How often do you see your parents?

How often do you see your parents? What’s normal and not normal for texting / seeing a parent when you’re grown and in a relationship? Also, how do you not let the way you were raised come between your relationship? My family sorta just grows up and has their own family. We don’t keep running back to our parents constantly weekly for HOURS or text each other daily for hours. His family is a little more closely and does those things. We both find problems with the way each other were raised, and I don’t know how to overcome that yet.


What’s “normal” depends on the family and situation. I see my parents daily because we live on the same family farm. One of my brothers sees my parents maybe once a year because he lives 2 states away. Another brother also sees my family daily and yet another hasn’t seen them in several years. We all talk to my parents in varying amounts via text or calls.

Sounds like you and your significant other need to sit down and have a serious discussion. If you cannot get on the same page or come to an agreement about family life, then you may want to consider going your separate ways. If it’s already causing issues that you aren’t sure how to overcome, then what do you think will happen years from now when you are resenting each other because of a continuous argument over family life?


I’m a daughter, mom and grandma. I text my mom throughout week. Phone call maybe 2x month. Visit 1x month.
My oldest son and I text throughout the week. My middle son barely text. My daughter we text daily. My kids join normally at the 1x visit w/ my parents.

My family is close. We do family outings/cook outs often in nice weather.

If you can’t compromise on this now how will it be if you add kids. Talk and think about that.


Your normal and his normal are going to look different, as are everyone else’s on Facebook.

If you two decide to get married one day, his family will become yours (and your kids), so it’s one of those things you need to get on the same page with now. Or spend the rest of your life annoyed by.

For me, I say few times a month is normal (married, mid 20’s).

I text/talk to my mom (almost) every day. She lives 4 min away from me. I see her a few times a week depending on our schedule. My boyfriends parents are like my family, and I talk to them almost everyday, if not see them everyday. My bf doesn’t care to go to his parents that much, but will go at least once a week, and doesn’t really text or call them. However, he has no problem with me going to his parents house or my parents house for hours at a time. Maybe just let your partner just see his family? I mean every day for a few hours might be excessive but only one or two times a week? That doesn’t seem bad to me. Obviously you were raised differently though, and that is OK! We each have different family dynamics. If you love your partner, him spending time with his family should not be coming in between your relationship unless he is neglecting his kids (you didn’t say you had any so idk if y’all do) or you plan to do something and he continuously cancels just to see his family.

we got together once a month to celebrate everyone’s birthdays that happened that month and then all the holidays. called my Mom on the way home from work

Every family is different and every child is different so I don’t have an answer for what is “normal” bc it will vary. When my mom was alive we texted throughout the week and had a long phone call discussion 1-2 times a month and saw each other 1x a month. I considered us close. :slightly_smiling_face:With that being said, I wouldn’t let this issue become something that creates and issue with you two. Let him see his family whenever he wants and you see yours when you want.

I see my parents once a week and talk to them at least ever other day
My husband we see his mom daily because we all live on the same property and since his dads death in May we cook dinner for her every night since she still works 6 am to 6 pm

I don’t see why you would have issues with how each other communicates with their family.


My mom lives in NC I live in Nebraska we talk to each other several times a week. My dad used to live in the save town. Just lost him to covid-19 Oct 3. We talked weekly and saw each other at least Monthly. With that being said… DONT EVER TAKE YOUR PARENTS FOR GRANTED. THEY WILL NOT BE AROUND FOREVER AND WHEN THEY ARE GONE IT IS THE WORST HEARTACHE YOU WILL EVER EXPERIENCE (OUTSIDE OF LOOSING A CHILD). let him see his parents as oftet as he pleases and make an effort to see your own as oftet as possible.

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I am really close to my family. Speak to my mum and her partner literally every day via messenger. She lives abroad. We don’t hear from my real dad too often and my step dad and his wife we speak to weekly and see prob every 4 weeks. Also speak to my nan multiple times a week and see her without fail once a week but more than often 3 times cx

Everyone is different, even the siblings. Me and one of my brothers are at my moms every few days, call her everyday and text stupid little things thru out the day. We are momma babies lol. But one of my other brothers will go weeks without talking to mom. My husband can go weeks without talking to or seeing his mom and that’s just how it is. But my time spent with my mom doesn’t come between us. I go there while he works and when he’s home we spend time at home as a family.

