How much to pay a babysitter?

No do you make 40 dollars an hr

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If thats her niece , she should watch her for free if its just an hour. What a greedy B!!


Just imagine if you work 8hr and she watches you baby for 8hrs and charges 40$ lol thatā€™s a lot 320$ :joy::unamused:

Your sister needs to put the coocoo back in the clock because you can send your child to day care for way cheaper


I do $20 a day for a weekly rate, otherwise if itā€™s just a 1 time thing I do 8-10 an hour

Hopefully she meant $40 a day thatā€™s around what I pay for my son to go to a daycare where they provide all the food for him granted the daycare is provided by my work

Would take care of my 3 nephews for a whopper. Lol


In my area thatā€™s what we pay for like an 8 hour day. Fuck for 40 an hour Iā€™m in the wrong business.

What lolā€¦damn. I should quit my job and be a babysitter! :rofl:

Thatā€™s more an hour than most professional positions get paid if you put it into perspective. Thatā€™s ridiculous, even more so for a family member. $20 a Day is more like it!

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When I used a sitter I paid 40 a day for 8-9 hours and they provided everything. I damn sure wouldnā€™t pay 40 an hour thatā€™s just crazy. Shoot id quite my job for a 40 an hour baby sitting gig tho

Omg :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

3 kids where Iā€™m at depending on age is $75 to 100 per day.

Min wage is my go to.
40 is unacceptable. You can go to a day care for that much.

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Thatā€™s your sister! I dont even make 40$ an hr at work!

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No charge for family thatā€™s what I do

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Any sitter Iā€™ve had it ranged from 15-30/day! Thatā€™s just crazy. If you wanted to pay that, might as well do daycare

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Call several daycares ask their rates then decide

Do u make 40 an hour?
If not then why the hell should she?


Absolutely not. Do you make $40 an hour? You can find better child care.

I charge $20-$25 a day for a weekly rate for one child depending on age, this is with food provided. If itā€™s a one time thing more like $20 for 4 hours or so.

You need to get a new sister.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


If its so you can go work then yeah you should pay. People have lives and as long as is cheaper than daycare than i donā€™t see an issue. If itā€™s just for a couple of hours sheā€™s crazy.

Woah shes waxinnnā€™ ya :rofl:

Better check and make sure it wasnt 40 a day. 40 hr is outrageous!

Your sister should do it for free!

No not at all. I pay 20 a day for my 1 year old and she has my 6 year old before and after school

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I paid no more than $25 a day for age 0-3.

Thatā€™s ridiculous. Way to much. Iā€™d say depends on how many hours she would watch your kid $10 if is more than 50 $20 if is less than 5 hours.

Thatā€™s ridiculous. So an 8 hour day would cost you $320. Are you sure she didnā€™t mean $40/day? Even $40/day is expensive if sheā€™s not licensed. I charge $25/day for a full day.

$40 a hour. WTF I need that job.

Lol I pay like 9 an hour and they provide food

$40 a hour! :flushed: I charge $10 a hour ( I only babysit family & close friends) All they bring is diapers etc but I donā€™t charge to fed themā€¦

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Sounds like she doesnā€™t wanna watch your kid lol


An hour do you mean 4

Your own sister :roll_eyes: shame on her

I charge $15 an hour plus $2 per extra kid. Babysitting isnā€™t to be taken lightly. If the kids are older, I only charge $10 plus $1 per extra. Any kid under 6 though is $15.
Made good money in high school babysitting like that.
$40 an hour is too expensive, thatā€™s more like a nanny position lol

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When my daughter was in a licensed daycare it was $40 a day. Food was included and that was from 7-5.

my sister in law watches my 4 year old for 9 hours a day for $20 and she provides food and sometimes keeps her over night. she does learning exercises and educational time, letā€™s them swim and takes them all kinds of places. $20 per DAY not hour

Iā€™ve been a daycare provider for years. 1st. She doesnā€™t want to babysit for you, come thatā€™s more than you make an hour and she knows it. 2. Thatā€™s what I would charge for an entire day.

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Thatā€™s insane. I pay 110 a week at daycare and they provide the food, education for 5 days a week

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In family babysits for free thatā€™s how itā€™s always been at least in my family

40 an hour is absolutely ridiculous. If it was 40 a day thatā€™s a little more reasonable.

Wow thatā€™s insane! Lol did you mean to say $40 a day?

$40 an hour??? Omg I babysit for 20 a day.

That is a good rate if it is 4 but 40 is a real great rate

What do you do for a living

No!!! If you work an 8hr day thatā€™s $320 a day! Thatā€™s wayyyyyy too much.
Did she maybe mean $40/day???

Iā€™m charged 18-20 an hour for my 2 special needs kids.

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I pay $15 per DAY!!! $75 PER WEEK!!!


More like 40 per day here

I get paid $30 a day for my almost 2 yr old cousin and 7 year old cousin. 40 an hour seems like way too much.

Thats insane!!! I babysit in my home for $15/day and i provide food. And honestly I donā€™t even charge my sister.


