How Much Money Do You Spend on Christmas for Your Kids?


“How much do you spend on Christmas gifts for the kids? Is it the same amount for each kid or the same amount of gifts for each kid?”

RELATED QUESTION: How Can I Explain to My 8-Year-Old That Santa Won’t Be Bringing Expensive Things This Year?


“Wow anyone who can spend hundreds on their kids is so lucky! I scrape every year just to get my kids one decent present each… we do spend a lot of time together at Christmas though… I just have to tell them to remember it’s the thought that counts!”

“Something they want, something they need, something to eat and something to read. It doesn’t matter if it’s a couple of pounds over or under as long as they all have something.”

“Buy what you can afford, so many people get themselves into debt just for one day. It’s all about the presence, not the presents!”

“I buy all year round. I have no idea how much I spend. If I find a good deal in January I buy it. I don’t worry about the same amount of money or gifts. I keep it fair although not necessarily equal. It just equals out in the long run. There’s never been a year in history when my kids have counted how many gifts each got or tried to figure out much I spent.”

“We are focusing on an amount of gifts. Something he wants. Something he needs. Something he wears. Something he reads. An experience. Those are from us! Then 2-3 smaller Santa items. If it’s bigger it comes from us. Our goal is to not set an expectation of receiving a bunch of high priced things.”

“Same amount of gifts. But similar values as well. I don’t get right down to the dollar. With a 5-yo boy and a 3-yo girl, their interests are very different. As long as they’re happy.”

“We have a set limit for each kid and they each get, something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. They also get a Stocking and a combined Santa Gift.”

“I get my 2 girls 1 expensive gift each, then a few smaller gifts.”

“For us, it depends on what money we have by the end of the year. I try to get my kids things they want but sometimes it’s just too much. We never spend more than $100 on our oldest. The 2 yr old just doesn’t care yet so he gets a few fun things and pajamas. Each kid gets new pajamas.”

“I do the same price for my 11 and 2-year-olds. $300-500 each, but I’m also lucky enough to work for a company that gives us really nice bonuses in December; otherwise, I probably wouldn’t spend that much.”

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I have 4. My oldest is 9 and into video games so he is a little more expensive. I try to keep it about the same amount of items, and try to spend around the same. Although I will definitely always end up spending more on my 9 year old than my baby :sweat_smile:

I try to keep it about the same amount of $ per child. I would guess around $200 each.

$200 per kid, we have 3 kids.

I try to keep the gift piles similar sizes. The age gap means the older kids get more expensive, the younger kids are much cheaper. But the haul in the end is very similar in quantity and sizes.
Older kids, 17 and 12 probably about $500-$600 each. Youngers 8 and 4, maybe $250-$300 each.

Just because you spend $200 on a 13-year-old doesn’t mean you’re going to spend $200 on a 6-month-old. Keep it reasonable and use your best judgment and just try to keep it fair. But Santa can’t buy one and iPad and the other one of Barbie


Too damn much! Lol. I have 3 kids and started shopping really early. In theory that sounds like a good idea but I keep buying more and more stuff! Lol

My son was 3 last Christmas and loved squishies and mystery toys so it was a quick 40$ trip down the toy aisle in the dollar store and he was more than excited


We don’t do amounts we just buy gift, we try to do the same number like if one gets 5 gifts so does the other just so they can open the same amount but my kids are 2 and 3 so they are more into the paper and boxes still lol :joy:

This is my first year with two!!!. My youngest turns one about 2 weeks after Christmas, so I also didn’t want to go too entirely crazy because I don’t want them to be a joint thing.

This year I spent around $350 for my oldest, and I truly don’t know if I’m done. She’s 5. The baby, I’ve spent about $150-200, I have one more thing I’d like to get but I doubt it ends up totaling what I spent on my 5 year old.

Same amount of gifts, I don’t care about prices when it comes to Christmas😂 I go all out every year. But i start shopping in the spring🙃


75 a piece on the want then equal from there.


