How often do you want it?

That’s a ton of sex.

Amongst my friends, most couples together more than 7 years are usually 2-3 times a week with at least 50% of the guys not happy about it. Always thought it should be fair really. 1 night on, 1 night off. :grin:


We have been together for 24 years married 22 of them have a 9 and 10 year old. Maybe 3 times a month if that

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Married 33 years and about 3 times a week

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My fiance and i have been together for 12 years an its the same for us he complains that we don’t as much but its also 2-3 times a week.
My reply to being told we don’t do it enough is well maybe initiate it more don’t just complain to me about the lack of

I’ve only been with my boyfriend a year and a half, but I also have 3 kids (6, 2 1/2 and 5 months), his job and night classes to work around for that :joy:
But- minimum is usually twice a day unless one of us doesn’t feel good.


12 yrs together and rarely. Lol

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I’m tired. Lol, 2x a week is plenty :rofl:.


Couple times a month

We were together 12 years…averaged about 1-2 x a week. He did the same. Compare us to other relationships… then dumped me for my best friend (she’s dead to me now) and he says they have had more sex in the last 2 months than we did in the last 2 years. I call bullshit on that though. That means they’re having sex multiple times a day. We had sex at least once a week…that’s over 100 times…so he wants to try and say that…they havent even been together 90 days yet…

I’m 31, he’s 35. 14 years and 4 kids later. How often I want it and how often I get it are way different. 2 or 3 times a month really isn’t making me to nice of a human anymore😒


Girl my husband and I have been together for almost 9 years. After 2 kids and just the stress of life we literally have sex maybe once every other week.

I’ve been married to my man for 21 years and together :heart: 25 years. I want sex all the time lol we are mid 40s. Unfortunately my hubby has health issues so we lack with the physical of see but still intimate in other aspects with affections. I would love to have the entire experience but we settle with what we can do. Hugs and hope things reach a compromise for you both. We have 3 kids, 24 years 16 and 11. Both work full-time with overtime.

I’ve been with my bf for 4 years and we’re in our 20’s and we get in grooves where we don’t for weeks or once a month, sometimes it’s because I’m just not feeling all that moving and mess and I’m exhausted, sometimes right when I end my period we do it like 3 times a week for 2 weeks and then right before my period again. It’s 99% mostly based off my cycle because I’m not aroused when I’m in the middle sometimes so it’s a little hard to figure out why I’m not in the mood and we got Covid in January so we’ve had sex 1 time lol it’s just what works with our schedule and hormones pretty much. Some nights I need to lol some nights I need him to not touch me because that’s just what my cycle is in. We do sometimes bicker still about when he wanted to and I brushed him off or said tomorrow but fell asleep lol but it’s never been about the fact I HAVE to give it to him but that I want to. But sometimes I don’t and that’s not my fault so it’s just something we work at every month.

I’m in my 30’s and I want it all the time lol. He’s in his 20’s and I’m sure he wants it more but he doesn’t show it like I do. We’ve been together for about 6 years. We have 2 toddlers and it’s hard to get any cause they’re needy but when we do, we make it worth it lol.

Smh just have sex it is a good stress reliever

Been together almost 14.5 years. I’m 31 and 33 and we have two kids. His drive is def higher than mine. But we go through weeks of almost daily and weeks of maybe once, depends on the days and how busy and how tired we are by the end. But I don’t complain and neither does he. We also don’t compare to other couples because again, each couple is different in every area of life.

We too have been together almost half my life.

I was with my ex for 10 years and never wanted it. But I was attracted to him or even liked him as a person so that had a lot to do with it.

I will be 37 next month and my husband and I have sex once to twice a week. Except this past month I’ve been sick so in the last 30 days only twice. I have alot of medical problems. He definitely wants it more than I do but doesn’t get upset if I don’t. If it’s been a long time he will make a comment about it and sometimes I feel guilty because I don’t have a drive like he does but he doesn’t push it

We’ve been together 13 years (we’re 29) and we dtd probably every other day.