And with disagreeing with how you were raised… we were both raised completely different from each other, and we’ve both agreed to raise our kids the way we want to not the way either one of us was.

Some families are just closer than others. My SO and I were raised completely different. I like who he is as an adult. I’m not worried about his past upbringing.

I don’t speak to my mother at all, but I text my dad every day and call about twice a week. I try to visit him often. He’s like my best friend.

I’m a mom of 4 daughters and certain times we might text daily. I talk to 2 at least once a week, 1 is in Germany so we don’t talk but message every few days. I try to see them every few weeks. Most of their husbands are pretty involved with their families so it doesn’t seem abnormal for us to keep in touch! We’ve always been a close family since my husband (their father died). If you feel neglected over his time with his family then tell him, but they are his family and will always be his family.

My mom has dead for about 4 years now and didn’t talk to her for two years before that. She had issues that she needed to really work. But that’s a different story. My biological dad left me when I was 2 and lives 6 states away. With his family he started out there. He will call 1 or 2 a year. So my normal dose not look like everyone else. I do talk with my brother and sister just about every other day. Text or snap daily . We meet up monthly. They live in the next state over. I talk with my daughter daily. My other half see his parents frequently they don’t text. He only calls them when it’s something important. We live in the same town as them. So that’s his normal. But if you have a problem with his side or him with yours talk about it now but it’s probably not going to change. So you need to decide if you can live with it or not.

My family is super close. When we lived closer we were at mom and dads every Sunday with our kids for lunch and just to visit. I’m now 15 hours away so we all group text when we can. But not for hours etc… You all should have mutual understanding how to raise your kids. Yes I take some of how I was raised and he does too and we come to an understanding what’s best for us.

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I talk to my grandma and my mom daily. Maybe 15-20 minute conversation with each of them including them talking to my girls. I get to see them once every 1-2 weeks for a few hours at a time max.
My husband calls his parents 3-4 times a week and visits 1-2 times per week.
He will occasionally say something about me talking to them too often, but really it’s about equal on both sides.
I feel like there isn’t really a normal though because once you are grown it’s more about how well you get along with someone and not necessarily just because they are family.

We live with my mom. I see my dad occasionally now (he and my mom separated. We saw each other more before). My husband sees his mom maybe a couple times a month and his fad less so. I’m not sure how often he and his mom talk bht even before we moved in with my mom I talked to her every day

I see my mother more in the summer. A lot of the texting is in a family group text and sometimes it’s actual texts and sometimes it’s pictures or memes. Often I see my family when the kiddo or her cousins make demands to see each other.

I live about 15min away from my whole family. I call my mom and dad daily usually when running errands or when my fiance is busy. I see them probably every week or two for a little bit as well.

My family became very close after we almost lost a family member to suicide. I usually see them once a week. We are about to go on a vacation together for a whole week soon and I’m super excited! We all get along pretty well and have a good time. We are extremely close!

See my dad minimum 3-5x a week my mom minimum once a week. Talk to them everyday.

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I dont see or talk to my dad at all. My mom lives in kentucky and i live in Alabama and we go in 2 maybe 3 times a year. I talk to her everyday and well facetime on the weekends. But my husbands family lives like 20 minutes away so they’re more involved. I’ve always lived away from family so it doesn’t me bother me.

I talk to my mom 5 times a day probably :joy: I even talk to my momma in law a few times a week. I think it all depends on the person and family.

I live like 5 minutes from my mother and I call her every single morning! I visit her several times a week, also. My husband thought it was strange, at first. But now he loves the fact I’m so close to my mom. He always said his family was never close like that. Someday, I hope my children do the same.

I see my parents all the time. But they only live 5 minutes away and babysit for us. My dad is always over.