I got an age gap 13yr old an 4yr old so my oldest doesn’t believe in Santa she knows I do the shopping So she knows if they don’t get the same amount of gifts its because her are way more expensive

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Since our son is only 4, this year we’re going to try and keep it under $150

Same amount of gifts. But similar values as well. I dont get right down to the dollar. With a 5yo boy and 3yo girl their interests are very different. As long as they’re happy


I try to do same amount of money and same amount of gifts😂 yes i make it hard on myself😂

I try not to go over $400 total between 2 kids. Ones almost 11 and the other is 5 so price varies quiet a bit on the items for their ages. But I do try to get them the same amount of things to open.

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This is only my second Christmas having two, so I don’t exactly keep things even because $150 for a 10 year old is a lot less than $150 for a 21 month old. I did keep it relatively close to the same in quantity of items last year, though, and expect to do the same this year. I’ll even things up more when my son is older. The money is different every year though. If we can afford to do more one year, we will. I’m really nervous this year though. We were blessed last Christmas so I spent probably $500 in total but that was two kids, my husband, my mom, and all of my in-laws. This year has been much tighter and I’m just focusing on the kids.

Divided equally between all 3. Oldest is into different things so they’re more expensive which means she gets less presents but same amount of money spent.

Wow anyone who can spend hundreds on there kids is sooo lucky I scrape every year just to get my kids one decent present each… we do spend alot of time together at christmas though… i just have to tell them to remember its the thought that counts


I buy all year round. I have no idea how much I spend. If I find a good deal in January I buy it. I don’t worry about the same amount of money or gifts. I keep it fair although not neccesarily equal. It just equals out in the long run. There’s never been a year in history when my kids have counted how many gifts each got or tried to figure out much I spent.


I do the minimalist gift list the have tons on google/ pinterest to choose from but this keeps it close to even


I have one child (5) and he gets one big gift from me. When he goes to his fathers he gets one big gift from him. :slight_smile:

each kid gets the amount of gifts equal to their age, but the same amount of stocking stuffers

im a bit of a hoarder of gifts during all year. lol. so i usually just tried to do the same amount of gifts for everyone. but this year we decided to only do 1 gift from us and 1 from santa.


Its kind of a balance of the two…I have an 18 month old and a 13 year old…so its way easier to blow through 500 bucks for 13 year old, but Iget twice as many presents with like 200 bucks for the 18 month old…so we are trying to go by number of packages, within reason. Get creative with wrapping too. I’ll wrap two presents together of the toddlers and space items out with the teenager

I have 4 kids … I get each one big ticket item, $80-$100 and then an additional $100-150 in smaller gifts. Then probably $100 total for all 4 stocking stuffers and $150 on matching jammies for the whole family that we open on Xmas Eve.


Same amount of gifts each 1 big and the rest 20-30 dollar price range. Usually end up with about 10-12 gifts each.

Totally different depending on age

For us it depends on what money we have by the end of the year. I try to get my kids things they want but sometimes it’s just to much. We never spend more than $100 on our oldest. The 2 yr old just doesn’t care yet so he gets a few fun things and pajamas. Each kid gets new pajamas


Gift piles similar in amount … but my 7 year old will know his stuff cost more than his 18 m old sisters as well.

5 kids. 4 gifts each plus their stockings. I try to make it as even as possible. We have a $50 cap for each individual gift. So we try to be thrifty about it but it can also get pricey.

Same amount for both kids

$200 per kid but it does go over sometimes. That’s now on a budget😥

I always cap it… so $200 for my older two and my 3 year old will get the same amount of gifts just like our 3 month old. Once our 3 yr old is older I will cap the 3 oldest at $200… etc. that’s just how I do it though… then everyone is opening the same amount of gifts :woman_shrugging:t3:

We are focusing on an amount of gifts.
Something he wants. Something he needs. Something he wears. Something he reads.
An experience.
Those are from us! Then 2-3 smaller Santa items. If it’s bigger it comes from us. Our goal is to not set an expectation of receiving a bunch of high priced things.


