How Much Money Do You Spend on Christmas for Your Kids?

Most of the time their gift is a cruise

Same # of gifts. Our kiddos are adults now but - no less than 5 a piece. We have 5 kids and 8 grands. We don’t give that many gifts to our kids or grands now. The grands are all under age 10. They’re beginning to really like $$

3 kids all teens. Equal

I have twins girls and I spend $1000 on each one…and it’s the same amount of gifts for each cause I have to buy 2 of everything


My adult kids dont get as much as my 11 yr old simply as they have had many many christmases so it’s the younger boys turn now although the older boys still get things but not equal monetary value

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I spent under $200 on my 1 year old…im very surprised with myself :joy:

I have my daughter and 3 nieces. My daughter is five my oldest niece is five my send niece is 2 and the youngest is 4 months but I buy my nieces two things they need and one thing they want and I spend $100 on my child but I shop at alot of donation places as well. I buy for everyone my husna d child nieces brothers sister in laws mom dad stepdad step brother and my sister in law and brother in law and usually try to spend 20-50 on them

$400 for my only girl. Toys and clothes.

Your not worth the drama

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When family (mom dad aunt, uncle and aunt an grandparents) bought four the 3 youngest cousins they did dollar an item. All combined presents for one kid be like 50 items per kid. Family combined kid 1-50. Kid 2-50. Kind 3-50. And a combined total $$ all family presents kid 1 $200 and so on. An maybe vary a few bucks here our there. But family decided together 3 kids, and picked a total of like $200 per kid but had to be spent between the 7 adults an keep even items.

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We have 5 kids so about 150/kid. Amount of gifts varies because of price. Last year two kids got one gift each but they were big and their full budget. They didn’t mind. Stockings don’t count towards budget.

But really it’s what y’all feel comfortable with.

When my kids were younger they got hundreds of dollars of stuff. That was merely forgotten about in a week. Now everyone gets.

  1. Something they want
  2. Something they need
  3. Something to wear
  4. Something to read
    And to be completely honest. I believe they love it more.

This year, probably nothing. Can’t afford to. I’m barely keeping a roof over our heads. Last year I spent $300 total for my three kids. I really hope they understand it’s not their fault this year.


3 kids I guess $300/350 a piece. BUT my 2 1/2 year old and my baby cost a bit less than my 14 yr old for example she got a Switch Lite a game and clothes which went over the $350. So I typically I just save about $1100 for all 3 and it’s not really a set price for each kid.

My kids are 24 and 18 so I usually only spend a couple hundred a piece, I don’t necessarily do the same amount for both but I try to get them close to even. I learned when they were little to just have them go with me or tell me exactly what they wanted as I got real tired of buying stuff they didn’t like. They might know what they’re getting for the most part but I don’t have to worry about spending money on something they don’t touch more then once.

It varies on the year. But they usually get the same number of gifts. Then one big Santa gift each and one big Santa gift together. This year, all 4 kids are getting new bikes. Then a Nintendo switch. Then they will get numerous smaller presents. We try to stay under $1000 a year for 4 kids. Sometimes it works, other times they get a trampoline, bikes and game systems. It depends on how much we put away

One child… about 1000… he’s only 3 and I do get him all new clothes for the spring coming up, shoes, boots, hats, etc… bunch of books… usually one big gift… then some small.


I only have one kid so my budget doesn’t exist and I just kind of buy a bunch every week up until Christmas. This year I started in October lol
My mom does same number of gifts each but I mean the kids are like 6 And under so I don’t think they would understand price differences as much as they would amount of gifts


Honestly depends on how she was alllll year. She is almost 12. We haven’t spent .uch on her for 3 yrs…literally maybe $50 each Christmas. She couldn’t care less. It’s not what’s under the tree but who is around it. Lying and not doing what you’re supposed to do has consequences…and we hold her accountable.