I am in my 40s and still want it a lot so get over it and do it


Me? I want it… 1 every 3 weeks maybe. More if i have alcohol…

My husband… all the time…


I’m 15 years and a 2 yr old in. How often we want it and how often it happens are two separate things. We’re lucky to get it in 3 times a week. Sometimes its just quickies here and there 🤷🏻‍♀

Me & my husband have very high sex drive i guess cuz we’ve been together about 8 years & we do it daily at minimum… Sometimes 2 times a day & yes we have kids!

Twice a week should do it, im married 3 yrs and together 8 yrs so one gets tired with 3 kids 14, 2 and 4yrs old :sweat_smile:

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I wish. I’m 36, he is 43, we have 3 teenage daughters and been together for 13 yrs. I want it everyday but he has low testosterone and I hate it. Im lucky if I get it twice a month… This is one of the only things we fight about. I hate it, but I deal with it bc he is my soulmate

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7 years 2 kids later I want it everyday :joy::joy::joy:

Been together 18 years still do it usually daily or multipletimesa dayif it’s weekendordays off, it’s weird if we go a few days without lol *edit to say, we are 36, both working full-time with 3 kids


Firstly it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together, if you don’t feel like it you shouldn’t be pressured to do it!!
He’s got hands he can use!


I’m close to 40 and every year my sex drive just keeps getting higher. My bf and I have been together for 4yrs now (he’s 22) and the only reason we don’t have sex multiple times a day is because he works A LOT. Every person and relationship is different though.

It takes 5 minutes give him 5 minutes they don’t care if it’s quickly

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Even at my age (62), I want it 4-6 times a week at least, but the wife is going through the change and has had no interest in it, or anything else for over 3 years. So I’ve been having to be self employed.


17 years this year. Umm all the time :rofl::see_no_evil:

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If you aren’t in the mood…hes NOT doing things right lol


Looooool - I’m 28 with no sex drive, we could do it daily or he could go two weeks without it, may the odds be ever in his favor :eyes::joy:

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16 years together, both just turned 40. He has a higher libido than I do, but neither one of us sees much action with our 5 year old bedsharing :roll_eyes:. Maybe once a week when he’s home. (He worked on the road a lot last year)

When I was with my ex of many many years, we kinda hit a dry spot. Neither of us were really interested in sex. We both loved each other very very much but wanted to do more bonding exercises over just sex.

2 years and maybe 4 times a year :rofl:


Every day bro. Married almost 11 years, but just because you want it doesn’t mean it happens like that. We go to bed and just end up falling asleep often. Plus, 13 years? Relationships go through ups and downs of periods where you’re worn out, tired, or just busy asf. Don’t compare. Most people think sex dies after 10. Be the ones who make it! We still do the deed at least 2x a week.

Maybe once a week if he’s lucky :joy:

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7 years 4 kids I could have it everyday him not so much he is tired from work ect but we try to atleat 1 to 2 times a week

#1 - NEVER compare
#2 - enjoy the ride as often as you can :wink: Guys’ needs are different than a woman’s -


I’ve been with my now husband for 8 years and he and I have 2 small children under 5 years old. We have sex about 3/4 nights but sometimes we are just too tired and we sneak away when we can but he’s always told me he’s happy with our sex life and never has any complaints…I hope things get better for you !

Everyones different.
My husband and I are together 6 years.
Have 2 children
There is a 5 year age difference between us. My husband being younger.
We have sex 1 to 3 times a week depending on whats going on.
If it was up to him though, itd be everyday…6 times a day :joy:

I’ve been with my boyfriend 12 yrs… I want it all the time (more often than he wants it😂). I am equally sexually attracted to him today, as I was on day one.


Been together nearly 3 years and lucky to get it every few months


Been together going on 12 years, both over 30 and we have two younger children and we are every other night sometimes/most of the time every night … We used to fight alot about it in the beginning because he never wanted it as often as i did but we talked about it and we both just can’t keep our hands off each other :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wow 2 times a week is not enough for him. I have been with my husband for 9 years (almost 10) and married for 6 years and we have 3 kids. I want it all the time, but we are lucky if we manage to have sex two times a week. We usually end up having sex only once a week and sometimes not even that. I am sure we would have sex more often if we didn’t have kids but hey at least we have a sex life.