The same amount of gifts but keep in mind children probably won’t remember the gifts they received in 20 years but hopefully the memories with loved ones :heart:

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My son is the first boy in the family on generations. So he gets a little spoiled. He does have down syndrome so a lot of what I get him for presents are used for therapy. I have a list of toys and items that his therapists have suggested to use to achieve his goals. But he still gets a few toys that aren’t necessarily therapy stuff. Right now, I have just over $100 in my Amazon cart of things I will buy him. I also make appropriate suggestions for family to get him as well.

We have a set limit for each kid and they each get, something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. They also get a Stocking and a combined Santa Gift


We have a large extended family. So we typically get one fancy present from us, and then a new book, and some clothes. Santa only brings one thing, usually not crazy. Then our kiddo has xmas with grandparents x4, and aunts & uncle.

I do the Same Amount of gifts not money(though I try and get The money as Close as possible)as I have a almost 8 year old and Almost 5 year and a 4month old… The older they get the More Expensive things become

Same amount of money and same number of gifts. Kind of like a puzzle. I have three kids. And yes I used to count the number of tater tot’s each of them got to make sure that was fair as well. I have issues LOL

My kids are dollar for dollar

Typically $100 per kid… we tend to start early each year

Same amount the teens $200 each+stocking. Adult kids with no children $60+stocking, adult kids with children-small gift+stocking. Granddaughter whatever I like :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:+stocking. Edited to add + pajamas for teens and granddaughter to match.

we try to stay about the same with each kid. It’s hard to equal out with pricing and amount. I have a 13 year old and then my girls are 9 and 10 but they’re both disabled so they’re more in the 4-5 age as far as things they play with. It would be impossible to keep it even price wise because their stuff is cheaper typically. This is the first year they’ve actually wanted more pricey things like that Nintendo switch and the hover boards. My son is a teenager so everything cost more :joy:

I get my 2 girls 1 expensive gift each then a few smaller gifts


We struggled for a couple years around Christmas and last year we got to go all out on them, probably spent about 6-700 each for 3 kids. And our baby got a bumbo, high chair and new bottles and nuks cuz he was 3 months old. We saved the entire year though. This year it’ll be max at 200-300 per kid, Plus stockings.

£50 a child… so with all 7 it’s up to £350, then maybe another 50 between everyone else

We don’t necessarily have a set amount we bought a few little toys last year since he has a December birthday and is super spoiled by grandparents. He was also one last year this year we spend a little more we bought a tractor power wheels as his big gift and so far about 4 smaller gifts. We probably spend about 500-600 hundred only because the power wheels was almost 300. Next year depending on needs and wants will determine how much we spend. We also don’t mind spending a little more at Christmas because we don’t buy toys at all during the year unless birthday or Christmas

I’ve 1 little girl an spend near £500 - £600 on her, her dad spends roughly the same she’s an only child for us both so she is spoilt an gets what she wants… £300 on clothes an shoes…

Something they want, something they need, something to eat and something to read :black_heart: it doesn’t matter if it’s a couple of pound over or under as long as they all have something


Buy what you can afford, so many people get themselves into debt just for one day. Its all about the presence not the presents :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My daughter will be 10 this Christmas and this is the first Christmas that she has a sibling. The baby will oy be 9 months, so he won’t know what’s going on. But I always do 1 big item and around 10 smaller items and Santa usually brings a few toys and in the stocking. This year she wants a computer. Also her birthday is 1 month before Christmas. For her birthday I usually get her 1 thing to open on her birthday and one thing to open at her party which is always the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year her actual birthday is Thanksgiving day. LOL

I think I spent $1000 total last year

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I get one expensive gift and under $30 all the way down to $10 t-shirts. JC penny usually has a t-shirt sale so I buy a t-shirt for all the nieces and nephews and a $15-$20 gift card. Been saving since September.

I have 5 kids and we do the something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read (plus a Santa gift). Cost per kid is totally different depending on what they get/want/need.