Parents I never actually met my dad (actually found out he passed a couple months ago) and me and my mom aren’t close text once or twice a month very few phone calls a year. I know she wants more but it’s kind of a “too little too late” situation.

I talk to my parents and my in-laws regularly. Maybe not every day but most definitely a few times a week. They help babysit our son so we are always in communication.

my family lived with my parents, then when my mom passed we still stayed with my dad until he passed…

I see my parents everyday and talk to them everyday, they help with my kids so I’m with them a lot

My parents live in the same town as me. I see them once a week at most. Sometimes I’ll go three weeks without seeing them. We text but not every day. Only when there’s something coming up or if we are planning something.

I call/ text my mom daily. I talk to my dad on the phone roughly once a week or so.we don’t visit each other at home much right now due to covid. It really just depends on how you were raised. Growing up we went to my grandparents homes once a week or so.

I speak/text with my parents and in-laws multiple times a week. We see them weekly/every 2 weeks as well.

Work together and find a happy medium. You don’t need to raise your children how your parents raised you.

My mom and step-dad live in the same town and we all have a very close relationship. I talk to my mom every day and see them at least weekly. My dad and step-mom live on the other side of the country and although we aren’t super close we still talk about once a month. My husband’s mom and him are close and they interact (fb posts, text, calls) multiple times a week. Her and I interact about weekly as well. He doesn’t interact much with his dad at all… to the point that we’re married and I’ve never met him!

With that said, I think every family/relationship is different. I’m super close with my step-dad (I call him dad and everything) and this will be our last holiday with him so we don’t take anything for granted.

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I video my mom daily on fb. Text also. My dad i have to write just bcuz he is locked up. But i would call and text him several times a day.

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If only I could see them lost both my parents but when they where here every week but we talked everyday

Me and my husband bump heads when we realize that we are totally two different people but we always bounce back

My Dad is dead and my mother didn’t

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It really just depends on the person. My family is close but we don’t need to see each other every day to feel that closeness. My wife talks to her dad every day and her mom every couple of weeks. I see my mom a couple times a week because she watches my son while I work but we always manage to visit a bit. I don’t often talk to her outside of those two days but that doesn’t take away from my love and appreciation of her. I message my dad daily. We see grandparents on her side relatively often and we don’t see mine as often but always make a day of it when we do go see them. We were both raised in different environments too but what’s important is who you are now and how well you treat each other and your own kid(s).

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Luckily my son n I live with my mom right now . My dad I wish I could see him but he died unexpectedly in 2012.

You gotta make time for your family or one day you will regret it

I talk to my mother daily, I became a mother at a very young age and my husband and I have 4 about to be 5 kiddos. We have a very big family and she’s the only one who really understands my lifestyle at my age. It’s kind of nice because a lot of my friends even family don’t understand my lifestyle which is fine :blush:

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I talk to my mother every day, even if it’s just a text but usually at least a video chat we see each other at least one time a week in person if not more , I see my dad about twice a week, usually take my little one up for dinner, I talk to my step mom probably 5 days a week. I have one brother I talk to him several times a week and usually see him at dinner. We are pretty close. Would not want it any other way

I’m 34, with two kids. And talk to both of my sisters, and my mom several times thru out the day! And I see my mom at least twice a week!! Super close family :heart:

I see my dad every day. As he lives with me. He sold his house and moved in to watch my son while I work as I work FT and am a single parent.
My mum I rarely ever see or talk to. We are not close. She lives on the other side of Australia to me. We really have nothing to talk about. I call her once a month out of obligation, that’s about it.

I come from this exact situation and my fiancé comes from your spouses side.

I chat with my mom maybe a week out of three-four months. My dad and I are close and in prison so once a week maybe. My siblings and I chat maybe once a month. Just depends on how busy we are.

My fiancé’s parents live three minutes from us. And his siblings are all within ten minutes from us. I chat with my one sister in law almost daily. And we see his parents a couple times a week.

I however NEED structure and crave the family setting after not having it growing up. So I love how close we are with his side. I hate that I don’t have a closure bond with my family.

