“How much do you spend on Christmas gifts for the kids? Is it the same amount for each kid or the same amount of gifts for each kid?”
RELATED QUESTION: How Can I Explain to My 8-Year-Old That Santa Won’t Be Bringing Expensive Things This Year?
“Wow anyone who can spend hundreds on their kids is so lucky! I scrape every year just to get my kids one decent present each… we do spend a lot of time together at Christmas though… I just have to tell them to remember it’s the thought that counts!”
“Something they want, something they need, something to eat and something to read. It doesn’t matter if it’s a couple of pounds over or under as long as they all have something.”
“Buy what you can afford, so many people get themselves into debt just for one day. It’s all about the presence, not the presents!”
“I buy all year round. I have no idea how much I spend. If I find a good deal in January I buy it. I don’t worry about the same amount of money or gifts. I keep it fair although not necessarily equal. It just equals out in the long run. There’s never been a year in history when my kids have counted how many gifts each got or tried to figure out much I spent.”
“We are focusing on an amount of gifts. Something he wants. Something he needs. Something he wears. Something he reads. An experience. Those are from us! Then 2-3 smaller Santa items. If it’s bigger it comes from us. Our goal is to not set an expectation of receiving a bunch of high priced things.”
“Same amount of gifts. But similar values as well. I don’t get right down to the dollar. With a 5-yo boy and a 3-yo girl, their interests are very different. As long as they’re happy.”
“We have a set limit for each kid and they each get, something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. They also get a Stocking and a combined Santa Gift.”
“I get my 2 girls 1 expensive gift each, then a few smaller gifts.”
“For us, it depends on what money we have by the end of the year. I try to get my kids things they want but sometimes it’s just too much. We never spend more than $100 on our oldest. The 2 yr old just doesn’t care yet so he gets a few fun things and pajamas. Each kid gets new pajamas.”
“I do the same price for my 11 and 2-year-olds. $300-500 each, but I’m also lucky enough to work for a company that gives us really nice bonuses in December; otherwise, I probably wouldn’t spend that much.”
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