My Mom and Dad would spend exactly the same amount of money on my sister and I, down to the penny. Even now that my Dad has passed my Mom still does the same as they always did, and it’s no different with the grand kids. Now I do the same with my kiddos too

Wow really that much money is spent shoot I think it’s too much hell the most we spend on anybody, kids, adults ,grandkids etc etc is at least 20 bucks not a penny more or less no matter what I know Christmas is once a year but hell the cost of living and bills and food and everything else is an everyday thing that has to get paid too electricity,water, cable and or internet, school supplies hygiene items and so on aren’t cheap so by the time Christmas comes around we are down to our last cents and stretching out dollars to buy “gifts” hell and when money is really tight we split that 20 dollar limit and decrease the value of the gifts to insure everyone gets a lil something something that’s the truth

I usually spend about $250.00 for each of my 2 boys. This Christmas I will not be spending as much. My oldest is in boot camp and can’t receive gifts. My mom and I are each going half on a PlayStation 5 for my youngest. I’m moving out of state next year so I’m trying to save up as much money as I can.

Bout $150 per kiddo. They all get the same budget however if one of them seems to be really lacking like last year one of my boys seemed to have way less we will get a few small extras so it looks more even lol

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200/250 each kids, by time I finshen for my 7 kids which I think seem far they all end up rough same amount but defo look less older they get

I get my kids some gifts they ask for, and do a bag of clothes including socks amd underwear, and I do a bag of food for each of them. That way they each have their favorite snacks during winter break.


Personally i believe the Price should be the same per kid… as for the amount… well that varies each year as to what we can afford and what is needed. Remember: your money, your life, your decisions. What everyone else does should have no bearing on you. Also don’t go into debt for it!

For the past few years, I have spent $1,500 to 2,000. I only have one 13 year old. I splurge on Christmas and his birthday! The rest of the year he saves his allowance and I will go half on items or he will ask if I would just pay the tax. The items he wants as a teenager costs so much more. :woman_facepalming:t4:

I have 3 kiddos I usually get clothes shoes and other needed things, 1-2 things they really want, and sumn I feel like getting them about 150-300 each. I usually bargain shop and hit sales but the older they get they want electronics.

I got 2 teenagers now and I give them visa gift card… let them do their own thing unless they specifically requested something


$200 max each kid. Once child turns 12 we will increase it. We try to get the same number of gifts too

I spend the same on each kid there is 4 grandkids

It’s not really a set amount or equal just spend what we find for each kid. But at least 500 per kid. This year probably more because each get 1 big item and the 2 are getting expensive gifts

200 to 300 a kid but they really only ever get big items for christmas like a nintendo switch.

Definitely spend the same dollar amount on them. They make Christmas lists and go off them.

My daughter had her birthday in late October so I only going to budget for 100 Max however I would prefer 80

I wing it and empty my pockets :christmas_tree: No christmas is the same thats the magic

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Same number of gifts and same amount

I spend way too much.

About 200.00 per kid… we have 3 kids…
We also celebrate Chaunkkah too…
8 days…
A present a day …
Which equals another 250.00 per kid…
Happy Holidays

4 kids and we went way over board with Xmas for a few years few thousand big mistake for us way to much junk and no appreciation.
This year we will be spending around 250 on each of them excluding the small items from Santa we don’t buy big stuff from Santa for them, they also got a 18ft swimming pool "early "

Same amount of gifts for all of them

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Same amount of gifts

I have 2 kids, 13 and 1 1/2… I buy whatever I want to get them :woman_shrugging:t4:
I don’t count number of gifts or dollar amount…

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I only have 1 kid, but my mom bought us kids the same amount of stuff. I’m sure she kept the dollar amount close, at least for her 2 favorites :rofl:

350ish each i’m guessing. went to target last week spent 800 but went and got toys on clearence at walmart a few months ago too. clearly way too much but it’s the one time of the year they really get spoiled . we have 3 kids so it’s split between the 3.

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We go on family trip a for Christmas. Now that my son’s are preteens and teens they get 1 big item (cell phone, skates, OR electronics, etc.) and $100 I’m gift cards each.

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$0. We don’t celebrate any holiday with gifts

Same amount of money usually.

I spend the same amount of $ on each kid.

I spend about $40 on my son. Instead of doing a Christmas he picks a place & we go there for Vacation. This year Hell MI, last year Chicago, next year OH. I always get a magnet of our travels. Most magnets on 1 vacation was 6! Different zoos, museums, aquariums, parks, & cities.