Maybe it’s that and why you’re having issues. Or maybe it’s just you don’t know how to take it. I didn’t at first but I couldn’t see any other way.

Also does his family include you could be a big one.

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I talk to my mom monthly, she’s busy with work spring-fall and when mn weather gets to cold to dig

My daughter use to call me everyday she passed away November 28 I miss her phone calls so much


Speak or text parents every day and see them twice/ three times a week

I see or at the very least talk to/text my family every day. We are very close, but my family respects that I am an adult and have my own family. My parents live a mile from me and watches my kids while hubby and I work though.

My parents are right up the street from us. And his mom is in the same town and his dad lives only 20 mins away. I love that we are all so close together I wouldn’t want it any other way!

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I live next to my parents so I see them daily, my mom and aunt talk to my grandma daily and my mom see my grandma every few days

I wish my parents were still living. We were a very close knit family at one time not so much anymore. So appreciate them while they are still here.


My mother lives with me. Wouldnt have it any other way. My father passed but we spoke daily before he passed and saw him every weekend if he didnt stop by a few nights during the week for dinner. Talk to in laws all the time. Our grown son will call or text everyday asking how my day was and if I need him to come do anything. Our kids text each other all the time when they arent home. We love each other. I hope it stays this way forever.


I texed my mom every day and my granmother as well :woman_shrugging:t2: I would want to see them every week but with the pandemic going on it’s not possible , and I am heartbroken over it :frowning:

Well I text my mom everyday, my dad I talk weekly with mainly thru Facebook. I actually visit my mom every other week pre-covid. My husband, talks to his mom once a week. An his brother once a week. Rest of family is dispersed throughout u.s, super busy so only talk to them every few months

My parents, kids & siblings all live in a 3 mile radius of me, I see all but 1 sibling daily, my kids/grandkids about twice a week & parents not much with Covid-19, my daddy has cancer & my mom is his caregiver. We don’t wanna take chances with them. We group text daily & FaceTime. My hubby’s sister lives next door & he talked to his dad daily but other sisters live farther away but he talks to them a few times a month.

We try to see my mom/stepdad at least 2 times a week, his mom we try to see weekends, and his dad we see whenever he decides to let us know he has a day off. My bio dad wants to see us now that my son is 3 but hasnt associated with me in about 5 years after I called him out on being a parent only when convenient for him when i was growing up. I talk to my mil my mom and my stepdad disly even if its just to let them know that I made it home from taking my fiance to work. I make sure they know im good each day though just so nobody wotries as I personally have had some bad healyh problems recently.

See your parents as much as possible when they are gone you will have lots regrets that you didn’t make time for them you will never have anyone love you like they did.if they are loving parents


I talk to my mom and grandparents 1-2 times a day, sometimes more. My dad a couple times a week. My sister a couple times a week and my brother every couple weeks. We are all close to eachother❤

I saw my mom couple times a week, same with my dad when they were alive, it’s good to spend time with them, I just both of mine before I was 24 an I regret not spending more time with them

I typically talk to my mother every single day and we see each other at least every weekend if not multiple times throughout the week. She’s not my biological mother but she’s my rock. Some people need that other connection outside their relationship and home and that’s not a bad thing whatsoever unless said person is causing issues or stirring a pot that doesn’t need to be stirred.

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I’m 25 with one daughter. I talk to my mom multiple times a day and she comes over at least 3x a week and we have sleepovers at her house with my daughter and my brothers once a week. I see my dad the same times. I live with my husband, my grandparents and my great grandmother. I take care of them so I see them every day. My uncle and 4 young cousins come over almost every day and we take them for sleepovers. I text my mother in law every day and see her 2x a week. Big happy, crazy family. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It really depends. My SO and i were raised the same and don’t talk to our families, however my younger foster sister has to call her mom (who lives 10 minutes away by car) 2-6 times a day and refuses to move away and even struggles leaving the city for a vacation because she’ll miss her mom too much, and shes 21

I see my mom every day, and talk to my dad daily. He calls me at the same time every day. We don’t live too far from him, but his work schedule is conflicting with our schedule so we don’t see him as often. We have family group texts, also and those go on through the day, every day.

