How often do you change your kids clothes?

My son gets clean Jammies every single night and a new outfit every single day. If he gets it dirty then I change him during the day. So minimum of 2 outfits a day. Put some soap in the sink and wash them out and hang to dry.


I wash in the tub and hang to dry if need be when i dont feel like putting my uniform in the washer. But even if you switch an outfit out the next day and then put him in the one he wore the first day on day 3 or 4 this way hes not in the same thing for 2 days. And if you are just staying at home I would put him in just a onsie and diaper or just a diaper to help save on clothes. But that’s if you are staying home for the day. Heck my 7 year old son hates clothes so he will just be in boxer shorts if we are just home for the day.

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I go with rewearing pants or shorts twice if they aren’t visibly dirty or smell with my 7 year old. New undies daily and after bathing. Jammies can get two maybe three nights. Would I send him to school in the same clothes, bottoms or tops two day in a row… no…
My 6 month old needs to be put in new clothes usually twice a day for eating or leaking issues.
I went a while at my old apartment having to use quarters for laundry. It was horrible. Hand wash and hang dry to get by.

I’ve been there, my dear, with a hubby and 5 kids. I handwashed and hung up to dry. We can’t help how things are sometimes. We all get tough times. While you strive for better laundry days you do what you think best. Is your child clean and healthy? I’m sure he is and that matters most. To ypu, dear.


I always put them into pajamas at night…they may wear them another night if it’s still clean. During the day they may wear their outfit a second day but they usually get it messy anyway and I do two outfit changes a day then :woman_shrugging:t4: I can’t imagine having my kid wear their clothes two days in a row if they had food on them or anything messy! Ick

I change my kids a couple times a day sometimes they change themselves when they feel like their clothes are dirty. :laughing:

Hmm… I don’t think my 2 kids even wear 1 set of clothes for 24 hours. I do laundry 2 sometimes 3x a week. Its tiring :sleepy:

I think it depends on the kid my daughters went through a phase from like 3-5 in which they would change clothes 2+ times a day plus their set of pjs every night. Laundry was crazy !!! Now it’s one set of clothes a day and their pjs at night. For me it’s really important that they shower and wear clean clothes everyday. My sister has a boy tho and he went through a little phase when he only wanted to wear his Halloween costume and she would let him. He was perfectly fine wearing it for more than a few days before she could take it off him and wash it.

Growing up my parents made us wear clothes 2 days before they were dirty. I change my kids daily sometimes multiple times a day. every now and then I get a little lazy and let them go but I have a washer and dryer and wash at 2 loads of laundry daily. But it won’t kill him to wear clothes more than one day. It’ll actually help his immune system in the long run. But i would change i
Him if you leave the house do to covid right now

I washed them by hand.

You do what’s best for you, as long as he is clean, and his clothes aren’t nasty, then I say he is fine. I’ve been in your shoes I had to wash 2 kids (girls) in a bathtub bc my apartment didn’t have washer/dryer hookups and I couldn’t afford, at the time, to go to the laundry mat. On rushed days I would have to dry their clothes in the oven, if they were still damp.

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Honestly, no way. They have pjs for night, clothes for day. As much as the lockdown makes us want to just stay in pjs all the time, we shouldn’t. Once school starts your child will be required to wear a different outfit every day. If you sent them to school or daycare in the same clothes few days in a row, man would staff tear you apart and make claims against you.


Shower them everyday, new outfit and new pjs everyday! Clothes dont have to look dirty to be dirty :woman_facepalming:


I wouldn’t worry about it… unless u live in the city, do what you feel is right, never mind what everybody else does…Dirt doesn’t hurt kids

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I change my sons clothes in the morning and at night (if they gets dirty during the day I’ll change them then too)
I went without a washing machine for bout 3 months but would still change clothes regularly

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Frigging wash them by hand


Sweetie, forgive my brashness, clothes can be washed by hand and hung to dry. Children should be bathed DAILY and fresh clothes DAILY .