We always set a limit. Not a limit on how many gifts you can receive but how much was spent. On our sons first Christmas he got more gifts only because his sister got a laptop. This year is different. Our daughter asked for stationery this year so I will be able to get a lot within our limit! Versus our son who will still get a good amount just not as many.

It is definitely getting harder as the kids age. They are 14 and 10 right now; my daughter has much more expensive taste right now and my son is really into Fortnite. I try to make the number of presents even but I also try to think of creative ways to display/wrap them. Last year, my son got a Fortnite chest filled with chocolate gold coins, Fortnite gift cards, and other random accessories. I wrapped clear lights around the chest so it ‘glowed’, hid it behind the couch, and had my phone play the chest sound that the game plays, and he had to find it. It distracted him from how many individual gifts his sister got to his “one chest” and he had a blast digging around the gold tinsel finding all the gift cards and accessories. I hope to come up with something fun like that every year. I enjoyed making the presents an experience and so did he!


I just have the one, so I usually try to get what’s on her Christmas list unless it’s just overly expensive or I don’t t she’s old enough for something. I try to keep spending under $300 but this year it got bumped to $500 because we got her a Switch.

I spend the same amount on each kid. I do my best to package the gifts in an equal way. If the gifts are even and there was more spent on one than the other, I give that kid the difference in cash hidden in the presents. One year I got my daughter a body spray gift set, and as her gifts were much less expensive than my electronics loving son, I wrapped 5 and 10 dollar bills around the bottles, $40 worth. Its happened both ways and they love it


We do same amount of gifts, try to equal in “size” regardless of price. My kiddos are also still young so don’t know what things cost. Usually spend 500 between the two of them

Depends on what they ask for💁🏾 each kid writes their own list

I don’t keep track but I only have one child.
She makes a list of 25 things and I buy most of those plus a few extras.


I think if you have more than 1 child. Stick to the same value for each. As they get older, they know values. I normally do 1 big one and few small ones. Depends on the list too​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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My kids are older kids and don’t really “do” Christmas so it’s gift cards now, but when they were smaller anything “pricey” was from mum and dad and the smaller stuff and stocking stuffers where from Santa :blush:

I try to spend the same amount on each kid but that’s getting harder as they age and their interests are different. But I always try to find a way to make up the difference if one gets more gifts/more expensive gifts than the other.

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I do not buy Christmas gifts for my kids anymore. I buy for their children. I have 8 grandchildren and I spend $100.00 on each. They send me a list of what they want and I go from there.


Around $500 usually bc he was a only child until last month and his birthday is two days before Christmas so he kinda always gets cheated

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Same number of gifts, but I don’t put a limit on the amount bc each kid has different interests


I spent the same amount per child they get one $$$ present and the rest what ever they choose in big w toy sale some may get more them others but I let them know the same amount was spent just goes on what u choose and what I will allow I spend ruffly 1000 per child I have 3 seems like a lot I know but they get toys and clothes and shoes


I have 3 boys, now 16, 19, and 21. Their “wants” are completely different and so are the price tags. They never ask for anything outrageous, so they usually get their wants and everyone is happy!! It doesn’t matter the number of gifts or the dollar amount. It has been this way throughout their teenage years. They get a few “wants” as well as needs throughout the year, so their list is always a little smaller by Christmas time anyway and so is the budget!

I do 500 each kid. But out of the 500 usually no more than 250 is spent and rest goes into a savings for them. And then they get one big gift but from us parents not from Santa.

I don’t understand this thing about having to spend a cartain amount on them, I really don’t. I get her things she’ll like or things she’s asked for. She doesn’t get everything she asked for as I don’t want her to become entitled. If it’s too expensive, it’s a dead set no from me. I’m not going to bankrupt myself for one day, but she’s always happy. Her little stockpile is always topped up by grandparents and other friends / family, so she’s never lacking. It’s more about the day and having fun, not the monetary value x


I spend as little as possible and they get as little as possible they also get from grandparents and aunts and uncles plus it’s not about the gifts it’s about being with family and spending time together I try to not make my kids greedy and make them appreciate what they do have.


