It doesn’t matter what other’s make. It matters what your family makes and what Bill’s you have and what you’d be willing to give up.
To be able to stay home with my kids, I dont have cable or satellite (actually dont have internet at the moment either). I rarely get new clothes or shoes and when I do, it’s not designer brands, it’s walmart. I dont get manicures (unless someone gets me a gift card) and I get a pedicure maybe once a year. I rarely get my hair done, usually just a simple cut every 4 or 5 months.
To my boyfriend, it’s worth it for me to be home with our kids. We aren’t paying daycare and I’m always available for their appointments, school activities, if one gets sick, etc.
It’s something you guys have to decide for yourselves and not compare yourselves to other families.
I would do the math. Seriously! I became a sahm after we realized I would work only to pay a babysitter or daycare. Cut where cuts can be made and go from their. While 2 incomes are nice but just to work for someone else to take care of your kids is something else.
It really depends on what you’re bills are and how much you spend on your every day needs. To live comfortably than he would need to make at least 50% more a month than what yall spent.
Start babysitting yourself. I babysit 6 kids full time and I can pay our mortgage with what I make every month. But 6 is a lot…more than most want to take on. But we also have 6 kids of our own so I’m used to it. As a babysitter you can’t charge more than the going rate in your area unless you take on more work too (schooling, working 3rd shift, etc). You said you’re out of babysitters, so logically, other people are in the same boat. You said you just finished your quarantine, so you should be good and reliable for a bit. Even if you just do it temporarily to help other people get thru their regular sitter’s quarantine period. That might not help you keep your current job, but itll get you through for a while.
Well when my kids were little my husband worked first shift and I work second so we only had to have a babysitter for an hour you could try something like that it’s a little harder on your relationship but if that sound it can work.I’ll try working part-time when he’s home from work so he can watch your child.or you might be able to find something online now that would bring in a little extra income and you could do that from home
I was a teacher and my entire paycheck when to childcare for my 2 kids. We saved money by me staying home until they were in school full time. It was hard and there were times we had to go without but overall, it was a good choice for our family.
My husband makes $35 to $40 an hour and i just became a SAHM this year. Family of 4. It gets a bit tight, especially during holidays, but daycare for 1500 a month sounds ridiculous to me.
it all depends on where you live. i’m in CA and that’s barely above minimum wage, it’s be almost impossible to live comfortably on that. i’m a single mom, and i make twice that, and it’s ok. but rent for a 2bed apartment here is $1,800+.
I had to go on a grave shift, and my husband had to swap to swing. This way one person is always home with our children. I hate it because I almost never seen my husband, but this is what we have to do in order to make it though covid.
My husband brings home 28k a year before taxes. However we do not have a lavish lifestyle. We own our home and pay cheap lot rent. Bills take 80% of the leftover money. But it can be done. Recycle and reuse.
Depends on your bills. He’ll need enough to pay all your bills and have some left over. If he can’t you’ll still have to work. You could try to baby sit for someone else while you have yours too.
Mine makes about $22-$28 an hour depending on what shift he works, overtime, Sunday pay etc. We live in upstate New York (much cheaper than new york city area) and we make it work. We live comfortably but don’t eat out much or buy extras. If we had to pay a babysitter or daycare center I would be working just to pay for thst so it would be pointless
Sit down and write out a budget. What are your “must have” bills? Rent, electricity, baby formula, etc. Then look at what you can cut- the “extras” Cable, subscriptions, etc. Add up all your must haves. Figure out how much he brings home a month, $15 an hour, is he guaranteed 40 hours? What is the BARE MINIMUM he has to make for you guys to survive. Don’t forget to add things like food, diapers, gas… it feels overwhelming. But if you are willing to pinch pennies and sacrifice, then it might be better than forking out your paycheck for daycare.
It all depends on how much your bills are, how much you spend on groceries, gas, etc. sit down with a pen and paper, figure his monthly bring home income, figure up all bills for a month, how much you spend per month in groceries, per month in gas, and then leave at least $500 play room. You can be tight and still live and have everything you need. It’s all in how you budget. If he is paid weekly, manage to where you have so much left out of each check to live on, pay a few bills each week rather than paying them all once a month, etc. there are also budgeting apps, of course if your expenses are greater than his income, you won’t be able to live off his income alone. There should be government assistance available to you if you qualify based on income and household size also.
Maybe you can sell sodas or candy or if you are creative think of something else. Maybe offer to clean peoples houses a couple time a week?
Start a small business that you can do outta your home! That’s what I did when I became a stay at home mother. I made jewelry and then started my own cosmetic line! It brings cash to the table or work on your SO days off.
Many SAHM will watch other people’s children to make ends meat or they will have a side gig that creates money like avon, Mary Kay, or Tupperware.
It is a tough choice for anyone to make and the circumstances are different for each family. If you live in an area where the cost of living doesn’t take every dime and then some you can get away with it however there are places that its not possible without major sacrifice. All that matter at the end of the day is the kids are taken care of and no one feels like they aren’t doing enough.
