How much to pay a babysitter?

My daycare charges me 130 weekly and I provide food drinks

Too much. I watch my sisterā€™s 3 kids for free I come to her house and I also have 3 of my own


Look on most is 20 per hour but can be 25 an hour in NJ

Even educators in preschools with all the degrees, child development and a study course in play is something like 10-15. Not to mention in a bigger city. In Oregon where I live its compleatly outrageous to be paying something like that. Babysitters make something like 4-5$ and state paid sitters make 2.50-3$ an hour!!! Now if it was an evening or DATE sitter. 40$ for the NIGHT maybeā€¦ when I was a working single mom I made a deal with a ladyā€¦ I paid 60$ a week, provided all supplies toys food snacksā€¦ I tipped her more if I got good tips at work or happened to randomly get a child support payment. And tried to be as generous as I was able

donā€™t let her watch the kids

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No $20 for each day sounds reasonable.

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I pay $16 a day for 1 child.

Depends on the area you live in but 40 per hour is insane anywhere lol. In my area the average for a babysitter is 3-4 bucks per kid per hour. And maybe 10 bucks an hour for a date night

My baby sitter watches my son from 6:30am-4:45pm for $25 a day!

I pay my sister a percentage because I do not work the same amount of hours every shift. It varies from 3-9 hours. Plus she lives with me so I buy all the groceries and pay all the bills.

That is outrageous! Especially coming from your sister.

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Here in Aus I charge $20 per hour and babysit in my clients home, I do cook for the child using the food supplied by her mother

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ā€¦$4 for one child is what I charge. And I also provide food and drinks.


Surely youā€™re joking!! This is a site for REAL questions. Please donā€™t make up outrageous questions just to see peopleā€™s reactions.


Iā€™d say $40 a day maybe but not an hour. She must not want to baby sit very bad. Shop around you will be paying more than what you will be making. Good luck.


Haha no depends where you live but $15-$18 an hour is average. Iā€™ve been a babysitter for 15 years and I havenā€™t raised my prices. has a calculator can look up average cost for your area by zipcode. And shes family sheā€™s ripping you off. If shes babysitting full time for you then you providing food or diapers isnt unreasonable, but work something out families are meant to help each other.

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Wow :open_mouth: your sister is crazy! I wouldnā€™t pay the Pope that much an hr to watch my kid!! Who does she think she is? If u pay her this u have enough money to just stay home lol

Sounds like the sister doesnā€™t really want to babysit!


Nice sister :roll_eyes: find someone else.


No and especially if itā€™s your sister unless youā€™re a multimillionaire then itā€™s fine


Thatā€™s insane. Especially being sheā€™s watching her own niece or nephew. My sister has never asked for shit when watching my kids.

I work part time 1 to 5 PM I pay my sitter 5 dollars a day for my 5 year old and 7 for my 3 year old cause sheā€™d still in diapers and at the beginning of the week I bring over a shopping bag FULL of groceries and help her out through the week if there is anything thing else she needs like drinks or if sheā€™s out of mayo

Maybe for a full 8 hoursā€¦ but even then snacks and lunch should be includedā€¦

I pay 40-50 a day depending on how long and she supplies food (her choice cause I offered to bring all her food) And I pay 20.4$ a day for daycare

I make a living babysitting and I charge 3.75 an hour per kid (siblings get a discount) I make 30 dollars a day per kid for an 8 hour day. This includes meals/snacks and drinks and crafts and I still make a reasonable profit. I watch between 1 and 4 kids. Really the kids mostly play with each other all day while i take care if my baby or clean the house. We do have structured meals and snacks and try to squeeze in learning time and/or outdoor play. Iā€™m in upstate NY. Someone charging that much must not like kids so much :woman_shrugging:

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wow no way thats ridicoules

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No. $40, a hour? Shit I used to get paid $40, a day

Damn get you a new sister.

$40/hr??? Thatā€™s crazy!


Maybe $40 a day but $40 an hour thatā€™s a bit much


Excuse the videoā€¦ I have no idea how it got in my comment!

I pay 80 a week lol. Babysitting isnā€™t even a a minimum wage job. Daycares donā€™t even charge minimum wage for daycare lol.

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Dang a daycare is usually 20 a day per child

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I made $2/hr for 1 child. $2.50 for 2 children, $3.00 for 3 children.

Do you even make $40 an hour?


I qatch kids at home for a living and i charge $20 a day for drop ins if they supply food and such or $30 if i have to. For a full time slot i charge $75 a week for them to supply, $125 if not.

Thatā€™s absolutely outrageous to pay anybody that let alone your own sister

For like an in home, not licensed babysitter I pay like 2-3 an hour per kid.

No way to much $40 an hour if you make more than that are you hiring

I paid 25$ a day . From 8am-430 pm. And my sitter supplies the food.

Thatā€™s crazy Iā€™m a nanny and I work for 12 an hour!!!

That is way to much. $40 a day sounds better.

I would watch your kid feed and take them to the park for 25$ a day Nurses dont even make 40hr. Lol nurses in florida start at 26$ hr


That is insane, no one could ever afford that. A day care would be much cheaper and they provide the food

Uhhhh that seems like a lot for just an hour :o

I have one i watch for 30.00 a day

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Your sister knows your kid better than I do, she would know what it worth.