9 years and every day or every other also I’m 41 so kinda out of your age you posted lol

Das enough for me :woman_shrugging:t2: he obviously doesn’t know how a female body works. Tell him to “tease me until I want you”

Foreplay works wonders my guy


Last year with my ex all the time…. This relationship not very interested :grimacing: wish I was tho

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Every. Chance. I. Get. :100:

15 years Both in our 30s every other night weekends depend on him lol

I want it literally 2-3 times a day and still probably wouldn’t be satisfied he would be good with like twice a month. We maybe have sex once a week

Well, I need the emotional connection of sex…so craving the act…meh…craving the connection…ALL THE TIME! I think it’s not only a matter of sex drive, but perspective too. I have been with my husband for 10 years, 8 of those married… It’s not the act I crave the majority of the time… it’s the closeness and vulnerability the act provides.

Been with partner 4.5 years, pregnant with 2nd baby, since falling pregnant this time round I’m the one who constantly wants it but still go 3 days without sometimes depending how tired we are :joy: sometimes twice a day :woman_shrugging: generally though a 3-5 times a week keeps us both happy :slightly_smiling_face:

Twice a day generally,every day.


10 years and 1 child and we still do it twice a day… No joke. :joy::joy:


I mean LOL as often as we can 13 years 2 kids…but we both work and have so many other things going on daily if we aren’t both passed out before the other hahhaha

Honestly I could care less about it. We have been together for 8 years. 3 children later. I’m attracted to him just not interested in sex as much as the next person. This is due to my past. If we do we do if we don’t we don’t. I could care less about it.

I have been with my partner for 10yrs and we have 2 kids together with another on the way. We don’t have sex all the time. I don’t get turned on as quick and easy as he does. He is every day wanting it and I’m just not interested in doing anything; he makes a big deal about it too saying it’s because I don’t want him which is not true, I’m just not wanting sex or feel like having it.
I can go over a week or even 2 without having any and also not letting him too because I don’t want to.
We are both in our early 30’s too.

We’ve been together over 5/6 years, and it goes it waves. Sometimes I want it every day or every other day. But if I left it up to him… It would be once every few weeks. I think it depends on your love language and what makes you feel needed. Maybe his love language is physical touch? Understanding how each other works is huge to making the relationship work. Good luck to you guys!!


11 years here and we have sex maybe 3 times a week but we could go about 5 days without. If I don’t want sex, he doesn’t complain. If he is comparing your relationship to others then tell him to get his priorities straight. EVERY relationship is different.

You are both very lucky to have each other!:heart::paw_prints::parrot:

Almost 10 years and all the time i have a high sex drive

Well clearly non of u are special needs moms or dads we lucky if our kid even sleeps 17 years later​:rofl::rofl::jigsaw:

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28 yrs and omg if I don’t have to I won’t. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


it really depends on the day lol but we have sex atleast 2-3x a week and we been together 7.5yrs :woman_shrugging:t2: we also got 3 kids lol

I want it A Lot Less than my BF and we have been together for 7 years or so… He wants it literally everyday and has done for the entire time whereas I hate sex… But I still allow it every other day or two. It’s quite tiring.

Been on a off for 18 years. When we broke up it was years at a time that we were broken up and now we’re together 5 years consistently. We both want it multiple times a day. But my sex drive has gone up a lot.

I’m 28. 3 kids. Work full time. Been together almost 10 years. I want it alll the time. At least daily, more if possible. But that’s just me.


Shit I’ve been with mine for 3 years. And he already put his dick in the nursing home over here. Lol!!!

My fiancé and I have been together since we were 16. We are now 25 with 2 kids. So… 8 years. We’re so tired all the time so like 1-2 times a week…. Lol BUT this was before we went on a vacation!!! Since returning from vacation 2 months ago, we have sex like 3-4 times a week! Something about that vacation really made us connect much more! Maybe try going on a vacation?!

