How much to pay a babysitter?

I care for my best friends kids while she works. They’re 3 and 5. One days the 5 year old is at school most of the day, I charge 20. One days I have both all day I charge 30. I provide food

Not for your own sister. But I hear they get 50 an hour hands on.

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My babysitter charges me $30 a day (max like 8 hrs) and she feeds my daughter

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$40 an hour plus food is nuts. Is it possible your sister doesn’t want to do it and that’s why she’s got these outrageous demands?

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No, $40 an hour is way overboard. Most babysitters charge $10 or for a work day $50. They also provide the simple meals.

$40 an hr is just ridiculous

Around here it’s usually between 15 - 20 a day


Lol $40/hr? That’s more than I pay a day for a professional preschool.

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50 an hour for 3 children. I live in New York.

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Absolutely not!! How many jobs do you make $40 an hour! Ridiculous!

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I pay my sitter between $30-$40 for 4-6 hours.

I pay my sister 40 to 60 a week for 38 hours my son is 1 that’s when his dad is not home

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Me and my friend do 20 max. Usually gone 3 hours. Or what we do is for date night she will watch my kids and I will watch hers free. I provide food we switch off cuz our kids eat the same thing. But yeah $40 an hour I didnt even charge that for 6 kids for 6 hours. I got $40 for 6 kids for 6 hours that’s insane!!!
Its costs 500 here for 2 kids for 30 hours in daycare for a week. Geeze and they provide the food

I would watch my own nieces & nephews for free


I get $30 per day per kid, or $20 per kid if there are multiple. All food must be provided.

Ok first off she is your sister so for her to expect that is kind of ridiculous. But usually $20 a day is what is normal where I live… $20 a day and bring lunch or $30 a day and get lunch made.


Wow nope 40 a day maybe

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That sounds legit…:joy::joy: jk that’s ridiculous. …

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Most places where I live only charge 2.50 an hour. 40 is outrageous. Especially since it’s your sister!

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An hour day care get what 25 a day? Could be wrong on daycare price but she a godls diger by the sounds of it

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No girl. You can put her in daycare for $100.00/ week here. I live in Texas


No way to much for one child

Is it for date night or for work? Cause when my kids dad and I would go out when they were smaller we would give our sitter 40-60 dollars for like 2-3 hours. However we paid our sitter while at work 1200 a month for 12 hours a day 5 days a week. It took us 1 and a half hours each way to work. So just depends I never even if gone an hour would give my sitter less than 40 though

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$40 per day maybe but not per hour holy crap

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Ya you can almost pay 40 an hr if u make 15 an hr wtf

I pay 20 a DAY and supply the food

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The drop in daycar here charges 4.50 an hour if they are not potty trained that includes snacks but a meal is only a few $s. Sounds like she doesn’t wanna do it and have you a rediculous hourly amount so you would find someone else

Usually it’s like $20 that’s insane OMG lol better off at an actual daycare

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Even where I’m at, babysitting is expensive here. 12-15 an hour for one. That is crazy. You can find daily rates for that price.

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No most daycares its 40 for days

Daycare around here is 46.75 a day. But that’s like a licensed ymca centre.

$40?! Wtf! Is she a brain surgeon or something :joy:

Do NOT pay her $40/hr!

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Wow, that’s highly unreasonable. Especially coming from a family member. I am a nanny, I get paid $18 an hour. When I babysit for people I charge anywhere from $10-$20 depending on how far I have to travel and how many children, but it usually settles around $15 an hour. For a family member I would offer a flat rate for a day. It depends on how long and how often she’s going to keep your child. Providing your own food, is not unreasonable at all. Especially if she doesn’t have children of her own.

Hold on… your sister?! No. No. I dont even pay my babysitter that much. Unless youre rolling in hella money your sister is off her rocker.

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Daycare per week for my 4yr old is $100 and for my 4 mo old its $125 a week. I don’t even make $40/hr. That’s ridiculous even more so your sister asked for that much. Doesnt sound like she wants to babysit!!

20 a day and supply the food! 40 an hour is absolutely ridiculous

Yes and snacks. Meal she should furnish.

I use to work as a babysitter and i get $10 hr

Haha. She doesn’t want to watch your child


I always charged about $4 an hour for care at my house (I’m already gonna be there anyway. :woman_shrugging:) or $8 for their house.

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Tell her that that’s robbery and she’s wrong for that shit.

40 an hour and that’s your sister. She just don’t want to watch him find someone else.:purple_heart::purple_heart:


Minimum wage if taxing it and coming to your home.
If you are taking your child to her home and fulltime then anywhere between $150 and $225.00 per week. Check the going rate for your area.
This is because in her home she can watch 1 or 2 other kids depending on child care laws. In your home she is now your child’s personal nanny and can not watch other kids to lesson the monetary burden on you

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Hopefully she means per day

An hour or for the day???

Your sisters got some damn issues

Lol no. My daycare charges $41/DAY

A lot of professionals don’t even make $40 an hour. That’s an absurd price.

