How much to pay a babysitter?

My family watches my kids for free, but if you are happy to pay $40 an hr …:woman_facepalming:

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why bother working if you have to pay $40 an hour


She is out her damn mind :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That’s an insane amount! I watch my baby cousin for $20 a day. Maybe she meant $40 a day??


25-35 a day, i babysit for family but i’m still in high school so i only get 10-15 but i’m still greatful and the girl is pretty behaved

Most daycares are $20- $40 a day


Uhhhh NO!! Maybe 40 a day and she provides food but and hour…NOPE!!

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I’d pay $20 an hour max, $40 a day sounds more like it haha cheaper to put them in daycare tbh.

40 a day for 3 kids is reasonable.
40 an hour…not so much.
Daycare is usually 20 to 25 a day depending on the age. Infants cost much more.

Your sister is whacked!!! I am glad she “loves” you and your daughter!!! NOT!!!

Your sister sucks. :woman_shrugging:t2:

$40 AN HOUR. ! So she is the child’s aunt. Shouldn’t the aunt feel privileged to be having the child with her? YES, offer some child minding incentive like cooking her dinner or taking her out to a cafe for LUNCH…

That’s insane lol. Our daycare centre charges $52 (CAD) a day and supplies everything. Our casual sitter charges $25 (CAD) an hour for two kids.

I pay $20 for 9 hours. I provide everything besides food.

For 40 dollars an hour shebhad better be feeding them changing them putting them down for a nap, taking them to doctors appointments and provide some dam schooling. What job on earth bbn pays 40 dollars an hour. Thats is absolutely ridiculous.

she is making the fee so high you will not accept, ha ha

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Going rate for a legit, certified babysitter with pediatric cpr and first aid training is like 15$ an hour starting

I only make $5 an hour and I do a lot more than the average sitter. While I know I’m not making as much as I should be, that’s a huge leap from $5-$40 I don’t think that’s a reasonable price at all

I bet she would! :joy::joy: If that’s what you can make I think I’ll quit my little $10 an hr job n babysit good grief

No way! That is unreasonable!

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40$ a hour and it’s your sister oh heck noooo im sorry that’s ridiculous my aunt or my cousin watch my kids every now and then and I give them 10$ a kid which I have 4 so it’s 40$ for the whole day and when they do watch them for me it’s at my house so everything is provided for them I also had two friends that watched my son for me and I paid them 100$ a week I also had him in daycare for a little while and they charged me 85$ a week and he was 2 so yea anyway hope that helps and your sister don’t ring u dry of money lol

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I get $50 every 12 hours. And they provide the food

Your sister is whacked out of her mind… do you even get that much an hour at your job?? You can literally go anywhere else and find a cheaper rate… I watched my sisters kids for $10/day per kid at her house with her food (and that’s only during work) if/when she went on a date or out, I would do it for free

That is ridiculous and a ripoff.

Bahahaha. Yeah no way!!! I pay $25 a day for a 8 hour day for my 2 year old. And provide diapers and milk. The Only reason I buy his milk is because my son drinks soy milk and it’s a bit more costly and my son is the only one that drinks it.

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Your sista should be doing it for love :joy::joy:

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Babysitting is 10 dollars an hour per child.

Also if it’s your sister, it should be free if watch my sister’s kid for free.

I babysit out of love lol . Slap your sister :joy: family watches my kids for free , sometimes I’d chuck them a twenna that’s pretty much the whole night or until I start missing them :joy:

I work all day and take care of my 5 month old and don’t get paid $40 an hour.

If you have to pay $40/hr. for child care, you should stay home, unless your job pays you much more than $40/hr.

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Full time day care with food provided is like $200-$250 per kid… so 40 hours a week is like $6/hr per kid… :thinking:

depends on where u live. for my area my kids being 1 and 3 its between 275 and 300 a week

Your sister? I watched my niece for $50 a week lol and i had everything she needed

I pay $100/week per kid at an inhome childcare. That’s for full days with food provided. Daycares in my area range from $150-$250/week.

So that’s insane.

I have a private babysitter who is a family friend and she only charges 15 a day roughly 200 a month… 40 and hour is super ridiculous

I pay 7 an hour and my sister pays someone 20 per day

I get paid 50$ a day for watching a 9 & 4.5 yr old 4 days a week for 6 hours while I also bring my 1 yr old with me

More like $40 a day wtf!

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Your sister is smoking crack


Hahaha who’s this girl think she is?!? You need to get your family together and do an intervention for her because the crack she’s already smoking Is affecting her brain


$40 an hour?! That’s ridiculous! I don’t see how that is reasonable. Sounds like your sis doesn’t want to work, so she’s over charging you to babysit. Hell, my sister watches both my kids for free.