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There is no better way to parent your child than the way YOU parent your child. As long as they are taken care of then nobody else’s opinion matters.


Daily… usually twice for younger ones.

Its whatever works for you and your situation


I find it very hard to believe a toddler can stay clean in the same clothes for 2 days , I’ve been through the struggle but I call bullish!t


Pff I wish I could get my boys to keep clothes on, and soon as we get home from anywhere they strip to boxers. But if they are clean I put them off to side to wear again. Just make sure clean underwear and shower and teeth.

Underwear/socks are every day sometimestwice a day depending on weather and activities( the boy tries to stretch this out longer if I don’t get after him), but, T-shirts, pants, shorts, hoodies, dresses can and will be worn in rotation until they get stained or start to smell unfresh. I have a laundry room but I see no need to wash every article of clothing when they take them off( the girl changes her clothes at least 3 times a day). Saves water, saves the fabric from wearing out quicker and saves my sanity lol

my son showers 2 times a day! and changes his clothes 2 times

I always washed my kids and mine out by hand, if i couldnt get to a laundry mat, or if i was broke, i learned you have to do what you have to do if your poor


My older kids in school change every day … but my younger kid who is t in school wears same thing twice pff who cares

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We wear our pajamas all day over here :woman_shrugging:t4:

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My child change clothes at least 4 times a day and showers 2 times a dsy

My babe pukes like 24 7 so a lot during the day lol but when he sleeps if it’s not puked on when he wakes up then he stays in it till he pukes lol

My son is 5 years old and even when he was smaller, his clothes got changed every day. Im not gonna mom shame you like some of the others on here, but when I was young my family didn’t have a washer all the time and we would actually wash our clothes in the bath tub or a big bucket. We did what we had to do to have clean clothes. You do what you have to do to have clean clothes even if that means washing them in a bucket or a bath tub. Nowadays if people see kids in filthy clothes, they call child services. And we couldn’t afford a dryer, so we hanged them on a clothesline. While a tub may not get them clean clean, at least they look clean and smell good and not filthy and nasty smelling.


And btw… been broke and had no washer ,dryer or detergent and used hand soap, dish soap. Even pet soap once and hung them out to dry. So… fresh clothes are a must daily. I’m all for every other day bathing if the child is basically clean and at the age where you can just wipe off but fresh clothes are A MUST.


My boys wear their outfit sometimes 2 days in a row :person_shrugging: my kids do not get bathed daily they have eczema and it will dry their skin out. Doctor’s orders


Every day for my 10 yr old and about 2 or 3 times a day for my toddler

You should change your child’s clothes daily. They should not sleep in their clothes they wore all day. Hand wash the childs’ clothes. The child isn’t even one yet, so yeah he does have stains, pee, poo, and everything else on his clothes. It is not hygiene to have him in the same clothes for days at a time. I hope the child gets bathe, at least every other day.

If it’s not dirty I don’t change it. Especially when he was really little because he didn’t sweat or anything

I’ve been known to let my kiddo run around in the same shirt and/or pants if we’re home 2 consecutive days and he didn’t really do anything. I’ve also grabbed “dirty” pants out of the laundry before if I realize he was out of clothes.

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My kids wear a fresh outfit each day. If my 2 year old gets messy I change his outfit. I mean 2 days might be okay if he’s at home all day. But if he’s in daycare or out in public places, he should have at least one fresh outfit per day. Try hand washing his clothes and hanging them somewhere to dry.


Sometimes 6 times a day. Sometimes she wears the same thing for 2 days.

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Pajamas at night, new clothes every day.


