I have 4 boys 7,5,3, and 2months old. All into different things. I don’t think the price should matter as long as they get the same amount of gifts to open Christmas morning. All 4 of my boys will be getting 4 from mom and dad and 1 small one from “Santa”.
Is different for the two kids. The reason that the price is different for them is there things cost different prices for instance I have a child who wears preschool size shoes and a child who wears adult shoes the price of the adult shoes are double. So I don’t want to take away from the older one getting around the same amount of items simply because his things cost more and that is not his fault. So I try to keep it at them getting an even amount of gifts.
We started something new a couple years ago. I have 3 children ages 21, 18 & 12 they each get $200 dollars cash then 3 personal gifts that are each $50 or less sometimes I only spend $50 on all 3 gifts depending on what they want
Each family is different some families can hardly afford food and some families can afford anything. Just be blessed with what you have.
I have 4 teenagers we try and keep it around 300 per child with equal amount of gifts
My kids all have their birthdays right around Christmas. They get screwed
Same amount of gifts for the kids…
and I’m for all three kids it’s usually about 600 dollars
We have 3 kids, I’d say between $250-$300 a kid is what we do.
I have 3 kids, 5 presents from Santa, 1 big gift from me and my husband (kids ages are 19, 11, and 3). I would say around $300-$400 per child. I also start my shopping my August and slowly make purchases.
I have 1 kid… Used to spend $1000 on him then buy for everyone else. Now he’s 16…just did a car and stuff for his 16th bday… So xmas I spent $500 on him and $500 on my husband
I only have one kid so I really don’t have a budget
3 kids. I try to stick to $100 per kid
I have 1 child will prolly never get to have another sooo she is very spoilled & usually gets everything on her list. Shes 12 if I could add pictures I would show this years list.
1 kid, about 400 this year. I got half this month, and his Dad gets the other half in December.
Mine is the same amount of gifts for each.
Its the amount you can afford and something that helps them grow and appreciate and lasts long enough for the next year i jave one and his some call spoiled but can use years to come
that’s how much I spend
Same value. Big or small
Previously we had a budget of 300-400 per kid. We have 5 kids ranging from 14 to 5. They forget about most of the presents fairly quickly and that’s super frustrating. This year, and years to follow, we have decided to do 3 small gifts per kid. 1 on Christmas Eve and two Christmas morning. We use the rest of the money to go on a Christmas family vacation the week of Christmas. I think memories are much better presents than things they will forget about in a week.
With my kids being a younger age I go with the same number of gifts because if one gets one more than the other than let the shit show begin
My daughter is 4 & We go big… i make sure to buy winter clothes( around $200) and will put about $500 aside her toys, room decor etc. Like this year she’s getting a new Gymnastics bar / mat. That’s over $200 alone… and I have a long list of other things I wanna add to tbh last year I was on a post like this an everyone was saying they spend 3k on Christmas in total… this post is leaning toward the opposite direction so I guess it just depends who you ask
My kids are little, 5 and 2. We don’t really pay attention to how much money we spend, both birthdays are in December too so we buy all year and then decide what gifts will be birthday, Christmas or from Santa. We make sure they both have what they need and then some fun things/toys. When they get older we plan on having a budget for each and it will be the same amount.
It may be a unpopular opinion but I normally try to do their Christmas outfit 2 new outfits underwear socks toothbrush. Then each child gets 200 in toys bit in order for them to get anything they have to get rid of a garbage bag together of nice toys to give to the local second hand store and one garbage bag of toys that are broken and beat up to the dump. Usually ends up happening and then some years they choose to donate half of the money to buying toys for a more needy family.