It sounds like robbery!

I have never paid for a sitter. My family begs me to watch her and have never asked or expected payment. For daycare, I pay about $40 per day.

I use to charge 10$/hr per child. If they had a friend sleeping over I asked for an extra $20 (just an extra 20$ that’s not per hour) for having to watch an extra child for the day.

I look after children in my home. (NB Canada) I charge $35 a day per child snacks and lunch included. (7:30 to 5:30) Evenings/weekends are $10 an hour. (Depending on how long/over night I make a deal )

Thought family were there to support each other, not to rob you blind. I thought it would be that you could work out a deal like support each other. She watch your kids then visa versa. I work full time and I don’t get $40 an hour.

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In my family, we watch each others kids FOR FREE!!! IT’S FAMILY for crying out loud!!!


$40 an hour?? WTH is she thinking? I mean seriously unless you’re a doctor or lawyer how could anyone afford that price??


Wtf 40$ an hr. Girl ill watch yo baby for that with out a doubt​:joy::joy::joy::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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I watch my 6 month old grandson for 20 dollars a week and sometimes when his 11 year old brother is out of school also.

She playin you daycare dont even charge that much…she on some other stuff


My friend charges-

Weekdays $10/hr*
Weekends $12/hr*

+$5 per hr per child when its 3 or more kids.


My sister doesn’t charge me to babysit my son at all, your siblings shouldn’t charge you. If your hiring like a teenager though then I would definately pay them.

That is so wrong of your sister…:rage:

That’s crazy!! And your sister of all people asking for such a crazy price aha this is not reasonable at all. My sister has never charged me for watching my kids she looks at it as bonding time aha

Your sister clearly don’t want to be bothered and i wouldn’t ask her anymore. You would be better off interviewing a 5 star daycare and work out a smaller daily price that includes food


I just hired my brother to watch my 2 girls, age 2 and 1, for $300 a week. That’s 9-5 Monday through Friday. My 7 and 12 year old get home at 4:15 so he has them for a bit as well!

She obviously doesn’t want to do it

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In Colorado the going rate is between $10 & &15 an hour

She’s trying to screw you over sis


Wow… my family doesnt charge me and I dont charge them.

I say no to your sister you better stay home

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I would think maybe $50 a day for family

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40.00 / hr? That’s a bit too much that equals to 1,280 / month + food. Maybe she can charge you 20.00 / hr that would be reasonable . Not 40

$40 an HOUR?? She is Def delusional!!! Lol. I charge $25 a DAY. SMDH

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My sister will be watching my 3 kids, ages 6, 8, & 10, for $300 a month. I’m off on weekends, so it’s 5 days a week at $15 a day.

I have my 2 year old granddaughter M-F 5:30-2:30 and get $50 a week. Plus I provide the food.
She obviously doesn’t want to babysit. :pleading_face:

I got paid $100 a week. To nanny 3 kids ages 1,3,7. For 12 hours a day 5 days a week.

I get paid 100.00 a week and care for the child about 3 hours a day, it would depend on the age of the child, the child I care for is an 7 year old and I carefor her only after school

What?! No! Registered Nurses with Bachelor’s or Masters degrees often don’t even make this much in hospitals starting out! That’s absurd.


Nanny’s are paid on average $16 an hour

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Dear Lord, what is she watching a child or???

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No, way too much! When I babysat 2 kids I charged 80 a week. 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. My normal charging price is 50 a week for 1 kid & 75 for 2 kids, 100 for 3 kids. (Per week!)

Sister should be for free, j/s

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Not worth working FOR her!

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I only charge 10 an hour

I get 50 dollars a day to watch 3 kids and the 4th after school

Who the hell has to pay their own family to spend time with their kids lol

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She is your sister ? That’s awful.


If your child is a demon maybe but $16 an hour is more appropriate

I wouldn’t even pay a professional babysitter who went to the Community College and did the classes $40 an hour. Now I do believe that they should be paid at least minimum wage. And more if you have more kids. More depending on if the babysitter is feeding them is the babysitter going to be in the comfort of their home or the children going to be in the comfort of your home shit like that. $40 an hour is beyond bullshit

Besides do you even get paid $40 an hour. I don’t think most people get paid $40 an hour, who the fuck can afford that

Is she trying to buy a house working one day a week for you cuz I figured that out and that’s a lot of money and for that kind of money I’ll watch your kids I watch him for half that