My kids honestly change clothes like 5 times a day :woman_facepalming:t3: most outfit changes are so dirty. They go straight to the wash

I never leave the house so my son rarely gets dirty. He’ll be 2 in January. It seems like an every other day thing to change clothes, unless needed lol. But I’m the same way, why do laundry if it’s not dirty and they aren’t going anywhere :woman_shrugging::joy:

I change my 3year old daughter daily my son who is 11years his school clothes are a 2day wear


You could wash in the tub or sink and hang dry. :grinning:

We change 2X a day. When my son was first born, my washer and dryer broke (at the same time) so I had the pleasure of handwashing and hanging to dry clothes for 5 people. :joy:

My kids wear a fresh clean outfits each day. Bath each night & then fresh clean pjs for bed :slight_smile: Sometimes if theyve been outside playing for hours and sweating ill bath them a second time and put a different outfit on them until evening bath & bed
They are 5 & 6 :slight_smile:


Daytime clothes and pajamas at night. We’ve been known to go through 3 or 4 outfits a day if he’s playing in the mud. If you have a sink or a tub, you can wash your child’s clothes as often as needed.

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I put my kid in fresh jammies every night. There’s sometimes he stays in those clothes all day if he doesn’t get them dirty. :woman_shrugging:t2:


New outfit every morning, new jammies every night


If they smell and look good thats what matters lol. Otherwise if its hard to get to a laundromat when its dirty, just hand wash! That’s how they did it before washing machines were invented. Lucky we dont have to wash for 20 people including blankets and sheets by hand! Just wash in the sink

Daily clothes and jammies. Changed to clean every time. They never wear the same thing for more than a day. I have twins


Undies/socks (but honestly unless we’re going somewhere they don’t wear socks) every day. At least once. Normally they’re just in shirts if I can keep them in clothes at all and depending on the days activities I don’t necessarily change them. I, too, do not have a washer and dryer and am limited to doing it once a week, sometimes almost 2 weeks. I could do the tub scrub, and sometimes I do but that’s ultimately my last resort. My kids don’t go outside much due to the current living situation. But when they’ve worked up a sweat I definitely shower them and fresh clothes on.

Fresh outfit each morning and fresh pjs each night. Hand washing sux but you could hand wash your little ones clothes in-between laundromat trips?


You’re doing great, mama!


Change every day and every night for my kids. They are messy kids :joy: I dont see anything wrong with wearing clothes again if they still smell and look clean. I wear my clothes twice if they are still good. Nothing wrong with it.


My daughter is one but when she was younger and cleaner, she could wear the same outfit twice. Pjs we change when they’re dirty since she bathes every night. I’m so happy I haven’t came across anyone mom shaming :two_hearts: you do you girl. They are your kids :heart:


I change like 3 times a day because of the mess he creates

When he wasn’t eating table food id let him stay in his nightgown occasionally and then change into a new one after bath time. He is 16 months now and we go threw 2 sometimes 3 outfits a day because he is outside getting dirty, food on his clothes, etc.

Clean outfit in the morning tubby at night and clean pjs I have a 4 year old and 20 month old both girls…Sunday’s is usually an all day pj day because we are home all day

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My kids wear a outfit and then PJs for bed. Never the same.outfit

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Depends on his activities and the weather where you’re at. If he sweats a lot then it’s better to change before bedtime. Bacteria might start to develop overnight if he sleeps with clothing that’s been soaked & dried with sweat. If he baths everyday, better get him fresh clothes after bath. Kid’s clothing aren’t too heavy for handwash & you don’t need too much detergent if it’s not stained heavily with mud or food.

Well my 3 yr old can go thru 3-4 outfits a day most days🤷🏾‍♀️

I mean I usually try to get my 4yr old to change into something besides pjs during the day then into the same pjs he wore the night before. And I try to only change his pjs after he’s had a bath. Which I do Monday and Thursday. But yeah if I’ve ran to the store and put him in clothes and they aren’t dirty I’ll put him in the same the next day. I’m a SAHM I have no shame lol. I’ll wear the same thing two days in a row too. Idgaf


As long as they change for bed

Some days my kids will go 3 days in the same outfit. I have a 6yo and a 3yo. My situation isn’t just if it’s not dirty it’s ok, mine is my fight with my depression that sometimes I’ll go days without even changing my own clothes (if we aren’t going anywhere.) I’m glad I have my husband to help on those days. They get a bath 2-3 times a week, Wednesday and Sunday if they haven’t been out running around everywhere, or Monday, Wednesday and Saturday if we’ve been out and they’ve gotten all sweaty and dirty. If it works for you, then it works for you.


