, we don’t order out much buy in bulk use coupons we don’t take vacations. It really depends on what you can make work and what you’re both willing to give up so you can be home. It works for us we actually get along better because I’m not exhausted. I know my role and he knows his.
Hy so makes 16hr and I am q stay at home mom. I would like to go back to work but it is hard finding childcare right now and the cost of it would be almost my entire paycheck. Its hard but for now we are making it work. Like everyone says. Depends on so many factors, rent, bills, ect.
It honestly depends on your Bill’s. Figure everything out right, rent, utilities, gas. Food, Extras etc… I’ve been a SAHM for almost 1.5 years now, and honestly if I went back to work after daycare expenses I would have like $200 a month left and that’s just not worth it to me honestly. Were not rich but we get by
My husband makes 50 an hour being a mechanic but he owns his own shop, and I stay home with the kids but I also run my business out of the house. It all depends on where u live and how many bills yall have. We live pretty comfortably but if my husband has a slow month or im not selling anything things can get pretty tight until stuff picks back up.
My bf makes 19 an hour. I am a sahm of 2. We barely make do and we have cheap rent, eat pretty cheap. Most we splurge on is a coffee a day. I have migraines with out it and suck at making ice coffee at home.
I’m a sahm for a year and a half. My husband is on a salary which he makes about 30,000 a year. I take care of all the bills. We have no mortgage or car payments. We own everything. We get a decent amount back at income tax time so that’s a back up if we run short during the year. We don’t go on big vacations or buy unnecessary things so we make it work
Yes, I agree with some others…Opposite shifts is best in my personal experience, yeah it sucks you don’t get to see each other often but financially it makes the most sense. Make sure to make time for you two, you plan days off together as much as possible. It’s tough on 1 income, not impossible, but tough, especially when you’re used to a different lifestyle!
Depends on where you live and what kind of bills you have. I know in VT at a little over 17 an hour my SO wouldn’t be able to stay home.
When my fiancé made that, we weren’t able to make it simply due to child support. If he wasn’t paying child support, we would have been able to make it no problem. Just depends on your circumstances and what bills or debt you have. And the area you live in.
It all depends how much your monthly bill are and if what he brings home can cover bills and necessities.
I mean we started at the bottom at $14/he on one income. But you need to understand that everyone has a different situation. How one family manages on $15/hr doesn’t mean another family can make it work the same way.
My man makes $25 an hour and we can’t afford it if I was a sahm, Colorado is too expensive.
Depends on how you feel about staying home and how many bills you have to pay
I’m not one by choice, unfortunately with his amount of debt we can’t afford for me to work
Depends on where you live…my girl is a SAHM IN Kansas here hubbs makes 50 a year and they are well off but 200 miles away in colorado that’s impossible… also check the laws in your state there are any new rules implemented that are paid as a covid-19 it’s unpunishable
My husband makes $40 an hour and it’s still SO tight. Washington is so expensive to live!
I’d recommend sitting down and making a budget up to check.
Phone/internet/cable type things
Car payments
Ect. There are lots of online ones you can feed info into to do the math for you, or make a excel spreadsheet.
If it’s close, then consider what your willing to give up to make it happen.
My husband is a registered nurse and makes a significant amount of money. However our cost of living in Southern California may be a bit more than other places. At the moment we have no debt other than our home and monthly utility bills.
You should be able to use pfl leave for up to 12 weeks that will be paid at 2/3 rate if you are full time!
My husband is a full time Ff (they don’t make good money), and picks up multiple shifts a month as a part time Ff at another department. We also own a low voltage installation business. He is gone more than he is home.
$15.00 and hour would hardly pay for groceries and utilities in Ky.
It’s not just about how much they makes it’s about how many bills and financial requirements you have. Sit down and figure out how much you spend each month vs how much he makes and go from there.
Right now my hubby is the only one working until I get cleared from my Obgyn, get my license and find a place or babysitter for 4 Children, but for now I’m staying home with the kids until this virus passes
You legally can’t be fired. We’re in the middle of a pandemic. Shit happens
Your SO could make $40 per hour
But could be rolling in debt
It all depends on your own circumstances and what you can afford
$13.50/hr is what mine makes and im a sahm. Calculate bills and emergency expenses.
