How much to pay a babysitter?

Hi, I have a question. What do other moms get charged per hour for babysitting? My sister says she will watch my three year old for $40 an hour and I have to provide the food. Does this seem reasonable?


That’s really expensive :grimacing:

40$ an hour I hope that’s a typo.
I watch a little boy for 3$ an hour.


That’s way too much in my opinion. -Karen

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Your sister sounds unreasonable.

Way to expensive. I watch infants for $16 an hour toddlers for $13 an hour and school age kids for $10 an hour

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No. When I babysat I charged 12 an hour plus 2 $ more an hour per additional kid

I charge $2 an hour for 1 child

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That’s ridiculous. I pay $40 for a full day of daycare at a licensed center.

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That’s outrageous!! A full-time nanny that cooks, cleans, organizes children activities doesn’t even make close to that!

Um no that’s outrageous! Who makes 40 an hour working???

That’s ridiculous. Especially cause she’s the aunt of your child :roll_eyes:


Uhh no. I’m a childcare provider in my home. I generally charge daily or weekly rates. A standard babysitter would be $10-$15 an hour.

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Omg no. Lol. I’m in Indiana. A pay a family member to watch3 kids for 20 a day (given it’s a family member) but anyone else has told me 20 dollars per kid per day.

An hour? Or per day? I pay my daycare 25 per day (10 hours) food included. Thats ridiculous.

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Wow that’s seems a bit much. Especially since she is ur sister.


Wtf no I charge 10 a hour (if under 2hrs over 2hrs $5 a hr) and I include food. Texas. But they always purchase fruit or little things to help out with as a courtesy

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I hope she is only joking. I charged $10 a day and provided all meals

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That’s way to much…

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Damn uh helll no! I charge $40 a damn day!

Omg I just watched my three nephews all weekend for free. You need a new sister :rofl:


$40/hr!?! Hahahaha id be telling my sister she’s crazy. That’s way beyond expensive.


:scream: $40/hr? Its usually $10/hr with meals provided… but less if they send food and snacks with them

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that’s a joke i make $3 an hour

I watch my nephews Wednesday and Thursday during the week. One is 2 so he doesnt go to school but the other is 5 and he does go to school so I watch him from about 3:30-5ish and they pay me $30 a day


My sitter doesn’t even charge 40 a day!!! I pay her $20/day for all day.

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My sister babysits 2 girls for 30/50 a day/w food for them.
Sounds like shit overpricing to me :woman_shrugging:t2:

I charged $25 per child per day when I did in home day care. And to kids I wasn’t related to. She’s asking way too much!


I watch a kid sometimes and I get $20 dollars a day. $40/hr is ridiculous


This is in no way reasonable. The DAYCARE my daughter goes to charges 4 dollars an hour…come on someone is trying to take advantage of you


She’s asking for too much. Especially being your sister

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I watch my brothers 3 kids for free cuz they are family or if that time of the month I ask for chocolate lol


Jessica I want back pay at this rate for all them times I watched Julian for free. :joy::joy:


Haha no way!! Sure a child minders or nursery would be cheaper :joy:

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40.00 an hour heavens no that’s high way robbery


My SIL watches my son for $10 a day :thinking:

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NOT REASONABLE AT ALL. $40/HR she’s tripping. I pay my sister $10/hr

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your own sister is ripping u off :woman_facepalming:t2: lol thats way to high


I get $5 an hour if im lucky. $20 for 6-8 hours mostly

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I watch my niece and nephew free. Family is different than a stranger.

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40 a day or per hour? No way anyone could afford 40 an hour. If you worked 40 hrs per week that would 1600 a week for a babysitter. Plus the cost of food.

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You can go on the website and find out the average rate for your area. Thats how I get my rates.


She shouldn’t be asking for anything if shes family absolute joke


My oldest watches my youngest for $20-$25 a day and if my sister in law keeps her she charges $10-$15 a day! There is no way I would pay that to my sister, she has lost her mind, you can get a nice certified daycare for that price

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Tell your sister shes an ass for even thinking that’s reasonable.

I dunno but I dont really pay my sister anything I pay my baby sitter $10 an a hour and yeah I buy her snacks and stuff because i always liked snacks when i was babysitting lol

Tell your sister to kick rock’s with that sweetie

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Most daycares only charge $35 a day for one child. So… lol

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$40 an hour… Think about that do you even make that much an hour. Did she mean 40 a day? Even that is a little high

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Your sister is a dipshit


What?! 10$ an hour max.

Damn… Where do you work if you can even afford 40 an hour?? :joy:

8hr work shift and 40$ an HR 320$ per day :rofl::joy:

I generally pay my sitter $10 for 2-3 hours or so or $20 for the day… sometimes if it is over night Ill give her an extra $10 or so… Plus I provide everything my child needs… Including food and drinks, extra clothes, diapers or pull ups, and whatever else I think she might need for my babies… Oh and I have 2 that still go to the sitters. My other kids are all bigger… But what you are paying is a joke!!!