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$35 a day. They should provide food. Licensed ?

Lol this has to be a joke. Or are you meaning 40 a day ?
Most at home daycares where I am charge 35-45 a DAY. Plus … she’s your sister. She shouldn’t be asking for money ,🤷

I pay 160 a week at a real daycare…that’s insane!

Hell no, not at all reasonable. Unconscionable from a close family member. She needs a wake up call, lol…unless she’s Mary Poppins and your kid is Damian, she’s way out of line.

No that’s highway robbery

I watch my niece for free and provide the food and anything else she needs! Your sister sounds a little greedy.

Ridiculous & nasty for a sister.

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$40 per day is normal. Not per hour

No take the child to daycare

Nice sister!! Yikes :dizzy_face:

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I hope you mean a day not an hour…

Over priced wth…

Seriously? Ok now i know this page is fake af😂
I dont think its possible for anyone to be quite that stupid💁

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My sis pay me $400 Month and I watch her every day …

No that’s outrageous lol daycares charge like 20-30$ a day

Do you make 80.00$ an hr yourself…I will take that pay if that’s what you’re paying!!!

For an hour??? And she’s asking for that much.

Not 40$ an hour unless she’s giving him a crazy epic experience :joy: I charged my siblings 10-15$ an hour when they asked me to babysit but most of the times I didn’t even take the money (I was a teen back then and appreciated the money)

Wow. I babysit at my house. I do $3 per hour per child. I’ve never charged anything close to that. Its ridiculous, especially if its going to be every day while you are working.


Hell no. Its a fortune for me finding rhe cheapest day care afound and I pay 185/wk fulltime m-f for my child. Tell her to go to hell


If I’m at their home with food and entertainment provided I charge $5/hr per kid. So unless you have 8 kids I’d say overcharge lol

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I think she don’t want to do it

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Depends. 40/hr? Is she going to teach her Japanese and theoretical physics? Is she going to cook her a four star meal? Is she going to carry her to the bathroom?

Lmao. No 40/hr is ridiculous. I hope that’s a typo and that you meant 40/day.

In which case I wold still ask if she’s going to do more than turn on the tv and let her play.

I charge 20/day (no one pays me… ever… :neutral_face:but that’s what I charge).
I keep up with the milestones. By the age of two they can recognize letters and their sounds. By the age of 4 they can read and write and are ready for kindergarten.

You’d be better off putting her in a good renowned learning center at that price.

I’m now taking on my nephew at no charge. Sis just has to provide diapers wipes food and milk.


My mom does in home babysitting. It’s $120 a week, we feed her and the parents don’t provide anything but extra clothes, diapers, and that’s it. We have toys, we go to the zoo, park, walks. Play with chalk outside, hoolahoops and so on.
So personally, I think $40 an HOUR is insane

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I pay $30 a DAY!!! For superior in home care! That’s crazy!

An hour ? Thats way off… And thats your sister??? My word… Good luck.

Sylvan learning center is cheaper than your sister…and they have snacks and prize box…

No!! I get paid $15 for 2 kids!! And that’s good!!! Also i’d never charge a sister or sister in law

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That’s way to much. I say $10 hour

$10 an hour is reasonable

Lord now I watched my niece and nephew for $20 a day and they provided food

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40 bucks an hour holy she trying to retire early I don’t know any professionals that work with children who make 40 bucks an hour :joy::rofl:

Hell no! $25/ day. Less if you provide all food.


Our professional nurse made $15 an hour. $40 an hour is insane!

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$15 an hour is the going rate

Is this a joke? $40 an hour?!

Jeez how much do you make an hour if she wants 40?!

Look into daycare… I pay $20 a day and food is included in that $20. And it’s great for my daughter being around other kids and socializing.


I charge my cousin $65 a week for her two kids. $40 an hour seems really excessive.

Seriously? $40/hour?! I’m a supervisor at a group home for people with disabilities and I don’t make that. That’s ridiculous!

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I get paid 30 and feed the kid aswel

Lmao I would just hire someone else, that’s ridiculous

That is a lot. My sitter is charging $20 a day and I provide everything for my daughter. If sitters get $40 an hour I’m quitting my job and starting a daycare. Lol!

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$40 an HOUR? Hell no! You would be cheaper to do a daycare for that price. If it was $40 a day MAYBE. But $10 an hour is a good price

I’ll watch your kids!! :joy:

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Throw your sister away, shes broken … you need a new one


I would look into the local daycare centers I don’t know what they cost now but when I put my daughter in it was $70 a week they provided breakfast and lunch snacks and lots of fun so if you’re looking at paying that kind of money check out the daycare centers

I charge 20 or 25 per kid.

I think she’s trying to say nicely no I will not watch your kids. That’s why she put a high price. I have done the same thing to friends.


My daughter is 19 and gets $10 an hour for 2 boys… 6 and 4 in their home.

Are you really asking if that’s reasonable?

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Your sister is a fucking lunatic. Might as well put her in daycare