How much to pay a babysitter?

Fan Question


I’d like to see what I should pay a sitter (friend or coworker) to watch me & my hubby’s kids so he can take me out for my birthday. We have 7 kids together ranging from 3 months to 11yrs. (3m, 4,4,5,7,9,&11yrs) Thank you!


$10 per kid is what i charge and thats per hour


I charge $10 per kid per hour


If it was more then like 3 hrs you’ll prolly be a good atleast 120 deep and that’s being nice. 7 kids is ALOT especially with a 3month old.


Probably about a million dollars for 7 kids


How many hours? For a good night out I’d say 4 hours at $50 an hour :woman_shrugging:t2: so $200 bucks.


I paid 100 for my 4 for 6 hours. You know how much it is to handle how much would you want

To watch all 7 kids for 2/3 hours I wouldn’t pay no less the $100

$20-25 an hour for that many I’d say.

Ten an hour per kid OUT OF DIAPERS. Twenty an hour for the one(s) in diapers.


$70 hr??? Lol that’s rediculous amount for that many children… I’m a reasonable parent with 3 wild life I know it’s not cheap but wow! I would say $15-20 hr would be reasonable customary for 4 hour+/- night even if it’s for this many kids


Depends on how many hours but I’d say $150-$200

A kidney and a car. Jkjk


Personally knowing what it’s like to have a lot of children I personally would do it for $50 pizza and drinks for the kids let the parents get out and enjoy a few hours alone :slightly_smiling_face:


A million dollars girl.


If I was doing it as an every once and a while type thing and you were a good friend I’d say do a flat rate of $150 if it’s just for the evening. $200 if it’s over night. If you are hiring someone as an actual babysitter and not a friend you are going to be in debt!


1000 dollars lmao that’s alot dam kids. Split them up maybe ?


What state are you in? I’d say 25-30 especially considering new born.

Depends on if the parent is providing everything child needs during those hours. I say atleast $10. Thats nearly minimum wage or is minimun wage some places

Here it is minimum wage $14 per hour and that is with just 2 grown kids. Some families share a nanny…

$200 and that’s low end

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Having 6 kids myself and my best friend having 4… its eaiser the more kids you have. They help entertain each other. $100 is resoanable for an evening


Shit girl you’re gonna be paying my car note lmao. I kid…kind of. I would say $10 per kid for 2 hours tops ($70) $20 per kid 3/4 hours ($140). If you go over 4 hours you’re paying my mortgage.

Do you have a friend who you could swap babysitting with or who might do it for less idk what all you do for for work but ain’t no way I would ever pay $200 JUST for a babysitter for a night out and no way I would ever charge one of my friends that much yes 7 kids are a lot but most of them are all self sufficient and if it’s late all they doing is sitting there watching TV after kids go to bed aside from the 3 month old. I personally would prob only charge maybe $50 if your “friends” are charging you $200 get you some new friends…but that’s just me. Are bio parents in thier lives an an option? Or few family members who you can spread them out?


How many hours? I’d say 100-150 at least. 2-3 hours 100 more than 3 hours 150 if it’s like over night then 200

Be awesome if u have friends or family who just watch for u guys to go out than u could repay favor them

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We pay my cousin (18) $40 a night (6pm-10pm) or she’ll charge $60 a weekend for our two kids 9,10.

Honestly? If my friend needed a sitter I’d probably just have my friend bring her kids to my house and just set up a movie for them. I wouldn’t charge anything though but that’s just me. If I didn’t know the kids I probably would say $100 for the time, maybe $150.


You need 2 reliable sitters. That’s a lot of responsibility…at least $50 to $75 apiece…my goodness


7 kids is alot of responsibillities


Girllll I’d charge you by the minute… Damnn!!:eyes::weary::joy::joy:


The 9 & 11 years old don’t really need to watched. More like eyes kept on them, so they don’t burn the place down & cause too much fuss. As for the other kids they need a hands on sitter. So I’d say $100-150 for the night but I’d include pizza money for the kids, too. That way the sitter doesn’t have to leave the house or cook.


I’d charge you over 100 bucks an hour for 7 kids


Do you split parenting time w other parents? Try to arrange for that… Or maybe grandparents to take some of the kids. I have only 2 and only get a free night if I arrange far in advance.

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A baby and3 toddlers alone is allot ,I’d leave a good tip.i wouldn’t know a Price for all the kids tho tbh

atleast $100 and thats if your 9 and 11 yo are calm lol.

7 young children, better 2 stay at home until they are much older. Celebrate at home. 7 children 2 much responsibilities for one person to mind, especially when they are not your own.


