How often do you change your kids clothes?

My youngest daughter literally wore the same Christmas dress for a week at a time. Or she changes several times a day no in between.


I change my kids clothes twice a day. He gets dressed for the day in the morning and has night clothes for bed time. Sometimes he’ll get to stay in his pajamas all day but not often. It sounds like you need to get him more clothes. You can find them super cheap on Facebook marketplace or thrift stores. My kid has at least two full weeks worth of clothes.

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My son gets clean clothes on every morning and jammies on every night. If he needs a change during the day then he gets one


Not everyone is going to relate to your situation… if your kid is clean work with what you got and don’t worry about it. If you run into a bind you can always scrub those clothes in the tub and hang dry mama!!


Washin the bath tub hang dry


If they’re clean so what that’s okay nothing wrong with that


We change as needed. Some days she stays in pj’s all day. Some days we go through three outfits depending on level of dirtiness and temp. Temps here can be 40° in the morning and 80° by the early afternoon. 13 months old.


You could always try to wash your clothes in the bathtub and purchase an inexpensive drying rack.


Every day. But if you have no washer and dryer then I guess 2 days max.

Wash clothes in the sink and hang them to dry

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I’m with you OP. Sometimes my girl wants to wear the same dress/ shirt she had the day before. If it’s not dirty then why not!

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Is this a real question? Clean clothing and pajamas every day.


When my washer broke I would wash in the tub then hang out side

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I change my kids outfits in the morning, and at night when they have a bath…
Sometimes they change clothes a few times a day.

I was 16 when I had my first son and I didn’t have a washer or dryer either. I washed our clothes in the bath tub many many times and hung them up to dry.


I don’t have a washer/dryer. I go to a laundromat, and my 3 kids are changed daily. Daytime clothes and bedtime clothes. If they get super dirty they get changed again.


How do u not change a 1 year old daily?..


I would at least have them sleep in something different and then put the same outfit from the day before back on. If there’s not too dirty I don’t really see a problem with it.

New day outfit everyday (sometimes twice if the clothes get hella dirty) and jammies usually get changed every 2 nights
But not everyone is going to agree with you. So you do what’s best for you and your kiddos!

You do what works for you . Eveeyone is in different scenarios. Xxx


Ok I know I will get negative feedback from this and that’s cool. My kids 9&11 change their clothes every other day but undies everyday. If they went to school it would be day clothes and then pjs but now it’s kinda whatever🤷


Change the kids clothes. Wash by hand if need to. Not everyone has washer and dryer

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Day clothes, and then pajamas at night.
Changes everyday. Did that even when I didn’t have a washer and dryer, I’d just go to the laundry mat. Ask around and compare prices, it might not be that expensive.

The world has become so very judgemental… its sad and sickening


Everyday. You can wash in the tub and hang dry.

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My son wears new clothes daily.

Usually a new set of clothes and jammies a day/night. Some days like today shes been wearing the jammies from last night and she will get a clean set tonight

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I change my kids clothes everyday (8 yo and 11mo). However, there’s been days where we stayed home and they stayed in their pajamas most days. If they fall asleep in their day clothes, they get new clothes in the morning. Sometimes night clothes get used two nights in a row. I dont relate to your situation but there’s no judgement from me. If you don’t have a washer/dryer and can’t go to the laundromat all the time, as long as your kids are clean and smell fine, I don’t see an issue with it.

When things are hard for you just rinse them out by hand

Everyday!! Mostly twice daily unless my kids get messy. You can hand wash your sons clothes if need be.


Fresh clothes and pjs every day/night.

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My son is 3 he changes himself everyday. Sometimes more than once. My older ones are 6/7 and they have to be yelled at to change. They always come in so dirty . But they play outside alot and they get dirty. If they still clean I’d have no issue

If its clean nothing wrong with that 2 days is fine.
When i was low in money i would wash clothes in the tub and just hang dry.
My kids take a shower every day sometimes 1 day yes one day No. So the put on pajamas next day they change to normal clothes.

Whatever works for you. I’m sure if its dirty u change him in 2 outfits a day, but if its clean then do whatever u want. These perfect moms will get on here and tear u apart dont listen and just do what ur comfortable with and what ur doing.


I’ve been there. No washer and dryer and no power in town (hurricane) so even if we could go to a laundry mat it was no use. Keep your head up momma. Do the best you can. I know some lowes and home depot has lease programs.


I change clothes daily. Except when my toddler is attached to an outfit. Then as long as it’s not grimy I don’t fight that battle.

Fresh clothes every day. Sunday is laundry day.

My almost 10 year old changes her clothes every few mins :roll_eyes:. If they arent dirty they get put up. My 2 year old only wears clothes if we are going some place and we only go to the store, drs or my moms. Any other time she’s running around in a diaper.