I have been a stay at mom for close to 4 years now… the only reason i can do it is because my husband works on the road driving a semi(they lay the gravel roads for the guys who pit up the wind farms). We are a Family of 5 paying 2 separate rents plus the bills for our house where me and the kids are. We only get to see him one weekend a month( except holidays). Its hard but we wanted our children to have a good first few years before I start working and they have to spend the day with strangers in daycare.
That isn’t a cut and dry question. With what you clear now after babysitter are you im a good place or struggling? You need to write everything down and figure out all your finances together. Rather it is a need or a want and go from there. If you did stay st home you could supplement by babysitting or other ways depending on your skill set. But you need to go out and find it. I could stay at home, but I carry the insurance, retirement, and help to pay down the house so our future is better set. It isn’t about just getting by because getting by leaves no room for error.
It really depends on how many bills you have. Like we own our place and land so we don’t have a mortgage or rent. And sometimes its still hard.
Not sure. But maybe look into at home work options.
It’s one of those where there’s a will there’s a way situations. I actually made more than my husband. I worked as an editor for a publishing company and he was a waiter at Red Lobster. But I was a breastfeeding mom and just couldn’t leave our baby, so after 6 mos, I quit to stay home. He took a second job. We moved to a cheaper apartment, sold our second car, went with less, didn’t eat out, etc, etc. We managed it for 2 full years. And then I would only take temp assignments as needed for another 2. All the while he worked 2 jobs as a waiter. He was my hero. What can I say.
The first thing you need to do is find out how much your bills are and how much your husband makes than plus that by like an extra $600 and you should be okay to be a stay-at-home mom depending on where you live in the price of groceries. 600 could go up
It really depends on your lifestyle.
We have 4 kids and a dog I had to stay home and started babysitting its alot but I had no other choice…you can also apply for food stamps bc ur not working helps us out alot.
I am not sure where you live but to stay at home with that low of a wage I wouldn’t think it is possible. If you live at home with parents and don’t have many bills it could work.
Start couponing and look into agencies that can help you until things change
My husband makes $82,500 annually and it’s not enough for me to be a stay at home mom.
I have 4 kids stay home mom no other choice because I move to other state no family around babysitting price are over the top plus I don’t trust no one with my kids besides my family thank god my hubby makes enough money to support us plus he’s his own boss he does Contruction drywall maybe your husband could try to learn a better paying job
I would add up all bills and how much u spend on food and gas for the month and see if his income covers it or not. Also u could start babysitting to help too. But it will be different for each family because of bills and location.
Not sure what country you live in but in Australia we wouldn’t be able to live off that type of income
My husband works 50 plus hours a week sometimes Saturdays and he gets 12:50 an hour roughly about 2500 a month our mortgage is $1,200 a month plus bills we make it work paycheck to paycheck not much left over to do much with if you have to do it by all means it’s doable but I also don’t know what you pay and rent and how many kids you have so I mean
And if you can get unemployment and or what’s it called cash assistance and food stamps then that might help a little bit as well
We live in Ohio, pay $600 in mortgage plus internet, phones, electric and a small cable package for TV, grocery and gas. We have very little debt, no car payments or anything. I am a sahm and have been since my oldest was born 5 years ago. Then my husband made very little. Now he makes $13 an hour and we still have money left at the end of thr month. We’ve always lived below our means to save and to allow this.
It depends on where you live. Where I’m at, you could survive off $15 an hour, definitely, but you’d have to sacrifice some amenities. Living in NYC though, $15 an hour would never cut it.
Depends on where you live & what your bills are. At one time my hubby only brought home about 400 a week & I was still a SAHM with a family of 4 total. If you learn to downsize, are willing to give up a lot of creature comforters, learn to live on an extreme budget & can give up a lot for it then you can still be a SAHM even today. I will say while I’m so happy my kids are raised & now we got disposable income, so we can buy stuff again I’m not sorry I was a SAHM and I could be there for my kids.
Depends where you live. I don’t need to work if I don’t want too. I’m in Canada and with 3 kids I get a large amount of child tax benefits every month on my own, my husband makes a lot of money and we are in a tax free zone.
At one point I had 3 to 4 jobs, so if ur husband doesn’t mind taking up an extra job to bring in extra income for you to live more comfortably, you guys can always talk about doing things like that. He will be really tired and burnt out but you gotta do what you gotta do to get by.
Make a budget of every bill and expense you have. Sit down and see what expenses you can cut. I am a single mom and I have to do that to figure out if I needed to pick up extra shifts. My car is paid off, I live in a 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath house and my 12 year old and I made it last and I will have the baby in my room. I don’t get any child support as the father is not in my daughter’s life. I need to bring home $2,000 a month after taxes to make have a little extra. Tax return goes directly into savings for emergency use. I don’t buy what I can’t afford. I do not put things on credit cards that would not be paid off. I live in Texas just outside of Austin. When I was at another job, I needed to make $2,600 because I had to use almost $500 in gas a month and then $100 towards car maintenance. It really depends on what your family is willing to give up. Wants vs. Needs.
Maybe just tell them that you’re still not well enough from the virus to go back that might work for a little while, until you can figure it out, or your babysitter can come back.