My parents split when I was 2, but remained friends and civil my entire life (I’m 26). Sometimes my moms new family, and my dads new family and I all have huge holidays together. It truly made my life so much easier. I’ve seen them argue maybe twice. They usually kept their differences between themselves and never put me in the middle.

I talk with my family daily and see my mom almost daily. My husband is the same with his family. We have great support systems

Don’t let that come between you let him see or talk to them as much as he wants and you do the same for your family
In my books family is so important before my nana passed a few years ago she lived 7 hrs away but we spoke on the phone between 2-5 times a week and msged each other every few days if we had. A busy week and couldn’t speak on the phone my mother and. I live across the street from each other and speak daily my dad and I once a week my son’s grandmother once a week and her son and I are no longer together and haven’t been for many years but we still speak that often and my husband has nothing to do with his family the entire family is not close at all

I’m married, and I speak to both my mom and dad each and everyday. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m married with four kids, I call/ text my parents every day/ every other day. Try to get out see them 1 or two times a week depending on if kids have school. My sister lives less than a mile from them and probly calls almost everyday as well… my brother roams around the country and calls every couple weeks.

I video chat my parents on a weekly basis, we text almost daily. Pre covid they also flew down here multiple times a year to see my son. I havent always been close to my parents but now that I live almost 4000 miles away we have to make effort to make sure they’re not strangers to my sob

I’m 21 not in a relationship currently, but me and my kids regularly have sleepover at my parents house, I talk to my mom daily, and my mom and her family all have a group chat they talk to each other on

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Dont worry about it. Go with the will be happier.and so will your hubby. Dont sweat the small stuff.

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My family is very tight knitted. I see my parents at least once a week. We live only 15 mins from each other. My fiance doesnt even speak to his mother and only sees his dad maybe 3 times a year. There is nothing wrong with either. Just adapt and overcome.


I see my mom almost everyday. She lives less than two minutes from me and if she isn’t at my house I’m at hers or we are texting/ calling. My husband hasn’t seen his mom in almost a year. We were raised very differently so if we come to a parenting choice we aren’t agreeing on we sit and talk about it. We work through it until we can agree. It’s all about communication.

Well, I don’t see my mom at all, which is sad but really for the best, considering she’s been dead for 12 years. I think it’s because of that I try to talk to my dad everyday. We both got Alexa shows to chat back and forth and so the kids can video chat him whenever they want. Then he also lives here part time. So he comes when he gets lonely and leaves when we get annoying, lol. My husband used to talk to his father every single day, sometimes more, and we would see his family every couple months, but since his father died last year, and then covid hit several months later, we’ve only seen them a couple times. Hoping to see them for Xmas eve if they aren’t having any other company over… mostly because the toddler doesn’t respect social distancing. :upside_down_face:

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Almost daily for my mom.

My dad I talk to maybe once a week and my mom text will text me asking me if I’m okay if I haven’t yet everyday. It’s a bit annoying but I understand why she does it. I see my dad probably once ever 2-3 weeks and my mom I see once a week. She comes over to see my daughter. My husband has a different relationship with his family than I do with mine. He grew up totally different, family expectations are different, and all around thought process to family is different. It’s sometimes an issue and we’ve argued about it. A lot of it comes down to miscommunications and growing up differences.

I’m in a group chat with my whole family and talk to both my parents and 3 sisters daily. I call/FaceTime my mom at least 3 times a day and we all see each other at least once a week it use to be more before covid. When the whole family gets together with all our kids there’s 20 of us. It’s madness but I wouldn’t have it any other way! In the end family is all you have.

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Life too short, talk it out before it’s too late.

I visit my mother weekly. She lives about 30 mins away. Sometimes I take the kids and sometimes I don’t.