Depends on if we go anywhere and how dirty they get… If we been inside lounging all day then yeah wear it again

We change everyday and pjs at night. With that being said, sometimes we have pjs days and stay in them.

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New clothes and pjs every day

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New clothes everyday… and clean pjs every night.


I’m always changing my kids I hate them being in dirty clothes. My 2 month old also slobbers a lot lol. But my almost 4 year old plays wayyyy too much and gets way too dirty

They change their clothes daily.

Older boys can wear their clothes for 2 days. Younger two are way messier so its usually once to twice a day lol. We are Homeschooling so we are always home. unless the older ones get dirty there’s no reason to change. They do change their undies everyday obviously lol. Mine are 2,4,7 and 9.

Heck, I abide by the same rules for myself. If it isn’t stained & doesn’t smell it isn’t dirty! You do what works best for you momma :raised_hands::heart:


Ur son doesn’t drool? At that age I changed my kids multiple times a day. It’s good hygiene to change every day. Especially now w 'Rona. Just because they dont “look” dirty dont mean they are not. Wash clothes in the sink or bathtub and hang to dry.


Outfit during the day sometimes two then pjs at night.
New outfit everyday & New pjs at night.

I had to make once a week trips for a while to a laundromat mat.
So I hand washed & dried clothes.

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We spend a lot of time in underwear and pjs

My daughter changes her clothes every day. I dont let her put back on dirty clothes. Just goes in the hamper after she changes clothes.

I’ll do pjs again if they changed into day clothes early my kids 6 and 3 are savages 1​:joy::woman_facepalming:

Clean clothes each day and jammies worn a couple nights if still clean. Usually take a bath before they put jammies on so they arent getting dirty as fast…


Clothes they wear new ones every day. Pjs the baby wears new ones every night, the 4yo I let him wear an extra night as long as he didn’t get them messy during breakfast

Everyday, 2 to 3 times a day. They wear their night clothes to sleep then get put in house clothes in the morning. If we leave they get going out clothes.

My daughter goes thru like 4 outfits a day lol she’s 15 months tho

If it’s not dirty, it doesn’t hurty


Do what you can. At the age of 1 it’s not going to make or break their life if they are changed once or fifty times a day. Love them, feed them, be there for them. End of story. Give me a break people. Just wait till your kids are teenagers.


Mine twice a day or sometimes more with my two year old because she gets messy and I have no washer and dryer we wash at laundry mat once a week and when we couldn’t afford to we washed them by hand and hung to dry

Wow really, are you kidding me

My 12 year old takes a shower and puts on clean clothes every morning. My 5 year old is a no limit soldier who will fight you over her clothes. If she finds a skirt she likes, she will wear it for days. I just make sure she’s getting a bath and clean undies :woman_shrugging:t3: It’s not that serious, just keep those butts and teeth clean! Lol


my 4 yr old has been choosing to wear outfits for days. We have to tell hime the underwear (wearing dirty for to long) spiders are going to get in his clothes too.

Change clothes daily
Sometimes use same pants if needed for uniforms

U do what works best for u…


Y even post this wouldn’t u know by looking at your kid if he’s cleaned or not foolish in my opinion :joy:to even ask this things people do for attention

We’re kinda in the same predicament. We get to wash clothes once every two weeks.
He is 4 so things typically get dirty and go in the laundry, but if it has no stains, no smell and did not get wet I’ll let him wear it again.

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3-4 times a day depends how much mess they are making and playing

Why do you even have to ask that question like honestly


We change daily. If we’re staying in the house all day she usually wears a diaper then a new pair of pjs at bedtime. If the clothes get soiled at all (spills, snot, dirt etc) she gets changed into a new outfit

I have 4 kids, two in school and then a 3 year old and 3 month old. All get clean clothes on in the morning, two in school change again once they get home from school and then all get fresh pjs on. Even my baby gets changed into a clean outfit and pjs.

When his with us is as needed but most days 2 times.But in daycare only once. I personally dont like to see my kid in dirty clothes, it makes me uncomfortable.I understand the situation but you can always hand wash. I learn this skill from my mother which she learn in her country.


My babygirl wears PJs to my moms then my mom changes her into “day clothes” she wears her “day clothes” till after dinner, and then I put her PJs on her

If I’m not going anywhere and my kids have on their favorite clothes I will let them wear them a few days, but otherwise I want them to change everyday or if they go to school I will literally wash their favorite shirt every day for them so they can wear it every day.

MY SON 13 Changes his clothes daily and my little girl 10 Changes hers three times a day

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My boy likes to get messy, so change clothes prob twice a day, and then change pjs at night, I do washing once a week, he has alot of clothes :sweat_smile:

My daughter changes clothes 10 times a day. My son has worn the same pair of shorts for 4 days :woman_facepalming:t3: I’m to the point that as long as they’re clothed I don’t care what they wear :joy:


Every day I change my kids clothes! It’s called HAND WASH AND HANG DRY !!!