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$40/hour?! Omg :joy: When I was a nanny thru an agency, I made $10/hr up to 3 kids. Right now I watch kids in my house and charge $25/DAY!!!


$40 an hour for 1 3 year old with you providing the food seems steep.

Day cares charge 100 to 120 a week…

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Call a daycare in your area. Ask them there rate for 3 kids then divide it up per hour
Ask questions does this include meals , snacks , juice , diapers , wipes
And you can get a estimate cost
that way … then go from there.

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Sounds like sista dont want to watch your kid and this is a way to tell you no without telling you no


$40 AN HOUR. Who can pay that. $40 a day is still alot.


Lmfao no I don’t even pay my daughter’s daycare that. Id be telling the little bitch 10 bucks an hour.

Min wage at the most. I will be paying 50$ a day when I go back to work …but that’s 6am to 4 30pm. My mom will be coming to my place …I provide all food and snacks

40 an hour🙄 is she a nanny ? Like with a degree in early education, cpr , what educational curriculum is she providing? 40 is too much unless she is being a legit nanny

$40 an hour is outrageous!

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Seriously??? $40 an hour??? When you go to work do you make $40 an hour? My guess is no… I watch a child in my home who is my cousin (3 yrs old) i get $22 a day with food included.


$40 an hour is a bit much!! When my kids were little I gave my sister $40/50 a week plus food. Now I watch my granddaughter for free and my daughter don’t have to give food or anything plus she still lives at home for now.

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I’m an RN for 38 years and I DON"T MAKE THAT MUCH!


$133/day w/ 3 kids.
$125/day w/ 1 kid 8hr 3kids 2 hr.

how could you work and afford 40 an hr I’m sure there another way god bless you who would ask that my son in law electrician certified and he average 15 hr

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I pay $35/per day if sitter has all 3(school cancelled, break, ect) $30 of its my younger 2 and foods included

I used to watch 3 kids for 500 mo and I provided snack granted that’s 3 after school kids

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Lol no… it’s usually $15/hr

Are you sure she didn’t mean a day? Omgosh that’s crazy!!

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I pay $35 per day for 8 hours and food is included

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FORTY an hour what :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: I was a professional nanny for a premiere agency to affluent homes and never made even close to that!

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Your sister should do it for free

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You could get a nanny with benefits for less than that

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Do you mean $40 a day? That would make more sense.

Your Sister is nuts, I would not even let her Babysit your child

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Lmao whoa!!! No way!! I know it differs in areas and idk your area but i can’t see that being legal anywhere

Are you making $50 an hour? Tf? Lol that’s not even close to reasonable.

My family watches my kids for free. I thought all families did that…


Rate here for state pay is 3 something an hour. Before I got my son into daycare I had a babysitter who charged same rate as she would if the state were paying her. You can also look into that. Stateaid for child care. There’s a monthly copay then the state pays the rest. Here friends n family can fill out the paperwork, doesn’t have to be a stranger. I was getting charged maybe $40 a week! Not an hour! Omg is she cray cray???

My mother in law watches out two year old at my house and I pay her $450 a month

Hell no I watch my friends daughter all day for 35 and she eats what we eat!!!#

I do daycare and I charge $25 a day and I provide food and snacks, unless special ones are requests or required.

$40 an hour?! Where the hell do y’all live?! That’s absurd!!! I watched my niece for FREE &&&, fed her!!! I thought that’s what family is for!?!

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Your sister is crazy and taking total advantage of you If you have to pay her I’d say 10 dollars a day since you have to provide food When I babysat for family I never charged them anything

She’s insane- and if anyone pays that, they’re insane too

Go to Daycare Center. Ask her if she wants Auntie time once a week with u there so she doesnt feel put out. Doesnt seem like she wants the responsibility.

Why are you even going to work, if you are going to pay that for some one to watch your child

I watch my niece for 20 a day when my sister needs it. Takes me an hour to get there even but I don’t mind. It’s my niece and my sister doesn’t usually ask unless she really needs it. Some family just helps family out a little differently I guess.

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WOW . that’s way overpriced & down right crazy . I’d never pay that to anyone let alone to MY SISTER

Do a search online of what you would pay childcare in your area it differs slightly between a private provider and a facility… And show her the numbers. Try to come up with a reasonable amount for it or find a different person

That’s very high! Maybe she meant a day. If she meant per hour, you can find other qualified sitters for way less.

No. I charge anywhere between 25 and 60 day. Depends on how many kids and how many hours.

My mum only charged $10.00 an hour when she babysat for a friend (usually only up to 5 hours)

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$40 a day probably? That’s ridiculous dude. I understand charging more if she has her own kids to care for too but that’s a little extreme

Maybe she said 14?! Lol that’s ridiculous!! I pay my family members 10-12 an HR depending on what’s going on i.e. sick or going to movies

Um no. Not for a babysitter.

She trying to rob you. Maybe $50 per week.

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Thats way to much ur sister is crazy!!