Didn’t think they could fire someone due to covid19
Honestly every situation is different. What bills do you already have? Do you have money set back if youd be in a bad situation? Have you sat down and looked at what would be brought in with his income alone vs. What goes.out and also account for things that might need gotten that arentnin a monthly budget? (Extra drs appointments. Car maintenance. Clothes/shoes for kids when they grow out of them)
We own our home and now have both vehicles paid off and id say there’s nooo way I could stay home if he only made $15 an hour. Money is such a stressor in relationship. Its a lot to sacrifice when you have the money. Its a lot more of Sacrifice and stressor If youre barely getting by. Again though every situation is 100% different.
My husband makes $160k a year and we live comfortably. Don’t have much debt. I’ve been a SAHM for the past 12 years. It really depends on your expenses and bills. U can make it work if u really need to.
The government established expanded family leave for parents whose childcare or school closed. It pays two thirds of your wage. You should be able to use that till the daycare opens again
We scrape by for me to stay home but it beats me working when my whole paycheck would go to childcare
Sometimes its not about how much you make, but what you can make with your money. I raised two kids off of $14 an hour ( no govt assistance) for 2 years before I got with my husband. Like most people suggested list all expenses and eliminate what you don’t need. Ex. Do you really need cable tv,TV, Netflix ect. Cut your phone plan by switching to a services like mint paying 10 to $15/ month. Cook at home, use recipes like chili, lasagna, soups, rice dishes that feed families for cheap. Don’t upgrade your car and phone if what you have works. Go on payment plans for utilities and switch to efficient lights and appliances. Don’t play into the consumer society. Buy and pay for what you need. If you’re still struggling ask for donations through the marketplace or shop at thift stores and utilize food banks. Im about to be a stay at home mom in a month or two. It’s a temporary thing for us but you can make it work.
I make more than 15 and I still struggle with a family of 4
Depends…my SO makes 36 an hour so everything is all good here
I am a SAHM mom for the past 6 years. My husband was making 60k before he took a new job back in September and is now making 125k. We have always budgeted and still do. We don’t splurge and we save up for things we need to buy or do. I coupon, use Ibotta and other money saving apps. We buy in bulk too.
I think it technically depends on what state you live in, some states and areas are more expensive than others, if you live in some southern states that are extremely impoverished then yes your family could make it on $15 an hour but if you live let’s stay on the East Coast or on the West Coast, you would starve on $15 an hour…
It can work under the right circumstances. Are y’all used to 1 income? Do y’all eat out a lot? Can you count on 1 income to handle everyone’s needs? For finance, what are y’alls goals and do y’all plan on saving? Remember that EVERYTHING factors in. Bills, diapers, food, insurance (car and healthcare) gas, plus extra expenses. If you are working at the moment I would suggest trying to put to the side one income and not touching it for at least 2-3 months to see if y’all can get used to the lifestyle if y’all aren’t used to it already. Prepare as much as possible!!! My husband makes 20+ and it’s still hard for us with just bills alone. Be sure to have a plan & always go the cheapest route.
You should qualify for unemployment. You will still being a little something in if they fire you!
Mine makes 25 an hour but we live in colorado where housing is outrageous right now. We moved in with my parents 2 years ago hoping to buy a house and that’s a joke now. We do pay them a little rent (400) but we also have 2 car payments which are about 700 together. We do fine with that and are other bills but unless we pay down the cars I might have to work when we do eventually get a house
You should do Uber eats, you can take the kids with you and you can make $200-$400 a week(it depends on you, how long you stay out). I do it now because I became SAHM due to school close n it help make ends meet
I guess it would really depend on how expensive your city is. I sell childrens books on the side and stay home. If you’re interested in more details, message me. It could help you bring in some income
My husband makes over $30/hr and I’m a SAHM. I wish I could work but I’m grateful my husband makes good money.
My husband makes $50/hr. We have a tight budget because we’re paying off student loans, vehicles and mortgage. Plus we pay for hockey, tutoring, braces, counselling, scouts, taekwondo for our kids. We live in an area that seems expensive. When I was working it was so much easier but with COVID I never know if the school is going to be closed or not. We moved here because there were jobs. I can’t imagine trying to make it work on a salary less then $80,000 per year where we live.
Maybe you can do a side hustle like take care of other kids? Or something… $15 an hour for 3 people is a lot of pressure for him alone. I don’t think it’s possible long term by himself. Not good idea.
Do you like going out to eat every week? Do you like going on dates? Do you like new clothes? Etc… be realistic on what you “expect” from $15 an hour after bills are paid and food is bought.
Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in Europe but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called him. he gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to him. he asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. he cast his spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. And he also told me that my husband will return that he has settled that After a few weeks my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.