Everyday!!! Socks, underwear, shirt and pants changed daily!!!

But If they put on something for a few hours and stay in the house and don’t eat while wearing it then I will put it away for another day!


We go to the laundry mat once a week and I change my kids clothes every day. They are 5 and 1

If it ain’t dirty don’t put the extra stress on yourself. Regardless it’s your child and your decision. It doesn’t matter what anyone else does. It’s what works for you🥰


Well I’d say if kid is going to school absolutely change every day. If not then whatever works best for u.


Yeah my dude wears the same clothes a couple days in a row sometimes (I don’t have a washer and dryer either). He also sleeps naked thats just what makes him comfortable :woman_shrugging:

I am fortunate enough to have a washer and dryer. I do wash every Saturday. They get clean clothes every morning and if they play outside and roll in dirt they change into clean outfit so they don’t transfer dirt to furniture or their beds during the day when they are done outside… different pjs every night and they go to the dirty clothes basket every morning. Showers every other night unless need one In between. Clean underwear every night before bed whether or not had a shower. I do end up with a lot of laundry at the end of the week lol they don’t wear something twice. I myself do often but I never noticed how particular I am about them until right now writing this :grimacing::rofl: they are 3&5 girl & boy

My children r bathed daily, my oldest gets a outfit in the am, n then pjs, dirty clothes in the hamper… my 3 yr old he can go thru 2 to 4 outfits a day, then pjs… all dirty clothes go in the hamper n I wash clothes twice a week… you do you. You know what’s best for ur child…

Hand wash and hang dry my dear. You got this.


No rewears after a bath. So at the most two nights pjs and most of the time the are just diaper during the day. They never leave the house.

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Honestly, we barely leave the house so my daughter pretty much wears the same shirt for maybe three days until she spills food or juice on it. She’s never been a drooler and avoids mess most of the time.


My son is 2 and if he’s home all-day i don’t put clothes on him so he’s in his pulls ups🤷🏽‍♀️. We live in The Bahamas so its hot.
He wears pjs to sleep at night when the air conditioning is on…
When its cooler and clothes are needed we change him twice morning and evening and anytime in between if he gets dirty

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3 to 4 times a day. Use ur sink and some soap then let them air dry. It’s better than nothing. I actually had. A friend let her kids wear their clothes for two days, they sent cps to her house for neglect.


Same, my daughter might wear the same shirt for 2 days. Unless she spills something on it

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My kids lived in the same clothes/bathing suit all summer. They changed eventually :woman_facepalming: but being that young I changed my kids clothes every other day or so. Depended on how messy they got

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I’m trying not to judge but that’s just gross. Would you like to wear the same outfit multiple days in a row? You can still wash your clothes by hand and hand dry them. That’s just being dirty


My 3 oldest go through a couple outfits a day . They shower daily so at least a clean outfit after the shower . I remember the days of not have if a washer and dryer . Hand wash and hang them if needed

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I’m sorry but you should be changing your kids clothes every day. Into pajamas and then a clean outfit the next day. You don’t have to have a washer to wash clothes. Its called hand washing. Maybe not convenient but cheap and easy to do.


Morning and night unless they get messy then they change again.

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I try and do new clothes every day but my daughter has this one Mickey mouse shirt she will fight to wear for days straight like get out of the bath and melt down to put it back on. So now her Mickey mouse shirt gets a bath with her so I can put her in something different.

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I honestly shower them every day and the outfit they have on for that day ,they can sleep in it but if during the day they get super dirty then I’ll just let them be in their pampers, and if at night it gets chilly ill just put on a shirt on since my kids still love to sleep without the covers. No matter how much I cover them they end up without on in the morning.

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Clean clothes everday… sometimes wear Jean’s twice if they are clean still but nothing else…


The way I look at it is, if someone can look it smell the clothes and see they have wore them more then one day then I change them. If not then they can use it again the next day. I mean really I don’t wash my jeans every time I take them off, it makes clothes look old and dingey if washed to much.


My daughter is in her diaper unless we go somewhere. She’s 3


My son only wears clothes when we go out :joy: and I have a washer just raising a Nudest :rofl:. Do what you are able to do if you baby isn’t filthy and is taken care of who cares.


I do it daily. It keeps them in a healthy hygiene routine. If he wears pants or something that doesn’t get dirty I may fold them up for another day but every morning we get up, brush teeth, get dressed, and since it’s a set routine in our day I have less tantrums (when it comes to that😉) because he’s used to doing it. No shame here and some things work differently for different people. Just do what feels best for you and your family!