Depends how messy they get, we don’t go out much, obviously no one does right now, but if she gets messy ye I change her sometimes 3 times a day, but if it’s been a day and she’s not too messy, I don’t make a big fuss over it, mind you I cloth diaper so if my washer isn’t working I’m used to handwashing, but don’t feel bad for letting your kids wear the same thing on day two if their not messy, we’ve all done it, even if some refuse to admit it, or maybe their life is just perfect :joy::neutral_face:


My daughter is 5 & changes in the mornings & most nights into pjs. Sometimes we just leave her in her clothes to sleep if she fell asleep on the way home. If it’s an at home day, she will sometimes stay in jammies. My son is 1 & absolutely a foul little human & needs to be changed & sometimes bathed 2-3 times a day lol.

My kids can wear their jammies 2-3 times. Especially if they are showering pretty regularly, i mean seriously they wear the clothes to sleep in how dirty can they get

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Now with school back in even my clothes get changed every day. I loved the month of August and being at home, living in bathing suits and hardly any dirty clothes! I feel for you mama! I understand the struggle!

I have the ability to put my son in clean clothes every night and every morning. But not all are as fortunate as me. Clothe your child. Love your child. Do you best, whatever your best may be. <3


I use to hand wash the clothes. Keep the kid clean and ignore the judgy ladies on here! And unless they need it, pediatricians only recommend a bath every other day at most. Daily baths dry out their sensitive skin even with lotion.


I spent many hours washing clothes in the tub. No shame :kissing_heart:

My oldest will stay in the same clothes(and nasty socks :face_vomiting:) for 3 or 4 days if I don’t remind him to change. Especially the socks. He sees no problem with them even after they’re crusty and gross. My youngest is 2 and sometimes stays in the same shirt for up to 2 or 3 days. He’s not a fan of pants and we don’t go out often anyway since corona started. :woman_shrugging:

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If you are reading these comments, message me momma! :heart: times can be rough and I’d be happy to ship you some clothes. I know it can be hard without a washer and dryer, so if you need more to make it through the week w/out laundry looks like you have a lot of supportive moms here


Wear an outfit for the day then come home bathe and change into night clothes or just in their diaper.

My 9 year old thinks if she tried the outfit on for 2 minutes “its dirty” ummmm no fold that stuff and put it back in the dresser. My 13 year old will sometimes get away with wearing the same outfit 2-3 days before i smell him and make him shower. They are home schooled right now and hardly go anywhere so Im not pressed about showers and changing clothes like i normally would be if circumstances were different. Saves money on electric/gas and water. I’m not complaining


I have 5 kids my youngest has to bathe everyday sometimes twice she is just a dirt magnet my next youngest showers every other day he changes clothes everyday for school but some times on the weekend he wears the same thing from the day before my other 3 are teenagers so I don’t question there clothes they are in charge of there own laundry if it stays in their room and not in my hamper in the bath room but I have been without a washer and dryer it sucks and you do what you see fit for you and your little one im sure no one would know if you hadn’t said a word about it

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Everyday. Sometimes 2,3 times aday


We do a clean outfit most every morning (sometimes on the weekend we hang out in jammies all day) and jammies for bed. If my daughter took a bath before bed and put on clean jammies then sometimes she takes the jammies off in the morning and lays them on her pillow to wear another night as long as they didn’t get dirty.

It depends on how active they were that day if they went to school or daycare or played outside most of then yes we bath and get clean clothes on but if we stayed inside and didn’t get super dirty then I don’t stress over it.