Over a thousand easily😁

2 kids and I am a single mom… anywhere from 300-500 each. They are 15 and 11 now so that usually is 1 or 2 big things and the rest in clothes and shoes. Stocking and Christmas morning items not included. I don’t try to keep up with the Jones’. I make a list of things they want starting July as the 15 turns 16 (3) weeks after Christmas and 11 turns 12 in May. I’ve had to only do around 150 before on each and they were perfectly fine with it. :two_hearts:

Whatever I want…!! Why does the amount matter…?!? Buy them what you know they’ll use or you’ll be wasting your money.

I have 2 one boy one girl $350+ each


I have one very spoiled son. About $400-$500… depending on the year. He’s 12

Normally I do same amount of money but this year I’m doing same number of presents.

I try to do the same amount in gifts and and in money. We try to keep it equal all the way around. We spend about 4k


We normally spend about $200 on our son but now he is a preteen it’s a little more, because he wants electronics and shoes and stuff.

I spend whatever I can afford and still pay the bills for the month


My youngest is 3 and my oldest is 7.
We’ve always done same number of gifts and same price range (it’s ok to be off by $5-10).
Last year I think I spent about $300…$100 Each and $100 on “together” presents.
This year is a little more difficult.
One because we dont have as much money this year.
I dont think the youngest will care too much if he gets “less” presents or if they’re worth less money…but the oldest will notice and care.

The other issue is that we can’t afford to buy all at once but have been buying one or two presents at a time.
Unfortunately we’re finding things we had in mind are sold out.

So…I guess we’ll just have to see how it goes.

I have 4 kids. I ask for lists from the older kids so I can get some ideas. They know they wont get everything on their lists. The things they want the most go at the top. The lists only end up being usually 6 items long. Ages are 14, 13, 11, and 2. The amount they unwrap stays the same as pricing varies so much. I should also add I do NOT buy video game systems or electronics at christmas! It is absurd to me to spend so much on something materialistic like that at time that is supposed to be about family and the love you share. My kids do not ask for much and honestly never have. I have not raised them to be materialistic. They need to be practical and smart in life. I am not made of money and they learn the value of a dollar everyday. Memories and love are worth more than any amount of money.

I think I spend 150 to 200 per kid (I have 3) including stockings. I try to keep it equal with number of gifts but its harder now that my oldest wants more expensive things but I have also done less different years.

I start christmas shopping early I like to spend around 50 per person in my family, for the kids I spend 50 each a stocking and then I have a 100-200 limit on the kids.

I do the same price for my 11 and 2 year olds. $300-500 each, but im also lucky enough to work for a company that gives us really nice bonuses in December, otherwise I probably wouldn’t spend that much.

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I don’t have a set amount. I bargain hunt alot so check charity shops/ market place/ markets etc…

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I pull my cc rewards and add another $100-200. Collectively is turns into $400-500. I use my cc like my debit card and pay it off every month to collect the rewards.

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I budget £150 each for my four, but the younger ones often come up a little cheaper so the older ones sometimes get a little more in way of value but they all have roughly 5-6 gifts to open. We used to go way over the top but can’t afford to anymore and actually I’m now regretting having got my eldest used to a big pile. It’s whatever each family can afford though. Just never get them used to tonnes of gifts because there may come a year that you cannot afford it x

I only have one so i dont put a limit or thought into how much but i do plan by starting in early October n buying 1-2 items per pay n nothing rarely over $20-$25 per item. Once he has what looks like more then enough i am done.

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I would spend the same on each child or give the same amount of gifts. I’ve done both…

Normally 100 per kid, so 300. If they want something more expensive then they have less gifts. I go to the Dollar tree for their stocking stuffers every yr

I spend a lot. Like in the thousands between husband and kids. BUT i save all year long and husband has expensive hobbies. :rofl: (welders, guns, plasma tables etc etc)


With my niece and nephews I gradually get things if in stock I also do secret Santa too with the youngest one’s my family do a fun treasure hunt based on clues found on paper card or a letter usually hidden around the house and outside too they get 1 big gift from us smaller items gift cards and/or money plus 3 small gifts in the black Friday and January sales

My kids are 1yr -10yrs old & there’s 6 of them. I am doing around $100 each. I stock up on items throughout the year and hide it away for christmas. This doesnt include the Christmas eve gift or stocking stuffers.