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I’m 26, married with 2 kids and my mom and I talk everyday plus video calls almost every night with the kids. She lives in Utah and we see her a few times a year, but she’s seriously my best friend :woman_shrugging:

There is nothing wrong with having a tight nit family and if you don’t (sounds like you didn’t) it’s natural you’d think he had an issue. He doesn’t. It’s perfectly normal to talk and see your parents frequently

I also am pretty close to my in laws too. We do video calls and I call my FIL for help every single time something breaks :joy::woman_shrugging:

I talk to my kids daily sometimes 3 or 4 times. They call me. They always say you never know whats going to happen. No im only 58 in case you’re wondering. They always say they love me before hanging up. But I raised them that way because that’s how I was raised. Please let him cherish his time with his parents because one day they wont be there

I talk to my parents everyday! Weather it’s texting, talking on the phone or we Snapchat.

I’m 34, married with 2 kids. I talk to my mom on the phone 2-3 times a day, text in between that and video chat once a day (at least) when my baby does something cute or my 2 year old wants to see her. I talk to my dad on the phone once every 1-2 days. We see them at least once a week. My hubby is totally cool with this

I think it more or so just depends on the person and their relationship with their parents. I’m 26, been out of the house for 12 years and still text and talk to my mom daily, call and text her through my day. My dad was the same way, we would talk on the phone for hours. Both of my parent at the time lived about 30 minutes from me.

I talk to my mom on the phone daily & sometimes more than once a day. She facetimes all the time so she can see my kids too. I see my parents probably at least once a week. My siblings used to come over almost every weekend too but now they live a little further. But overall, closeness is not a bad thing at all and I don’t consider growing apart to be “growing up”. My husband is the opposite with his family. But he doesn’t DARE ask me to slow down from mine. :100:

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I talk to my mom every day and I talk to my daughter on and off all day. Hope that will never change.

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Every day or every other day but talk to them everyday.

Really? This is an issue? It’s his FAMILY. Maybe you should contact yours more often. Bc that’s not normal.

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See my mom min 30min-1hr once a week, she helps with afterschool pick ups. Sometimes she picks up 3x a week. And I try to see her on weekends my kids are at their dads so she and I can have time together just us :woman_shrugging:t2:.

I talk an see my mum & dad everyday not a day goes by i dont see them, my family are close by my sister live across from me an my mum & dad live less than 4 minutes away. My little girl love seeing our family especially going to school with her big cousins. Also I see my mum every day I also when I come home we text an ring eachother. It just depends if you grew up in the family an how well yous got on… but I for one would never change how close we are! My boyfriend is also close with his family as he lives at his mums but hes close with mine also. An we have no problems with it at all…

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My parents come over twice a month to baby sit and we go see them once a month. They live 3 hrs away. My hubby’s mom lives 20 mins away and we see her for holidays

We see my parents every Friday night and text a few times a week. We see his mom twice a month (lives 2 hours away) and his dad every couple months

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We both text/call our mothers (we don’t have our fathers with us anymore :pensive:) regularly like every 1-2 days. And see them around once a week. Family is very important to both of us. And we wouldn’t have it any other way. I want my kids growing up actually knowing their family.


Before my mom died we saw each other (or heard from) almost everyday.
My dad I’m trying to see him once a month (he lives three hours away).

Before my husbands dad died he would call everyday at 5pm.
We hear from his mom every holiday.

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I live on the other side of the country from where I grew up so I see my family once a year and text or call a few times a week. We see his family at least once every week or two, and his mom texts me a lot (which I like, as I lost my mom at a young age).

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I see my mother atleast once a week. I text her daily. My husband watches sports with my dad. We have done vacations with my parents. My daughters are 25 and 20 and they call/text me ALL day. They also call and text their grandparents. Close family is not a bad thing. Not in my case. Me and my mother in law didn’t always see eye to eye but we talked all the time. As she did with my husband and our girls.


I talk to my mom damn near every day. And I wouldn’t want it any other way. My father on the other hand is different cause he didn’t raise me. He also lives in another state so I talk to him only a handful of times per year. I think it’s a good thing to be close to your family. It’s also better for your mental health. I hope and pray it will be the same with my kids when they move out and start their lives. I wanna be a part of their lives as much as possible for as long as I can.