For 1 baby and 3 toddlers that’s a lot but doable plus the other 3
Maybe 150 so the time was worth it and since the other 3 are older and can entertain themselves where as babies and toddlers are crazy sometimes it still pays.

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Ask her what she thinks is fair. She obviously knows you have 7 kids and their ages and is prepared to take on that responsibility.

Ummm…if its just a couple of hours I would pay them 100 bucks. But that’s just me…I have a lot of kids too.

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Me personally would do for a friend for free. 2 kids or 7 £30-50 depending on how long they are babysitting. Over night a bit more

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7 kids is too many imo for one sitter. I babysat and charged $10-15/hr depending on the number of/age of kids and length of time. $10/1/<4hrs, $12/2/<6hrs, $14/3/<8hrs, and any more kids/longer time is $15

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I’d start asking the sitter what they think is fair, go from there

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$2.50 per hour per kid. Thats the going rate for daycare where Im at.


Hoe blessed. Friend should do it for free…


Good luck finding someone who would watch 7 kids​:joy::woozy_face:


Emily this is about how many we have in our classroom lol.

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If I were you I’d hire two babysitters. Seven kids is a lot for one.


$5-$8 per child/per hour


She needs backup… That’s way too many kids for 1 person. I’d pay her $150 especially if she has to put them all to bed


I think the typical going rate is $10/hr for the first kid, the $5/hour for each additional. But my family is quad up waiting to watch my girl… and I only have the one, so not sure.


Damn do y’all not know what birth control is or do you live on a farm???

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1 person to watch your soccer team… I don’t think so!! You need 2 people at least.


Check your local area for a stay-and-play type facility that is open at the time you need. They should be set up with multiple staff members that can watch the kids in a safe child friendly environment.


I have 5 kids 6m, 1,7,8,13 I’m basically paying to watch the two babies and my 7 year old “princess” that just wants attention. It depends on the kids maturity level. My older kids will be on the game system or watching TV cake walk maybe consider that and definitely talk to the sitter and figure out a good agreement I just paid 20$ for the day and she cleaned my house (I didn’t ask it was a nice surprise) even offered her more and she wouldn’t take it!


I pay per day for work n it $10 a day n I provide food

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I have 9 kids and usually their aunt sits for free or we give her $30/$40 for a few hours.


I pay $100 to $150 and I go out from 5 to 10pm usually. I provide dinner to the kids and the sitter and have all the snacks ready and them in pjs already. If I do 7pm to 11 pm instead I would have most in bed and already fed.

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I depends on the kids my daughter will watch her lil brother for 20 bucks but he listens to her anyone else double at least because I know he won’t listen

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Bless that poor babysitter lol… you better pay that poor soul at least $150-$200 especially if she has to put them to bed


There’s too many factors to figure out. How long are you going to be gone? What time of the day? If it’s going to be close to bedtime for most of the kids that would greatly affect the price. If it’s the middle of the day after nap when they will all be awake and need to have activities that will also greatly affect the price. I would say $150 to $200 for a 4 hour period. If it’s from like 8 to 12 when most of the kids will be going to bed within an hour I would say $100 to $150

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You feed bathe and put them to bed first


I don’t see why so many people are being rude. :unamused:
It depends on a lot really, but definitely ask her. Maybe do a flat rate instead of hourly. Just let her know what time you will be back and stick to it. Make it easier by having dinner already made or ordered. Talk to your two older kids about helping pick up after themselves so she doesn’t feel overwhelmed ECT. Having a schedule for what the night usually looks like will make things easier. I think $80-$100.


I use to pay my sister 100$ to watch my kids sleep so I could go out with friends🤷🏻‍♀️


I have 3 and I paid 50$ a day for 6hrs and provided gas money for park trip. I paid 100$ for over nights when I worked noc.

She’s ur friend and they all not little can amuse their self. I’d say 50

Ummm… is it over night or how many hours? Are they supplying food and drinks?

100 dollars provide dinner and bathe and put to bed

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I used to babysit two kids for 4 hours on every Saturday night almost and I got paid $275 every time. The kids ages were 4 and 6 parents provided everything I literally just played with them watched a movie and put them to bed. For 7 I think you should recruit grandmas and split them up to save money!


Ummm that’s a lot of young kids… You should be generous.


Some of these answers are funny. They act like your kids just run wild and don’t listen :roll_eyes: we have 6 kids - ages 12, 10, 7, 6, 3 and 4 months. They play with each other and when you say bed time then they go to bed with no issues (with the exception of the Baby of course, who goes to sleep around 830 and sleeps through the night). We have someone come to our house so they can stay in their comfortable environment. I would just ask what she is wanting and y’all go from there. No chance would I pay someone 150 for just a couple hours … that’s not even worth date night to me.