11 years, 2 kids, 30 and 35. Sometimes 2 times a day some times every other day. Depends on how tired I am from work

Me and my husband have been together for 15 years. We both have 2 kids together and I already had 2 kids in my previous marriage. Our sex can be one time a month or more. Depend how tired we are and how busy we are but we tried to sneak around without kids knowing

10 years… 2 kids… in our 30’s… and the same approx 2-3 times a week… seems healthy

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23 here been together 2 years we got 2 kids and we would be lucky to have sex that often like yall actually have sex a looot mostly rn its tiredness of 2 tiny babies but prior to baby #2 I would say maybe not every day sometimes days in a row sometimes we would go a day or so how you think I got baby #2 so quick :joy: few months after our first while on the pill but I would say every other day is still a really healthy amount of times to have sex doesn’t seem low but the real question is why is he complaining?? Not like its been weeks or a month in between?? Kinda weird to me

16 years, 3 kids, 2-3x week. We’re in our mid 30s.

Wow you guys proud of you


If you want less sex then it could be your hormonal body is changing with age. Or your just bored with the same sex with the same guy. Whatever the case I hope things change for the better for you. Life’s short. Strive for happiness!

Lmao :rofl: 3 kids ,8.5 yrs married , 12.5 yrs together , we do it maybe once a month I dont mean sex all time I mean maybe hand job for me and bj for him got be fast sometimes :sweat_smile: , I am 30.5 yrs old husband is 45.5

Been together 7 years, and have 8 kids that live with us full time. I also work twelve hour night shifts three nights a week, and we still have sex three to four times a week. We are both in our mid to late 30s

What drugs y’all taking that you want it every day :face_with_raised_eyebrow: lol


18 yrs together 2 kids later and in our 40s about 2 a week as i work a lot

Haven’t hit the 7+ year mark but 4.5 years and every other day twice per day. I’m 33 he’s 37

We have been together since we were 15. I would do it every night, but he don’t want to. So every other night or two days but I won’t allow 3 days.

Some of y’all are lying.


4.5 year relationship
Legit like once every other week. Sometimes 2 -3 weeks.
2 kids SAHM - too tired for sex :rofl: i agree with Kelly Godfrey theres some liars here.
Sex isnt a big thing, i dont want more babies

I’m 26 he’s 29, been together 7 years, 2 kids (5&2) we manage about twice a week, sometimes twice in 1 day if we’re lucky, but honestly if we had all the opportunities in the world we’d probably do it like 3 or 4 times a week :woman_shrugging:t3: maybe more.

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10 years - 3 kids - we mainly only do on weekends usually only once maybe twice. I could care less though that’s for him.


First we’re both 32. Been together for 5 years. So fewer years that you asked… however lol… I track it because I’m petty lol. Out of 294 days (yes been that long that’s I’ve been keeping track) it’s been only 39 times. A lot of it at one time was last month but there was a whole big issue and this months almost back to how it was lol.

It would be nice to have it more…more being above 2x mark… but with 6 kids it’s not possible.

11 years 2 kids both full time jobs & I’d say atleast once a week. We tired & old :sleeping: :laughing::rofl:

I’ve only been with mine 3 years but sheesh I wish I even got close to what you get :sweat_smile: I’m lucky if it happens one’s a week, sometimes go weeks without.
Now this isn’t by my choice lmao it’s all him. I’d be okay with even once every week or twice, but the going weeks without kills me :sweat_smile: I’m 30 and he’s 32

I’m 33 husband 39. We have 3 kids. We have been together 11.5years. Married for 10.
Ours is tricky as my husband works away. He is only home for 5 night and then gone for 9nights. His first night home in usually asleep as it’s around midnight. During his few days home it’s only usually 2 times. Some times 3. Sometimes none if we have had an argument lol.
But it very much depends on how stressed I have been while he is gone. I’m sure he would do it every day while he is home if he could.


We are in our mid 50s and make love at least 3 times a week. It works for us. But, Julie Brantley is right mens needs and how they get turned on and perceive sex is way different than a womens.

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Twice a week is good for me in the hours between 10:00 and 20:00.

Sometimes less then once a week. 1 kid been together 10 years both full time jobs. And sometimes life is stressful and it can be longer then a week a month or so can happen. Mostly though at least once a week.

Never. 19 years of not wanting it. That’s bad right?

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Depends on your relationship… don’t be pressured just because he wants more.