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About $1000. That’s between 3 kids 6yr, 10yr, 18yr old.

I have 4 so it’s a little harder, especially will be this year. But it just depends. My oldest may only get one thing because it’s expensive and the youngest may have 10. But they understand this and why and it really depends on so much!

Last year I went overboard :eyes: about 600,on each mind you it did include a swich and 4 games :eyes: but this year IV really cut the cost because it’s ower Frist Christmas all together to about 200 each or less

You spend the same amount on all

Same amount of gifts

I set an amount… this year was $250 each kid because we have 2 but went over with both…

I spend about the same on 4 grandkids.

Same amount of Gifts. Older kids stuff is way more expensive

Same amount of gifts

About $300 per kid individually and then a shared gift for them as well.

I have one child an with money being so tight $20 is our limit no judgement please we are in a deep struggle hubby works but has missed alot of days due to no work for him.

We do both. We figure our budget and divide it equally. We also get the kids as close to the same number of gifts as we can within their budgets.

I would try to keep it even. Not to pull a Dudley Dursley but I usually try to buy similar amounts of gifts and similar value but I don’t really have a set amount though honestly I should (and this is probably overthinking) I’m picturing Christmas morning right, and I have two kids. They start opening presents. I don’t want one of them to finish after 30 seconds and the other one to be going for 5 minutes. Totally selfishly too because I know that early in the morning I’m not as quick with the phone camera. I also don’t want to catch that moment where ones face is all lit up and the other ones like “I got a rock”. this being said though that face lighting up doesn’t necessarily have to be based on the amount spent as long as you know it’s something they’re going to love

Ok try teaching kids real meaning of Jesus birthday give him gift go church or pray at home have nice dinner help less fortunate try being happy with gift of each other’s company maybe just one gift Give them what they need as needed not all at Christmas

Our kids are older now so they usually want money…so we get them all the same amount of cash and I always wrap it in a fun way. They also get other things we know they like and cards to their fav fast food place and Starbucks. They also each have their stockings hung and they get lots of stuff in there too!!! I go crazy but it’s so worth it

Growing up, there were 3 of us. My mom spent about the same amount and we all had the same amount of gifts.

I only have 1 kid. I get everything on her list except puppies and siblings. Lol.
I spend about $1,000 but we have traditions all month long too.
25 books of Christmas, advent calendar, the damn elf, piece of chocolate in your shoes at night, 1-2 Christmas crafts a week. We do secret Santa goody bags for random friends and neighbors.
We really just love Christmas!!! They only get one childhood! Christmas is just once a year!


Same on each. As they get older they DO notice. It’s one day what is splurging (not going bankrupt) gonna hurt besides their birthday? :heart::heart:
They’ll remember for the rest of their lives

We do one big secret santa gift per child, then the rest are normally little things. I have a large family who send my kids tons of gifts so I normally focus of their big gift. Plus I enjoy light shows, christmas activities, cookies, crafts etc the whole month.

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We don’t have a spending limit. We try to have close to the same amount of things for each though. Sometimes it looks like one got more than the other because the size of the gifts. We try to do one big gift each year and smaller ones to go with it. It’s getting harder though because they are both teenagers now

I spend approximately 200 per child sometimes the younger ones don’t get quite as much spend as they end up with more cause there stuff cheaper but I have eight kids to buy for four of my own and four of my bf so it works out to a bit for sure

We have 5 and I’ve always done same number of gifts in case they counted. This year will be different because the older kids asked for more expensive things.

$0 I buy my kids and loved ones gifts all year round just because I love them…Christmas is just another day in our house.

My daughter is older now however I still buy here something. This year she got it early
A fireplace:). She has 2 little ones now and we usually do 200$ each❤️

I spent between 200-300 on my daughter. She usually gets one big item, some clothes, some crafts, and some books. As for the other kids in our family gathering, because there’s so many, I spend about $30 each.

100 each in families there’s at least 12 :weary::weary::weary: and 2 of the kids have birthdays in that month. On Christmas eve and on the 28th…so those 2 get “extra”

I try to keep it to the same dollar amount for everyone.

We keep it small and nice. $50 each or less. Many r home made r baked gifts.

Way to much def over 2500.00