As a daycare provider, I would say $100 is fair given the number of children and ages involved. This will be labor intensive for them, even if your kids behave wonderfully.


For 7 kids, 4-5 hours, I’d say between $100-200 but depends on other factors as well.


This is tough. Are you looking for a long extended time? Are they cooperative? My uncle would give me $120 plus gas money for 3 kids overnight. This was probably 10 years ago.

It’s just for one night? How many hours ? For 7 kids. I’d say $300-$400. Depends how many hours too tho… but 7 is a handful


I’d do 15-20 an hour minimum


Or do like someone else said talk to gparents if possible and split them up for a couple hours

Not sure about price, but if you’re only looking to hire one sitter for the night, why not also “hire” your oldest to help the sitter, at least with the older kids? I just figure whomever is hired may have a hard time focusing on everybody all at once with an infant, let alone two 4 year olds and the rest of the siblings. Just an idea!

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You have another 4-5 years before you can start paying your eldest child’s friends to babysit so it will be heaps cheaper and your husband and yourself can really enjoy yourself :ok_hand:t2:
I used to have a suitcase filled with activities for little ones when I babysat and they absolutely loved it. I would add things to it for them and they would do everything asked of them before I opened that case for 1 hour activities before bed time. It was a godsend.
I now have my sixth baby on the way but mine range from 4 to 21 years so nice big gaps and the older ones help.
Bless your household for all the love under your roof. Your one lucky Mumma :revolving_hearts:

Please get 2 sitters lol.


I swear ppl want responsible sitters tgat will actually make sure ur kids are being taken care of and safe but wana say “My KiDs BaSiCalLy WaTcH tHeMsElVeS, iM nOt PaYiNg ThAt MuCh” :roll_eyes: thats a lie that many kids are like a little gang :rofl: loud as, crying, fighting accidents, food hell no.


I think for just 1 evening, $100 sounds fair to me. I mean, the 11 year old should be able to help the babysitter and maybe even if the second and or 3rd oldest should be old enough to help too.


I think you legally have to hire 2 babysitters and in CA they have to be at least 16 yrs old to watch an infant so you’re looking at a minimum of $24/hour


I have 8. Same age range, almost. I pay 40-50 depending on how long we are out. My oldest 2 help with the little ones though. Also, we usually try to go as close to bedtime as possible.

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For all of you saying the kid can help…and this is for a LICENSED care provider…

I don’t have 7 kids, I have 2 toddlers 2 and 4 and every other weekend my babysitter watches them from 6pm Friday night to 7am Sunday morning and her price she set for me was 50$ for 37 hrs. I feel like some of y’alls princes are crazy! I also pay 286 for 2 kids per week for 50 hours of daycare! Someone said 400​:scream::scream:


You need like 3-4 babysitters :joy:


I usually dont have to hire one because the grandparents do it. But one day my husband was out of town and my moma was very sick and needed to go to the ER so a friend offered to keep them i asked how much she kept insisting on me not paying her but i knew they were having money struggles so i insisted she still wouldn’t give me a price so i just gave her 10.00 a kid I have 3 so I paid 30.00

Woooh I’d honestly be scared as a sitter to keep them alive ! It’s possible but for someone who’s never had 7 kids them self is difficult… find atleast two friends . Not just one. And honestly I’d pay a goooood amount . Either in money or liquor by the time that date is over haha
And just curious - are we working on number 8 with this “alone time”


We’re u located might I ask

I have a Home Daycare. I charge. $200.00 a week per child and that is up to 45 hours a week. Let’s forget about the money for a moment. What’s important here is the responsible sitter. The person who love and care and have patience for children. Put the children’s welfare before the money.

I pay my sitter $3hr per kid I have 4 kids

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a lot cause that’s a lot to handle. I’d say at least 10 an hr per kid

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think they have to feed them too.

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How many hrs? Are all potty trained except the 3 months?

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20 to 25 an hour is right to me. I have done a lot of baby sitting and watched over 10 kids at a time

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Wow 8 kids I’d be scared lol, at least $80 for the night, $10 per kid

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Personally I’d see if i could find 2 sitters…7 kids is a shit ton of lil rascals for 1 person to watch


That’s almost a daycare! :joy::blue_heart: I watch 2 girls for 5 hours once a week and ths parents pay me $50 for it. That many kids, I’d charge about $150 for a few hours JUST because there’s so many young kiddos and a baby.


I would consider having 2, 7 kids is a handful for one person depending on their age and experience. Depending on the length of time, if it’s just dinner then I’d say 60-70 but if it’s for 4-5 hours I’d say 100-125

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