Look at is this way. $40/hr at 8 hours is $320/day. For 5 days thatā€™s $1,600/week. Thatā€™s $6,400/month.
My sisterā€™s newborn (3 months old) attends daycare for that same amount of time and she pays $2,400 per month and they provide food for the older children. They are also educating them.


Better be impeccable care for that rate

Maybe $40 a day and even thatā€™s pretty high. Especially for family. Wtf is wrong with people now.

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Hell no thats not reasonable. My sitter watches for 25$ per day!!

40 an hour, sheā€™s crazy!!!

Lol wowww what a shitty sister

She has lost her mind!

Damn! I canā€™t get more than $4/hr here

If Iā€™m able to watch my niece and nephew Iā€™m not gonna charge first of all. Just as long as I am home and able to that dayā€¦

Seems kind of high like real daycare prices

Umm no.
I get $200 a week. $40/day. $5 an hour. I provide all my own supplies and this is not my neice.
Plus she gets every ounce of my attention bc shes the only one I have. My kids are school age.

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Outrageousā€¦If you were my sister,I would babysit for nothing

40 a day is the norm sweetie. If you are paying her 40 an hour Iā€™ll take the job :rofl:


I believe in paying your babysitter good but, wow, thatā€™s a little overboard here in the south, in my opinion anyway

15 to 25 a day depending on how long

That crazy. My sister charges $10 an hr

Is that a joke? So let me get this straightā€¦ She wants $40 an HOUR while the rest of us are stuck making $15 an hour ? Sounds pretty legit :joy::joy::joy::joy: & sheā€™s family ? Get outta here.

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At $40, she either doesnā€™t really want the job or to help you out or she meant a day not an hour and you all have some communication clearing up to do. Seems more reasonable to get $5 an he for $40 for an 8 he day and yes, you provide the food. That way your toddler is fed what you know is good for her and what she needs! Talk to your sister again. If she canā€™t help you on occasion for free or for bit less on occasion to help you out, then you might want to hire a non family member or do a state assessed/ licensed place. You donā€™t say if it is just for occasional baby sitting or as a 5 day a week job. It does make a difference. To have someone do it regularly, you may need to pay more.

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Thatā€™s crazy! I work in a daycare and I only get $12 an hour

I pay $20 a day for my daughter.

What sheā€™s saying is, I donā€™t want to

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Thatā€™s a bit much. I would never charge that much, especially family.
How lo g is she babysitting for??

$40 an hr??? Get a new sitter now


I hope its 40 a day not hour???

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Maybe she ment 40 a day. My neice charges 35 a day to watch dogs so I would say thatā€™s reasonable.


ā€¦I watch all of my nieces and nephews for free and donā€™t expect my sister to provide anything unless weā€™re out of somethingā€¦


Holy shit!!! I paid $25 a day and thatā€™s 8 hours food provided.

40 an hour? Seriously??? Is that a typo? No way no how.

:joy: I think this is some kind of joke , if not I wanna know where yā€™all from making over $40 a hour , I charge $20 a day for up to 8 hours and $2 a hour after that


Are your kids wild?? :joy:


Um i did it for my sister for free? Coz thatā€™s what family do. Family that like you and your kids anywayā€¦ shed provide food.

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Babysitting rates where I live average about $120 per week, or $25 a day.


I charge 35 a day and I provide the food and drinks unless they are on baby foods and formula, family usually free


If sheā€™s expecting $40 an hour. She doesnā€™t wanna babysit. Most places charge $4-6 and hour per child


I made $10/hr as a sitter. $40 seems a bit ridiculous.

$40 an hour is too much!! And my family watches my child for free.

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Thats 100% ridiculous for an actual day care that will teach your child things as well as watch them let alone ur sisterā€¦ i would tell her forget it


Ask her to provide proof of her nursing degree. $40/hr wtf!! $10-20 is within normal range. For one child not in a resort town closer to $10 would be normal

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Nah,for the same price you could probably have a licensed teacher/doctor watch her :thinking:.

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I hope you meant 40 a day not an hour but if it is 40 a DAY thatā€™s not to bad. Especially if you live a comfortable lifestyle. I was charged 20 a day for 2 kids and it was a little hard to afford but we live in a lower class community.

Lol I pay 2.50 an hour for mine

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i could understand providing food cause some kids are oicky or may be allergic but 40 an hr helll no my kid better come back acting like theyre in the military :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


:joy::joy: what the hell. No 40 bucks isnā€™t reasonable. :joy: she isnā€™t a licensed childcare provider. And even then thats steep. Probably at most 5 to 10 an hour.

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She MUST be kidding. Iā€™d laugh at her

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She is outside her mind. 40.00/ hr.? She thinks a lot of herself. NO, Nada, Zip. My daughter pays 125.00 a week for one.

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Is it just for an hour? :rofl::rofl:

Heā€™ll no
We pay our sitter $40 a day but she picks him up, buys his food, supplies anything that he could need. I think sheā€™s underpaid but your sister has LOST IT

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