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When I was in the NYC area I got paid $20 an hour.

Nooooooo way tooooo much. Sheā€™s not serious, i hope. Im an old nurse 67y. Iā€™d watch him /her for 40$ day! Good luck little momma.

Sheā€™s trying to rip you off $20 a day

Thatā€™s crazyā€¦top price in my neck of the woods is 10.00 per hr an check able references.

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When I watch kids itā€™s 20$ a kids a day. With food provided. Thatā€™s from 7:30am-2:30pm

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No. That is insane. When I babysat outside of the preschool they paid me like 15-18 an hour for 2 kids. I made $11 an hour working in child care. Lol full time and we provided snacks but, not lunch. We were $160 a week

She charging you a day what most people pay in a week in daycare no good at all 40Ɨ8 hrs. A day 320 bucks a day hummm hell no!!

Oh no not 40 a hourā€¦ maybe a day

I watch a 3 yr oldā€¦ 7am-5:30pm and I get $30/dayā€¦ $40/hr is crazy!

I Charge by the day! 15$ a day

Most charge $30-40 a day, and thatā€™s if they have to provide food and drinks for the dayā€¦ thatā€™s insane

If she has a daycare/preschool, is licensed and degreed she can ask for whatever she wants. You donā€™t have to pay.
Find someone else. Simple.

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Thats insane!! $30 to $40 day is average were i am

$40 for an hour?! Please tell me thatā€™s a typo and you meant $4 an hour?!

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Thats a lot. Lol. She is totally over charging. Big time. 40/hour. Give me a break lmao. 40/day seems more like it.

Non licensed i wouldnā€™t pay over 20 a day!

Noā€¦ Unregistered Home day care is around $20 half day $40 full dayā€¦ That includes snacks ( lunch for full day)

No. Find a different child care.

Thats like 2 12hr shifts for the daycare i used

$20 a day per kid is the average around where Iā€™m at

Hell to the nawā€¦ Average pay is $120 a week for babies under 6mā€¦ :joy: thats 1 kid tho

It sounds like she is hoping if she charges an insane amount of money you will take your child elsewhere to be watched.

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$40/hour?!!! Not to be rude but who the hell does your sister think she is? I pay $50 a DAY for daycare and they provide food and diapers!! And Iā€™m in Massachusetts which is not a cheap state to live in.


They usually charged by the week. I would say 75for one and two 150.

Ahhhhhhhā€¦ no. Thatā€™s insane.

Shes trying to screw you over

I pay $10 per hour at the MOST for my babysitter.

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We only pay 57$ a day for TWO kids.

Thats ridiculous. It would be cheaper finding a daycare you trust and putting them in there.

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Is this even a real friggen question? Like most people donā€™t even make close to that at a real job . 40 a hour is crazy


These questions are made up to generate comments. Lets argue.


40 dollars a day sounds more reasonable


Thatā€™s crazy. I paid my sister $40 a day


I used to do private daycare - 20 years ago - and charged $3.50/hr first child, $2.75 for second. Your sister is trying to get rich off of her niece/nephew - a rotten thing to do.


the daycare around me are like 300 to 500 a week.

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i pay $40 for an 8 hour day and she provides everythingā€¦ my other babysitter i had i paid 5 an hour and she was fine with that

Hell no itā€™s not reasonable at all


I would never charge family & friends


I paid $10 an hour for 5 hours a day. We paid about $900 a month. Thatā€™s really ridiculous especially because she is family she should be giving you a break

I charge 10 and I have a fingerprint clearance card for card and 10 years working in daycares

That is her way of saying she donā€™t want to.

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I charge $90 the whole weekā€¦

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Thatā€™s more than a registered nurse makes an hour :joy:


No way! I babysit for my sister and she has 3 boys (5,3,8mo) and I take my 6 mo old. We settled on $70 for an 8 hour day.


No that is crazy 40 a day.

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$4 an hourā€¦AND itā€™s family? Definitely not reasonable!

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Maybe if it was like 2 hours. :flushed:

Um no lol. I watch my kids younger brother (same dad/diff mom) two days a week usually from 5pm till 10/11am for $30 a day and I feed him etc as I would my own children. I usually watch him fri and sat so if I make weekend plans with my kids, I usually include him as well, no questions asked.

Lol :joy: in dreamland she will get that not even close in the real world. Shoot Iā€™ve been teaching preschool for 18 years hv my degree and make $16 lol smh I say minimum wage, she is your sister first of all :roll_eyes:

Daycare is about 130 a week where Iā€™m from

My sister charge me 35 a week and she provides the foodā€¦and all she does is take my son to school thats allā€¦

My family watches my kids for free for me if I need a baby sitter. Iā€™ve offered to pay and IF they accept any payment it isnā€™t more than 20-30 bucks for a full day. 40 and hour is ridiculous.

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Well my sister and I had an agreement that I watch her daughter 7-2:30 and she would pay me 100 a week but after a while she stopped paying me due to me finally getting my own job