Last year and continuing this year, I’ve been doing about $50 per kid then we’ve been taking a family trip. It was a couple years ago the number of presents and amount spent on them was more important to where they were counting and competing with eachother. Id rather make memories than buy toys they forget about.


We do 3 gifts each, try to keep it about the same price range depending on gifts.
4 kids each in different age ranges, so definately harder.
We also go get an angel tree kid or adopt one from area and give away any older things they dont want or use to shelter or resale shops.

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We spend a little bit more, around $300-$400 plus stockings. We buy larger items though because I would rather spend a little more for things that will last and they will actually use.
That being said, we usually don’t do a ton of random toy/gift buys on a regular basis so I use this as a time to stock up on the stuff he needs for the winter.

We have 3 kids and I set aside one day for each kid. I take them out and they buy gifts for their siblings and Dad, we do lunch (or dinner) and have some time together. Then they wrap their gifts and put them under the tree. It works out to be 4 gifts each plus a big gift from Santa. I don’t really keep track of amount on each kid but same amount of gifts. Nobody gets less but each gift has a special to and from.


We don’t spend a set amount, but we try to make it even. We do the one thing you want, need, etc. I usually put more into the clothing and they each get a stocking.

Same amount of gifts, prices may vary, I have 4 kids, 15 months, 10, 12 and 18, so their needs or wants are different. I start buying in January so it never seems like I spent a lot, this year the 18 year will just want money, the 12 year old will want xbox stuff, the 10 year old will want girly stuff (my only girl) and the 15 month old will want to play in the wrapping paper and boxes hahaha. I also do the 1 thing you want, 1 thing you need, something to wear and something to read. I’m so tired of how commercialized Christmas has become, but it is how it is.

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I spend the same amount on each kid but go crazy for grandson only have 1 so far

Too much! This year I probably spent at least $400 on my son (he’s 2.5 years old ) and about $50 on my daughter (she’s 2.5 months old). I haven’t even done stockings yet…I buy throughout the year so it doesn’t seem like a lot but by the time November rolls around and I find all of the things I forgot I bought it adds up. My hubby and I only do gifts for the kids and stockings for each other though…we don’t buy for anyone else. My son’s interests have really changed over the past 6 months though, so im basically doing a toy restock and putting away old toys for when my daughter is older.
They will never get the same number of gifts and likely I won’t ever spend the same amount on both…kids have no concept of cost…they just know what they like and are happy if they get it. My son would be thrilled with a $15 snow globe haha

Like $20/child. My daughter will get one gift from Santa and one gift from us. Nothing extraordinary.

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I do about 500-700 hundred on my grandson, 200-300 each on my daughter and SIL. Normally I spend 20-30 on each of my nieces and nephews.

We spend between 100-250 per child they are 1 and 26 then between 25-75 on each grandchild they are 10 months 3 9 and 10

We try and keep it the same for our kids and the same for their partners.

10, 11 and 14 year old. I spend $500 on each

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I wish money wasn’t a issue…Christmas is just depressing…


I have 5 kids and spend $600 total. I shop year round for deals. So who knows.

Depends really what they need threw out the year I buy it all in bulk

I spend about 100 for each kid its up to them if it 1 thing or multiple things

Can some of y’all adopt me! :rofl: I wish I had that kind of money to spend!


I have 12 grandkid I spend About $140.00 on each. .

I have three kids and I try to do the same price per present per kid or close and I always do the same amount of presents. I try to make it as equal as possible

We have 3 kids. And they will get 4 gifts each. Money is not an issue for us.

Usually about $800-$1000. This year is going to be extremely different :cry:

About 500/600 on each kid. That’s including clothes stocking Xmas eve box’s.

same amount of money spent and try very hard to keep same amount of gifts. I have an 18 and a 14 yr old. Their wants are a little more expensive the older they get so…the less gifts they get lol

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Same amount of gifts