That’s totally fine as long as they wear jammies and change their undies…which jammies are also ok to wear 2ce.

Um, every day? Who doesn’t change their clothes every day? Or at least do a quick hand wash? I don’t do laundry every day either. I blast through clothes and spend one day a week or every other week when I’m out of clothes to do laundry


If my kid and I are home for two days and don’t go anywhere I’m fine with her staying in the same Pjs she’s had on but we change the underwear

For my kids they wear 1-2 outfits during the day. They are 2 & 3 years old. And at night they have a clean pair of pajamas always. I myself will wear the same basketball shorts for three days but I feel weird about my kids re-wearing clothes. I’ve had them rewear a clean outfit if we didn’t go anywhere and they didn’t sweat in it though. Everyone’s situation is different though so if that works for you, I don’t see how it’s hurting them to rewear clothes. :woman_shrugging:

I say its a personal preference based on how you parent. Everyone has different opinions ect. Personally, I change and shower my kids daily and sometimes twice once in the morning after breakfast and once in the night before bed. I change my kids twice a day in the morning and pj’s for bed. When my kid was in school same thing shower before school, but they would take off school clothes and put on house clothes after and change into pj’s before bed. I have 4 kids so I wash every 2 days. My kids are also little so I say it would also be based on how dirty they get, ect but I just don’t feel right if I don’t shower or change them daily. Again my opinion everyone parents and deals with their children differently. To each their own.

My oldest will wear the same outfit for 2-3 days sometimes because he doesn’t want to take it off. If your kid is clean I see no harm in it

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I have 5 kids and 1000 loads of laundry per day :exploding_head:

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We change every morning, and after his bath.
I’ve read it’s good to change them when they wake up, helps em understand its daytime and therefore time to be active.

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Its hard to say. My 3 year old gets a bath and change of clothes every day. Some times more than one outfit a fay. But hes wild and stinky. He loves to play in the dirt or outside so he gets dirty often.

My baby is almost 2… they are very messy at this age.
His clothes has to be changed at least twice a day… and he has a bath every night and is put into clean pjs.
I’ve been without a washer and dryer before… what’s wrong with you washing kids clothes by hand? I use to wash kids clothes while I was in the shower…

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when you give him a bath make sure he is fully clothed and wash his outfit and then him, The clothes will dry overnight.

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Usually daily. But i mean I’ve been in a place before with no washer and dryer and no way to get them washed but maybe 2 times a month. So a 2 day thing would happen. I wouldn’t go past that though. Just my opinion. I used to have to hand wash in my bath tub so i understand the struggle

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I have two Daughters 14 & 4 they never rewear clothes and always wear clean pajamas those only get worn one time to. They both shower daily. Hygiene is number one!!!

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Mine get 3 changes of clothes, school uniform, an outfit when home and then pyjamas for bed. We have 4 kids and I don’t do laundry every day, I have a wash and dry day where I will get the baskets down every 2-3 days.

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I try to get my boys, especially my youngest to wear clean clothes often. My daughter has to go through several outfit changes. My youngest son wants to wear the same clothing all the time and it’s problematic because he refuses to change it. He’s on the spectrum and has his preferences, but hygiene is very important so we battle a lot!

I say you have to do what you’re comfortable with. If your child doesn’t get that dirty then that’s fine. I have a toddler and I change him two to three times a day but he just seems to wallow in the dirt

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I’ve had to hand wash my kids clothes in the tub when necessary…If you keep up with your child’s personal hygiene then it’s OK for him to wear an outfit 2x.

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I put mine in new clothes when she wakes up and then new pajamas after her bath every single day. I feel like kids get to messy during the day and she sweats a little at night. So I never have her rewear. Even I change my clothes daily.

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It all depends, if you smoke around them, you may not smell it but believe others can.

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Every day sometimes multiple times a day for PJs and things …

Hell be fine. It builds the immune system. As long as he isn’t blatantly dirty and smelly, he is fine.

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